صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


The third or easternmost section was open to the public. This
temple was most richly adorned with statues and reliefs. On the
east front were represented in twenty-one colossal figures the moment
before the contest between Oenomaus and Pelops. The west front
exhibited the fight of the Lapithae and Centaurs. The statement of
Pausanias that the two pediments were made by Paconius and
The Twelve
Alcamenes is now generally supposed to be an error.
Labours of Heracles were depicted on the metopes of the prodomos
and opisthodomos; and of these reliefs much the greater part was
found-enough to determine with certainty all the essential features
of the composition. It was near this temple, at a point about 38 yds.
E.S.E. from the south-east angle, that the explorers found the statue
of a flying goddess of victory-the Nike of Paeonius.

4. The Temple of Hera (Heracum), north of the Pelopium, was
It is probably the oldest of extant Greek
raised on two steps.
temples, and may date from about 1000 B.C. It has colonnades of
six columns each at east and west, and of sixteen each (counting
the corner columns again) at north and south. It was smaller than
the temple of Zeus, and, while resembling it in general plan, differed
from it by its singular length relatively to its breadth. When
Pausanias saw it, one of the two columns of the opisthodomos (at
the west end of the cella) was of wood; and for a long period all
the columns of this temple had probably been of the same material.
A good deal of patch-work in the restoration of particular parts
seems to have been done at various periods. Only the lower part
of the cella wall was of stone, the rest being of unbaked brick; the
entablature above the columns was of wood covered with terra-
cotta. The cella-divided, like that of Zeus, into three partitions
by a double row of columns-had four "tongue-walls," or small
screens, projecting at right angles from its north wall, and as many
from the south wall. Five niches were thus formed on the north side
and five on the south. In the third niche from the east, on the north
side of the cella, was found one of the greatest of all the treasures
which rewarded the German explorers-the Hermes of Praxiteles

5. The Temple of the Great Mother of the Gods (Metroum) was again considerably smaller than the Heraeum. It stood to the east of the latter, and had a different orientation, viz. not west to east but west-north-west to east-south-east. It was raised on three steps, and had a peripteros of six columns (east and west) by eleven (north and south), having thus a slightly smaller length relatively to its breadth than either of the other two temples. Here also the cella had prodomos and opisthodomos. The adornment and painting of this temple had once been very rich and varied. It was probably built in the 4th century, and there are indications that in Roman times it underwent a restoration.

B. Votive Edifices.-Under this head are placed buildings erected, either by states or by individuals, as offerings to the Olympian god. 1. The twelve Treasure-houses on the north side of the Altis, immediately under the Cronion, belong to this class.

The same general character-that of a Doric temple in antis, facing south-is traceable in all the treasure-houses. In the cases of several of these the fragments are sufficient to aid a reconstruction. Two-viz. the 2nd and 3rd counting from the west-had been dismantled at an early date, and their site was traversed by a roadway winding upward towards the Cronion. This roadway seems to have been older at least than A.D. 157, since it caused a deflexion in the watercourse along the base of the Cronion constructed by Herodes Atticus. Pausanias, therefore, would not have seen treasure-houses Nos. 2 and 3. This explains the fact that, though we can trace twelve, he names only ten.

As the temples of ancient Greece partly served the purposes of banks in which precious objects could be securely deposited, so the form of a small Doric chapel was a natural one for the "treasurehouse" to assume. Each of these treasure-houses was erected by a Greek state, either as a thank-offering for Olympian victories gained by its citizens, or as a general mark of homage to the Olympian Zeus. The treasure-houses were designed to contain the various ava@huara or dedicated gifts (such as gold and silver plate, &c.), in which the wealth of the sanctuary partly consisted. The temple inventories recently discovered at Delos illustrate the great quantity of such possessions which were apt to accumulate at a shrine of Panhellenic celebrity. Taken in order from the west, the treasure-houses were founded by the following states: 1, Sicyon; 2, 3, unknown; 4. Syracuse (referred by Pausanias to Carthage); 5, Epidamnus; 6, Byzantium; 7, Sybaris; 8, Cyrene; 9, Selinus; 10, Metapontum; 11, Megara; 12, Gela. It is interesting to remark how this list represents the Greek colonies, from Libya to Sicily, from the Euxine to the Adriatic. Greece proper, on the other hand, is represented only by Megara and Sicyon. The dates of the foundations cannot be fixed. The architectural members of some of the treasure-houses have been found built into the Byzantine wall, or elsewhere on the site, as well as the terra-cotta plates that overlaid the stonework in some cases, and the pedimental figures, representing the battle of the gods and giants, from the treasure-house of the Megarians.

