صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Cantle, corner; part, share. aHd. 3, 1. AC. 3, 8. Compare the gr. kanthos, the germ. Kante, the ital. canto, the fr. coin, chanteau, chantel, lat. quantulum. S. Douce's Ill. of Sk. I, 482. Canton, corrupted for canto, song. TN. 1, 5. or rather cento, as it is used in a contemptible meaning.

Caitiff, scoundrel, slave. MM. 2, 1. 5, 1. AW. to Canopy, to cover with a canopy or balda3, 2. Rb. 1, 2. Rc. 4, 4. TA. 4, 3. KL. 3, 2. chin, to overshade. RJ. 5, 1. 0.4, 1. The fr. chétif, lat, captivus. Cake, a kind of delicate bread. Compare the germ. kochen, Kuchen, lat. coquere. My (our) cake is dough, a proverb implying the loss of hope, or expectation; a cake which comes out of the oven in the state of dough, being considered as utterly spoiled. TS. 5, 1. 1, 1. to Calculate, to prophesy out of the stars. JC. 1, 3. bllf. 4, 1.

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Caliver, a small seagun, aHd. 4, 2. bHd. 3, 2.
Call, decoy bird, instrument for alluring birds.
KJ. 3, 4.

to Call in, to confiscate, retire, repeal, attach,
seize, draw in. Rb, 2, 1.

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to Canvass, to sift, try, test, examine. aHf. 1, 3; in an obscene sense. bHd. 2, 4. Compare the gr. kannabis, hemp and tow-for canvass is a sort of coarse cloth, packcloth, sailcloth

and kanabos, cane, or stalk, done over with wax or clay in modelling.

to Cap, to take off the cap, to court. 0.1, 1:
to strive alternately by rhimes. He. 3, 7.
Cap, top, principal, TɅ. 4, 3.

Capable, subject to, susceptible. KJ. 3, 1.
H. 3, 4; fit or qualified for hereditary succes-
sion. KL. 2, 1. perceptible, intelligible. AL.
3, 5.

Capacity, capaciousness, compass, circumference. TN. 2, 5.

Caparison'd, accoutered. AL. 3, 2. From the turk. ciaprack, covering, germ. Schabracke. Caper, capriole. To cut capers. TN, 1, 3. to cuper. Rc. 1, 1. fr. cabrioler. Kin to chèvre, lat. Capra.

Callat, callet, calot, strumpet. WT. 2, 8. KJ. 5, 1. bHf. 1, 3. cHf. 2, 2. 0.4, 1. Gifford Ben Jons. III, 277. Calote in french a sort of cap once worn by wuntry girls. From de-| signating poverty or meanness it seems to to Capitulate, to make head, to form insurdenote depravity and vice.' cf. the same VI, 30. May be from to callet, to rail; or from the hebr. callah, bride; or kalal, to be mean, contemptible.

rection. aHd. 3, 2.

Capocchia, the feminine form of the ital. word capocchio, a fool. TC. 4, 2.

Capon, a billet - doux. LL. 4, 1. S. bill. Calling, vocation, state, charge, office, func-Captain, used as adjective, chief, more extion. aHf. 3, 1.

Camelot, a town in Somersetshire, now called Camel, near South - Cadbury, much celebrated as one of the places, at which king Arthur kept his court. KL. 2, 2.

Camomile, chamomile, the more it is trodden on, the faster it grows. aHd. 2, 4. Allusion to John Lyly's Euphues.

Can, a kind of cup. TN. 2, 2. Compare the
sanscr. kandha, pers. kondy, gr. kantharos,
austr. Kand'l. Deminutive is canakin. 0.2, 3.
germ. Kannchen.

to Can, to know, be skilful. H. 4, 7.
Canary, a quick, brisk dance, the music of
which consisted of two strains with eight bars
in each. AW. 2, 1. LL. 3, 1; S. Douce's Ill.
of Sh. I, 220. wine from the Canary islands,
by some called sweet sack. MW. 3, 2. S. Douce
I, 73; corrupted for quandary, confusion,
perturbation, hurry. MW. 2, 2.

Candle's ends, to drink off. A piece of roman-
tic extravagance, long practised by amorous
gallants, deemed to be a formidable and dis-
agreeable flap dragon. blld. 2, 4.
Candle-holders were maskes at entertainments,
were in use at and after Shk's times. S. Douce's
Ill. of Sh. II, 179.
Candle-stick was very commonly pronounced
canstick, as it is spelled also in the old quar-
tos. aHd. 3, 1.

