Paradise Regain'd, المجلد 11785 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
againſt alfo Alluding ancient Angels anſwer becauſe befides beft beſt call'd Calton Cant Caphtor cauſe Chorus Chrift Cicero Dagon defert defire Euphrates Eupolis Euripides expreffed expreffion Faery Queen faid fame father fays fcene fecond feek feems fenfe fent ferve fhall fhould fhow fince firft firſt flain fome foon Fortin fpeaking ftanding ftill ftrength fubject fuch fuppofe glory hath Heav'n himſelf houſe Ifrael Iliad Jefus Jephtha juft king kingdom laft leaſt lefs Lord MANOAH Milton moft moſt muft muſt obferved occafion oracles paffage Paradife Loft Paradife Regain'd Parthian perfon poem poet pow'r praiſe prefent purpoſe quæ reafon reply'd Richardfon Samfon Satan Saviour ſeems ſhall Son of God Strabo Tempter Thebez thee thefe themſelves theſe things thofe thoſe thou thought Thyer tion Urim and Thummim uſe verfe virtue Warburton weakneſs whofe wilderneſs wiſdom words δε εν και