2. The Philippeum stood near the north-west corner of the Altis, a short space west-south-west of the Heracum. It was dedicated by Philip of Macedon, after his victory at Chaeronca (338 B.C.). As a thank-offering for the overthrow of Greek freedom, it might

seem strangely placed in the Olympian Altis. But it is, in fact,
and power enabled him to place a decent disguise on the real nature
only another illustration of the manner in which Philip's position
the new "captain-general" of Greece could erect a monument of
of the change. Without risking any revolt of Hellenic feeling,
his triumph in the very heart of the Panhellenic sanctuary. The
building consisted of a circular Ionic colonnade (of eighteen columns),
a small circular cella, probably adorned with fourteen Corinthian
about 15 metres in diameter, raised on three steps and enclosing
half-columns. It contained portraits by Leochares of Philip,
3. The Exedra of Herodes Atticus stood at the north limit of the
Alexander, and other members of their family, in gold and ivory.
Altis, close to the north-east angle of the Heraeum, and immediately
west of the westernmost treasure-house (that of Sicyon). It con-
sisted of a half-dome of brick, 54 ft. in diameter, with south-south-
west aspect. Under the half-dome were placed twenty-one marble
statues, representing the family of Antoninus Pius, of Marcus
dome on the south, and extending slightly beyond it, was a basin of
Aurelius, and of the founder, Herodes Atticus. In front of the half-
water for drinking, 714 ft. long. The ends of the basin at north-
north-west and south-south-east were adorned by very small open
bull, in front of the basin, bore an inscription saying that Herodes
temples, cach with a circular colonnade of eight pillars. A marble
dedicates the whole to Zeus, in the name of his wife, Annia Regilla.
The exedra must have been seen by Pausanias, but he does not
C. It remains to notice those features of the Altis which were
mention it.
connected with the management of the sanctuary or with the
accommodation of its guests.

1. Olympia, besides its religious character, originally possessed
also a political character, as the centre of an amphictyony. It
We have seen that it had a bouleu-
was, in fact, a sacred wÓXIS.
terium for purposes of public debate or conference. So also it was
prytaneum, where fire should always burn on the altar of the
needful that, like a Greek city, it should have a public hearth or
Olympian Hestia, and where the controllers of Olympia should
corner of the Altis, in such a position that its south-cast angle was
exercise public hospitality. The Prytaneum was at the north-west
close to the north-west angle of the Heraeum. It was apparently a
square building, of which each side measured 100 Olympian feet,
with a south-west aspect. It contained a chapel of Hestia at the
built. The dining-hall was at the back (north-east), the kitchen
front or south-west side, before which a portico was afterwards
on the north-west side. On the same side with the kitchen, and
also on the opposite side (south-east), there were some smaller


2. The Porch of Echo, also called the "Painted Porch," extended to a length of 100 yds. along the east Altis wall. Raised on three Altis, it afforded a place from which spectators could conveniently steps, and formed by a single Doric colonnade, open towards the view the passage of processions and the sacrifices at the great altar portico which stood farther back. In front of it was a series of of Zeus. It was built in the Macedonian period to replace an earlier pedestals for votive offerings, including two colossal Ionic columns These columns, as the inscriptions show, once supported statues of Ptolemy and Berenice.

3. The Agora was the name given to that part of the Altis which had the Porch of Echo on the east, the Altar of Zeus on the west, the Metroum on the north, and the precinct of the Temple of Zeus on the south-west. In this part stood the altars of Zeus Agoraios and Artemis Agoraia.

4. The Zanes were bronze images of Zeus, the cost of making which was detrayed by the fines exacted from competitors who had at the northern side of the Agora, in a row, which extended from the infringed the rules of the contests at Olympia. These images stood from the Altis into the Stadium. Sixteen pedestals were here disnorth-east angle of the Metroum to the gate of the private entrance to renown by the last objects which met their eyes as they passed covered in situ. A lesson of loyalty was thus impressed on aspirants from the sacred enclosure to the scene of their trial.

5. Arrangements for Water-supply-A copious supply of water was required for the service of the altars and temples, for the private dwellings of priests and officials, for the use of the gymnasium, palaestra, &c., and for the thermae which arose in Roman times. In the Hellenic age the water was derived wholly from the Cladeus as a chief reservoir, was built at the north-west corner of the Altis; and from the small lateral tributaries of its valley. A basin, to serve and a supplementary reservoir was afterwards constructed a little of supply was for the first time made available by Herodes Atticus, to the north-east of this, on the slope of the Cronion. A new source C. A.D. 157. At a short distance east of Olympia, near the village of Miraka, small streams flow from comparatively high ground through the side-valleys which descend towards the right or northern bank to Olympia, entering the Altis at its north-east corner by an arched of the Alpheus. From these side-valleys water was now conducted canal which passed behind the treasure-houses to the reservoir at the exedra was fed thence, and served to associate the name of Herodes back of the exedra. The large basin of drinking-water in front of the with a benefit of the highest practical value. Olympia further possessed several fountains, enclosed by round or square walls,

denied her remains the rites of burial.

chiefly in connexion with the buildings outside the Altis. The | of those whom she had slain, and Cassander is said to have drainage of the Altis followed two main lines. One, for the west part, passed from the south-west angle of the Heraeum to the south portico outside the south Altis wall. The other, which served for the treasure-houses, passed in front of the Porch of Echo parallel with

the line of the east Altis wall.