Candle-wasters, rakes who sit up all night
and therefore waste much candle. MA. 5, 1.
Canker, wild rose, dogrose, cynosbaton. MA.
1, 3. aHd. 1, 8. S. 85. 54. 70. 95.
Cankered, spiteful, malicious, sullen, peevish.
KJ. 2, 1.

Cannon, S. clamour.

cellent, or valuable. TA. 3, 5.

Captious, like capable (0. 3, 3.) capacious, recipient, capable of receiving. AW. 1, 3. Carack, carrack, large ship of burden, galleon. 0. 1,,2.

Caraway, s. carraway.

Carbuncle, a precious stone that was believed
to have the property of giving out a native
light without reflection. Co. 1, 4. Cy. 5, 5. cf.
AC. 4, 8. H. 2, 2. supposed to be the gem
described in TAn. 2, 4; a plaguesore. KL.
2, 4.

carkanet, carquenet, neck chain.

CE. 3, 1. S. 52.

to Card, to mix, debase by mixing, aHd. 3, 2.
reestablished by Steevens for Warburton's

Card, mariner's compass; properly the paper,
on which the points of the winds are marked.
M. 1, 3; metaphorically, pattern, type. H. 5, 2.
By the chard, with great exactness true to a
point. H. 5, 1. From the lat. charta.
Carder, woolcomber. Hh. 1, 2.
Care kills a cat, proverb signifying the
weight and murdering, destroying power of
care, alluding to the supposed tough or nine-
fold life of a cat.MA. 5, 1. RJ. 3, 1. AL. 1, 5.
aHd. 1, 2.

Career, careires. To pass the careires, a
military phrase for running the charge in a
tournament or attack. Used metaphorically.
MW. 1, 1. Equivalent is to run the career.
LL. 5, 2. S. Douce's Ill. of Sh. I, 54.
Carl, boor, countryman; ill tempered brutish
person. Cy. 5, 2. also carlot. AL. 3, 5. churl,
cherl, sax. ceorl, goth. and isl. karl, from
caer, hebr. ir, kirjah, keret, town,

Canon, rule, law. H. 1, 2. Co. 3, 1. TA. 4, 8. Carman, one that leads a car. MM. 2, 1.

Carnation, gilliflower. WT. 4, 8.
Carol, joyful song. MD. 2, 2. Kin to the gr.
choros, gyros, choir, churn, querne.
Carouse, more than ordinary quantity of liquor,
large draught. TS. 1, 2. AC. 4, 5. It seems
nearer kin to the gr. karōsis, stunning or
dimming of the head after much drinking,
than to the germ. Garaus, or Kehraus. S.
Douce's Ill. of Sh. II, 205.

to Carouse, to tope, tipple, drink frequently.
TS. 3, 2. H. 5, 2. aHf. 2, 1. where it is joined
to banket.

to Carp at, to censure, cavil, rebuke, find fault with, flout. KL. 1, 4. Hh. 1, 1. where it is joined with to mock. aHd. 3, 2. 4, 1. MA. 3, 1. Rc. 3, 5. From the lat. carpere. Carpet, a covering of various colours to spread on floors or tables. Rb. 3, 3. S. Gifford's Ben Jons. III, 458. V, 182. From the gr. karpasos, lat. carbasus a kind of fine spanish flax. Plin. H.N. 19, 1.

Carpet-knights, knights dubbed, in peace, on a carpet, by mere court favour, not in the field for military prowess. It seems only to have been a mock title, and was perfectly current as a term of great contempt for those who serve abominable and filthy idleness. They were called also knights of the green cloth, and carpet-mongers. MĀ.5,2. 'Ì'N.3, 4. where dubb’d on carpet consideration is on account of his merits or services done on carpets, in women's chambers; trencher-knights. Ll. 5, 2. S. Douce's Ill. of Sh. I, 105.

Carraway, caraway, carum carui L., a plant, the seeds of which being esteemed carminative and stomachic, are still used in confections, cakes, sweet meats. bHd. 5, 3. Compare the greek karos.

