صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Free. Pox on the rascal that sent it me..

Trade. Sent it you! Why Gabriel Skinflint has been at the minister's, and spoke with him, and he has assur'd him 'tis every syllable false; he received no such express.

Free. I know it: I this minute parted with my friend, who protested he never sent me any such letter- -Some roguish stock-jobber has done it on purpose to make me lose my money, that's certain : I wish I knew who he was, I'd make him repent it— I have lost gool. by it.

Trade. What signifies your three hundred pounds to what I have lost? There's two thousand pounds to that Dutchman with a cursed long name, besides the stock I bought: the devil! I could tear my flesh-I must never shew my face upon 'Change more ;for, by my soul, I cann't pay it.

Free. I am heartily sorry for it! What can I serve you in? Shall I speak to the Dutch merchant, and try to get you time for the payment.

Trade. Time! Ads'heart, I shall never be able to look up again.

Free. I am very much concern'd that I was the occasion, and wish I could be an instrument of retrieving your misfortune; for my own, I value it not. Adso, a thought comes into my head, that, well improv'd, may be of service.

Trade. Ah! there's no thought can be of any service to me, without paying the money, or running


Free. How do we know? What do you think of my proposing Mrs. Lovely to him? He is a single man— and I heard him say he had a mind to marry an English woman- -nay, more than that, he said somebody told him you had a pretty ward—he wish'd you had betted her instead of your money.

Trade. Ay, but he'd be hang'd before he'd take her instead of the money; the Dutch are too covetous for that; besides, he did not know that there were three more of us, I suppose.

Free. So much the better; you may venture to give him your consent, if he'll forgive you the wager: it is not your business to tell him that your consent will signify nothing.

Trade. That's right, as you say; but will he do it, think you?

Free. I cann't tell that; but I'll try what I can do with him- -He has promis'd to meet me here an hour hence; I'll feel his pulse, and let you know: if I find it feasible, I'll send for you; if not, you are at liberty to take what measures you please.

Trade. You must extol her beauty, double her portion, and tell him I have the entire disposal of her, and that she cann't marry without my consent ;and that I am a covetous rogue, and will never part with her without a valuable consideration.

Free. Ay, ay, let me alone for a lye at a pinch. Trade. 'Egad, if you can bring this to bear, Mr. Freeman, I'll make you whole again; I'll pay the three hundred pounds you lost with all



Free. Well, I'll use my best endeavours



will you be?

Trade. At home; pray Heaven you prosper

I were but the sole trustee now, I should not fear it. Who the devil would be a guardian ?

If, when cash runs low, our coffers t' enlarge,

We cann't, like other stocks, transfer our charge? [Exit. Free. Ha, ha, ha!- -he has it.



Changes to PERIWINKLE's House. Enter PERIWINKLE on one Side, and Footmen on t'other.

Foot. A gentleman from Coventry enquires for you, sir.

Per. From my uncle, I warrant you; bring him up-This will save me the trouble, as well as the expence of a journey.

Enter Colonel.

Col. Is your name Periwinkle, sir?
Per. It is, sir.

Col. I am sorry for the message I bring-My old master, whom I served these forty years, claims the sorrow due from a faithful servant to an indulgent [Weeps.


Per. By this I understand, sir, my uncle, Sir Toby Periwinkle, is dead.

Col. He is, sir, and he has left you heir to seven

hundred a year, in as good abbey-land as ever paid Peter-pence to Rome.- -I wish you long to enjoy

-he has

it, but my tears will flow when I think of my benefactor.-[Weeps.] Ah! he was a good mannot left many of his fellows-the poor lament him sorely.

Per. I pray, sir, what office bore you?

Col. I was his steward, sir.

Per. I have heard him mention you with much respect; your name is

Col. Pillage, sir.

Per. Ay, Pillage, I do remember he called you Pillage. Pray, Mr. Pillage, when did my uncle die?

Col. Monday last, at four in the morning. About two he sign'd his will, and gave it into my hands, and strictly charg'd me to leave Coventry the moment he expir'd; and deliver it to you with what speed I could: I have obey'd him, sir, and there is the will. [Gives it to Per. Per. 'Tis very well, I'll lodge it in the Commons. Col. There are two things which he forgot to insert, but charg'd me to tell you, that he desir'd you'd perform them as readily as if you had found them written in the will, which is to remove his corpse, and bury him by his father at St. Paul's, CoventGarden, and to give all his servants mourning.

Per. That will be a considerable charge; a pox of all modern fashions. [Aside.] Well! it shall be done. Mr. Pillage, I will agree with one of death's fashion

mongers, call'd an undertaker, to go down, and bring the body.


Col. I hope, sir, I shall have the honour to serve you in the same station I did your worthy uncle; I have not many years to stay behind him, and would gladly spend them in the family, where I was brought up-[Weeps.]-He was a kind and tender master to


Per. Pray don't grieve, Mr. Pillage, you shall hold your place, and every thing else which you held under my uncle. -You make me weep to see you so concern'd. [Weeps.] He liv'd to a good old age, and we are all mortal.

Col. We are so, sir, and therefore I must beg you to sign this lease: you'll find Sir Toby has taken particular notice of it in his will-I could not get it time enough from the lawyer, or he had sign'd it before he died. [Gives him a paper.

Per. A lease! for what?

Col. I rented a hundred a year of Sir Toby upon lease, which lease expires at Lady-day next. I desire to renew it for twenty years- that's all, sir. Per. Let me see. [Looks over the lease. Col. Matters go swimmingly, if nothing intervene.

[Aside. Per. Very well-Let's see what he says in his will about it.

[Lays the lease upon the table, and looks on the will. Col. He's very wary, yet I fancy I shall be too cunning for him.


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