صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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B. SPECIAL WORKS, pp. 428-438.

I. Works dealing with Separate Provinces, pp. 428-430.

II. Works dealing with Separate Départements, pp. 431-433.

(Classed alphabetically.)

(Classed alphabetically.)

(Classed alphabetically.)

III. Works dealing with Separate Bishoprics, pp. 433-434.

IV. Works of Limited Technical or Historic Scope, pp. 434-438.

Symbolism, p. 434.

Deviation of Axis, p. 435.

Stained Glass, pp. 435-436.

Sculpture, pp. 436-437.

Architecture of the Monastic Orders, p. 437.

Medieval Master Builders, pp. 437-438.

V. Monographs of Several Monuments combined in One Volume, p. 438.

Épône, etc., p. 438.

Noyon, etc., p. 438.

Coincy, etc., p. 438.

C. MONOGRAPHS, pp. 438-470.

(Classed alphabetically.)

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J. B. A. Lassus. L'album de Vilars de Honecort. Paris, 1858. 4to. - This publication of the original sketch-book of a XIII century architect throws much light upon the methods of the medieval builders, besides being an historical source of considerable importance. M. Lassus' edition was translated and edited "with many additional articles and notes" by Robert Willis, London, 1859. 4to.

Sugerii. Libellus alter de consecratione ecclesiae sancti Dionysii. (The best edition is: A. Lecoy de la Marche, Oeuvres complètes de Suger. Paris, Renouard, 1867, 8vo, p. 213ff. The work is also published in Duchesne, Historiae Francorum Scriptores, but the last two pages are lacking; it was printed in toto by Mabillon, Vetera Analecta, in 1723, and by Félibien, Rer. Gallic. Script. XIV, 312. The edition by Brial is incomplete. Selections are published by Schlosser, p. 283.) This work is of extraordinary interest, and should be in the hand of every student of Gothic architecture. While giving less explicit details for the dates of the construction of St. Denis than the "De Rebus in Administratione sua gestis," the "De Consecratione Ecclesiae" affords even greater insight into the spirit and inner workings of a XII century abbey.

Sugerii. Liber de rebus in administratione sua gestis. (The best publication is: A. Lecoy de la Marche, Oeuvres complètes de Suger. Paris, Renouard, 1867. 8vo. Printed also in Duchesne, Historiae Francorum scriptores, Vol. IV, p. 331 ff; in Migne, Patrologia cursus completus, Series Latina, Vol. 186, col. 1229. tectural history is reprinted by Schlosser, p. 268. gether with the same author's "De Consecratione history not only of St. Denis, but of all transitional and Gothic architecture.

A selection of the parts bearing on archi-
There are also many other editions.)
Ecclesiae,” a most invaluable source for the

Theophilus. Schedula diversarum artium. This work of an author probably of the XII century is divided into three parts, the first of which deals with painting; the second, with the manufacture and painting of stained glass; the third, with metal work. For the student of architecture the second part is especially precious. The translation by Robert Handrie (Essay on various arts by Theophilus. London, 1847. 8vo.) lacks chapters XII, XIII, XIV. The text, with annotations and a German translation by Albert Ilg, is printed as Vol. VII of the Quellenschriften zur Kunstgeschichte. Vienna, 1879. 8vo.

Julius von Schlosser. Quellenbuch zur Kunstgeschichte des abendländischen Mittelalters. Ausgewählte Texte des vierten bis fünfzehnten Jahrhunderts. Wien, Carl Graeser, 1896. 8vo. A series of well selected texts.

Thomas Inkersley. An inquiry into the chronological succession of the styles of Romanesque and Pointed architecture in France. London, John Murray, 1850. 12°. - Contains a valuable collection of extracts from the original sources.

Orderici Vitalis. Ecclesiasticae Historiae, libri XIII. (In Migne, Patrologiae cursus completus series Latina, 1855, Vol. 188, col. 9-984). 4). - An important chronicle of the XI and XII centuries. An English translation by T. Forester is published under the title: Ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy. London, 1853-56. 4 vols. 12°.