Cassock, any loose coat, but particularly a
military one. AW. 4, 3. The span. casaca.
S. Gifford's Ben Jons. I, 62. VIII, 126.
to Cast, to throw; to compute, calculate (wh. s.)
reckon. bHd. 1, 1.

to Cast water, to find out diseases by the in-
spection of urine. M. 5, 3; to found in plaister
or metal. AL. 3, 4. S. Douce's Ill. of Sh. I,

Castilian, used as a reproach, which probably
arose after the defeat of the Armada. MW. 2,
3. Castiliano volto conjectured by War-
burton for volgo-courtly, solemn countenance.
TN. 1, 3.
Castle, a kind of close helmet. TAn. 3, 1. TC.
5, 2. As in a castle, in great security, as in a
fortified place. aHd. 2, 1. Old lad of the
castle, a familiar appellation, apparently equi-
valent to Castilian, in its convivial sense, i. e.
old buck. So Falstaff is called. aHd. 1, 2.
Cat. Good liquor will make a cat speak, a
proverb alluded to T. 2, 2.

Cat a mountain, or of the m. T. 4, 1. MIV.
2, 2. from the spanish name of wild cat, gato-
montes. Prince of cats. RJ. 2, 4. is named
Tybert or Tybalt in the british Reynard the
fox. cf. aHd. 3, 3. WT. 2, 3. S. Gibcat.
Cat in a bottle. MA. 1, 1. alludes, according
to Steevens to a rustic custom, which consisted
in hanging up a cat in a wooden bottle, or keg,
with soot; the sport being to strike out the
bottom, and yet escape being saluted by the
contents. At Kelso in Scotland it is called cat
in barrel.

Cataian, a Chinese, Cataia, or Cathay being
the name given to China by the old travellers.
It was used also to signify a sharper, from the
dexterous thieving of those people. MW. 2, 1.
TN. 2, 3.

Carriage, frame upon which a cannon or ord-
nance is carried. He. 3. chor. behaviour, de- to
meanour. MA. 1, 3. Hh. 3, 1. RJ. 1, 4. CE. 3, 2.
LL. 1, 2; course, particulars of a transaction,
argument, import, tendency. H. 1, 1. hanger,
in affected courtspeech (s. article) H. 5, 2.
to Carry out one's side, to obtain one's
end, to succeed. KL. 5, 1.

Carry-tale, tale-bearer, tell-tale. bHd. 4, 1.
LL. 5, 2. where it is joined with please-man,
light zany, mumblenews, trencher-knight.
Cart, car. H. 3, 2. Sax. craet, sc. currack,
currok, curroch, lat. currus,
it. carro,
char, only a guttural form of the gr. pherō,
engl. bear, germ. Karre.

to Carve, to cut, cut out. MA. 5, 1; to cut in,
AL. 3, 2. In O. 2,3. he that stirs next to carve
forth (al. for) his own rage, is either to vent,
or it is to be read to carry forth his rage.
Compare the hebr. carab, gr. graphein, fr.
graver, germ. graben, kerben, gr. churassō,
pers. chariden, sax. ceorfan.

Case, inclosure, covering. TN. 5, 1. AC. 4, 18;
pair, couple, brace. He. 3, 2; in good case,
rich. bHd. 2, 1. It is contracted from capse,
of course kin to capacious, capacity, capable,
and the gr. chao, to be hollow, open, to com-
prehend. Compare further the lat. casus.
to Case, to put up in a case, to cover. M. 3, 4.
KJ. 3, 1. to strip, flay, take off the case. AW. 3, 6.
to Casse, to break or deprive of an office, to
disband. Hence cast for cassed. O. 2, 3.

Catch, to get, hold on. KJ. 1, 1; to receive any contagion, plague, or disease. bHd. 2, 4. as in Germ. abkriegen, wegkriegen; to catch at, to hit, guess, gather. AC. 2, 2. MA. 5, 2. Catch, prize, boot. TS. 2, 1. TC. 2, 1; a species of vocal harmony to be sung by three or more persons, so contrived, that, though each sings precisely the same notes, as his fellows, yet by beginning at stated periods of time from each other, there results from the performance a harmony of as many parts, as there are singers; a roundel, round song, canon. TN. 2, 3. For both words compare to get, the gr. gaō, chaō, chaskō, chateō, lat. capio, capesso, pers. hatschiden, to rub, take, jaziden, Cate, food, eating, board. CE. 3, 1. TS. 2, 1. to embrace, seize. allf. 2, 3.

to Cater, to heap up store. AL. 2, 3.
Cater, the number four of cards and dice
(quatuor). Hence

Cater cousin, relation in the fourth degree,
in the figurative sense one, who by flattering
aims at gaining somebody's favour, in order
to live at his expense. MV. 2, 2.
Caterpillar, canker, cankerworm. Rb. 2, 3.
3, 4. aHd. 2, 2. bHƒ. 3, 1. 4, 4. From the fr.

