صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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OTTO III. (980-1002), Roman emperor, son of the emperor Otto II. and Theophano,daughter of the castern emperor Romanus

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Hrotsuit of Gandersheim, Carmen de gestis Oddonis-all in the | L. von Ranke, Wellgeschichte, Part vii. (Leipzig, 1886); W. von Monumenta Germaniae historica. Scriptores, Bände iii. and iv. (Han- Giesebrecht, Geschichte der deutschen Kaiserzeit (Leipzig, 1881over and Berlin, 1826 fol.); Die Urkunden des Kaisers Ottos I., edited 1890); and Jahrbücher des deutschen Reichs unter Kaiser Otto II. by Th. von Sickel in the Monumenta Germaniae historica. Diplomata (Berlin, 1837-1840); H. Detmer, Otto II. bis zum Tode seines (Hanover, 1879); W. von Giesebrecht, Geschichte der deutschen Vaters (Leipzig, 1878); J. Moltmann, Theophano die Gemahlin Kaiserzeit (Leipzig, 1881); R. Köpke and E. Dümmler, Jahrbücher Ottos II. in ihrer Bedeutung für die Politik. Ottos I. und Ottos II. des deutschen Reichs unter Otto I. (Leipzig, 1876); Th. von Sickel, (Göttingen, 1878); and A. Matthaei, Die Händel Ottos II. mit Lothar Das Privilegium Otto I. für die römische Kirche (Innsbruck, 1883); von Frankreich (Halle, 1882). H. von Sybel, Die deutsche Nation und das Kaiserreich (Düsseldorf, 1862); O. von Wydenbrugk, Die deutsche Nation und das Kaiserreich (Munich, 1862); J. Ficker, Das deutsche Kaiserreich in seinen universalen und nationalen Beziehungen (Innsbruck, 1861); and Deutsches Königthum und Kaiserthum (Innsbruck, 1862); G. Mauren-, was born in July 980, chosen as his father's successor at brecher, Die Kaiserpolitik Otto I." in the Historische Zeitschrift Verona in June 983 and crowned German king at Aix-la-Chapelle (Munich, 1859); G. Waitz, Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte (Kiel, on the 25th of the following December. Otto II. had died a 1844); J. Ficker, Forschungen zur Reichs- und Rechtsgeschichte few days before this ceremony, but the news did not reach Italiens (Innsbruck, 1868-1874); F. Fischer, Über Ollos I. Zug in Germany until after the coronation. Early in 984 the king die Lombardei vom Jahre 951 (Eisenberg, 1891); and K. Kötler, Die Ungarnschlacht auf dem Lechfelde (Augsburg, 1884). was seized by Henry II., the Quarrelsome, the deposed duke of OTTO II. (955-983), Roman emperor, was the son of the Bavaria, who claimed the regency as a member of the reigning emperor Otto the Great, by his second wife Adelaide. He house, and probably entertained the idea of obtaining the received a good education under the care of his uncle, Bruno, kingly dignity himself. A strong opposition was quickly aroused, archbishop of Cologne, and his illegitimate half-brother, William, and when Theophano and Adelaide, widow of the emperor archbishop of Mainz. He was chosen German king at Worms in Otto the Great, appeared in Germany, Henry was compelled to 961, crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle on the 26th of May 961, and on hand over the young king to his mother. Otto's mental gifts the 25th of December 967 was crowned joint emperor at Rome were considerable, and were so carefully cultivated by Bernward, by Pope John XIII. On the 14th of April 972 he married afterwards bishop of Hildesheim, and by Gerbert of Aurillac, Theophano, daughter of the eastern emperor Romanus II., and archbishop of Reims, that he was called " after sharing in various campaigns in Italy, returned to Germany world." The government of Germany during his minority and became sole emperor on the death of his father in May 973. was in the hands of Theophano, and after her death in June After suppressing a rising in Lorraine, difficulties arose in 991 passed to a council in which the chief influence was exercised southern Germany, probably owing to Otto's refusal to grant by Adelaide and Willigis, archbishop of Mainz. Having accomthe duchy of Swabia to Henry II., the Quarrelsome, duke of panied his troops in expeditions against the Bohemians and the Bavaria. The first conspiracy was easily suppressed, and in 974 Wends, Otto was declared of age in 995. In 996 he crossed the an attempt on the part of Harold III., king of the Danes, to Alps and was recognized as king of the Lombards at Pavia. throw off the German yoke was also successfully resisted; but Before he reached Rome, Pope John XV., who had invited an expedition against the Bohemians led by the king in person him to Italy, had died, whereupon he raised his own cousin in 975 was a partial failure owing to the outbreak