Robert Wace. Maistre Wace's "Roman de Rou et des duc de Normandie," nach den Handschriften von neuem herausgegeben von Hugo Andresen. Heilbronn, 1877-79. 2 vols. 12°. - А XII century poem in the vernacular, containing some references of value for architectural history. There is an English translation by E. Taylor: "Master Wace; his chronicle of the Norman Conquest." London, 1837. 8vo.



Abbot Guibert. Opera omnia juxta editionem domni Lucae d'Archery (In Migne, Patrologiae cursus completus series Latina, 1880. Vol. 156. - A source of some importance, especially for the early building of St. Germer-de-Fly. There is a French translation of "De vita sua" published under the title: Abbot Guibert; Vie, par lui-même. (In Guizot, Collection des mémoires relatifs à l'histoire de France, 1825, Vols. 9, 10.)

Guillelmus Pictavensis. Gesta Guillelmi Ducis Normannorum. Published under title: Wilhelmi Conquestoris gesta. (In Migne, Patrologiae cursus completus series Latina, 1853, Vol. 149. William I, Epistolae, col. 1217-70. - An XI century author and a source of importance for Norman buildings. A French translation is published by Guizot under title: Guillaume de Poitiers, Vie de Guillaume le Conquérant. (In Collection des mémoires relatifs à l'histoire de France, 1826, Vol. XXIX, pp. 319-439.)


Duchesne. Historiae Francorum scriptores cum epistolis regum, reginarum, pontificum.. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1636. 5 vols. Folio. A publication of important sources. Petrus Damianus. Opera omnia. (In Migne, Patrologiae cursus completus Latina. Vol. 144-145.) - The "Book of Gomorrah" contains an exposé of medieval monastic immorality.

Pierre de Celles. (Petrus Cellensis.) Epistolae et variorum ad eum 169, Libri 9. (In Duchesne, Historiae Francorum scriptores, IV, p. 462.) - An important source for St. Remi

of Reims.

Guillelmi Neubrigensis. De rebus Anglicis sui temporis, libri 5 notis J. Picardi. Paris, 1610. 4to. - A XII century author and a source of importance. An English translation of certain portions has been published by Rev. Joseph Stevenson under the title: William of Newburgh, History. (In Church historians of England, 1856, Vol. 4, pt. 2, pp. 395-672.)

Hugo Pictavinus Votarius. Historia Vizeliacensis monasterii. (In D'Archery, Spici

legium, sive, Collectio veterum aliquot scriptorum qui in Galliae bibliothecis delituerant. Nova editio, Parisiis, 1723, Vol. II.)


Anonymous. Historiae abbatorum monasterii Sancti Germani Autissiodorensis. MS. preserved in the Public Library of Auxerre. - A source of importance for Auxerre.

Clarius. Chronicon S. Petri. (In D'Archery, Spicilegium, sive, Collectio veterum aliquot scriptorum qui in Galliae bibliothecis delituerant. Vol. II.)

Aimoinus. Translatio sancti Vincentii in Castrense monasterium. (In Mabillon, Acta sanctorum ordinis sancti Benedicti IV, 2.)

Auct. anon. sub Carolo Calvo vivente. Miracula sancti Dionysii ep. Parisiensis. (In Mabillon, Acta sanctorum ordinis sancti Benedicti III, 1.)


Anselmi, monachi sancti Remigii. Itinerarium Leonis IX. (Bollandes, Vol. ler Ос-
A source of the greatest importance for the history of St. Remi of Reims.
Adonis. Martyrologium. (In Mabillon, Acta sanctorum ordinis sancti Benedicti V, 2.)
Goffridi, abbatis Vindocinensis. Epistolae, opuscula, sermones. Ed. Sirmond.
Anonymous. Gesta episcoporum Tullensium. (Mon. Germ. Hist., Scriptores VIII.)