Catling, string of a lute or violin, made of
catgut. TC. 3, 3; the name of a fidler in RJ.
4, 5.
Catterwauling, mewing of cats in rutting
time. TN. 2, 3.

Cavalero, or cavalier, a knight; any gallant. Hence officer of the court party in Charles the First's wars, the gaiety of whose appearance was strikingly opposed to the austerity and sourness of the opposite side. bHd. 5, 3. He.

3. ch.

Caudle, cardiac, cordial, mixture of wine and other ingredients for women in childbed and sick persons. LL. 4, 3. bHf. 4, 7. fr. chaudeau, incitabulum, calda aqua.

to Caudle, to corroborate, comfort, refresh. TA. 4, 3.

Caviare, cavear, caveary, the spawn of a kind of sturgeon pickled, salted and dried, made also of the spawn of other kinds of fish, as botargo. In the time of Shk. it was a new and fashionable delicacy, not obtained or relished by the vulgar and therefore used by him to signify any thing above their comprehension. H. 2, 2. Perhaps from ovarium. S. Douce's Ill. of Sh. 2, 236.

Causes of quarrel. RJ. 2, 4. In AL. 5, 4. there are enumerated seven by the book of Vincentio Saviola of honour and honourable quarrels (1594) viz retort courteous, quip modest, churlish reply, valiant reproof, quarrelsome countercheck, circumstantial lie, direct lie.

Cautele, cautell, caution, deceit. H. 1, 3. Cautelous, cautious, artful, insidious, treacherous. Co. 4, 1. JC. 2, 1.

to Caw, to cry as the rook or crow. MD. 3, 2.
Cellarage, the part of the building which
makes the cellars. H. 1, 5.

Censer, perfuming pan, with many perforations
in the top; a vessel of luxury used also in
barber's shops. TS. 4, 3. Compare the pers.
zend, whence the lat. incendere, the germ.
zünden, fr. encenser.
Censure, opinion. bHf. 1, 3. Hh. 1, 1. 3, 1.
H. 1, 3. Rc. 2, 2; judicial sentence. 0.5, 2.
to Censure, to give an opinion. TG. 1, 2; to
estimate, judge of. S. 148; to pass sentence
judicially. MM. 1, 5.

Center of the earth, the sun. RJ. 2. 1. TC.
1, s. 3, 2.

Century, party of an hundred men. KL. 4, 4.
Co. 1, 7; the number of an hundred. Cy. 4, 2.
Cerecloth MV. 2, 7. also cerement. H. 1, 4.
cloth of wax, wherein were entangled the
carcasses. From the lat. cera, wax, and cloth.
Ceremonies, ornaments of state and regal
pomp. JC. 1, 1; prodigies. JC. 2, 2.
Certes, certainly. O. 1, 1. CE. 4, 4.
Cess, measure, estimation. aHd. 2, 1. From
the lat. census, and centum

to Chafe, to heat, warm. bнf. 3, 2. TC. 1, 2.
4, 5; to fret and fume. MW. 5, 3; to anger.
TS. 2, 1. Compare the fr. chauffer, lat. cale-
facere, gr. kaō, kauō.

Chain. A gold chain anciently a fashionable ornament for persons of rank and dignity, as rich usurers. MA. 2,1. Cy. 3, 3. stewards. TN. 2, 3. S. Gifford's Ben Jons. II, 82.

to Chalk, to sign with chalk, or cray, to design, assign. Hh. 1, 1.

to Challenge, to defy to combat. MA. 5, 1; to claim. cf. 4, 7. Compare the fr. challenger, chalonger, calenger, calonger, calumniare, gr. kaleō, klyō, klymi, to call and to hear, originally to call in law.

Chamber (camera regia) London. Rc. 3, 1; a sort of short pieces of ordnance, or cannon,

which stood on their breeching, without any carriage, used chiefly for rejoicings and theatrical cannonades, yet not excluded from real service. bHd. 2, 4.

Chamberer, a wanton person, gallant, intriguer.
0.3, 1.

