صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

4.7 in. being wound with wire, as they considered that on diameters so small the interior surface of each layer of wire is over-compressed, while the exterior is too much extended; but by proportioning the thickness of the wire to the diameter of the tube on which it is wound there is no reason for this to be so.

The wire is wound on the barrel at a certain tension, ascertained by calculation, and varying from about 50 tons per square inch for the layers first wound on the gun, to about 35 or 40 for the outer layers. To fasten the wire at the beginning and end several methods are adopted. In the Woolwich system a narrow annular ring (fig. 19), with slots cut into one of its faces, is shrunk on to the gun; into these slots one end of the wire is inserted and secured in position by a steel screwed plug. The wire is wound on for the distance desired and then back again to the ring, where the end is fastened off in the same way. At Elswick the wire is fastened by bending it into a shunt cut groove in a similar annular ring, but the wire is only fastened off in the same way after several layers have been wound.

With each succeeding layer of wire the interior layers are compressed, and these in turn compress the barrel. It is therefore

necessary, in order to prevent the fatigue of the material, to make the barrel comparatively thick, or, better still, to have an outer barrel superimposed on the inner one. This latter arrangement is now used in all guns of 4 in. calibre and upwards. It is not so important with smaller guns as the barrel is always relatively thick, and therefore meets the conditions.

With many modern guns the interior of the outer barrel, termed the "A" tube, is taper bored, the larger end being towards the breech; and the exterior of the inner barrel or liner, called the inner A tube," is made tapered to correspond. The latter is, after careful fitting, inserted in the outer barrel while both are cold, and forced into position by hydraulic pressure or other mechanical



The details of the machines for winding on the wire (see fig. 20) differ somewhat in different works, but all are arranged so that any desired tension can be given to the wire as it is being wound on to the gun. The wire is manufactured in much the same way as ordinary wire. A red-hot bar of steel, gradually rolled down between rollers to a section about double that which it is finally intended to have, is annealed and carefully pickled in an acid bath to detach any scale. It is then wound on a drum, ready for the next process, which consists in drawing it through graduated holes made in a hardened steel draw-plate, the wire being often annealed and pickled during this process. The drawplate holes vary in size from slightly smaller than the rolled bar section to the finished size of the wire, and, as a rule, the sharp corners of the wire are only given by the last draw. It is found that considerable wear takes place in the holes of the draw-plate, and a new plate may be required for each hank of 500 or 600 yds. of wire. Great importance is attached to the absence of scale from the wire when it is being drawn, and, after pickling, the rolled bar and wire are treated with lime or some similar substance to facilitate the drawing. The tests for the finished wire are as follows: it has to stand a tensile stress of from 90 to 110 tons per square inch of section, and a test for ductility in which a short length of wire is twisted a considerable number of turns in one direction, then unwound and re-twisted in the opposite direction, without showing signs of fracture. It will be seen that the wire is extremely strong and the moderate stress of from 35 to 50 tons per square inch, which at most it is called upon to withstand in a gun, is far less than what it could endure with perfect safety.

The wire after being manufactured is made up into hanks for storage purposes; but when required for gun construction it is thoroughly cleaned and wound on a drum R about 3 ft. 6 in. in diameter, which is placed in one portion of the machine in connexion with a powerful band friction brake M. The wire is then led to the gun A placed between centres or on rollers B.B. parallel to the axis of the wire drum. By rotating the gun the wire is drawn off from the drum against the resistance of the band brake, which is so designed that, by adjusting the weight S suspended from the brake strap, any desired resistance can be given in order to produce the necessary tension in the wire as it is being wound on the gun. The stress on

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the wire is indicated on a dial, and the headstock, containing the drum of wire, is capable of being moved along the bed G by a leading screw H, driven by a belt through variable speed cones I; the belt is moved along the cones by forks J, traversed by screws K, which in their turn are actuated by chain belts from the hand wbeel L. The traversing speed is regulated to suit the speed of winding by moving the belt along the speed cones. The wire is rectangular in section, 0.25 in. wide and 0-06 in. thick, and after it has been wound on to the gun it presents a very even surface which requires little further preparation. The diameter over the wire is gauged and the jacket or other covering hoop is carefully bored equal to this, if no shrinkage is to be allowed; or the dimension is diminished in accordance with the amount of shrinkage to be arranged for. The gun is built up, after wiring, in the same manner as a gun without wire, the jacket or other hoop being heated in the vertical gas furnace and when hot enough dropped into place over the wire, cooled by the ring of water jets at the end first required to grip and kept hot at the other, exactly as before described. The machine arranged for rifling modern guns is very similar to that employed for the old muzzle-loaders; it is a special tool used in gun construction only (fig. 21), and is in reality Rifling eperation, a copying machine. A steel or cast-iron bar J which forms the copy of the developed rifling curve is first made. The copying bar-which is straight if the rifling is to be uniform but curved if it is to be increasing-is fixed, inclined at the

