Ground Freezing: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Ground Freezing, Held in Bochum, March 8-10, 1978Hans Ludwig Jessberger Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1979 - 550 من الصفحات Includes papers on the nature of frozen ground and engineering applications of this knowledge. |
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
artificially frozen asphalt concrete axial strain behavior borehole calculated compression tests compressive strength confining pressure construction creep curves creep tests CRREL cryogenic cryogenic texture damping ratio decrease deformation defreezer density depth deviator stress diameter effect engineering equation excavation experimental freeze pipes freezing and thawing freezing front frost heaving frost penetration frozen ground frozen sand frozen soil frozen wall ground freezing ground surface groundwater Hanover silt heat flux heave rate horizontal ice lenses increase kg/cm² laboratory layer lining liquid load material measured method moisture content montmorillonite Morin clay obtained overburden pressure parameters particles pavement permafrost permeability platens Poisson's ratio Proc properties rate of frost refrigeration resilient modulus samples sand content shaft shown silty specimen strain rate structure subgrade thawed soil thermal thermosiphons thickness Tsytovich tunnel U.S. Army unfrozen water content uniaxial vertical void ratio Vyalov Young's modulus zone