See Plutarch, Alexander, 9, 39, 68; Justin, vii. 6, ix. 7. xiv 5, 6; Arrian, Anab. vit 12. Diod. Sic. xviii 49-65, xix. 11-51; also the


See the official Die Ausgrabungen zu Olympia (5 vols., 1875-1881): OLYMPIODORUS, the name of several Greek authors, of Laloux and Monceaux, Restauration de l'Olympie (1889); Curtius and Adler. Olympia die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen (1890-1897), whom the following are the most important. (1) An historical I. Topographie und Geschichte." II. Baudenkmäler," III. writer (5th century A.D.), born at Thebes in Egypt, who was Bildwerke in Stein und Thon (Treu), IV" Bronzen" (Furt- sent on a mission to Attila by the emperor Honorius in 412, wängler), V. "Inschriften" (Dittenberger and Purgold). and later lived at the court of Theodosius. He was the author (R. C. J., E. GR.) of a history ('loropɩkoi Aάyoɩ) in 22 books of the Western Empire OLYMPIA, the capital of the state of Washington, U.S.A., from 407 to 425. The original is lost, but an abstract is given and the county-seat of Thurston county, on the Des Chutes by Photius, according to whom he was an alchemist (worns). river and Budd's Inlet, at the head of Puget Sound, about 50 m. A MS. treatise on alchemy, reputed to be by him, is preserved S.S.W of Seattle. Pop. (1890) 4698, (1900) 3863, of whom in the National Library in Paris, and was printed with a transla591 were foreign-born; (1910; US census) 6996. It is tion by P. F. M. Berthelot in his Collection des alchimistes grecs served by the Northern Pacific and the Port Townsend Southern (1887-1888). (2) A Peripatetic philosopher (5th century A.D.), railways, and by steamboat lines to other ports on the Sound an elder contemporary of Proclus. He lived at Alexandria and and along the Pacific coast. Budd's Inlet is spanned here by a lectured on Aristotle with considerable success. His best-known wagon bridge and a railway bridge. Among the prominent pupil was Proclus, to whom he wished to betroth his daughter. buildings are the Capitol, which is constructed of native sand- | (3) A Neoplatonist philosopher, also of Alexandria, who flourished stone and stands in a park of considerable beauty, the county in the 6th century of our era, during the reign of Justinian. He court-house, St Peter's hospital, the governor's mansion and was, therefore, a younger contemporary of Damascius, and the city hall. The state library is housed in the Capitol At seems to have carried on the Platonic tradition after the closing Tumwater, the oldest settlement (1845) on Puget Sound, about of the Athenian School in 529, at a time when the old pagan 2 m. S. of Olympia, are the Tumwater Falls of the Des Chutes, philosophy was at its last ebb. His philosophy is in close which provide good water power The city's chief industry is conformity with that of Damascius, and, apart from great the cutting, sawing and dressing of lumber obtained from the lucidity of expression, shows no striking features. He is, neighbouring forests. Olympia oysters are widely known in however, important as a critic and a commentator, and preserved the Pacific coast region; they are obtained chiefly from much that was valuable in the writings of Iamblichus, Damascius Oyster Bay, Skookum Bay, North Bay and South Bay, all and Syrianus. He made a close and intelligent study of the Dear Olympia. Olympia was laid out in 1851, became the dialogues of Plato, and his notes, formulated and collected by capital of Washington in 1853, and was chartered as a city his pupils (ȧò &wvîs 'OXvμñiodúpov тoû peɣáλov piλoσóþov), are in 1859. extremely valuable. In one of his commentaries he makes the interesting statement that the Platonic succession had not been interrupted by the numerous confiscations it had suffered. Zeller points out that this refers to the Alexandrian, not to the Athenian, succession; but internal evidence makes it clear that he does not draw a hard line of demarcation between the two schools. The works which have been preserved are a life of Plato, an attack on Strato and Scholia on the Phaedo, Alcibiades I., Philebus and Gorgias. (4) An Aristotelian who wrote a commentary on the Meteorologica of Aristotle. He also lived at Alexandria in the 6th century, and from a reference in his work to a comet must have lived after A.D. 564. But Zeller (iii. 2, p. 582, n. 1) maintains that he is identical with the commentator on Plato (2, above) in spite of the late date of his death. His work, like that of Simplicius, endeavours to reconcile Plato and Aristotle, and refers to Proclus with reverence. The commentary was printed by the Aldine Press at Venice about 1550.

OLYMPIAD, in Greek chronology, a period of four years, used as a method of dating for literary purposes, but never adopted in every-day life. The four years were reckoned from one celebration of the Olympian games to another, the first Olympiad beginning with 776 B.C., the year of Coroebus, the first victor in the games after their suspension for 86 years, the last with A.D. 394, when they were finally abolished during the reign of Theodosius the Great. The system was first regularly used by the Sicilian historian Timaeus (352-256 B.C.).