of further Bruno, son of Otto duke of Carinthia, to the papal chair as trouble in Bavaria. In 976 Otto deposed Duke Henry, restored Pope Gregory V., and by this pontiff Otto was crowned emperor order for the second time in Lorraine, and made another expedi- on the 21st of May 996. On his return to Germany, the emperor tion into Bohemia in 977, when King Boleslaus II. promised to learned that Gregory had been driven from Rome, which was return to his earlier allegiance. Having crushed an attempt again in the power of John Crescentius, patrician of the Romans, made by Henry to regain Bavaria, Otto was suddenly attacked and that a new pope, John XVI., had been elected. Leaving by Lothair, king of France, who held Aix in his possession for his aunt, Matilda, abbess of Quedlinburg, as regent of Germany, a few days; but when the emperor retaliated by invading France Otto, in February 998, led Gregory back to Rome, took the he met with little resistance. He was, however, compelled by castle of St Angelo by storm and put Crescentius to death. sickness among his troops to raise the siege of Paris, and on the A visit to southern Italy, where many of the princes did homage return journey the rearguard of his army was destroyed and the to the emperor, was cut short by the death of the pope, to whose baggage seized by the French. An expedition against the Poles chair Otto then appointed his former tutor Gerbert, who took was followed by peace with France, when Lothair renounced the name of Sylvester II. In the palace which he built on the his claim on Lorraine. The emperor then prepared for a journey Aventine, Otto sought to surround himself with the splendour to Italy. In Rome, where he restored Pope Benedict VII., he and ceremonial of the older emperors of Rome, and dreamed of held a splendid court, attended by princes and nobles from making Rome once more the centre of a universal empire. Many names and customs were introduced into his court from that all parts of western Europe. He was next required to punish inroads of the Saracens on the Italian mainland, and in September of Constantinople; he proposed to restore the Roman senate 981 he marched into Apulia, where he met at first with consider- and consulate, revived the office of patrician, called himself able success; but an alliance between the Arabs and the Eastern "consul of the Roman senate and people" and issued a seal Empire, whose hostility had been provoked by the invasion of with the inscription, 46 restoration of the Roman empire." Apulia, resulted in a severe defeat on Otto's troops near Stilo Passing from pride to humility he added "servant of the apostle," in July 982. Without revealing his identity, the emperor and "servant of Jesus Christ" to the imperial title, spent a escaped on a Greek vessel to Rossano. At a diet held at Verona, fortnight in prayer in the grotto of St Clement and did penance largely attended by German and Italian princes, a fresh campaign in various Italian monasteries. Leaving Italy in the summer was arranged against the Saracens. Proceeding to Rome, Otto preceding the year 1000, when it was popularly believed that the secured the election of Peter of Pavia as Pope John XIV. Just end of the world was to come, Otto made a pilgrimage to the as the news reached him of a general rising of the tribes on the tomb of his old friend Adalbert, bishop of Prague, at Gnesen, eastern frontier of Germany, he died in his palace in Rome on and raised the city to the dignity of an archbishopric. He then the 7th of December 983. He left a son, afterwards the emperor went to Aix, and opened the tomb of Charlemagne, where, Otto III., and three daughters. He was buried in the atrium according to a legendary tale, he found the body of the great of St Peter's, and when the church was rebuilt his remains were emperor sitting upright upon a throne, wearing the crown and removed to the crypt, where his tomb may still be seen. Otto, holding the sceptre. Returning to Rome, trouble soon arose who is sometimes called the "Red," was a man of small stature, between Otto and the citizens, and for three days the emperor by nature brave and impulsive, and by training an accomplished was besieged in his palace. After a temporary peace, he fled to knight. He was generous to the church and aided the spread of the monastery of Classe near Ravenna. Troops were collected, Christianity in many ways. but whilst conducting a campaign against the Romans, Otto died at Paterno near Viterbo on the 23rd of January 1002, and was buried in the cathedral at Aix-la-Chapelle. Tradition