bullet, from the muzzle. In 1836 Russia made a large number of experiments with a rifled gun invented by Montigny, a Belgian; this was not a success, but in England the guns invented by Major Cavalli, in 1845, and by Baron Wahrendorff in 1846, obtained some measure of favour. Both these guns were breechloaders. The Cavalli gun had a bore of 6.5 in. diameter; it was rifled in two grooves having a uniform twist of 1 in 25 calibres, and the elongated projectile had two ribs cast with it to fit the grooves, but no means were taken to prevent windage. The Wahrendorff gun had an enlarged chamber and the bore of 6.37 in. diameter was rifled in 2 grooves; the projectile had ribs similar to that for the Cavalli gun; but Wahrendorff had also tried lead-coated projectiles, the coating being attached by submitted his plan of rifling; in this (fig. 22) the bore was made grooves undercut in the outside of the shell. In 1854 Lancaster of an oval section which twisted round the axis of the gun from the breech to the muzzle; a projectile having an oval section was fired. Several old cast-iron guns bored on this system burst in the Crimean War from the projectile wedging in the gun. In 1855 Armstrong experimented with a breech-loading rifled gun, firing a lead-coated projectile. The rifling consisted

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proper angle, to standards K on the machine. The cutting tool is carried at one end C of a strong hollow cylindrical rifling bar B, the other end of which is fixed to a saddle M. This is moved along the bed of the machine by a long screw N, and the rifling bar is consequently either pushed into the gun or withdrawn by the motion of the saddle along the machine. During this motion it is made to rotate slowly by being connected to the copying bar by suitable gearing I. It will thus be seen that the cutting tool will cut a spiral groove along the bore of the gun in strict conformity with the copy. In most English machines the cutting tool cuts only as the rilling bar is drawn out of the gun; during the reverse motion the cutter F is withdrawn out of action by means of a wedge arrangement actuated by a rod passing through the centre of the rifling bar, which also pushes forward the cutter at the proper time for cutting. One, two or more grooves may be cut at one time, the full depth being attained by slowly feeding the tool after each stroke. After each set of grooves is cut the rifling bar or the gun is rotated so as to bring the cutters to a new position. In some foreign machines the cut is taken as the rifling bar is pushed into the gun.

Rifling is the term given to the numerous shallow grooves cut spirally along the bore of a gun; the rib between two grooves is called the "land." Rifling has been known Rifing. for many years; it was supposed to increase the range, and no doubt did so, owing to the fact that the bullet having to be forced into the gun during the loading operation became a mechanical fit and prevented to a great extent the loss of gas by windage which occurred with ordinary weapons. Kotter (1520) and Danner (1552), both of Nuremberg, are respectively credited as being the first to rifle gun barrels; and there is at the Rotunda, Woolwich, a muzzle-loading barrel dated 1547 rifled with six fine grooves. At this early period, rifling was applied only to small arms, usually for sporting purposes. The disadvantage of having, during loading, to force a soft lead (or lead-covered) ball down a bore of smaller diameter prevented its general employment for military use. In 1661 Prussia experimented with a gun rifled in thirteen shallow grooves, and in 1696 the elliptical bore similar to the Lancaster-had been tried in Germany. In 1745 Robins was experimenting with rifled guns and elongated shot in England. During the Peninsular War about 1809, the only regiment (the "Rifle Brigade," formerly called the 95th) equipped with rifled arms, found considerable difficulty in loading them with the old spherical lead

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but although this system had certain advantages it did not | fulfil all requirements.