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OLYMPIAS, daughter of Neoptolemus, king of Epirus. wife of Philip II of Macedon, and mother of Alexander the Great. Her father claimed descent from Pyrrhus, son of Achilles. It is said that Philip fell in love with her in Samothrace, where they were both being initiated into the mysteries (Plutarch, Alexander, 2). The marriage took place in 359 B.C., shortly after Philip's accession, and Alexander was born in 356. The fickleness of Philip and the jealous temper of Olympias led to a growing estrangemer.t, which became complete when Philip married a new wile, Cleopatra, in 337. Alexander, who sided with his mother, withdrew, along with her, into Epirus, whence they both returned in the following year, after the assassination of Philip, which Olympias is said to have countenanced. During the absence of Alexander, with whom she regularly corresponded on public as well as domestic affairs, she had great influence, and by her arrogance and ambition caused such trouble to the regent Antipater that on Alexander's death (323) she found it prudent to withdraw into Epirus. Here she remained until 317, when, allying herself with Polyperchon, by whom her old enemy had been succeeded in 319, she took the field with an Epirote army; the opposing troops at once declared in her favour, and for a short period Olympias was mistress of Macedonia. Cassander, Antipater's son, hastened from Peloponnesus, and, after an | cbstinate siege, compelled the surrender of Pydna, where she had taken refuge. One of the terms of the capitulation had been that her life should be spared; but in spite of this she was brought to trial for the numerous and cruel executions of which she had been guilty during her short lease of power. Condemned without a hearing, she was put to death (316) by the friends

OLYMPUS, the name of many mountains in Greece and Asia Minor, and of the fabled home of the gods, and also a city name and a personal name.

I. Of the mountains bearing the name the most famous is the lofty ridge on the borders of Thessaly and Macedonia. The river Peneus, which drains Thessaly, finds its way to the sea through the great gorge of Tempe, which is close below the south-eastern end of Olympus and separates it from Mount Ossa. The highest peak of Olympus is nearly 10,000 ft. high; it is covered with snow for great part of the year. Olympus is a mountain of massive appearance, in many places rising in tremendous precipices broken by vast ravines, above which is the broad summit. The lower parts are densely wooded; the summit is naked rock. Homer calls the mountain ἀγάννιφος, μακρός, πολυδειράς: the epithets νιφοείς, πολύδενδρος, frondosus and opacus are used by other poets. The modern name is EXUμо, a dialectic form of the ancient word.

The peak of Mount Lycaeus in the south-west of Arcadia was called Olympus. East of Olympia, on the north bank of the Alpheus, was a hill bearing this name; beside Sellasia in Laconia another. The name was even commoner in Asia

Minor: a lofty chain in Mysia (Keshish Dagh), a ridge east of Smyrna (Nif Dagh), other mountains in Lycia, in Galatia, in Cilicia, in Cyprus, &c., were all called Olympus.

II. A lofty peak, rising high above the clouds of the lower atmosphere into the clear ether, seemed to be the chosen scat of the deity. In the Iliad the gods are described as dwelling on the top of the mountain, in the Odyssey Olympus is regarded as a more remote and less definite locality; and in later poets we find similar divergence of ideas, from a definite mountain to a vague conception of heaven. In the elaborate mythology of Greek literature Olympus was the common home of the multitude of gods. Each deity had his special haunts, but all had a residence at the court of Zeus on Olympus; here were held the assemblies and the common feasts of the gods.

III. There was a city in Lycia named Olympus; it was a bishopric in the Byzantine time.

OLYNTHUS, an ancient city of Chalcidice, situated in a fertile plain at the head of the Gulf of Torone, near the neck of the peninsula of Pallene, at some little distance from the sea, and about 60 stadia (7 or 8 m.) from Potidaea. The district | had belonged to a Thracian tribe, the Bottiaeans, in whose possession the town of Olynthus remained till 479 B.C. In that year the Persian general Artabazus, on his return from escorting Xerxes to the Hellespont, suspecting that a revolt from the Great King was meditated, slew the inhabitants and handed the town over to a fresh population, consisting of Greeks from the neighbouring region of Chalcidice (Herod. viii. 127). Olynthus thus became a Greek polis, but it remained insignificant (in the quota-lists of the Delian League it appears as paying on the average 2 talents, as compared with 9 paid by Scione, 8 by Mende, 6 by Torone) until the synoecism (ovvoixioμós), effected in 432 through the influence of King Perdiccas of Macedon, as the result of which the inhabitants of a number of petty Chalcidian towns in the neighbourhood were added to its population (Thucyd. i. 58). Henceforward it ranks as the chief Hellenic city west of the Strymon. It had been enrolled as a member of the Delian League (q.v.) in the early days of the league, but it revolted from Athens at the time of its synoecism, and was never again reduced. It formed a base for Brasidas during his expedition (424). In the 4th century it attained to great importance in the politics of the age as the head of the Chalcidic League (rò KOLVOV TV Xalkidewv). The league may probably be traced back to the period of the peace of Nicias (421), when we find the Chalcidians (οἱ ἐπὶ Θρᾴκης Χαλκιδής) taking diplomatic action in common, and enrolled as members of the Argive alliance. There are coins of the league which can be dated with certainty as early as 405; one specimen may perhaps go back to 415-420. Unquestionably, then, the league originated before the end of the 5th century, and the motive for its formation is almost certainly to be found in the fear of Athenian attack. After the end of the Peloponnesian War the development of the league was rapid. About 390 we find it concluding an important treaty with Amyntas, king of Macedon (the father of Philip), and by 382 it had absorbed most of the Greek cities west of the Strymon, and had even got possession of Pella, the chief city in Macedonia (Xenophon, Hell. v. 2, 12). In this year Sparta was induced by an embassy from Acanthus and Apollonia, which anticipated conquest by the league, to send an expedition against Olynthus. After three years of indecisive warfare Olynthus consented to dissolve the confederacy (379). It is clear, however, that the dissolution was little more than formal, as the Chalcidians (Xaλκidñs åñò Opάкns) appear, only a year or two later, among the members of the Athenian naval confederacy of 378-377 Twenty years later, in the reign of Philip, the power of Olynthus is asserted by Demosthenes to have been much greater than before the Spartan expedition. The town itself at this period If Olynthus was one of the early colonies of Chalcis (and there

is numismatic evidence for this view; see Head, Hist. Numorum, p. 185) it must have subsequently passed into the hands of the Bottiacans.

