صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

HAKLUYT, RICHARD. Collection of the early voyages, travels, and discoveries of the English nation. Vols. I-II. London, 1810.

HAMILTON, PETER J. Colonial Mobile, an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin from the discovery of Mobile bay in 1519 until the demolition of Fort Charlotte in 1820. Boston and New York, 1910. HANNA, C. A. The wilderness trail, or the ventures and adventures of the Pennsylvania traders on the Allegheny Path with some new annals of the old West, and the records of some strong men and some bad ones. Vols. I-II. New York and London, 1911. HARRISSE, HENRY. The discovery of North America. A critical documentary and historic investigation. London and Paris, 1892.

HAWKINS, BENJ. A sketch of the Creek country, in 1798 and 99. (Georgia Hist. Soc. Colls., vol. I, Savannah, 1848.) Besides the original of this work in the possession of the Georgia Historical Society there is a copy, also in Hawkins's handwriting, in the Manuscripts Division of the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. There are few differences of consequence between this and the published version, but a number of minor points, and where the Library of Congress MS. seems to be superior I have followed it. I have not attempted to point out these changes separately, but the more material divergencies are indicated in footnotes.

Letters of Benjamin Hawkins 1796–1806. (Georgia Hist. Soc. Colls., vol. ix, Savannah, 1916.)

HAYWOOD, JNO. The natural and aboriginal history of Tennessee, up to the first settlements therein by the white people, in the year 1768. Nashville, 1823. HERRERA, ANTONIO DE. Historia general de los hechos de los Castellanos en las islas i tierra firme del mar oceano. Tomos I-v. Madrid, 1720.

HEWAT, ALEX. Historical account of the rise and progress of the colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. Vols. 1-II. London, 1779.

HODGSON, ADAM. Remarks during a Journey through North America in the years 1819, 1820, and 1821. New York, 1823.

IMLAY, GILBERT. A topographical description of the western territory of North America. London, 1797.

INDIAN AFFAIRS (U. S.). Office of Indian Affairs (War Department). Reports, 1825-1848. Report of the Commissioner (Department of the Interior), 1849-1914. INDIAN TREATIES and laws and regulations relating to Indian affairs. Washington, 1826.

Treaties between the United States of America and the several Indian tribes from 1778 to 1837. Washington, 1837.

INDIAN POPULATION IN THE UNITED STATES AND ALASKA, 1910. (Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Washington, 1915.)

JEFFERYS, THOS. The natural and civil history of the French dominions in North and South America. Parts I-II. London, 1761.

The American atlas or a geographical description of the whole continent of America. London, 1776.

JESUIT RELATIONS and allied documents. Travels and explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in New France, 1610-1791. Reuben Gold Thwaites, ed. Vols. I-LXXIII. Cleveland, 1896-1901.

Relations des Jesuites contenant ce qui s'est passé de plus remarquable dans les missions des pères de la Compagnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle-France. Embrassant les années 1611-1672. Tomes I-III. Quebec, 1858.

Jones, Chas. C. Historical sketch of Tomo-chi-chi. Albany, 1868.

KERCHEVAL, SAMUEL. A History of the Valley of Virginia. Winchester, 1833.
LA HARPE, BERNARD DE. Journal historique de l'éstablissement des Français à la
Louisiane. Nouvelle Orléans, 1831. (Same, trans. in French, B. F., Hist. Coll.
La., vol. I, New York, 1851.)

LAUDONNIÈRE, RENÉ. L'Histoire notable de la Floride située ès Indes Occidentales, contenant les trois voyages faits en icelle par certains Capitaines et Pilotes françois, qui y a commandé l'espace d'un an trois moys: a laquelle a esté adjousté un quatriesme voyage fait par le Capitaine Gourgues, mise en lumière par M. Basnier. Paris, 1586. (Same, Paris, 1853.)

History of the first attempt of the French (The Huguenots) to colonize the newly discovered country of Florida. (A translation of the above in French, B. F., Hist. Colls. of La. and Fla., n. s., pp. 165-175, New York, 1869.) LAWSON, JNO. History of Carolina, containing the exact description and natural history of that country. London, 1714. (Reprint, Raleigh, 1860.)