Chance, hazard, fortune. MM. 3, 2. MA. 3, s.
WT. 4, 3. M. 1, 8. KJ. 1, 1. Co. 4, 1. 4, 7.
AC. 2, 3. TC. 1, 3. KL. 5, 3. From the lat.
cadentia, lowsax. Kans, Kansse. S. also
Horne Tooke's Div. of P. II, 19.

to Change, to wear changes or variety of any
dress or ornament. AC. 1, 2.

Changeling, child put in the place of another;
sometimes the child taken or stolen by the
fairies. WT. 3, 3. MD. 2, 1.

Channel, hollow bed of running water. JC. 1, 1.
Kin to kennel, gr. kanna, kane, reed, cane.
to Channel, to chamfer, furrow. aHd. 1 1.
Chanson pious, perhaps a sacred song on
Jephtha, whereof scratches are quoted. H.2,2.
Chanticleer, cock. T. 1, 2. AL. 2, 7.
Chantries, chanteries, little chapels or parti-
cular altars in some cathedral or parrochial
church, endowed with revenues for the main-
tenance of one or more priests, that sing
messes for the souls of their founders. TN. 4,3.
He. 4, 1.

Chaplet, crown, wreath. MD. 2, 2.
Chapman, seller, buyer. LL. 2, 1. TC. 4, 1.
Properly ceapman, marketman, copeman. S.
Gifford's Ben Jons. III. 253. Compare the germ.
Kaufmann. Now it is only for a purchaser,
one who bargains for purchase.

Charact, distinctive mark, as in arms. MM.

5, 1.

to Character, to inscribe, engrave in one's mind or memory. H. 1, 3. S. 122. Charactery, writing, that which is charactered, expression. MW. 5, 5. JC. 2, 1. Cf. to carve. Chare, charwork, taskwork, or any labour. AC. 5, 2. 4, 13.

Charge. To give charge to the watchmen appears to have been a regular part of the duty of the constable of the night. MA. 3, 3. Charge-house, a common school. LL. 5, 1. Chariness, caution, scrupulousness. MW.2, 1. Kin to care, gr. kear, kër, lat. cor, germ. Herz.

Charity, figured as a saint in the romish calendar, and consequently was spoken of currently. II. 4, 5.

Charles's wain, old name for the seven bright
stars of the constellation ursa major, so named
in honour of Charlemagne. aHd. 2, 1.

to Charm, to move by charms, spells, to en-
treat, conjure. He. 2. ch. to fetter by charms.
bHf. 4, 1. S. Gifford's Ben Jons. II, 232. IV,
Charmer, one who dealt in charms or spells,
a magician. 0.3, 4.

Charnico, charneco, a sort of sweet spanish
wine. blf. 2, 3. From charneca, spanish name
for a species of turpentine tree.
Charter, privilege, authority confirmed by a
carta. MW. 4, 1. AL. 2, 7. 0. 1, 3.
Chartered libertine, arrant libertine, is
called the air. He. 1, 1. cf. AL. 2, 7. 0.5, 2.
Chat, prating, haubling. LL. 5, 2. TS. 2, 1.
T. 2, 1.

to Chatter, or chat, to blab. T. 2, 2. Cy. 1,7;
to shudder. KL. 4, 6. Compare the oldgerm.
geiten, geyten, cheiten, couten, quedan, ko-


MD. 2, 2. is called childing, pregnant, fruitful; and childing plants are proliferous, in which one flower rises within or around another, and sometimes several.

Chill, I will. KL. 4, 6.

den, kuiten, keffen, kodern, gr. kotillein, to Child, to bear children. Hence the autumn. pers. gujed, engl. kit, quad, quoth. Chaudron, chauldron, part of the entrails of an animal. M. 4, 1. Kin to the gr. kotylos, koilos, hollow, kotyle, cholades, fr. chaudron, germ. provinc. Kutteln; from kyō, chaō, kaō. Cheap, is market, and the adj. good with its comparatives is often joined with it by old writers. Gifford's Ben Jons. II, 407. aHd. 3, 3. Anciently cheping is market, chepe, price, from the sax. cypan, to cope.

Chear, cheer, look, air of the countenance. aHf. 1, 2. Kin to the ital. ciera, the gr. kara. S. Douce's Ill. of Sh. I, 193.

to Chear, to encourage, quicken. cHf. 1, 1. M.5, 3. where it is opposed to disseat. RJ. 2, 3. Kin to the teuton. cyr, ceor, cwiger, turn,

move, run.