Denis de Sainte Marthe. Gallia Christiana in provincias ecclesiasticas distributa, qua series et historia archiepiscoporum, episcoporum, et abbatum Franciae vicinarumque ditionum ab origine ecclesiarum ad nostra tempora deducitur. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1715-1865. 16 vols. Folio. A most important secondary source. Vol. X, instrumenta, is especially valuable.

Hayno, Abbas S. Petri Divensis. Relatio de miraculis b. Mariae. Ed. Leop. Delisle in Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes, Ser. V, Tome I, 1860, pp. 120-39. Also published by Bouquet, Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France, XIV, p. 318. There is a French translation by R. P. D. Planchette published under the title: Histoire des miracles qui se sont faicts par l'entremise de la Sainte Vierge, dans la première restauration de l'église Saint Pierresur-Dives, environ l'an 1140. Tirée d'un ancien manuscrit latin de Haymon, abbé de la mesme abbaye. Caen, Poisson le Jeune, 1671 [or 1674]. 12°. Planchette's translation was reprinted by De Glanville (Rouen, 1851) with copious annotations. Of the greatest value as a source for St. Pierre-sur-Dives.

P. Louvet. Histoire de Beauvais et des Antiquités de Beauvoisis, 1613. 8vo. An important secondary source for the Beauvoisis.

Dom Pommeraye. Histoire de l'église cathédrale de Rouen. 1686. A secondary source that is frequently of value.

Dom Pommeraye. Histoire de l'abbaye royale de St. Ouen de Rouen, par un religieux Bénédictin de la congrégation de St. Maur. Rouen, 1662. Folio.

Du Moustier. Neustria Pia. Rothomogi, apud Joannem Berthelin, 1663. Folio. Gerardo Dubois. Historia ecclesiae Parisiensis. A source for St. Germain-des-Prés. Du Moulin. Histoire générale de la Normandie. 1631. A secondary source. Abbé Pécheur. Annales du diocèse de Soissons. Soissons, 1863-88. 8 vols. 8vo. very complete compilation of the religious history of Soissons, often valuable as a source.


Lebeuf. L'ancien diocèse de Paris. - An XVIII century author and the first writer to treat medieval architecture in a scientific spirit. The descriptions of churches contained in this book are often valuable as showing their condition before restoration.

Lebeuf. Mémoires concernant l'histoire ecclésiastique d'Auxerre et de son ancien diocèse. Édit. Quantin.

Félibien. Histoire de l'abbaye royale de St. Denis. Paris, 1706. - A secondary source. Père Legris. Chronicon abbatialis canonicae S. Joannis apud Vineas Suessionensis. Paris, 1619. 12°.

Anonymous. Promptuarium sacrarum antiquitatum Tricasinae diocesis. 1610. - A source for Troyes.


Muldrae. Compendiosum abbatiae Longipontis Suessionensis chronicon. Paris, 1652.

Dom Viole. Abbés de S. Germain d'Auxerre. MS. in the Library of Auxerre. An important secondary source for St. Germain.

J. Pillet. Histoire du château et de la ville de Gerberoy de siècle en siècle. 1679. 4to. A secondary source for the Beauvoisis.

Brullée. Histoire de l'abbaye royale de Ste. Colombe de Sens.

Brussel. Usage général des fiefs. Contains several chapters of importance for architectural history.

Jacques du Breuil. Le théâtre des antiquités de Paris, 1612. An important secondary source for the cathedral.

Anonymous. Archives historiques du département de l'Aube. MS. No. XXVI in the Prefecture of Troyes. An important source for the architecture of Troyes.


Pierre Bonjous. Les fastes antiquitez de Paris. 1605. A secondary source for the cathe

Léchandé d'Anisy. Les anciennes abbayes de Normandie. 1834. 2 vols. 8vo and Atlas. A collection of analyses of 18,000 charters arranged chronologically with an index of

proper names.

A. le Guicheux. Chroniques de Fresnay. Le Mans, 1877. 8vo.
Merlet et Clerval. Un manuscrit chartrain du XI siècle.


Louis Gonse. L'art gothique; l'architecture, la peinture, le décor, la sculpture. Paris, Quantin, no date. Folio. An elementary work, notwithstanding certain errors highly valuable.