LEDERER, JOHN. The discoveries of John Lederer in three several marches from Virginia to the west of Carolina and other parts of this continent; begun in March, 1669 and ended September, 1670. Together with a general map of the whole territory which he traversed. Collected and translated by Sir William Talbot, Baronet. London, 1672. Reprinted, Rochester, N. Y., 1902.

LE MOYNE, JACQUES. Narrative of Le Moyne, an artist who accompanied the French expedition to Florida under Laudonnière, 1564. Translated from the Latin of De Bry. Boston, 1875.

LE PAGE DU PRATZ, ANTOINE S. Histoire de la Louisiane. Tomes I-III. Paris, 1758. (Same, English trans., London, 1763, 1774.)

LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, MANUSCRIPTS DIVISION. One of the greatest single sources of information, rich in original documents and in copies of such documents. LOGAN, JNO. H. A history of the upper country of South Carolina, from the earliest period to the close of the War of Independence. Vol. 1. Charleston and Columbia, 1859.


LOWERY, WOODBURY. The Spanish settlements within the present limits of the United States. 1513-1561. New York and London, 1901.

Spanish settlements within the present limits of the United States: Florida, 1564-1574. New York and London, 1905.

Florida Manuscripts. (Library of Congress.)

MACCAULEY, CLAY. The Seminole Indians of Florida. Fifth Ann. Rept. Bur. Ethn., pp. 469-531.

M'CALL, HUGH. The history of Georgia, containing brief sketches of the most remarkable events, up to the present day. Vols. 1-II. Savannah, 1811-16.

MARGRY, PIERRE. Découvertes et établissements des Français dans l'ouest et dans le sud de l'Amérique Septentrionale (1614-1754). Mémoires et documents originaux, Pts. I-VI. Paris, 1875-86.

MARTYR, PETER (D'ANGHIERA). De Orbe Novo. English trans. by F. A. MacNutt. Vols. I-II. New York, 1912.

MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vols. 1-x, Boston, 1792-1809 (vol. I reprinted in 1806 and 1859; vol. v in 1816 and 1835). 2d ser., 1-x, Boston, 1814-23 (reprinted 1838-43). 3d ser., I-x, Boston, 1825-49 (vol. I reprinted 1846). 4th ser., I-x, Boston, 1852-71.

MERENESS, NEWTON D., ed. Travels in the American Colonies. New York, 1916. MILFORT, LE CLERC. Mémoire ou coup-d'œil rapide sur mes différens voyages et mon séjour dans la nation Crëck. Paris, 1802.

MISSISSIPPI PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES, 1763-1766. English Dominion. Compiled and edited by Dunbar Rowland. Vol. 1. Nashville, Tenn., 1911.

MOONEY, JAMES. The Siouan Tribes of the East. Bull. 22, Bur. Amer. Ethn., Washington, 1894.

-Myths of the Cherokee. ington, 1900.

Nineteenth Rept. Bur. Amer. Ethn., pt. 1, Wash

Morse, JedidiAH. A report to the Secretary of War of the United States, on Indian affairs, comprising a narrative of a tour performed in the summer of 1820. New Haven, 1822.

-v. Madrid, 1825 [−1837].

NAVARRETE, MARTIN FERNANDEZ DE. Coleccion de los viages y descubrimientos que
hicieron por mar los Españoles desde fines de! →
Indias. Primera parte. Madrid, 185

PAREJA, FRANCISCO. Cathecismo, en lengva ..


a general y natural de las

ana, y Timuquana. Mexico,

Confessionario, en lengua Castellana, y Timuquana. Arte de la lengva Timvqvana compvesta en 1614. tique Américaine, tome x1, Paris, 1886.)

See GATSCHET, A. S. (Timucua language, 1878.)

Mexico, 1613.
(Bibliothèque Linguis-

PICKETT, ALBERT J. History of Alabama, and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, from the earliest period. 3d ed. Vols. I-II. Charleston, 1851.



RAMSEY, J. G. M. The annals of Tennessee to the end of the eighteenth century. Philadelphia, 1853.