No. 74.

For the inscription see Hicks, Manual of Greek Inscriptions,
Hicks, No. 81; C.I.A. ii. 17.
Demosthenes, De falsa legatione, §§ 263-266.

is spoken of as a city of the first rank (róλs μvplavôpos), and the league included thirty-two cities. When war broke out between Philip and Athens (357), Olynthus was at first in alliance with Philip. Subsequently, in alarm at the growth of his power, it concluded an alliance with Athens; but in spite of all the efforts of the latter state, and of its great orator Demosthenes, it fell before Philip, who razed it to the ground (348).

The history of the confederacy of Olynthus illustrates at once the strength and the weakness of that movement towards federation which is one of the most marked features of the later stages of Greek history. The strength of the movement is shown both by the duration and by the extent of the Chalcidic League. It lasted for something like seventy years; it survived defeat and temporary dissolution, and it embraced upwards of thirty cities. Yet, in the end, the centrifugal forces proved stronger than the centripetal; the sentiment of autonomy stronger than the sentiment of union. It is clear that Philip's victory was mainly due to the spirit of dissidence within the league itself, just as the victory of Sparta had been (cf. Diod. xvi. 53, 2 with Xen. Hell. v. 2, 24). The mere fact that Philip captured all the thirty-two towns without serious resistance is sufficient evidence of this. It is probable that the strength of the league was more seriously undermined by the policy of Athens than by the action of Sparta. The successes of Athens at the expense of Olynthus, shortly before Philip's accession, must have fatally divided the Greek interest north of the Aegean in the struggle with Macedon.

AUTHORITIES.-The chief passages in ancient literature are the Olynthiac Orations of Demosthenes, and Xenophon, Hell. v. 2. See E. A. Freeman, History of Federal Government, ch. iv.; A. H. J. Greenidge, Handbook of Greek Constitutional History (1896), p. 228; B. V. Head, Historia Numorum, pp. 184-186; G. Gilbert, Griechische Staatsalterthümer, vol. ii. pp. 197-198. The view taken by all these authorities as to the date of the formation of the Confederacy of Olynthus differs widely from that put forward above. Freeman 392, Hicks (Manual of Greek Inscriptions, No. 74) before 390. The and Greenidge suppose the league to have originated in 382, Head in decisive test is the numismatic one. There are coins of the league in the British Museum which are earlier than 400, and one in the possession of Professor Oman, of Oxford, which he and Mr Head are disposed to think may be as early as 415-420. (E. M. W.)

OMAGH, a market town and the county town of county Tyrone, Ireland, on the river Strule, 129 m. N.W. by N. from Dublin by the Londonderry line of the Great Northern railway, here joined by a branch from Enniskillen. Pop. (1901) 4789. The greater part of the town is picturesquely situated on a steep slope above the river. The milling and linen industries are carried on, and monthly fairs are held. The Protestant church has a lofty and handsome spire, and the Roman Catholic church stands well on the summit of a hill. A castle, of which there are scanty remains, was of sufficient importance to stand sieges in 1509 and 1641, being rebuilt after its total destruction The town is governed by an urban district in the first case.


OMAGUAS, UMANAS or CAMBEVAS (flat-heads), a tribe of South American Indians of the Amazon valley. Fabulous stories about the wealth of the Omaguas led to several early expeditions into their country, the most famous of which were those of George of Spires in 1536, of Philip von Hutten in 1541 and of Pedro de Ursua in 1560. In 1645 Jesuits began work. In 1687 Father Fritz, "apostle of the Omaguas," established some forty mission villages. The Omaguas are still numerous and powerful around the head waters of the Japura and Uaupés.

OMAHA, the county-seat of Douglas county and the largest city in Nebraska, U.S.A., situated on the W. bank of the Missouri river, about 20 m. above the mouth of the Platte. Pop. (1880) 30,518, (1890) 66,536,5 (1900) 102,555, of whom 23.552 (comprising 5522 Germans, 3968 Swedes, 2430 Danes, 2170 Bohemians, 2164 Irish, 1526 English, 1141 English Canadians,

These are the figures given in Census Bulletin 71, Estimates of Population, 1904, 1905, 1906 (1907), and are the arithmetical mean between the figures for 1880 and those for 1900, those of the census of 1890 being 140.452; these are substituted by the Bureau of the Census, as the 1890 census was in error. In 1910, according to the U.S. census, the population was 124,096.