See Die Urkunden des Kaisers Otto II., edited by Th. von Sickel, in the Monumenta Germaniae historica. Diplomata (Hanover, 1879);

says he was ensnared and poisoned by Stephania, the widow of Crescentius. The mystic erratic temperament of Otto, alternating between the most magnificent schemes of empire and the lowest depths of self-debasement, was not conducive to the welfare of his dominions, and during his reign the conditions of Germany deteriorated. He was liberal to the papacy, and was greatly influenced by the eminent clerics with whom he eagerly associated.

See Thangmar, Vila Bernwardi episcopi Hildesheimensis in the Monumenta Germaniae historica. Scriptores, Band iv. (Hanover and Berlin, 1826 fol.); Lettres de Gerbert, edited by J. Havet (Paris, 1889); Die Urkunden Kaisers Ottos III., edited by Th. von Sickel in the Monumenta Germaniae historica. Diplomata (Hanover, 1879); R. Wilmans, Jahrbücher des deutschen Reichs unter Kaiser Otto III. (Berlin, 1837-1840); P. Kehr, Die Urkunden Otto III. (Innsbruck, 1890).

OTTO IV. (c. 1182-1218), Roman emperor, second son of Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, and Matilda, daughter of Henry II., king of England, was most probably born at Argenton in central France. His father died when he was still young, and he was educated at the court of his uncle Richard I., king of England, under whose leadership he gained valuable experience in war, being appointed duke of Aquitaine, count of Poitou and earl of Yorkshire. When the emperor Henry VI. died in September 1197, some of the princes under the leadership of Adolph, archbishop of Cologne, were anxious to find a rival to Philip, duke of Swabia, who had been elected German king. After some delay their choice fell upon Otto, who was chosen king at Cologne on the 9th of June 1198. Hostilities broke out at once, and Otto, who drew his main support from his hereditary possessions in the Rhineland and Saxony, seized Aix-la-Chapelle, and was crowned there on the 12th of July 1198. The earlier course of the war was unfavourable to Otto, whose position was weakened by the death of Richard of England in April | 1199; but his cause began to improve when Pope Innocent III. declared for him and placed his rival under the ban in April 1201. This support was purchased by a capitulation signed by Otto at Neuss, which ratified the independence and decided the boundaries of the States of the Church, and was the first authentic basis for the practical authority of the pope in central Italy. In 1200 an attack made by Philip on Brunswick was beaten off, the city of Worms was taken, and subsequently the aid of Ottakar I., king of Bohemia, was won for Otto. The papal legate Guido worked energetically on his behalf, several princes were persuaded to desert Philip and by the end of 1203 his success seemed assured. But after a period of reverses, Otto was wounded during a fight in July 1206 and compelled to take refuge in Cologne. Retiring to Denmark, he obtained military assistance from King Waldemar II., and a visit to England procured monetary aid from King John, after which he managed to maintain his position in Brunswick. Preparations were made to drive him from his last refuge, when he was saved by the murder of Philip in June 1208. Many of the supporters of Philip now made overtures to Otto, and an attempt to set up Henry I. duke of Brabant having failed, Otto submitted to a fresh election and was chosen German king at Frankfort on the 11th of November 1208 in the presence of a large gathering of princes. A general reconciliation followed, which was assisted by the betrothal of Otto to Philip's eldest daughter Beatrix, but as she was only ten years old, the marriage was deferred until the 22nd of July 1212. The pope who had previously recognized the victorious Philip, hastened to return to the side of Otto; the capitulation of Neuss was renewed and large concessions were made to the church.

In August 1209 the king set out for Italy. Meeting with no opposition, he was received at Viterbo by Innocent, but refused the papal demand that he should concede to the church all the territories which, previous to 1197, had been in dispute between the Empire and the Papacy, consenting, however, not to claim supremacy over Sicily. He was crowned emperor at Rome on the 4th of October 1 209, a ceremony which was followed by fighting between the Romans and the German soldiers. The pope then requested the emperor to leave Roman territory;


but he remained near Rome for some days, demanding satisfaction for the losses suffered by his troops. The breach with Innocent soon widened, and in violation of the treaty made with the pope Otto attempted to recover for the Empire all the property which Innocent had annexed to the Church, and rewarded his supporters with large estates in the disputed territories. Having occupied Tuscany he marched into Apulia, part of the kingdom of Frederick of Hohenstaufen, afterwards the emperor Frederick II., and on the 18th of November 1210 was excommunicated by the pope. Regardless of this sentence Otto completed the conquest of southern Italy, but the efforts of Innocent had succeeded in arousing considerable opposition in Germany, where the rebels were also supported by Philip Augustus, king of France. A number of princes assembled at Nuremberg declared Otto deposed, and invited Frederick to fill the vacant throne. Returning to Germany in March 1212, Otto made some headway against his enemies until the arrival of Frederick towards the close of the year. The death of his wife in August 1212 had weakened his hold on the southern duchies, and he was soon confined to the district of the lower Rhine, although supported by money from his uncle King John of England. The final blow to his fortunes came when he was decisively defeated by the French at Bouvines in July 1214. He escaped with difficulty from the fight and took refuge in Cologne. His former supporters hastened to recognize Frederick; and in 1216 he left Cologne for Brunswick, which he had received in | 1202 by arrangement with his elder brother Henry. The conquest of Hamburg by the Danes, and the death of John of England, were further blows to his cause. On the 19th of May 1218 he died at the Harzburg after being loosed from the ban by a Cistercian monk, and was buried in the church of St Blasius at Brunswick. He married for his second wife in May 1214 Marie, daughter of Henry I., duke of Brabant, but left no children. See Regesta imperii V., edited by J. Ficker (Innsbruck, 1881); L, von Ranke, Weltgeschichte, Part viii. (Leipzig, 1887-1888); (Leipzig, 1888); O. Abel, Kaiser Otto IV. und Konig Friedrich 11. W. von Giesebrecht, Geschichte der deutschen Kaiserzeit, Band v. (Berlin, 1856); E. Winkelmann, Philipp von Schwaben und Otto IV. von Braunschweig (Leipzig, 1873-1878); G. Langerfeldt, Kaiser Otto der Vierte (Hanover, 1872); R. Schwemer, Innocenz III. und die deutsche Kirche während des Thronstreites (Strassburg, 1882); and A. Luchaire, Innocent III., la papauté et l'empire (Paris, 1906); and Innocent III., la question d'Orient (Paris, 1906).

