صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

taken I am sorry for it and must be answerable to his Majesty and the public for the consequences.

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General Monckton is charged with the first landing and attack at the Foulon, if he succeeds you will be pleased to give directions that the Troops afloat be set on shore with the utmost expedition, as they are under your Command, and when 3600 men now in the Fleet are landed I have no manner of doubt but that we are able to fight and to beat the French Army, in which I know you will give your best assistance. I have the Honor etc


8% Clock 12th Sepr. 1759.






(No 1)

General Wolfe desires that Brigr. Monckton will take the trouble of enquiring what orders the Officer of Kennedy's had, who fell in with the advanc'd posts last night, and his reason for returning to Camp in that extraordinary manner.

Head Quarters. % past 7.

[June 30th 1759]



St Lawrent, July 1st, 1 in the morning.

The General has order'd me to acquaint you, that you immediate fortify your Camp with all possible dispatch and precaution, by constructing redoubts in the open places, and making Abbatir in such as are woody. He has apply'd to the Admiral, to order the fleet to give you all possible assistance and you will take care to construct a redoubt at the landing place in order to keep up a communication with them.

You should fortify your Flanks in the strongest manner, and if then you should want a reinforcement of light troops, he will send you two Companys of Rangers and some Light Infantry.

The Church on your right seems to the General to be of so great importance, that he recommends the defence of it, to be put into the most capable and determined hands you have. It appears to him, that there is a house near your water side on the left, which should be taken possession of and fortify'd.

You may apply to the fleet with you for their marines whom you may employ as Pioneers. The General will take care to supply you with provisions. Forty Muskets and Ammunition from your nearest ships is order'd for Captain Goreham's Company.

The General proposes seeing you this morning.

I am, Sir,

Your most obedient Servant,


D. A. G.

P. S. The General thinks that Webb's Regt., not being so much fatigued as your rest might be mostly employ'd in entrenching &c, which you should carry on with all possible, Life, till the Camp is entirely free from insult.

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The General has already mention'd that your Light Infantry (of Webb's and Kennedy's) should hold themselves in readiness to embark.

This he means to extend to the Grenadiers, and indeed to your whole body of troops, if they should be wanted.

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The General has commanded me to acquaint you that he had given the troops here one day's provisions extraordinary as they had lost some in disembarking. This indulgence he means to extend to the troops under your command: but at the same time recommends, the greatest management and care of their provisions, for the future.

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The General desires that you will immediately order a battery of six twenty four pounders to be constructed, on whatever spot of ground the

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