Cheater, unfair gamester, one who played with false dice. bHd. 2, 4. escheator, officer in the exchequer. MW. 1, 3. S. Gifford's Ben Jons. VIII, 498. Kin to the lat. capere, engl. deceit, chouse, cozen, that imply the notion of dark, night, concealment, as the gr. keuthō, I conceal, skotos, darkness, the fr. cacher, coucher show evidently.

Check, restraint, restraining law. TS, 1, 1; reproof, reprimand. bHd. 4, 3. where it is joined with rebuke. Kin to the sax. scacan, engl. shake, kick, fr. choc, gr. kiō, kikō, kichō, kichanō, hiko, to go, movn.

Chilling, making cold. TAR. 2, 4. Kin to the lat. gelų, germ. Kalte, kalt, and by enantiosemy or inverted sense -s. I. A. Kanne de vocabulor. enantiosemia, s. observ. de confusione in linguis babylon. Norimb. 1819. 8. to the lat. calere, calidus, ital. caldo, Childness, childishness. IVT. 4, 2. Chime, harmonious sound of bells. TC. 1, 3. a Hd. 3, 2. Kin to the gr. kymbé, kymbos by chaō, kyō. S. chaudron. Chin. In MD. 2, 2. for old Hyem's chin and icy crown Gray and Voss restore chill, cold. Chine, backbone, ridgebone. Hh. 5, 3. TS. 3, 2. Kin to the ital. schiena, gr. skelis, schelis, schalis, skelos.

Chink, crevice, cleft, gap in a wall. MD. 3, 1; sound of money, money. RJ. 1, 5. Hence Ben Jonson uses to cry chink of the money that sounds in the pocket. VI, 137. cf. V, 336. The word is a mongrel of the gr. chaō, hisco, germ. gähnen, and ginglizō, lat. clango, germ. klingen, klingeln.

Chioppine, chapin, chopine, chippin, cioppino, a sort of high shoe, formerly worn by ladies, or rather a clog, or patten. H. 2, 2. S. Gifford's Ben Jons. II, 258. Douce's Ill. of Sh. II, 231. From the span. chapin, arab. chipin, cork.

to Check, to restrain, refrain, curb, interrupt.
H. 4, 7. taunt, tax. AW. 1, 1; a term in fal-
conry, to pause in the flight, to change the
game while in pursuit, especially for an inferior to
kind, as crows, rooks, pies. TN. 3, 1.
to Checker, chequer, to variegate or diversify
with alternate colours. RJ. 2, 3. Checkered, to Chirp, expresses the indistinct noise made by

party-coloured, inlaid as the fields of a chess board. TAn. 2, 3. Kin to the fr. échec, it. scacco, from the pers. shah, king, ar. sheik, prince.

Chip, to hew, cut in splints. TC. 5, 5; to cut asunder, to carve. bHd. 2, 4; Kin to chop, wh. s.; gr. koptō, fr. couper.

some birds and insects. bHf. 3, 2. Spelt also chire, chirre, chirrup (Vic. of Wakef.), scot. chirme, kin to the gr. garyō, gērys, kēryo, kerysso, germ. girren, lowsax. kören.

Cheek by jowl. To go ch. b. j. with one, low to Chop, to cut off. MM. 1, 2. 0. 4, 1; to
phrase for to be inward friend, intimate. MD.
3, 2.

Cherry-pit, a puerile game, which consisted of pitching cherrystones into a small hole. TN. 3, 4.

Chest, breast. TC. 4, 5. Kin to cist by the gr. chaō. S. catch; chaudron. Cheveril, kid; kidleather. TN. 3, 1. metaph. yielding, pliable, flexible. RJ. 2, 4. Hh. 2, 3. to Chew, to grind with the teeth, to masticate: to taste, relish. MM. 2,4; with upon, to weigh, poize, meditate. JC. 1, 2. Kin to the germ. kauen, gr. geuō.

Chewet, the chattering chough, or jackdaw. a Hd. 5, 1.

to Chide, to scold, rebuke. M. 3, 1. aHd. 2, 4. 0.4, 2. TC. 2,2. LL. 4,3. AL. 3, 5. WT. 5, 3. He. 1, 2. 2, 4. cHf. 5, 4. RJ. 4, 1. AL. 4, 3; sometimes merely to make a noise, to resound, echo, without any reference to scolding. So MD. 4, 1. means the cry of hounds. Chief, preference, accomplishment, distinguished talent, leading example. H. 1, 3.-Kin to the old fr. kef, chef, gr. kabē, kebē, kybē, germ. Kopf, it. capo.