OTTO OF FREISING (c. 1114-1158), German bishop and chronicler, was the fifth son of Leopold III., margrave of Austria, by his wife Agnes, daughter of the emperor Henry IV. By her first husband, Frederick I. of Hohenstaufen, duke of Swabia, Agnes was the mother of the German king Conrad III., and grandmother of the emperor Frederick I.; and Otto was thus related to the most powerful families in Germany. The notices of his life are scanty and the dates somewhat uncertain. He studied in Paris, where he took an especial interest in philosophy, is said to have been one of the first to introduce the philosophy of Aristotle into Germany, and he served as provost of a Otto became abbot of the Cistercian monastery of Morimond new foundation in Austria. Having entered the Cistercian order, in Burgundy about 1136, and soon afterwards was elected bishop of Freising. This diocese, and indeed the whole of Bavaria, was then disturbed by the feud between the Welfs and the Hohenstaufen, and the church was in a deplorable condition; but a great improvement was brought about by the new bishop in both ecclesiastical and secular matters. In 1147 he took part in the disastrous crusade of Conrad III. The section of the crusading army led by the bishop was decimated, but Otto reached the favour of Conrad's successor, Frederick I.; was probably Jerusalem, and returned to Bavaria in 1148 or 1149. He enjoyed instrumental in settling the dispute over the duchy of Bavaria in 1156; was present at the famous diet at Besançon in 1157, and, still retaining the dress of a Cistercian monk, died at Morimond on the 22nd of September 1158. In 1857 a statue of the bishop was erected at Freising.

Otto wrote a Chronicon, sometimes called De duabus civitatibus, an historical and philosophical work in eight books, which follows to some extent the lines laid down by Augustine and Orosius.

Written during the time of the civil war in Germany, it contrasts Jerusalem and Babel, the heavenly and the earthly kingdoms, but also contains much valuable information about the history of the time. The chronicle, which was held in very high regard by contemporaries, goes down to 1146, and from this date until 1209 has been continued by Otto, abbot of St Blasius (d. 1223). Better known is Otto's Gesta Friderici imperatoris, written at the request of Frederick I., and prefaced by a letter from the emperor to the author. The Gesta is in four books, the first two of which were written by Otto, and the remaining two, or part of them, by his pupil Ragewin, or Rahewin; it has been argued that the third book and the early part of the fourth were also the work of Otto. Beginning with the quarrel between Pope Gregory VII. and the emperor Henry IV., the first book takes the history down to the death of Conrad III. in 1152. It is not confined to German affairs, as the author digresses to tell of the preaching of Bernard of Clairvaux, of his zeal against the heretics, and of the condemnation of Abelard; and discourses on philosophy and theology. The second book opens with the election of Frederick I. in 1152, and deals with the history of the first five years of his reign, especially in Italy, in some detail. From this point (1156) the work is continued by Ragewin. Otto's Latin is excellent, and in spite of a slight partiality for the Hohenstaufen, and some minor inaccuracies, the Gesta has been rightly described as a "model of historical composition." First printed by John Cuspinian at Strassburg in 1515, Otto's writings are now found in the Monumenta Germaniae historica, Band xx. (Hanover, 1868), and have been translated into German by H. Kohl (Leipzig, 1881-1886). The Gesta Friderici has been published separately with introduction by G. Waitz. Otto is also said to have written a history of Austria (Historia Austriaca). See J. Hashagen, Otto von Freising als Geschichtsphilosoph und Kirchen politiker (Leipzig, 1900); J. Schmidlin, Die geschichts philosophische und kirchen politische Weltanschauung Ollo von Freising (Freiburg, 1906); W. Wattenbach, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen, Band ii. (Berlin, 1894); and for full bibliography, A. Potthast, Bibliotheca historica (Berlin, 1896). (A. W. H. *) OTTO OF NORDHEIM (d. 1083), duke of Bavaria, belonged to the rich and influential Saxon family of the counts of Nordheim, and having distinguished himself in war and peace alike, received the duchy of Bavaria from Agnes, widow of the emperor Henry III., in 1061. In 1062 he assisted Anno, archbishop of Cologne, to seize the person of the German king, Henry IV.; led a successful expedition into Hungary in 1063; and took a prominent part in the government during the king's minority. In 1064 he went to Italy to settle a papal schism, was largely instrumental in securing the banishment from court of Adalbert, archbishop of Bremen, and crossed the Alps in the royal interests on two other occasions. He neglected his duchy, but added to his personal possessions, and in 1069 shared in two expeditions in the east of Germany. In 1070 Otto was accused by a certain Egino of being privy to a plot to murder the king, and it was decided he should submit to the ordeal of battle with his accuser. The duke asked for a safe-conduct to and from the place of meeting, and when this was refused he declined to appear, and was consequently deprived of Bavaria, while his Saxon estates were plundered. He obtained no support in Bavaria, but raised an army among the Saxons and carried on a campaign of plunder against Henry until 1071, when he submitted; in the following year he received back his private estates. When the Saxon revolt broke out in 1073 Otto is represented by Bruno, the author of De bello Saxonico, as delivering an inspiring speech to the assembled Saxons at Wormsleben, after which he took command of the insurgents. By the peace of Gerstungen in 1074 Bavaria was restored to him; he shared in the Saxon rising of 1075, after which he was again pardoned and made administrator of Saxony. After the excommunication of Henry IV. in 1076 Otto attempted to mediate between Henry and the Saxons, but when these efforts failed he again placed himself at their head. He assented to the election of Rudolph, count of Rheinfelden, as German king, when his restoration to Bavaria was assured, and by his skill and bravery inflicted defeats on Henry's forces at Mellrichstadt, Flarchheim and Hohenmölsen. He remained in arms against the king until his death on the 11th of January 1083. Otto is described as a noble, prudent and warlike man, and he possessed great abilities. His repeated pardon showed that Henry could not afford to neglect such a powerful personality, and his military talents were repeatedly displayed. By his wife Richenza, widow of Hermann, count of Werla, he left three sons and three daughters.