997 Russians, &c.) were foreign-born and 3443 were negroes, | left Nebraska in 1853. Speculative land “squatters" intruded (1906 estimate) 124,167. Originally, with Council Bluffs, Iowa, the eastern terminus of the first Pacific railway, Omaha now has outlets over nine great railway systems: the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Union Pacific, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Chicago Great-Western, the Chicago & North-Western, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul, the Illinois Central, the Missouri Paciic and the Wabash. Bridges over the Missouri river connect Omaha with Council Bluffs. The original town site occupied an elongated and elevated river terrace, now given over wholly to business; behind this are hills and bluffs, over which the residential districts have extended.

upon the Indian lands in that year, and a rush of settlers followed the opening of Nebraska Territory under the Kansas-Nebraska Bill of 1854. Omaha (named from the Omaha Indians) was platted in 1854, and was first chartered as a city in 1857. It was the provisional territorial capital in 1854-1855, and the regular capital in 1855-1867. Its charter status has often been modified. Since 1887 it has been the only city of the state governed under the general charter for metropolitan cities. Prairie freighting and Missouri river navigation were of importance before the construction of the Union Pacific railway, and the activity of the city in securing the freighting interest gave her an initial Among the more important buildings are the Federal start over the other cities of the state. Council Bluffs was the Building, Court House, a city-hall, two high schools, one of legal, but Omaha the practical, eastern terminus of that great which is one of the finest in the country, a convention hall, the undertaking, work on which began at Omaha in December 1863. Auditorium and the Public Library. Omaha is the see of Roman The city was already connected as early as 1863 by telegraph Catholic and Protestant Episcopal bishoprics. Among the with Chicago, St Louis, and since 1861 with San Francisco. educational institutions are a state school for the deaf (1867); Lines of the present great Rock Island, Burlington and Norththe medical department and orthopaedic branch of the University | Western railway systems all entered the city in the years 1867of Nebraska (whose other departments are at Lincoln); a 1868. Meat-packing began as early as 1871, but its first great Presbyterian Theological Seminary (1891); and Creighton advance followed the removal of the Union stock yards south University (Roman Catholic, under Jesuit control). This of the city in 1884. South Omaha (q.v.) was rapidly built up university, which was founded in honour of Edward Creighton around them. A Trans-Mississippi Exposition illustrating the (d. 1874) (whose brother, Count John A. Creighton, d. 1907, progress and resources of the states west of the Mississippi was gave large sums in his lifetime and about $1,250,000 by his will), held at Omaha in 1898. It represented an investment of by his wife Mary Lucretia Creighton (d. 1876), was incorporated $2,000,000, and in spite of financial depression and wartime, in 1879; it includes the Creighton Academy, Creighton College 90% of their subscriptions were returned in dividends to the (1875), to which a Scientific Department was added in 1883, the stockholders. John A. Creighton Medical College (1802), the Creighton University College of Law (1904), the Creighton University Dental College (1905) and the Creighton College of Pharmacy (1905). In 1909-1910 it had 120 instructors and 800 students. St Joseph's Hospital (Roman Catholic) was built as a memorial to John A. Creighton. The principal newspapers are the Omaha Bre, the World-Herald and the News. The Omaha Bee was established in 1871 by Edward Rosewater (1841-1906), who made it one of the most influential Republican journals in the West. The World-Herald (Democratic), founded in 1865 by George L. Miller, was edited by William Jennings Bryan from 1394 to 1896.

Omaha is the headquarters of the United States military department of the Missouri, and there are military posts at Fort Omaha (signal corps and station for experiments with war balloons), immediately north, and Fort Crook (infantry), 10 m. S. of the city. A carnival, the "Festival of Ak-Sar-Ben," is held in Omaha every autumn. Among the manufacturing establishments of Omaha are breweries (product value in 1905, $1,141,424) and distilleries, silver and lead smelting and refining works, railway shops, flour and grist-mills and dairies. The productvalue of its manufactures in 1900 ($43,168,876) constituted 30% of the total output of the state, not including the greater product 147% of the total) of South Omaha (9.7), where the industrial terests of Omaha are largely concentrated. The "factory product of Omaha in 1905 was valued at $54,003,704, an increase of 41-8 % over that ($58,074,244) for 1900. The net debt of the city on the 1st of May 1909 was $5.770,000, its assessed value in 1909 (about { of cash value) was $26,749,148, and its total tax-rate was $5 73 per $1000.


In 1804 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark camped on the Omaha plateau. In 1825 a licensed Indian post was established hare. In 1846 the Mormons settled at "Winter Quarters after 1854 called Florence (pop. in 1900, 668), and in the immediate environs (6 m. N.) of the present Omaha-and by 1847 had built up camps of some 12,000 inhabitants on the Nebraska and low sides of the Missouri. Compelled to remove from the Indian reservation within which Winter Quarters lay, they founded "Kanesville" on the Iowa side (which also was called Winter Quarters by the Mormons, and after 1853 was known as Council Elfs), gradually emigrating to Utah in the years following. Wirter Quarters (Florence) was deserted in 1848, but many Mormons were still in Nebraska and lowa, and their local influence was strong for nearly a decade afterwards. Not all had

OMAHAS, a tribe of North American Indians of Siouan stock. They were found on St Peter's river, Minnesota, where they lived an agricultural life. Owing to a severe epidemic of smallpox they abandoned their village, and wandered westward to the Niobrara river in Nebraska. After a succession of treaties and removals they are now located on a reservation in eastern Nebraska, and number some 1200.