In 1863, England re-opened the whole question, and after exhaustive trials of various inventions decided on the adoption of the muzzle-loading type for all guns, with the French system of rifling. This system was invented in 1842 by Colonel Treuille de Beaulieu and consisted of a few wide and deep grooves which gave rotation to a studded projectile. At the first trials two grooves only were tried, but the number was afterwards increased to three or more, as it was found that two grooves only would not correctly centre the projectile. The adoption of the muzzle-loading system with studded shot was a distinctly retrograde step, as a considerable amount of clearance was necessary between the bore and projectile for the purposes of loading, and this resulted in the barrel being seriously eroded by the rush of gas over the shot, and also led to a considerable loss of energy. In the Wahrendorff and Armstrong systems however the lead-coated projectiles entirely prevented windage, besides which the projectile was perfectly centred and a high degree of accuracy was obtained.

Shunt rifling was a brief attempt to make loading by the muzzle easy without forfeiting the centring principle: in this the rifling varied in width and in depth, at different portions of the bore in such a manner that, during loading, the studs on the projectile could move freely in the bore. When the gun was fired the studs of the projectile were forced to travel in the shallow part of the rifling, thus gripping and centring the projectile as it left the muzzle.

With uniform rifling on the French system, the few studsgenerally two per groove-had to bear so high a pressure to produce rotation that they sometimes gave way. This subject was investigated by Captain (Sir Andrew) Noble, who showed that by making the rifling an increasing twist, commencing with no twist and gradually increasing until the necessary pitch was obtained, the maximum pressure due to rotation was much reduced. Increasing rifling was consequently adopted, with beneficial results.

lead-coated shell (fig. 25), and the modern system of plain copper driving bands (fig. 26), come under this class. Most variety exists in the expansion type, where the pressure of the powder gas acts on the base of the projectile or on the driving ring and compresses a lead, copper or asbestos ring into the rifling grooves. One of the earliest was the Hotchkiss (1865) shell (fig. 27), in which a separate base end B was driven forward by the gas pressure and squeezed out the lead ring L into the rifling. The automatic gas check (fig. 28), and the gas check driving band (fig. 29), belong to this system; in the last the lip L is expanded into the rifling groove. In fig. 30 a copper driving band is

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FIGS. 23-30.-Projectiles for Rifled Ordnance.

associated with an asbestos packing A, contained in a canvas bag or copper casing made in the form of a ring on the principle of the de Bange obturator; but the results of this have not been entirely satisfactory.

It will be seen that with breech-loading guns the projectile is better centred, and the copper driving band forms a definite stop for the projectile; and, in consequence, the capacity of the gun chamber is practically constant. In addition, the use of a copper driving band ensures a uniform resistance while this is being engraved and the projectile forced through the gun, and also prevents the escape of gas. These elements

In order to prevent the heavy erosion due to windage, a gas check was adopted which was attached to the base end of the studded projectiles. In some guns the number of grooves of the rifling was sufficiently great to admit of rotation being insured by means of the gas check alone; in these guns studded pro-have a very great influence on the accuracy of the shooting, and jectiles were not employed, but the gas check, called "automatic," to distinguish it from that fitted to studded projectiles was usually indented around its circumference to correspond with the rifling of the gun. It was found that the studless projectile had considerably greater range and accuracy than the studded projectile, with the additional advantage that the shell was not weakened by the stud holes.

The introduction of the plain copper driving band for rotating projectiles with breech-loading guns included a return to the polygroove system with shallow grooves; this still exists, but the continuous demand for greater power has had the effect of increasing the number of grooves from that at first considered necessary, in order to keep the rotating pressure on the driving band within practical limits.

Many ingenious devices for giving rotation and preventing the escape of gas past the projectile were tried in the early days of modern rifling. Experiments of this nature still continue to be made with a view to improving the shooting and to prevent the erosion of the bore of the gun. Briefly considered, without going into any detail of the numerous plans, all rotating devices fitted to projectiles can be divided into three classes-the "centring," the "compressing " and the "expansion" systems. The two last named almost invariably include the " "centring type. Studded (fig. 23) and Whitworth (fig. 24) hexagonal projectiles, which can freely slide in the bore, come under the first system.

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In the compression class, the coating or rings on the projectile are larger in diameter than the bore and when fired the coating (or rings) is squeezed or engraved by the rifling to fit the bore the projectile is consequently also centred. The old-fashioned

fully account for the vastly superior results obtained from breechloading ordnance when compared with the muzzle-loading type. Driving bands of other materials such as cupro-nickel and ferro-nickel have also been tried.

