صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Invis'd, unseen, viii. 551
Inward, intimate, ii. 62; v. 417
Irregulous, viii. 224

Jack o' the clock, iv. 211; v. 446.
Jack a' Lent, i. 227
Jack, the, at bowls, viii. 166
Jack of a Virginal, viii. 432

Jar of the clock, tick of the clock, iii. 433
Jet, to strut, iii. 366; v. 401; vi. 294;
viii. 190. 286

Jew, a term of fondness, ii. 314

Jewess' eye, ii. 504

Lattice, red, i. 207; iv. 373
Lauds, songs of praise, vii. 320
Lavolta, a dance, vi. 96
Lay, to way-lay, vi. 550
Leaguer, camp, iii. 269
Leasing, lying, iii. 341 ; vi. 250
Leather-coat, a kind of apple, iv. 448
Leman, sweetheart, i. 250; iii. 353
Leer, skin, complexion, iii. 73; vi. 333
Leese, to loose, viii. 479
Leg, to make a, vi. 524
Leiger or Lieger, ambassador, ii. 50;
viii. 158

Lenten, spare, iii. 338; vii. 246

Let, to hinder, i. 132; vi. 409 ; vii. 221

Jig, a theatrical entertainment, vii. 253. Level, to stand in the, iii. 474 270

John, poor, dried hake, vi. 375
John a' Dreams, vii. 256

Jovial, like Jove, viii. 224

Jump, to agree with, ii. 512


- just, vii. 198

Lewd, lustful, ignorant, wicked, ii. 267;
iv. 115; v. 139. 365

Liberty, extemporal acting, vii. 250
Lie for, to, to lie in prison for, v. 350
Liefest, dearest, v. 156

Lieutenantry, proxy, deputation, viii. 77

to risk, vi. 203; vii. 116; viii. Lifter, thief, vi. 21

--- a hazard, viii. 73

Justicer, judge, vii. 433. 449

Kam, or cam, awry, vi. 209

Keech, a lump of fat, iv. 268; v. 503
Keel, to cool, ii. 383

Kendal green, iv. 268

Kernes, peasants, v. 161; vii. 100. 183
Kicky-wicky, or kicksy-wicksy, iii. 248
Kid-fox, ii. 215

Kind, natural, viii. 455

King and Beggar, a ballad, ii. 297. 320
Kirtle, a jacket, a petticoat, iv. 389

Knapping, snapping, ii. 515

Knock it, i. cclxxxvii ; v. 526

Knot-grass, ii. 437.

Knotted garden, ii. 291

Laced mutton, a dressed courtezan, i. 94

Lag, the common, vi. 553

Land-damn, iii. 456

Lapwing, artifice of the, ii. 152
Latched, licked, ii. 427

Latch, to catch, vii. 169; viii. 525

Light o' Love, a tune, ii. 237

Lightly, commonly, v. 406

Liking, to be in, to be in flesh, thriving,

iv. 296. 400

Lime in sack, i. 189

Limbo patrum, v. 604; vi. 316
Lincolnshire bag-pipe, iv. 232

List, boundary, limit, iii. 375; vii. 307
Livelihood, liveliness, v. 419
Livery of land, iv. 142
Loach, a fish, iv. 248
Lockram, coarse linen, vi. 178
Lob of spirits, ii. 404
Loggats, a game, vii. 325
Longly, for longingly, iii. 123
Loof'd, luff'd, a sea term, viii. 74
Lord have mercy on us, ii. 366
Lord's sake, for the, ii. 78
Love-locks, ii. 235

Lover, friend, vi. 249

Loves, of all, by all means,


Lowted, bowed, v. 74

i. 209; ii.

Lozel, an abandoned fellow, iii. 466
Luce, a pike fish, i. 178

Lurch o' the garland, to gain the victory,

vi. 184

Lunes, mad fits, i. 246; iii. 460 ; vi. 56;

vii. 282

Lust, pleasure, liking, vi. 97
Lustick, joyous, iii. 239
Lym, a species of dog, vii. 435

Maculate, defiled, spotted, ii. 296
Maid Marian, iv. 300
Mail'd up, armed, v. 148
Make, to do, v. 469

mate, viii. 480

Male, bag or wallet, ii. 312
Malkin, vi. 178; viii. 335

Mall, or Moll Cutpurse, iii. 334

Manage, ii. 368; iv. 8

Middle-earth, the globe, i. 269
Middle-summer's spring, ii. 407
Mill-stones, eyes dropping, v. 375
Miser, unhappy person, v. 96
Mistress, the, at bowls, v. 68
Mo and moe, more, viii. 457
Mobled, hastily dressed, vii. 253
Mock-water, i. 217

Model and module, iii. 285; iv. 99
Modern, common, familiar, iii. 44. 238.
309; iv. 56; vi. 443; viii. 125
Moe and mowe, i. 43; ii. 434; vii. 248
Moiety, share, iv. 283; vii. 355; viii.