OMALIUS D'HALLOY, JEAN BAPTISTE JULIEN D' (17831875), Belgian geologist, was born on the 16th of February 1783 at Liége, and educated firstly in that city and afterwards in Paris. While a youth he became interested in geology, and being of independent means he was able to devote his energies to geological researches. As early as 1808 he communicated to the Journal des mines a paper entitled Essai sur la géologie du Nord de la France. He became maire of Skeuvre in 1807, governor of the province of Namur in 1815, and from 1848 occupied a place in the Belgian senate. He was an active member of the Belgian Academy of Sciences from 1816, and served three times as president. He was likewise president of the Geological Society of France in 1852. In Belgium and the Rhine provinces he was one of the geological pioneers in determining the stratigraphy of the Carboniferous and other rocks. He studied also in detail the Tertiary deposits of the Paris Basin, and ascertained the extent of the Cretaceous and some of the older strata, which he for the first time clearly depicted on a map (1817). He was distinguished as an ethnologist, and when nearly ninety years of age he was chosen president of the Congress of Pre-historic Archaeology (Brussels, 1872). He died on the 15th of January 1875. His chief works were: Mémoires pour servir à la description géologique des Pays-Bas, de la France et de quelques contrées voisines (1828); Eléments de géologie (1831, 3rd ed. 1839); Abrégé de géologie (1853, 7th ed. 1862); Des races humaines, ou éléments d'ethnographie (5th ed., 1869). Obituary by J. Gosselet, Bull. soc. géol. de France, ser. 3, vol. vi. (1878).

OMAN, a kingdom occupying the south-eastern coast districts of Arabia, its southern limits being a little to the west of the meridian of 55° E. long., and the boundary on the north the southern borders of El Hasa. Oman and Hasa between them occupy the eastern coast districts of Arabia to the head of the Persian Gulf. The Oman-Hasa boundary has been usually drawn north of the promontory of El Katr. This is, however, incorrect. In 1870 Katr was under Wahhabi rule, but in the year 1871 Turkish assistance was requested to aid the settlement of a

family quarrel between certain Wahhabi chiefs, and the Turks thus obtained a footing in Katr, which they have retained ever since. Turkish occupation (now firmly established throughout El Hasa) includes Katif (the ancient Gerrha), and El Bidia on the coast of Katr. But the pearl fisheries of Katr are still under the protection of the chiefs of Bahrein, who are themselves under British suzerainty. In 1895 the chief of Katr (Sheikh Jasim ben Thani), instigated by the Turks, attacked Sheikh Isa of Bahrein, but his fleet of dhows was destroyed by a British gunboat, and Bahrein (like Zanzibar) has since been detached from Oman and placed directly under British protection.

Oman is a mountainous district dominated by a range called Jebel Akhdar (or the Green Mountain), which is 10,000 ft in altitude, and is flanked by minor ranges running approximately parallel to the coast, and shutting off the harbours from the interior. They enclose long lateral valleys, some of which are fertile and highly cultivated, and traversed by narrow precipitous gorges at intervals, which form the only means of access to the interior from the sea. Beyond the mountains which flank the cultivated valleys of Semail and Tyin, to the west, there stretches the great Ruba el Khali, or Dahna, the central desert of southern Arabia, which reaches across the continent to the borders of Yemen, isolating the province on the landward side just as the rugged mountain barriers shut it off from the sea. The wadis (or valleys) of Oman (like the wadis of Arabia generally) are merely torrential channels, dry for the greater part of the year. Water is obtained from wells and springs in sufficient quantity to supply an extensive system of irrigation.

The only good harbour on the coast is that of Muscat, the capital of the kingdom, which, however, is not directly connected with the interior by any mountain route. The little port of Matrah, immediately contiguous to Muscat, offers the only opportunity for penetrating into the interior by the wadi Kahza, a rough pass which is held for the sultan or imam of Muscat by the Rehbayin chief. In 1883, owing to the treachery of this chief, Muscat was besieged by a rebel army, and disaster was only averted by the guns of H.M.S." Philomel." About 50 m. south of Muscat the port of Kuryat is again connected with the inland valleys by the wadi Hail, leading to the gorges of the wadi Thaika or "Devil's Gap." Both routes give access to the wadi Tyin, which, enclosed between the mountain of El Beideh and Hallowi (from 2000 to 3000 ft. high), is the garden of Oman. Fifty miles to the north-west of Muscat this interior region may again be reached by the transverse valley of Semail, leading into the wadi Munsab, and from thence to Tyin. This is generally reckoned the easiest line for travellers. But all routes are difficult, winding between granite and limestone rocks, and abounding in narrow defiles and rugged torrent beds. Vegetation is, however, tolerably abundant-tamarisks, oleanders, kafas, euphorbias, the milk bush, rhamnus and acacias being the most common and most characteristic forms of vegetable life, and pools of water are frequent. The rich oasis of Tyin contains many villages embosomed in palm groves and surrounded with orchards and fields.