Many authorities believe that the best results are obtained when the projectile is fitted with two bands, one near the head and the other near the base, and no doubt it is better centred when so arranged, but such shot can only be fired from guns rifled with a uniform twist, and it must also not be forgotten that the groove formed for the front band in the head of the projectile necessarily weakens that part of the projectile which should be strongest.

Projectiles with a driving band at the base only can be fired from guns rifled either uniformly or with increasing twist.

The introduction of cordite (q.v.) about 1890 again brought into special prominence the question of rifling. The erosion caused by this explosive soon obliterated the rifling for some 4 or 5 calibres at the breech end. The driving band of the shell consequently started with indifferent engraving, and with the increasing twist, then in general use, it was feared that the wear would quickly render the gun useless. To remedy this the late Commander Younghusband, R.N., proposed straight rifling, which was adopted in 1895, for that portion of the rifling mostly affected by the erosion, with a gradual increase of the twist thence to the required pitch at the muzzle. Thus, any erosion of the straight part of the rifling would not affect that portion giving rotation, and it was argued that the gun would remain efficient for a longer period. The defect in this system is that when the projectile arrives at the end of the straight rifling it has a considerable forward velocity and no rotation. Rotation is then imparted by the increasing twist of rifling, and the

2p2(432+)(G2+M2) R=kr2 (k-2413)+2p2z(23+kk)*

resulting pressure on the engraved ribs of the driving band rises | For parabolic rifling suddenly to a maximum which, in high velocity guns, the driving band is unable to resist. For this reason the straight portion at the commencement of the rifling has been discarded, For uniform rifling we can write hk=27 and the expression reduces and with high power guns firing a slow burning propellant uniform riting has again found favour.

It is evident that in order that a projectile may have a definite amount of spin as it leaves the gun a determinate amount of work must be imparted to rotate it during its passage along the rifled portion of the bore. Put briefly, this work is the sum of the products of the pressure between the engraved ribs on the driving band and the lands of the rifling in the gun multiplied by the length of the rifling over which this pressure acts. Sir Andrew Noble has proved theoretically and experimentally (see Phil. Mag., 1863 and 1873: also Proc. Roy. Soc. vol. 50) that the rotating pressure depends on the propelling pressure of the powder gas on the base of the projectile and on the curve of the rifling. If this curve was so proportioned as to make the rotating pressure approximately constant along the bore, the result was an increasing or progressive curve partaking of the nature of a parabola, in which case it was usual to make the last two or three calibres of rifling at the muzzle of uniform twist for the purpose of steadying the projectile and aiding accuracy.

In uniform rifling the curve is a straight line and the rotating pressure is consequently mainly proportional to the propelling gas pressure. The pressure for rotation with uniform rifling therefore rises to a maximum with the propelling pressure and falls as it becomes less towards the muzzle.

With increasing rifling, owing to the angle of twist continually changing as the projectile travels along the bore, the ribs originally engraved by the rifling on the driving band are forced to change their direction correspondingly, and this occurs by the front surface of the ribs wearing away. They are therefore weakened considerably, and it is found that with high velocities the engraved part of the band often entirely disappears through this progressive action.

It will thus be seen that although an increasing twist of rifling may be so arranged as to give uniform pressure, it is evident that if wear takes place, the engraved rib becomes weaker to resist shearing as the shot advances, and the rate of wear also increases owing to the increase of heat by friction. With the very narrow driving bands used for low velocity guns this action was not so detrimental. With the long modern guns and the high muzzle velocities required, the propelling gas pressures along the bore rise comparatively slowly to a maximum and gradually fall until the muzzle is reached. The pressure of the gas at all points of the bore is now considerably higher than with the older patterns of B.L. guns.

For modern conditions, in order to obtain an increasing curve giving an approximately constant driving pressure between the rifing and driving band, this pressure becomes comparatively high. The maximum rotating pressure, with uniform rifling, is certainly somewhat higher, but not to a very great extent, and as it occurs when the projectile is still moving slowly, the wear due to friction will be correspondingly low; the pressure gradually falls until the muzzle is reached, where it is much lower than with increasing rifling. The projectile thus leaves the gun without any great disturbance from the rifling pressure. Further, as the band is engraved once for all with the angle it will have all along the bore the pressure is distributed equally over the driving face of the engraved ribs instead of being concentrated at the front of the ribs as in progressive or increasing rifling.

The following formulae showing the driving pressures for increasing and uniform rifling are calculated from Sir Andrew Noble's formula, which Sir G. Greenhill has obtained independently by another method.