Momentany and momentary, ii. 396

Mandragora, mandrake, a soporific, vii. Monarcho, ii. 321; iii. 211

571; viii. 23

Mandrake's groan, v. 175

Mankind, masculine, iii. 465; vi. 225
Manningtree Ox, iv. 276

Many, the people, vi. 199
Marchpane, a kind of cake, vi. 398
Mare, riding the, hanging, iv. 366

riding the wild, the game of seesaw, iv. 388

Marian, Maid, iv. 300

Maroccus, Bankes's horse, ii. 295 Match, to set a, to make an appointment, iv. 233

Monmouth caps, iv. 552

Montanto, a fencing term, i. 216; ii. 188

Month's mind, i. 101

Mouths, to make, ii. 434

Morisco, Morris-dancer, v. 162
Morris-pike, ii. 155

Mort of the deer, death of the deer,
iii. 436

Mot, word, motto, viii. 438

Motion, puppet-show, i. 108; ii. 61; iii.


Motley, the fool's dress, v. 499

Mated, confounded, ii. 142; v. 159; vii. Mouse, a term of endearment, ii. 351

173; viii. 400

Maugre, in spite of, iii. 378

Maund, basket, viii. 546

Meacock, coward, iii. 148

Mealed, mingled, ii. 73; iii. 289
Mean, middle state, vii. 443
Measure, a dance, ii. 357

Meazels, lepers, vi. 200

Meddle, to mingle, i. 12

Meed, desert, v. 251. 317; vi. 515; vii. 338

Meiny, retinue, vii. 405

Meet with, to counteract, i. 70

Mell, to meddle, i. 12 ; ii. 73; iii. 289
Merchant, a term of abuse, v. 38;
vi. 423

Mere, absolute, i. 11; viii. 333
Mered, viii. 80

Metal or mettle, vii. 19

Mete-yard, yard-measure, iii. 180
Micher, a truant, iv. 274

Miching mallecho, vii. 271

Moused, mouthed, ii. 462; iv. 30

Mouse-hunt, stoat, vi. 472

Mouth, sweet, sweet tooth, i. 138

Mowe or mouth, i. 43 ; ii. 434 ; vii. 248
Mum-budget, i. 264

Muset, small muse, viii. 393

Mutines, mutineers, iv. 31; vii. 333

Mutine, to mutiny, vii. 288

Mutton, courtezan, i. 94; ii. 63

Naught awhile, to be, iii. 8
Nayword, bye-word, i. 210; iii. 358
Ne, nor, iii. 234

Neif, fist, ii. 443; iv. 386

Nether-stocks, stockings, iv. 264; vii. 404. See also "Stock."

Nice, trifling, unimportant, iv. 348; v. 434; vi. 436. 484; vii. 68 Nicholas, St., his clerks, highwaymen, thieves, iv. 250

Nick, out of all, beyond all calculation, Pack, to concert, to contrite, vi. 334;

i. 149

Nicking fools, ii. 170; viii. 80
Night-rule, night frolic, ii. 426
Nill, will not, viii. 311

Nine-men's morris, a game, ii. 407
Nobless, nobleness, iv. 186
Noddy, a game, i. 95

Noise, Sneaks, Sneaks' company of musi-
cians, iv. 379

Nonce, occasion, iv. 236
No point, ii. 306

Note, knowledge, vii. 417. 456

Novem, a game, ii. 370

Nourish, nurse, v. 9

Nowl, head, ii. 426

vii. 417

Pact, bargain, contract, ii. 265
Paction, contract, iv. 575
Paddock, toad, vii. 99. 293