Child, a youth trained to arms, whether squire or knight. KL. 3, 4. S. Edinb. Rev. Dec. 1816. N. LIV. on Lord Byron. not. The anglosax. cild, germ. Kind, from the gr. ginō, gignō, lat. geno. This is evident by

maim, confound, mangle a language in speaking it. Rb. 3, 3. Hence choplogic, fragments of 1., or sayings. RJ. 3, 5.

Chrisome, chrysom, chrisme, the face cloth or piece of linen put on the head of a child newly baptis'd; infants, that die within the month of birth. He. 2, 3. From the gr. chrisma anointing oil, used anciently at baptism. S. Douce's Ill. of Sh. V, 487. Christendom, appellation in general. AW. 1, 1; christianity. KJ. 4, 1.

to Chronicle, to put in chronicle, to write down, to record in history. O. 2, 1. Chronicler, he that writes chronicles. In AL. 4, 1. Hanmer and Edwards propose the emendation coroners (wh. s.) supporting it by H. 5, 1.

Chuck, corrupted from chick, and used as a fondling expression, or term of endearment. TN. 3, 4. LL. 5, 2. M. 3, 2. O. 4, 2. Chuff, a term of reproach, usually applied to avaricious old citizens. aHd. 2, 2. Kin to the germ. Schuft, from Hufe, a measure of land, by the scyth. apia, signifying earth. S. Herodot. 4, 59.

Churl, peasant, avaricious, ill bred. RJ. 5, §. Kin to carl, wh. s.

Cinque pace, a kind of lively dance, called also galliard,, the seps of which were reguttated by the number five. MA. 2, 1.

Cinque ports, Hastings, Dover, Hithe, Rum- to Cling, to cleave, stick, adhere. Hh. 1, 1; to ney, Sandwich, with Winchelsex and Rye, opposite to France. Hh. 3, 1.

Circuit, circle. bHf. 3, 1. From the lat. cir


to Circumstance, to be ruled by the circum-
stances. 0.3, 4.

Cistern, pool. M. 4, 3. 0. 4, 2. Lat. cisterna.
to Cite, to prove. AW. 1, 3; to summon, in-
cite. TG. 2, 4. bHd. 3, 2. cHf. 2, 1.
Citizen, town bred, delicate. Cy. 4, 2.
Cittern, guittar. They had usually a head
grotesquely carved at the extremity of the neck
and finger board. Hence the jest on the face
of Holofernes. LL. 5, 2.

Civil, grave, decent, solemn. TN. 3, 4. RJ.
3, 2. Civil as an orange is humble and pliant
as an orange, that falls off easily when ripe.
MA. 2, 1. So Co. 3, 2. now humble, as the
ripest mulberry.

Clack-dish, clap-dish, a wooden dish carried by beggars, with a moveable cover, which they clapped and clattered to show, that it was emply. In this they received the alms. MM. 3, 2.

to Clamber, to climb, climber. H. 4, 7. Kin
to clammer, germ. klimmen, gr. klima.
Clamour, cHf. 5, 2. has been restored by Stee-
vens for which sounded like a cannon in a
vault, and explained by Voss the noise, or
cry, chatter of the coroners when they place
right a coffin.

to Clamour, to vociferate, outcry. WT. 4, 3.
The sense of this much vexed passage (S.
Douse's Ill. of Sh. I, 359.) is simply: cry till
you are cloyed, and be silent afterwards!
to Clap, to strike; to join, as to clap the hand
for trothplighting, confirming a bargain, or
match. WT. 1, 2; to clap up, to close up, to
pen up. bHf. 1, 4. AC.4, 2. Kin to clip, clasp,
perhaps grasp.

to Clapper-claw, to revile, injure, hiss out,
to scorn, scold, tonguebeat. MW. 2, 3. TC.
5, 4.

Clasp, tach, hook, buckle. RJ. 1, 8; embracing. O. 1, 1.

to Clasp, to embrace. TC. 4, 5.
Clatter, noise, alarum. M. 5, 7.

to Claw, to scratch, tickle with the claws. MA.
1, 8. H. 1, 1; to flatter. LL. 4, 2. Kin to the
gr. rhaō, graphō, engl. carve.
Clean, quite, fully, perfectly, completely. CE.