Camille Enlart. Manuel d'archéologie française. Paris, Alphonse Picard et Fils, 1902. 2 vols. 8vo. - A comprehensive manual, remarkably accurate.

A de Caumont. Abécédaire ou rudiment d'archéologie. 5me éd, Caen E. Le BlancHardel, 1886. 3 vols. 8vo. A work that is still of value.

A. de Caumont. Cours d'antiquités monumentales. Histoire de l'art dans l'ouest de la France. Paris, Lance, 1835. 6 vols. 8vo. The works of this author, epoch-making in their day, are now somewhat out of date.

A. de Caumont. Histoire sommaire de l'architecture religieuse, militaire, et civile au moyen âge. Caen, 1836.

Edouard Corroyer. L'architecture gothique. Bibliothèque de l'enseignement des BeauxArts. Paris, Quantin, [1891]. 12°. Translated by Walter Armstrong under title: Gothic architecture. New York, Macmillan, 1893. Misleading.

Edouard Corroyer. L'architecture romane. Bibliothèque de l'engeignement des BeauxArts. Paris, Quantin, 1888. 12°. A good elementary text-book, although the author's theory of the origin of the rib vault is untenable.

A. de Caumont. Aperçu sur le synchronisme de l'architecture romane ou byzantine dans les provinces de France. (In Bulletin monumental, Vol. 5, pp. 474-86.)

Wilhelm Lübke. Der gothische styl und die Nationalitäten. (An essay in the author's Kunsthistorische Studien. Stuttgart, Ebner und Seubert, 1869. 8vo.) A sane and readable


Jules Quicherat. De l'architecture romane (Revue archéologique VIII, 145; IX, 525; Χ, 651; ΧΙ, 668; 1851-54.)

Jules Quicherat. De l'ogive et de l'architecture dite ogivale. (Revue archéologique VII, 65; 1850.)

Jules Quicherat. Cours d'archéologie française du moyen âge. (Journal général de l'instruction publique XXII, 322; 1853.)

Jules Quicherat. L'architecture romane. Leçon recueillie par Aug. Kroeber. (Revue des sociétés savantes III, 641; 1857.)

Merimée, Lenoir et als. Architecture gallo-romaine et architecture du moyen âge. Instructions du comité historique des arts et monuments. Paris, Imprimerie imperiale, 1857. Out of date.


T. B. Emeric-David. Mémoire sur la dénomination et les règles de l'architecture dite gothique. (Bulletin monumental V, 382; 1839.) A superficial sketch of medieval architecture in France.

Léon Château. Histoire et caractères de l'architecture en France depuis l'époque druidique jusqu'à nos jours. Paris, Morel, 1864. 12°. An excellent little book in its day, now, of course, behind the times.

Paul Lacroix. Les arts au moyen âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance. Paris, Didot, 1873. 4to.

J. J. Bourassé. Archéologie chrétienne, ou précis de l'histoire des monuments religieux du moyen âge. Tours, 1841.

Quatremère de Quincy. Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages des plus célèbres architectes du XI siècle jusqu'à la fin du XVIII. Paris, 1830. 2 vols. 4to.

Whittington. An historical survey of the ecclesiastical antiquities of France. London, Taylor, 1809. 4to. For its date a surprisingly advanced work, although of course it contains

many errors.

Aug. Carin. Cours d'archéologie française du moyen âge. 1853. Joseph Bard. Manuel général d'archéologie sacrée Burgundo-Lyonnaise. Lyon, Guyot, 1844. 8vo. - Contains a poor bibliography.

L. Batissier. Éléments d'archéologie nationale. Paris, Leleux, 1843.

Herbé. Histoire des beaux-arts en France par les monuments, spécialement de la sculpture et de la peinture. Paris, Auguste Garnier et als, [1842]. Folio. Of very little value.


Anonymous. Archives de la Commission des Monuments Historiques, publiés sous le

patronage de l'administration des beaux-arts. Paris, Laurens, no date. 5 vols. Folio.


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