Painted cloth, iii. 56; vi. 136
Palabras, words, ii. 240; iii. 107

Pale, to impale, to encircle, v. 247;
viii. 52

Pall, to wrap as in a pall, vii. 113
Pantaloon, iii. 152

Parcel-gilt, partly gilt, iv. 367

Parish top, iii. 331

Paritor, an officer of the Bishop's
court, ii. 317

Parlous, perilous, ii. 419; iii. 48; v. 401

Parrot and rope, ii. 159

Partake, to take part, viii. 541

Parted, endowed with parts, vi. 77

Obsequious, as at obsequies, v. 270. 352; Pash, head, iii. 437

vii. 206; viii. 490

Obstacle, obstinate, v. 96

Obstruct, obstruction, viii. 67

Occupy, the double sense of the word,
iv. 384

Eiliads, eyeings, looks, i. 190; vii. 455

O'erlook'd, bewitch'd, i. 269; ii. 519
O'ercount, viii. 46

O'ercrows, subdues, vii. 347

O'er-raught, over-reached, ii. 122

O'er-raught, overtook, vii. 258

Passes, surpasses, vi. 505

Pass not, care not for, v. 189

Patch, fool, i. 55; ii. 136. 426; vi. 54 ;
vii. 175
Patchery, folly, vi. 54

Path, to walk, vii. 28
Pavin, a dance, iii. 413
Peat, pet, iii. 121

Peevish, silly, i. 163. 193; ii. 150. 162;
iii. 348; iv. 286. 523; v. 95. 333.
466; vi. 121

Of all loves, by all means, i. 209; Peg a' Ramsey, a tune, iii. 355

ii. 418

Peised, poised, weighed, ii. 520; iv. 37

Old, an augmentative, i. 193; ii. 270. Pelting, petty, trifling, vi. 108; vii. 404


Perdy, par Dieu, ii. 161; iv. 484;

vii. 277

Perjure, perjurer, vii. 420

Periapt, amulet, v. 88

Opposite, adversary, ii. 63; iii. 381. Petty-ward, i. 219

Once, sometimes, v. 513

Oozel-cock, ii. 423

Opal, changeable, iii. 363

[blocks in formation]

Pill'd, peel'd, ii. 11; v. 20

Punk, prostitute, i. 210

437; v. 434

Pin and web, cataract in the eye, iii, Purchase, booty, i. cclxxxvi; iv. 251.

444; vii. 428

Pin, cleaving the, i. cclxxxv; ii. 323; Put on, to incite, viii. 232 vi. 418

Planched, boarded, planked, ii. 68 Plantage, the moon's effect upon, vi. 73

Plantain, the medical virtues of, vi. 386

Plates, money, viii. 122

Platforms, plans, plots, v. 33
Plausibly, with applause, viii. 468
Pleached, plaited, interwoven, ii. 198;
iv. 565; viii. 108

Point, tag, iii. 500; iv. 345; viii. 86
Point device, with nicety, iii. 59. 371
Point, no, ii. 306

Puttock, a degenerate hawk, viii. 144

Quart d'ecu, fourth part of a crown, iii. 290

Quarrel, square-headed arrow, v. 538 Quarry, a heap of dead game, vi. 147; vii. 101. 169

Quell, to kill, vii. 119

Quern, a hand-mill, i. cclxxxv; ii. 405
Quintaine, iii. 20

Quips, scoffs, reproaches, i. 147

Quit, requite, iv. 506; v. 486; vii. 336

Poking-sticks, for setting ruffs, iii. 501 Quittance, repayment, iv. 347

[blocks in formation]

Pretend, to intend, i. 125; v. 67; viii. Rapier, for dancing, vi. 293


Prevent, to anticipate, iv. 359

Rascal deer, lean deer, iii. 62; v. 73
Rash, to tear away, vii. 440

Pricket, a stag of the second year, ii. Rats, rhiming them to death, iii. 52


Prime, spring, iii. 234

Primero, a game at cards, i. 260; v. 586

Raught, reached, ii. 326; iv. 548; v. 246; viii. 101

reft, v. 144

Ravin, to swallow greedily, vii. 133

Print, in, exactly, with nicety, i. 110; ii. Rayed, made dirty, iii. 164


Prize, privilege, v. 250

Proface, much good may it do you, iv.