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See W. von Giesebrecht, Geschichte der deutschen Kaiserzeit, Band iii. (Leipzig, 1881-1890); H. Mehmel, Otto von Nordheim, Herzog von Bayern (Göttingen, 1870); E. Neumann, De Ollone de Nordheim (Breslau, 1871); S. Riezler, Geschichte Bayerns (Gotha, 1878); and A. Vogeler, Ollo von Nordheim (Göttingen, 1880). back, though sometimes it has neither. It may have square or OTTOMAN, a form of couch which usually has a head but no semicircular ends, and as a rule it is what upholsterers call stuffed over "-that is to say no wood is visible. It belongs to the same order of ideas as the divan (q.v.); its name indeed betokens its Oriental origin. It was one of the luxurious appointments which Europe imported from the East in the 18th century; the first mention that has been found of it is in France in 1729. In the course of a generation it made its way into every boudoir, but it appears originally to have been much larger than at present. The word is also applied to a small foot-stool covered with carpet, embroidery or beadwork.

OTTUMWA, a city and the county-seat of Wapello county, Iowa, U.S.A., on both sides of the Des Moines river, in the S.E. part of the state, about 85 m. S. E. of Des Moines. Pop. (1900) 18,197, of whom 1759 were foreign-born; (1910 census) 22,012. It is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago, Milwaukee & Saint Paul, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, and the Wabash railways. The site on which it is built forms a succession of terraces receding farther and farther from the river. In the city are a Carnegie library, a city hospital and St Joseph's Academy. Ottumwa is the headquarters of the Ottumwa Division of the Southern Federal Judicial District of Iowa, and terms of United States District and Circuit courts are held there. The city is in one of the richest coal regions of the state, and ranks high as a manufacturing centre, pork-packing, and the manufacture of iron and steel, machinery and agricultural and mining implements being the leading industries. The value of the factory product in 1905 was $10,374,183, an increase of 19.5% since 1900. Ottumwa was first settled in 1843, was incorporated as a town in 1851, and first chartered as a city in 1857.

OTWAY, THOMAS (1652-1685), English dramatist, was born at Trotton, near Midhurst, Sussex, on the 3rd of March 1652. His father, Humphrey Otway, was at that time curate of Trotton, but Otway's childhood was spent at Woolbeding, a parish 3 m. distant, of which his father had become rector. He was educated at Winchester College, and in 1669 entered Christ Church, Oxford, as a commoner, but left the university without a degree in the autumn of 1672. At Oxford he made the acquaintance of Anthony Cary, 5th viscount Falkland, through whom, he says in the dedication to Caius Marius, he first learned to love books. In London he made acquaintance with Mrs Aphra Behn, who in 1672 cast him for the part of the old king in her Forc'd Marriage, or The Jealous Bridegroom, at the Dorset Garden Theatre, but he had a bad attack of stage fright, and never made a second appearance. In 1675 Thomas Betterton produced at the same theatre Otway's first dramatic attempt, Alcibiades, which was printed in the same year. It is a poor tragedy, written in heroic verse, but was saved from absolute failure by the actors. Mrs Barry took the part of Draxilla, and her lover, the earl of Rochester, recommended the author of the piece to the notice of the duke of York. He made a great advance on this first work in Don Carlos, Prince of Spain (licensed June 15, 1676; an undated edition probably belongs to the same year). The material for this rhymed tragedy Otway took from the novel of the same name, written in 1672 by the Abbé de Saint-Réal, the source from which Schiller also drew his tragedy of Don Carlos. In it the two characters familiar throughout his plays make their appearance. Don Carlos is the impetuous, unstable youth, who seems to be drawn from Otway himself, while the queen's part is the gentle pathetic character repeated in his more celebrated heroines, Monimia and Belvidera. It got more money," says John Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, 1708) of this play," than any preceding modern tragedy." In 1677 Betterton produced two adaptations from the French by Otway, Titas and Berenice (from Racine's Bérénice), and the Cheats of Scapin (from Molière's Fourberies de Scapin). These were printed

at the castle of Pierrefonds, France. Many so-called “oubliettes in medieval castles were probably outlets for the disposal of drainage, refuse, &c., which at times may have served for the getting rid of prisoners.