Let R= total pressure, in tons, between rifling and driving band. G=gaseous pressure, in tons, on the base of the projectile. radius, in feet, of the bore.

7=coefficient of friction.

p=radius of gyration of projectile.


R= p2(1+k2)

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FIG. 31.-Pressure Curves (uniform and increasing twist).

curve A is for a rifling twist increasing from 1 in 60 calibres at the breech to 1 in 30 calibres at the muzzle; curve D is for rifling having a uniform twist of 1 in 30 calibres.

It must be remembered that this comparison is typical for modern conditions; with old-fashioned guns firing black or brown powder the maximum rotating pressure for uniform rifling could attain a value 50% above that for increasing rifling.

In this example, with the increasing twist there is a loss of energy of about 11% of the total muzzle energy, and for the uniform rifling a loss of about 8%. This explains the reason for uniformly rifled guns giving a higher muzzle velocity than those with increasing rifling, supposing the guns to be otherwise similar. The pitch of the rifling or the amount of twist to be given to it depends altogether on the length of the projectile; if this is short a small amount of twist only is necessary, if long a greater amount of twist must be arranged for, in order to spin the shell more rapidly. Sir G. Greenhill has shown that the pitch of the rilling necessary to keep a projectile in steady motion is independent of the velocity, of the calibre, or of the length of the gun, but depends principally on the length of the shell and on its description, so that for similar projectiles one pitch would do for all guns.

Table I., on following page, has been calculated from Greenhill's formula.

In most modern guns the projectile varies in length from 3.5 to 4 calibres, so that the rifling is made to terminate at the muzzle with a twist of 1 turn in 30 calibres, which is found ample to ensure a steady flight to the proiectile. In the United States a terminal twist of 1 in 25 calibres is often adopted; Krupp also uses this in some guns. With howitzers the projectile may be 4.5 calibres long, and the rifling has to be made of a quicker twist to suit.

If the gun has, as is usually the case, a right-hand twist of rifling the projectile drifts to the right; if it has a left-hand twist the drift takes place to the left. The drift increases with Drift.

8=angle between the normal to the driving surface of groove the range but in a greater ratio; further, the greater the

and radius.

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For uniform rifling



(4 sinô+k2) (422+k2)


μ1 (2 = p2k-rk), (2=p2+rhk) sind



twist (ie. the smaller the pitch of rifling) the greater the drift. On the other hand the smooth B.L. projectiles drift less than studded M.L. projectiles.

To find the angle, usually called the permanent angle of deflection, at which the sights must be inclined to compensate for the drift, a number of shots are fired at various ranges. The results obtained are plotted on paper, and a straight line is then drawn from the point representing the muzzle through the mean value of the plotted


The early guns were fired by inserting a red-hot wire into the vent, or by filling the vent with powder and firing it by a redhot iron. Slow match held in a cleft stick afterwards took the place of the hot iron, and this again was replaced by a port-fire. Filling the vent with loose

For modern rifling 8=90°; therefore sin 8=1; by which the above powder was inconvenient and slow, and to improve expressions may be considerably simplified.


arrange ments.

matters the powder was placed in a paper, tin or quill tube

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be used until about 1842, when it was replaced by a percussion
lock invented by an American named Hiddens. In this lock one
pull on the lanyard caused the hammer to fall and strike a per-
cussion patch or cap hung on a small hook over the vent, and
afterwards caused the hammer to be drawn backwards out
of the way of the blast from the vent. These somewhat
clumsy contrivances were swept away on the adoption in 1853
of friction tubes (see AMMUNITION), which had simply to be
placed in the vent and the friction bar withdrawn by means of
a lanyard.

Friction tubes continued to be used with all muzzle-loading
ordnance except in one or two natures with which the charge
was ignited axially at the breech of the gun. In these a vent
sealing friction tube retained in the vent by a tube holder was
employed. With breech-loading field guns ordinary friction
tubes were also used until the introduction of cordite, which
eroded the vents so quickly by the escape of the gases that vent
sealing tubes became a necessity.

pattern field guns the firing gear forms part of the breech



All modern breech mechanisms form two groups (a) the sliding
type as with the Krupp wedge system, (b) the swinging type as in
Either type may be
the interrupted screw system.
used with B.L. guns (i.e. those with which the charge is
not contained in a metallic cartridge case) and Q.F. guns
(ie. those with which a metallic cartridge case is used).
Sliding mechanisms may be divided into two forms: (1) those
having the block or wedge sliding horizontally, and (2) those in
which the block works in a vertical direction. (1) is that used
principally by Krupp; (2) is best illustrated by the Hotchkiss
system for small Q.F. guns; the Nordenfelt, Skoda and the Driggs-
Schroeder mechanisms for small Q.F. guns are an adaptation of the
same principle.