Proof, approbation, approof, iii. 177. 216
Proper, handsome, well-shaped, i. 144
Propertied, iii. 403

Propose, conversation, ii. 223
Provand, provender, vi. 180
Provincial, ii. 99
Pucelle, a virgin, v. 27
Pugging, cheating, iii. 488
Puke stocking, iv. 262
Pun, to pound, vi. 42


Read, advice, counsel, vii. 214
Ready, dressed, v. 32

Rear-mice, bats, ii. 413
Reason, doubt, i. 121

Rebato, a kind of ruff, ii. 236
Recheat, recall, a term of the chase, ii,


Reck, to care for, iii. 95; vii. 214
Record, to sing, i. 164

Recorder, a musical instrument, ii. 457;
vii. 279

Red lattice, i. 207; iv. 373
Recchy, smoky, dirty, ii. 235; vi. 178;
vii. 293


Regiment, government, command, viii. Scamels, i. 48


Scarre, rock, iii. 280

Reguerdon, reward, v. 53. See also Scathe, to injure, vi. 401


Remorseful, compassionate, i. 152
Renege, to deny, vii. 399; viii. 5
Repured, purified, vi. 67

Resolveth, dissolveth, iv. 92; vii. 207
Respects, considerations, viii. 400
Rest, to set up, a phrase from gunnery,

ii. 155; vi. 474. 489

Riding the mare, being hanged, iv. 366 Riding the wild mare, the game of seesaw, iv. 388

Rigol, circle, iv. 431; viii. 465
Rim, the vitals, iv. 544
Rivage, shore, iv. 500

Rivo, a drinking term, iv. 264
Ronyon, scabby person, vii. 103
Rook'd, roosted, v. 334
Rope for a parrot, ii. 159

Sconce, head, ii. 128

Scotch'd, wounded, hack'd, vii. 140
Scroyles, scabs, iv. 31
Scrimers, fencers, vii. 317
Sculls, shoals, vi. 127
Seam, grease, vi. 58
Seeling, blinding, vii. 141
Seething, boiling, ii. 453
Sennet, sounding of trumpets, v. 151
Sere, tickled in the, vii. 246
Serpigo, the tetter, ii. 49; vi. 54
Servant, lover, i. 108
Sessa, iii. 107; vii. 428. 435
Several and common, ii. 308; viii. 536
Sewer, his office explained, vii. 116
Shales, shells, iv. 537

Shards, broken tiles, vii. 330
Shard-borne, vii. 140; viii. 58

Rother, ox, cow, or bull, i. cclxxxviii; vi. Sheen, shining, bright, ii. 404


Round, plain, unceremonious, ii. 125; iii. 356; iv. 532; vi. 527; vii. 265. 285 to whisper, to mutter, i. cclxxxvi;

iii. 441; iv. 37

Rouse, carouse, vii. 207

Roynish, scurry, scabby, iii. 29
Ruddock, red-breast, viii. 221

Rue, or herb of grace, iv. 181; vii. 310 Rushes, for strewing rooms, iv. 287; viii. 169

Rush-rings, marriages with, iii. 236

Sacring bell, v. 568

Sad, grave, i. 101; ii. 221. 499; iii. 384. 504; v. 282

Safe, to secure, viii. 96

Saffron dye, for dress, iii. 294
Sag, swag, vii. 175

Said, done, iii. 39; iv. 330; vi. 337
Sallet, helmet, v. 206

Saltiers, satyrs, iii. 504

Samingo, a drinking term, iv. 449
Sand-blind, ii. 494

Scaled, exposed, ii. 57
dispersed, vi. 144

weighed, vi. 196

Scambling, scrambling, iv. 467

Shekels, pieces of money, ii. 37

Shent, destroyed, ruined, rebuked, scolded, i. cclxxxiv. 195; iii. 404; vi. 252; vii. 281

Sherriffs posts, iii. 342

Ship-tire, a kind of head-dress, i. 228
Shive, slice, vi. 295

Shove-groat, a game, iv. 386
Shovel board, a game, i. 182
Shrive, to confess, ii. 134
Side-sleeves, long sleeves, ii. 237
Siege, seat, i. 47; ii. 74; vii. 316
Sign, to denote, v. 546

Sink-a-pace, a dance, iii. 335
Similar, simulator, vii. 420

Sir, applied to the clergy, i. 177; iii. 393; v. 119. 415. 472

Sirrah, applied to women, i. cclxxxix ; iv. 236; viii. 127

Sir-reverence, ii. 143
Sizes, allowances, vii. 411

Skains-mate, vi. 423

Skills not, it does not signify, iii. 416 ; v. 160

Skinker, drawer, iv. 261

Skirr, to scour, iv. 551; vii. 176

Sleave-silk, floss-silk, vi. 110; vii. 124 Sledded, sledged, vii. 198

Sleided-silk, untwisted silk, viii. 323. 546 Slip, counterfeit money, vi. 419

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