The Plays of Shakspeare: Printed from the Text of Samuel Johnson, George Steevens, and Isaac Reed, المجلد 2Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1807 |
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النتائج 1-5 من 60
الصفحة 9
... grace , ( majesty , I should say ; for grace thou wilt have none , ) P. Hen . What ! none ? Fal . No , by my troth ; not so SCENE 1 . 9 KING HENRY IV .
... grace , ( majesty , I should say ; for grace thou wilt have none , ) P. Hen . What ! none ? Fal . No , by my troth ; not so SCENE 1 . 9 KING HENRY IV .
الصفحة 29
... grace ; that would , if matters should be looked into , for their own credit sake , make all whole . I am joined with no foot land - rakers , no long - staff , six- penny strikers ; none of these mad , mustachio purple- hued malt ...
... grace ; that would , if matters should be looked into , for their own credit sake , make all whole . I am joined with no foot land - rakers , no long - staff , six- penny strikers ; none of these mad , mustachio purple- hued malt ...
الصفحة 51
... grace be not quite out of thee , now shalt thou be moved . - Give me a cup of sack , to make mine eyes look red , that it may be thought I have wept ; for I must speak in passion , and I will do it in king Cambyses ' vein . P. Hen ...
... grace be not quite out of thee , now shalt thou be moved . - Give me a cup of sack , to make mine eyes look red , that it may be thought I have wept ; for I must speak in passion , and I will do it in king Cambyses ' vein . P. Hen ...
الصفحة 53
... grace : there is a devil haunts thee , in the likeness of a fat old man : a tun of man is thy companion . Why dost ... grace would take me with you ; Whom means your grace ? P. Hen . That villainous abominable misleader of youth ...
... grace : there is a devil haunts thee , in the likeness of a fat old man : a tun of man is thy companion . Why dost ... grace would take me with you ; Whom means your grace ? P. Hen . That villainous abominable misleader of youth ...
الصفحة 63
... grace it renders you ) Yet oftentimes it doth present harsh rage , Defect of manners , want of government , Pride , haughtiness , opinion , and disdain : The least of which , haunting a nobleman , Loseth men's hearts ; and leaves behind ...
... grace it renders you ) Yet oftentimes it doth present harsh rage , Defect of manners , want of government , Pride , haughtiness , opinion , and disdain : The least of which , haunting a nobleman , Loseth men's hearts ; and leaves behind ...
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Archbishop of York arms art thou Bard Bardolph blood Blunt brother captain Colevile Constable of France cousin crown Davy dead devil dost doth Douglas duke duke of Burgundy earl Eastcheap England English Enter King HENRY Exeunt Exit Falstaff father fear Fluellen France French friends give Glend Glendower GLOSTER grace Harfleur Harry Harry Percy hath head hear heart heaven honour horse Host Hostess HOTSPUR i'faith Jack Kate Kath knave Lady liege look lord majesty master Shallow Mortimer Mowb never night noble Northumberland numbers peace Percy Pist Pistol Poins pr'ythee pray Prince JOHN prince of Wales rascal Re-enter rogue sack SCENE Scroop Shal sir John sir John Falstaff soldier speak sweet sword tell thee there's thine thing thou art thou hast tongue unto villain Westmoreland wilt
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 169 - O gentle Sleep, Nature's soft nurse, how have I frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down. And steep my senses in forgetfulness ! Why, rather, Sleep, liest thou in smoky cribs, Upon uneasy pallets stretching thee, And hush'd with buzzing night-flies to thy slumber ; Than in the perfumed chambers of the great...
الصفحة 169 - How many thousand of my poorest subjects Are at this hour asleep ! — Sleep, gentle sleep, Nature's soft nurse, how have I frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down, And steep my senses in forgetfulness...
الصفحة 83 - I saw young Harry, with his beaver on, His cuisses on his thighs, gallantly arm'd, Rise from the ground like feather'd Mercury, And vaulted with such ease into his seat, As if an angel dropp'd down from the clouds, To turn and wind a fiery Pegasus' And witch the world with noble horsemanship.
الصفحة 279 - Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more ; Or close the wall up with our English dead ! In peace, there's nothing so becomes a man, As modest stillness and humility ; But when the blast of war blows in our ears, Then imitate the action of the tiger ; Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, Disguise fair nature with hard-favored rage.
الصفحة 108 - When that this body did contain a spirit, A kingdom for it was too small a bound ; But now two paces of the vilest earth Is room enough : — this earth that bears thee dead Bears not alive so stout a gentleman.
الصفحة 98 - Tis not due yet; I would be loath to pay him before his day. What need I be so forward with him that calls not on me? Well, 'tis no matter; Honour pricks me on. Yea, but how if honour prick me off when I come on, how then ? Can honour set to a leg ? No. Or an arm ? No. Or take away the grief of a wound? No. Honour hath no skill in surgery then ? No. What is honour? A word. What is in that word, honour ? What is that honour ? Air. A trim reckoning ! — Who hath it ? He that died o
الصفحة 169 - ning clamour in the slippery clouds, That, with the hurly, death itself awakes? Canst thou, O partial sleep ! give thy repose To the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude; And in the calmest and most stillest night, With all appliances and means to boot, Deny it to a king?
الصفحة 279 - Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage; Then lend the eye a terrible aspect; Let it pry through the portage of the head Like the brass cannon: let the brow o'erwhelm it As fearfully as doth a galled rock O'erhang and jutty his confounded base, Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean.
الصفحة 241 - On this unworthy scaffold, to bring forth So great an object: Can this cockpit hold The vasty fields of France ? or may we cram Within this wooden O, the very casques, That did affright the air at Agincourt ? O, pardon!
الصفحة 341 - Like to the senators of the antique Rome, With the plebeians swarming at their heels, — Go forth, and fetch their conquering Caesar in : As, by a lower but by loving likelihood, Were now the general of our gracious empress (As in good time he may) from Ireland coming, Bringing rebellion broached on his sword, How many would the peaceful city quit, To welcome him ! much more, and much more cause, Did they this Harry.