In addition to cereals and vegetables, the cultivation of fruit is abundant throughout the valley. After the date, vines, peaches, apricots, oranges, mangoes, melons and mulberries find special favour with the Rehbayin, who exhibit all the skill and perseverance of the Arab agriculturist of Yemen, and cultivate everything that the soil is capable of producing.

The sultan, a descendant of those Yemenite imams who consolidated Arab power in Zanzibar and on the East African coast, and raised Oman to its position as the most powerful state in Arabia during the first half of the 19th century, resides at Muscat, where his palace directly faces the harbour, not far from the British residency. The little port of Gwadar, on the Makran coast of the Arabian Sea, a station of the Persian Gulf telegraph system, is still a dependency of Oman.

See Colonel Miles, Geographical Journal, vol. vii. (1896); Commander Stiffe, Geographical Journal (1899). (Т.Н Н.")

OMAR (c. 581-644), in full 'OMAR IBN AL-KHATTAB, the second of the Mahommedan caliphs (see CALIPHATE, A, §§ 1 and 2).


Originally opposed to Mahomet, he became later one of the ablest advisers both of him and of the first caliph, Abu Bekr. His own reign (634-644) saw Islam's transformation from a religious sect to an imperial power. The chief events were the defeat of the Persians at Kadisiya (637) and the conquest of Syria and Palestine. The conquest of Egypt followed (see EGYPT and AMR IBN EL-Ass) and the final rout of the Persiar.s at Nehawend (641) brought Iran under Arab rule. Omar was assassinated by a Persian slave in 644, and though he lingered several days after the attack, he appointed no successor, but only a body of six Muhajirun who should select a new caliph. Omar was a wise and far-sighted ruler and rendered great service to Islam. He is said to have built the so-called "Mosque of Omar " ("the Dome of the Rock") in Jerusalem, which contains the rock regarded by Mahommedans as the scene of Mahomet's ascent to heaven, and by the Jews as that of the proposed sacrifice of Isaac.

'OMAR KHAYYAM (in full, GHIYATHUDDIN ABULFATH OMAR BIN IBRAHIM AL-KHAYYAMI], the great Persian mathematician, astronomer, freethinker and epigrammatist, who derived the epithet Khayyam (the tentmaker) most likely from his father's trade, was born in or near Nishāpūr, where he is said to have died in A.H. 517 (A.D. 1123). At an early age he entered into a close friendship both with Nizâm-ul-mulk and his schoolfellow Hassan ibn Ṣabbaḥ, who founded afterwards the terrible sect of the Assassins. When Nizām-ul-mulk was raised to the rank of vizier by the Seljuk sultan Alp-Arslan (A.D. 1063-1073) le bestowed upon Hassan ibn Ṣabbaḥ the dignity of a chamberlain, whilst offering a similar court office to 'Omar Khayyām. But the latter contented himself with an annual stipend which would enable him to devote all his time to his favourite studies of mathematics and astronomy. His standard work on algebra, written in Arabic, and other treatises of a similar character raised him at once to the foremost rank among the mathematicians of that age, and induced Sultan Malik-Shah to summon him in A.H. 467 (A.D. 1074) to institute astronomical observations on a larger scale, and to aid him in his great enterprise of a thorough reform of the calendar. The results of 'Omar's research were a revised edition of the Zij or astronomical tables, and the introduction of the Ta'rikh-i-Malikshāhi or Jalāli, that is, the so-called Jalalian or Seljük era, which commences in A.H. 471 (A.D. 1079, 15th March).

'Omar's great scientific fame, however, is nearly eclipsed by his still greater poetical renown, which he owes to his ruba'is or quatrains, a collection of about 500 epigrams. The peculiar form of the ruba'i-viz. four lines, the first, second and fourth of which have the same rhyme, while the third usually (but not always) remains rhymeless-was first successfully introduced into Persian literature as the exclusive vehicle for subtle thoughts on the various topics of Sufic mysticism by the sheikh Abu Sa'id bin Abulkhair,' but 'Omar differs in its treatment considerably from Abu Sa'id. Although some of his quatrains are purely mystic and pantheistic, most of them bear quite another stamp; they are the breviary of a radical freethinker, who protests in the most forcible manner both against the narrowness, bigotry and uncompromising austerity of the orthodox ulema and the eccentricity, hypocrisy and wild ravings of advanced Sufis, whom he successfully combats with their own weapons, using the whole mystic terminology simply to ridicule mysticism itself. There is in this respect a great resemblance between him and Hafiz, but 'Omar is decidedly superior He has often been called the Voltaire of the East, and cried down as materialist and atheist. As far as purity of diction, fine wit, crushing satire against a debased and ignorant clergy, and a general sympathy with suffering humanity are concerned, 'Omar certainly reminds us of the great Frenchman, but there the comparison ceases. Voltaire never wrote anything equal to Omar's fascinat. ing rhapsodies in praise of wine, love and all earthly joys, and his passionate denunciations of a malevolent and inexorable

berichte der bayr Akademie (1875), pp 145 seq., and (1878) pp. 38 seq.; Died Jan 1049. Comp. Ethé's edition of his ruba'is in Sitzungsand E. G. Browne's Literary Hist. of Persia, ii. 261.

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