RIVERS, W. S. A chapter in the early history of South Carolina. Charleston, 1874. ROMANS, BERNARD. A concise natural history of East and West Florida. Vol. 1 (Vol. II unpublished). New York, 1775.

ROYCE, CHARLES C. Indian Land Cessions in the United States. Eighteenth Ann. Rept. Bur. Amer. Ethn., part 2, Washington, 1899.

RUIDIAZ Y CARAVIA, EUGENIO. La Florida su conquista y colonización por Pedro Menéndez de Avilés. Vols. 1-II. Madrid, 1894.

SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. Historical and statistical information, respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States. Parts I-VI. Philadelphia, 1851-57.

SENATE DOCUMENT 512. See Correspondence on emigration of Indians.

[SERRANO Y SANZ, MANUEL, ed.] Documentos historicos de la Florida y la Luisiana siglos XVI al XVIII. Madrid, 1913.

SHIPP, BARNARD. The history of Hernando de Soto and Florida; or, record of the events of fifty-six years, from 1512 to 1568. Philadelphia, 1881.

SIBLEY, JNO. Historical sketches of the several Indian tribes in Louisiana, south of the Arkansa river, and between the Mississippi and River Grand. Message from the President communicating discoveries made by Captains Lewis and Clark, Washington, 1806. Same, in Am. State Papers, Indian Affairs, vol. 1, 1832. Same, in Annals of Congress, 9th Cong., 2d sess., 1076–1088. SMITH, BUCKINGHAM. Two documents in two of the early tongues of Florida, Apalachian and Timuquan. Washington, 1860.

[ocr errors]

tr. Letter of Hernando de Soto and Memoir of Hernando de Escalante Fontaneda. Washington, 1854.


SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vols. I-V. Charleston and Richmond, 1857-1897.

SPECK, FRANK G. The Creek Indians of Taskigi town. (Mem. Am. Anthr. Asso., vol. I, pt. 2, Lancaster, Pa., 1907.)

Ethnology of the Yuchi Indians. (Anthr. Pub. Univ. Mus., Univ. Pa., vol. 1, no. 1, Philadelphia, 1909.)

STIGGINS, GEORGE. A historical narration of the genealogy, traditions, and downfall of the Ispocoga or Creek tribe of Indians writ by one of the tribe. (MS. in possession of the Wisconsin Historical Society.)

SWAN, CALEB. Position and state of manners and arts in the Creek, or Muscogee Nation in 1791. (In Schoolcraft, Indian Tribes, vol. v, pp. 251-283, Philadelphia, 1855.)


of the Gulf of Mexico. De Soto's line of

Indian tribes of the lower Mississippi Valley and adjacent coast (Bull. 43, Bur. Amer. Ethn., Washington, 1911.) march from the viewpoint of an ethnologist. (Proc. Miss. Valley Hist. Asso. for 1911-1912, vol. v, pp. 147–157, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1912.) See DORSEY, J. O.

TAILFER, PATRICK T., ANDERSON, H., DOUGLAS, D., and others. A true and historical narrative of the colony of Georgia. Charles Town, S. Car., 1741. (Reprinted in Ga. Hist. Soc. Colls., vol. II, pp. 163–263, Savannah, 1842.)

THOMAS, CYRUS. Introduction to Indian Land Cessions in the United States. By Charles C. Royce. (Eighteenth Ann. Rept. Bur. Amer. Ethn., pt. 2, Washington, 1902.)

TRUE (A) AND HISTORICAL NARRATIVE of the colony of GEORGIA IN AMERICA, &C. (Anonymous.) Charles Town, S. C., 1741.

TUGGLE, W. O. Myths of the Creeks. (MS. in archives of the Bureau of American Ethnology.)

WILLIAMS, JNO. LEE. The Territory of Florida; or sketches of the topography, civil and natural history, of the country. New York, 1837.

WINSOR, JUSTIN. Narrative and critical history of America. Vols. 1-vш. Boston and New York, 1884-89.

WOODWARD, THOS. S. Woodward's reminiscences of the Creek, or Muscogee Indians, contained in letters to friends in Georgia and Alabama. Montgomery, 1859.

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