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OUCH, a brooch, clasp or buckle, especially one ornamented with jewels, enamels, &c., and used to clasp a cope or other ecclesiastical vestment. It is also used, as in Exod. xxxix. 6, of the gold or silver setting of jewels. The word is an example of the misdivision of a substantive and the indefinite article, being properly" nouche," a nouche "being divided into "an ouche," as a napron into an apron, a nadder into an adder, and, reversely, an ewt, i.e. eft, into a newt. "Nouche" was adapted into O. Fr.; whence English took the word, from the Late Lat. nusca, brooch; probably the original is Celtic, cf. O. Irish nasc, ring, nasgaim, fasten.

OUDENARDE (Flemish Oudenaerde), a town of Belgium in the province of East Flanders, 18 m. S. of Ghent. Pop. (1904) 6572. While it is best known for the great victory gained by Marlborough and Eugene over the French under Vendôme in 1708, Oudenarde has many features of interest. The town hall, which took ten years to build (1525-1535), has after that of Louvain the most elaborately decorated façade in Belgium. It was designed by H. van Peede and G. de Ronde, and is in tertiary Gothic style. The belfry tower of five storeys with three terraces, surmounted by a golden figure, is a striking feature. The council chamber contains a fine oak door and Gothic chimney-piece, both c. 1530. There are also two interesting old churches, St Walburga, partly of the 12th and partly of the 14th century, and Notre Dame, dating from the 13th century. The former contains several fine pictures by Craeyer and other old Flemish

together, with a dedication to Lord Rochester. In 1678 he | Duc (Dict. de l'architecture) gives a diagram of such an oubliette produced an original comedy, Friendship in Fashion, popular at the moment, though it was hissed off the stage for its gross indecency when it was revived at Drury Lane in 1749. Meanwhile he had conceived an overwhelming passion for Mrs Barry, who filled many of the leading parts in his plays. Six of his letters to her survive, the last of them referring to a broken appointment in the Mall. Mrs Barry seems to have coquetted with Otway, but she had no intention of permanently offending Rochester. In 1678, driven to desperation by Mrs Barry, Otway obtained a commission through Charles, carl of Plymouth, a natural son of Charles II., in a regiment serving in the Netherlands. The English troops were disbanded in 1679, but were left to find their way home as best they could. They were also paid with depreciated paper, and Otway arrived in London late in the year, ragged and dirty, a circumstance utilized by Rochester in his "Sessions of the Poets," which contains a scurrilous attack on his former protégé. Early in the next year (February 1680) | was produced at Dorset Garden the first of Otway's two tragic masterpieces, The Orphan, or The Unhappy Marriage, Mrs Barry playing the part of Monimia. Written in blank verse, which shows a study of Shakespeare, its success was due to the tragic | pathos, of which Otway was a master, in the characters of Castalio and Monimia. The History and Fall of Caius Marius, produced in the same year, and printed in 1692, is a curious grafting of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet on the story of Marius as related in Plutarch's Lives. In 1680 Otway also published The Poet's Complaint of his Muse, or A Satyr against Libells, in which he retaliated on his literary enemies. An indifferent comedy, The Soldier's Fortune (1681), was followed in February 1682 by Venice Preserved, or A Plot Discover'd. The story is founded on the Histoire de la conjuration des Espagnols contre la Venise en 1618, by the Abbé de Saint-Réal, but Otway modified the story considerably. The character of Belvidera is his own, and the leading part in the conspiracy, taken by Bedamor, the Spanish ambassador, is given in the play to the historically insignificant Pierre and Jaffier. The piece has a political meaning, enforced in the prologue. The Popish Plot was, in Otway's mind, and Anthony, 1st earl of Shaftesbury, is caricatured in Antonio. The play won instant success. It was translated into almost every modern European language, and even Dryden said of it: "Nature is there, which is the greatest beauty." The Orphan and Venice Preserved remained stock pieces on the stage until the 19th century, and the leading actresses of the period played Monimia and Belvidera. One or two prefaces, another weak comedy, The Atheist (1684), and two posthumous pieces, a poem, Windsor Castle (1685), a panegyric of Charles II., and a History of the Triumvirates (1686), translated from the French, complete the list of Otway's works. He apparently ceased to struggle against his poverty and misfortunes. The generally accepted story regarding the manner of his death was first given in Theophilus Cibber's Lives of the Poets. He is said to have emerged from his retreat at the Bull on Tower Hill to beg for bread. A passer-by, learning who he was, gave him a guinea, with which Otway hastened to a baker's shop. He began too hastily to satisfy his ravenous hunger, and choked with the first mouthful. Whether this account of his death be true or not, it is certain that he died in the utmost poverty, and was buried on the 16th of April 1685 in the churchyard of St Clement Danes. A tragedy entitled Heroick Friendship was printed in 1686 as Otway's work, but the ascription is unlikely.

The Works of Mr Thomas Otway with some account of his life and writings, published in 1712, was followed by other editions (1757, 1768, 1812). The standard edition is that by T. Thornton (1813). A selection of his plays was edited for the Mermaid series (1891 and 1903) by Roden Noel. See also E. Gosse, Seventeenth Century Studies (1883); and Genest, History of the Stage.