The Krupp gear is in reality an improved Cavalli mechanism;
it is capable of being worked rapidly, is simple, with strong parts
not liable to derangement, except perhaps the obturator. The
breech end of the gun, however, occupies valuable space especially
when these guns are mounted in the restricted turrets or gun houses
on board ship.

Later it will be seen that owing to the difficulty of arranging a
convenient and efficient obturating device for the smokeless nitro-
powders, which have a peculiarly severe, searching effect, a metal
cartridge case has to be used with even the heaviest guns; naturally
this assumes large dimensions for the 305 m/m, gun.

The wedge (fig. 32) is housed in the breech piece, which covers
the breech part of the barrel, made very massive and extended to
the rear of the barrel. A slot, cut transversely through the extended
portion, forms a seat for the sliding block. The slot is formed so
that its front is a plane surface perpendicular to the axis of the gua,
while the rear is rounded and slightly inclined to the axis. One or
more ribs similarly inclined on the upper and lower surfaces of the
slot guide the breech block in its movements. For traversing the
block a quick pitched screw is fitted to its upper surface and works
in a nut attached to the upper part of the slot (in small guns this
traversing screw is dispensed with, as the block can be easily moved
by hand). As the rear seat of the sliding block is inclined, there is
a tendency for the block to be moved sideways, when the gun is
fired by the pressure in the chamber acting on the front face of the
wedge; this is prevented by a locking gear, consisting of a cylinder,
having a series of interrupted collars, which is mounted on a screw.
When the breech has been traversed into position, the collars are
rotated, by a cross handle at the side of the block, into grooves cut
in the rear surface of the slot; a further movement makes the
screw jam the collars hard in contact with the gun and secures the
breech. With small guns having no traversing gear a short strong
screw takes the place of the collars, and on the handle being turned
enters a threaded portion at the rear surface of the slot, actuates the
breech for the last (or first in opening) portion of its movement in
closing and secures it. To open the gun the movements are reversed.

The gun is fired by a friction tube, screwed into an axial vent bored
through the sliding block, or, in field guns, by a copper friction tube
through an oblique vent drilled through the top of the breech end
of the gun and through the block.

There is also fitted in some guns a percussion arrangement for
firing a percussion tube.

The obturation is effected by a Broadwell ring or some modifica-
tion of it; this is placed in a recess cut in the gun and rests against
a hard steel plate fitted in the breech block.

For modern Krupp mechanisms, for use with cartridge cases, the
arrangement (fig. 33) is very similar to that described above, but
some improvements have added to its simplicity. The transporting
screw is fitted with a strong projection which, at the end of the
movement for closing the breech, locks with a recess cut in the upper
surface of the slot and secures the breech. The extra locking device
is consequently dispensed with. The firing gear consists of a striker
fitted in the sliding block in line with the axis of the gun; the
striker is pushed back by a lever contained in the block and, on
release, is driven forward against the primer of the cartridge case by
a spiral spring,

In the Hotchkiss gun the mechanism has a vertical breech block
of a rectangular section. The actuating lever F (fig. 34) is on the
right side of the gun, and connected to a powerful crank arm C
working in a groove E cut on the right side of the breech block.
By pulling the lever towards the rear, the crank arm forces
down the block A and extracts the fired case by an extractor X,
which is actuated by a cam groove Y cut on one side or on
both sides of the block. As the mechanism is opened the hammer H
To close the mechanisra
is cocked ready for the next round.
the lever is pushed over to the front, and by releasing the trigger
scar by pulling the lanyard the hammer falls and fires the cap of
the cartridge case.

Automatic gear is now generally fitted which opens the breech
as the gun runs up after recoil and extracts the fired case by means
of a supplementary mechanism and strong spring actuated by the
recoil of the gun, and on pushing a new cartridge into the gun the
breech which was retained by the extractor is released and closes

In all other breech-loading ordnance and with the latest automatically.

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