1, 1. bнd. 1, 2. O. 1, 3. Cy. 3, 6. Rc. 2, 4. Rb. 3.
1. Kin to clear, by the gr. gelanes, galēnos,
gelares, galeros, galéros, from laō, leō, leuō,
to see, and to gloss.

Clear, pure, innocent, blameless. KL. 4, 6. T. 3, 3. cHf, 3, 3.

to Clear, to purify, justify. WT. 3, 2; to lead out. 1, 2. end.

to Cleave, to split, part asunder; to unite with closely. T. 4, 1. Kin to cleaver, cleft, cliff, clift, cloven, clough, clout. §. Horne Tooke Div. of. P. II, 178.

to Clepe, to call. H. 1, 4. Kin to the gr. kleō, klyō.

Clerkly, like a scholar. TG, 1, 2. MW. 4, 5. bHƒ. 3, 1.

Cliff, in music, key. TC.5, 2; declivity of a hill,

rock. KL. 4, 1. A mongrel, from the fr. clef, and the lat. clivus, gr. geōlophos, germ. Klippe. S. to cleave.

wither, shrink, shrivel up. M. 5, 5.

Clinquant, shining, glittering, glistening. Hh. 1, 1. Fr. clinquant, tinsel.

to Clip, to embrace, met. to encompass. KJ. 5, 2. Co. 1, 6. 4, 5. AC. 4, 8. WT. 5, 2. bHƒ. 4, 1. AC. 5, 2. O. 3, 3. Cy. 2, 3.

Clocksetter, ringer of the bells. KJ. 3,1. joined with sexton.

Clodpole, clodpoll, clotpoll, blockhead. Cy. 4, 2. TC. 2, 1. TN. 3, 4. Kin. to globus, Kloos. to Close, to join, come near, as in a fight, or battle. bHd. 2, 1; to allay. bHd. 2, 4.

Cloth. Painted cloth, old tapestry hangings with trite mottoes, and moral sentences from the mouths of the figures worked or painted in then. AL. 3, 2.

Clout, mark fixed in the centre of the butts, at which archers shot for practice; metaphor. an object sought, of any sort. LL. 4, 1. KL. 4, 6. bHd. 3, 2; rag, rubber. H. 2, 2. RJ. 2, 4. — Kin to cloth, lat. clavus, fr. clou.

Clown. The theatrical clown or fool - for these terms were sometimes used as synonymous, sometimes distinguished — seems to have been a kind of heterogeneous character, drawn in part from real life, but very considerably heightened in order to produce stage effect. His first shape is no doubt in the Vice of the old mysteries and moralities. He was different from the domestic fool, who was the inmate of every opulent house, and whose profession required a considerable degree of skill and dexterity, wherefore he enjoyed great liberties, although he did not always escape whipping. KL. 1, 4. AL. 1,2. The costume of the domestic fool in Shk's. time was of two sorts: a) a motley or partycoloured coat, attached to the body by a girdle, with bells at the skirts and elbows, breeches and hose close, sometimes each leg of a different colour; a hood resembling a monk's cowl, sometimes decorated with asses ears, or else terminated in the neck and head of a cock. It often had the comb or crest only of the animal, whence the term coxcomb. In the hand an official sceptre or bauble, a short stick ornamented at the end with the figure of a fool's head, or with that of a doll, or puppet. To this instrument there was frequently annexed an inflated skin or bladder, whose form varied, sometimes obcenely. Sometimes a strong bat or club was substituted for the bauble, sometimes a sort of flapper or rattle ornamented with bells; b) a long petticoat, of various colours, the materials often costly, as of velvet, and fringed with yellow. But there were many variations of these dresses. Instead of the hood with the cockscomb appeared a single bell and more. The head was frequently shaved, in imitation or perhaps ridicule of a monk's crown. The tails of foxes or squirrels were often suspended to the garment. Often the idiot was clothed in a calf or sheep's skin. A large purse or wallet at the girdle is a very ancient part of the fool's dress. The practice of introducing the fools and clowns between the acts and scenes, and after the play was finished, to amuse the audience with extemporaneous wit and buffoonery has been traced from the greek and roman theatres. S. Douce's Ill. of Sh. II, 297. ss. The character of a clown as peculiar to a country family is expressed in the word's origin from the lat. colonus, as it is derived also by Ben Jonson VI, 144.

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