OUBLIETTE, a French architectural term (from oublier, to forget), used in two senses of a dungeon or cell in a prison or castle which could only be reached by a trap-door from another dungeon, and of a concealed opening or passage leading from a dungeon to the moat or river, into which bodies of prisoners who were to be secretly disposed of might be dropped. Viollet le


The Battle of Oudenarde (June 30th-July 11th 1708) was fought on the ground north-west and north of the town, which was then regularly fortified and was garrisoned by a force of the Allies. The French army under the duke of Burgundy and Marshal Vendôme, after an abortive attempt to invest Oudenarde, took up a defensive position north of the town when Marlborough and Eugene, after a forced march, arrived with the main Allied army. The advanced guard of the Allies under General (Lord) Cadogan promptly crossed the Scheldt and annihilated an outlying body of French troops, and Cadogan established himself on the ground he had won in front of the French centre. But the Allied main army took a long time to defile over the Scheldt and could form up (on the left of Cadogan's detachment) only slowly and by degrees. Observing this, Burgundy resolved to throw forward his right towards Oudenarde to engage and hold the main body of the Allies before their line of battle could be formed. This effected, it was hoped that the remainder of the French army could isolate and destroy Cadogan's detachment, which was already closely engaged with the French centre. But he miscalculated both the endurance of Cadogan's men (amongst whom the Prussians were conspicuous for their tenacity) and the rapidity with which in Marlborough's and Eugene's hands the wearied troops of the Allies could be made to move. Marlborough, who personally directed the operations on his left wing, not only formed his line of battle successfully, but also began seriously to press the forces that had been sent to check his deployment. Before long, while the hostile left wing still remained inactive, the unfortunate troops of the French centre and right were gradually hemmed in by the whole force of the Allies. The decisive blow was delivered by the Dutch marshal, Overkirk, who was sent by Marlborough with a large force (the last reserve of the Allies) to make a wide turning movement round the extreme right of the French, and at the proper time attacked them in rear. A belated attempt of the French left to intervene was checked by the British cavalry, and the pressure on the centre and right, which were now practically surrounded, continued even after nightfall. A few scattered units managed to escape, and the left wing retreated unmolested, but at the cost of about 3000 casualties the Allies inflicted a loss of 6000 killed and wounded and 9000 prisoners on the enemy, who were,

moreover, so shaken that they never recovered their confidence | of the "grenadiers Oudinot," formed of picked troops and

to the end of the campaign. The battle of Oudenarde was not the greatest of Marlborough's victories, but it affords almost the best illustration of his military character. Contrary to all the rules of war then in vogue, he fought a piecemeal and unpremeditated battle, with his back to a river, and with wearied troops, and the event justified him. An ordinary commander would have avoided fighting altogether, but Marlborough saw beyond the material conditions and risked all on his estimate of the moral superiority of his army and of the weakness of the French leading. His conduct of the battle, once it had opened, was a model of the "partial" victory-the destruction of a part of the enemy's forces under the eyes of the rest-which was in the 17th and 18th centuries the tactician's ideal, and was sufficient to ensure him the reputation of being the best general of his age. But it is in virtue of having fought at all that he passes beyond the criteria of the time and becomes one of the great captains of history.

OUDINÉ, EUGÈNE ANDRÉ (1810-1887), French sculptor and medallist, was born in Paris in 1810, and devoted himself from the beginning to the medallist's branch of sculpture, although he also excelled in monumental sculpture and portrait busts. Having carried off the grand prize for medal engraving in 1831, he had a sensational success with his "Wounded Gladiator," which he exhibited in the same year. He subsequently occupied official posts as designer, first to the Inland Revenue Office, and then to the Mint. Among his most famous medals are that struck in commemoration of the annexation of Savoy by France, and that on the occasion of the peace of Villafranca. Other remarkable pieces are "The Apotheosis of Napoleon I.," "The Amnesty," "Le Duc d'Orléans," "Bertholet,' The Universal Exposition,"" The Second of December, 1851," ""The Establishment of the Republic," "The Battle of Inkermann," and " Napoleon's Tomb at the Invalides." For the Hotel de Ville in Paris he executed fourteen bas-reliefs, which were destroyed in 1871. Of his monumental works, many are to be seen in public places in and near Paris. In the Tuileries gardens is his group of "Daphnis and Hebe "; in the Luxembourg gardens the "Queen Bertha "; at the Louvre the "Buffon "; and in the courtyard of the same palace the "Bathsheba." A monument to General Espagne is at the Invalides, and a King Louis VIII. at Versailles. Oudiné, who may be considered the father of the modern medal, died in Paris in 1887.

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OUDINOT, CHARLES NICOLAS (1767-1847), duke of Reggio, marshal of France, came of a bourgeois family in Lorraine, and was born at Bar-le-duc on the 25th of April 1767. He had a passion for a military career, and served in the regiment of Médoc from 1784 to 1787, when, having no hope of promotion on account of his non-noble birth, he retired with the rank of sergeant. The Revolution changed his fortunes, and in 1792, on the outbreak of war, he was elected lieutenant-colonel of the 3rd battalion of the volunteers of the Meuse. His gallant defence of the little fort of Bitsch in the Vosges in 1792 drew attention to him; he was transferred to the regular army in November 1793, and after serving in numerous actions on the Belgian frontier he was promoted general of brigade in June 1794 for his conduct at the battle of Kaiserslautern. He continued to serve with the greatest distinction on the German frontier under Hoche, Pichegru and Moreau, and was repeatedly wounded and once (in 1795) made prisoner. He was Masséna's right hand all through the great Swiss campaign of 1799-first as a general of division, to which grade he was promoted in April, and then as chief of the staff-and won extraordinary distinction at the battle of Zürich. He was present under Masséna at the defence of Genoa, and so distinguished himself at the combat of Monzambano that Napoleon presented him with a sword of honour. He was made inspector-general of infantry, and, on the establishment of the empire, given the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour, but was not included in the first creation of marshals. He was at this time elected a member of the chamber of deputies, but he had little time to devote to politics. He took a conspicuous part in the war of 1805 in command of the famous division

organized by him, with which he seized the Vienna bridges, received a wound at Hollabrunn, and delivered the decisive blow at Austerlitz. In 1806 he won the battle of Ostrolenka, and fought with resolution and success at Friedland. In 1808 he was made governor of Erfurt and count of the Empire, and in 1809, after displaying brilliant courage at Wagram, he was promoted to the rank of marshal. He was made duke of Reggio, and received a large money grant in April 1810. Oudinot administered the government of Holland from 1810 to 1812, and commanded the II. corps of the Grande Armée in the Russian campaign. He was present at Lutzen and Bautzen, and when holding the independent command of the corps directed to take Berlin was defeated at Gross Beeren (see NAPOLEONIC CAMPAIGNS). He was then superseded by Ney, but the mischief was too great to be repaired, and Ney was defeated at Dennewitz. Oudinot was not disgraced, however, holding important commands at Leipzig and in the campaign of 1814. On the abdication of Napoleon he rallied to the new government, and was made a peer by Louis XVIII., and, unlike many of his old comrades, he did not desert to his old master in 1815. His last active service was in the French invasion of Spain in 1823, in which he commanded a corps and was for a time governor of Madrid. He died as governor of the Invalides on the 13th of September 1847. Oudinot was not, and made no pretence of being, a great commander, but he was a great general of division. He was the beau-ideal of an infantry general, energetic, thoroughly conversant with detail, and in battle as resolute and skilful as any of the marshals of Napoleon.

Oudinot's eldest son, CHARLES NICOLAS VICTOR, 2nd duke of Reggio (1791-1863), lieutenant-general, served through the later campaigns of Napoleon from 1809 to 1814, being in the latter year promoted major for gallant conduct. Unlike his father he was a cavalryman, and as such held command of the cavalry school at Saumur (1822-1830), and the inspectorgeneralcy of cavalry (1836-1848). He is chiefly known as the commander of the French expedition which besieged and took Rome in 1840 and re-established the temporal power of the pope. After the coup d'état of the 2nd of December 1851, in resistance to which he took a prominent part, he retired from military and political life, dying at Paris on the 7th of June 1863.

The 2nd duke wrote Aperçu historique sur la dignité de maréchal de France (1833); Considérations sur les ordres militaires de Saint publique (1839); De la Cavalerie et du casernement des troupes à Louis, &c. (1833); L'Emploi des troupes aux grands travaux d'utilité cheval (1840); Des Remontes de l'armée (1840); and a brief account of his Italian operations of 1849.

OUGHTRED, WILLIAM (fl. 1575-1660), English mathematician, was born at Eton, and educated there and at King's College, Cambridge, of which he became fellow. Being admitted to holy orders, he left the university about 1603, and was presented to the rectory of Aldbury, near Guildford in Surrey; and about 1628 he was appointed by the earl of Arundel to instruct his son in mathematics. He corresponded with some of the most eminent scholars of his time on mathematical subjects; and his house was generally full of pupils from all quarters. It is said that he expired in a sudden transport of joy upon hearing the news of the vote at Westminster for the restoration of Charles II.

He published, among other mathematical works, Clavis Mathe matica, in 1631, in which he introduced new signs for certain mathe matical operations (see ALGEBRA); a treatise on navigation entitled Circles of Proportion, in 1632; works on trigonometry and dialling. and his Opuscula Mathematica, published posthumously in 1676.

OUIDA, the pen name-derived from a childish attempt to pronounce Louisa "of Maria Louise [de la] Ramée (18391908), English novelist, born at Bury St Edmunds, where her birth was registered on the 7th of January 1839. Her father, Louis Ramée, was French, and her mother, Susan Sutton, English. At an early age she went to live in London, and there began to contribute to the New Monthly and Bentley's Magazine. In 1860 her first story, afterwards republished as Held in Bondage (1863), appeared in the New Monthly under the title of Granville de Vigne, and this was followed in quick succession by Strathmore

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