صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Carysfort (John Joshua Proby), first
Earl of, his 'Poems and Trage-
dies,' 185 n.

Cash, potency of, 736, 751.
Casimir, John, King of Poland, 318.
Cassius, 827.

Charles of Anjou, 158.
Charles, Prince, better known as the
Pretender, 26 n.

Charles XII. of Sweden, 36 n., 317.
His obstinacy at Bender, 707.
Charlotte, Queen, 399.
Charlotte, Princess of Wales, 733,
861 n. Stanzas on her death,'


Chateaubriand, Viscount, 574.
Chatham, first Earl of, 742.
Chatterton, Thomas, 62 n.
vulgar, 841.
Chaucer, 179.

Castalian dews, 69 n., 99.
Castelnau, Marquis de, his 'Histoire
de la Nouvelle Russie,' 679.
Castlereagh, Viscount (Robert Stew-Chase, the English, 749.
art, Marquis of Londonderry,
572, 591, 670 n. 592 n. 715,
724,733, 898. 'Epigrams on,'
902. Epitaph on,' ib.
Castri, village of, 69 n. 99.
Catalani, Madame, 58.
Catharine 1. of Russia, 571.
Catharine II. of Russia, 688, 713,
715-718, 722.
Cathay, 735.

Catholic emancipation, 813-817.
Catiline, his character. 689.
Cato. 336 n., lends his wife to

Hortensius, 681.
Catullus, 598, his 'Lugete, Veneres,
Cupidinesque,' translated, 5. His
'Ad Lesbiam' translated, ib. 'The
scholar of love,' 635. His 'Atys'
not licentious, 837.
Caucasus, Mount, 65, 687.
Cava, 350.

'Cavalier Servente,' 310, 715.
Cecilia Metella, tomb of, 138.
Cecrops. 188.


[blocks in formation]

Chaworth, Mr. xiv. xix. 13 n., 33 n.Claridge, Mr. xiii.
Chaworth, Mary Anne (afterwards
Mrs. Musters), Lord Byron's early
attachment to, xiv. 9 n., 33 n.,
41n., 42 n., 70 n., 681n., 847n.,
848 n., 850, 883 n. Death of, 9 n.
'Fragment written shortly after
her marriage,' 8, 9n. Stanzas
to, 'Oh! had my fate,' 41. Stan-
zas to, 'Well! thou art happy.'
847. Farewell to,' 848.
zas to, on the author's leaving
England,' 850.

Clarke, Dr. Edward Daniel, 85 n.,
95 n., 656 n., 659 n.
Clarke, Rev. James Stanier, his
'Naufragium,' 619 n.
Clarke, Hewson, 64, 66.
Classical education, 598.
Classics, too early study of, 135,
175, 181.
Claudian, his 'Old Man of Verona,'



Cheltenham, xii. xx. 580 n.
Cheops, King, his pyramid, 615.
Chesterfield, Earl of, his speech on
the play-house bill, 178.
remark on hunting, 755.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 67.
See also 334, 647 n.

Childe Burun, 67 n.

Claudius, the Emperor, 168.
Clement XII., Pope, 142 n.
Cleon, 99.

Cleonice and Pausanias, story of,
291 n., 300.
Cleopatra, 567, 681, 765.
Clergy, 752.

Clerks of public offices, 730.
Clitumnus, the river, 134. Temple
of, ib.

Child of Harrow's Pilgrimage, 67 n. Clootz, Jean Baptiste (Anacharsis),
'Childish Recollections,' 30.
Children, 523, 524, 641.

592, 593 n., 661 n.
Clubs, 176, 750.

“Chill and mirk is the nightly blast,' | Clusium, 350.


Cellini, Benvenuto, 501.
Centlivre, Mrs., character of her
comedies, 348 n. Drove Congreve
from the stage, ib.
Cephalonia, xxix. 88 n.
Cephisus, river of, 188, 235.
Ceres, 735. Temple of, 819.
Certaldo, the priests of, 160.
Chillon, Prisoner of, 278.
Certosa Cemetery, epitaphs at, 4 n. Chillon, Castle of, 121 n. 279, 280 n.
Cervantes, 67 n., 88 n., 690. Cha-Chillon, Sonnet
on, 278.
racter of his 'Don Quixote,' 743. Chimari, 135.
Cevallos, Don Pedro de, 57 n.
Chimariot mountains, 89.
Ceylon, 735.
Chinnery, Mr., 814.
Chioza, war of, 151.
Chivalry, 68, 648.

Chæronea, 99, 115 n.

Chalk-Farm, 56 n.

Chalons, battle of, 868 n.
Chamouni. 119 n. 'Lines found
in the Travellers' book at,' 906.
Chandler, Dr. 85 n., 99.

Change, 733.

Christ, 680. Pure creed of, made

sanction of all il!,' 761.
'Christabel,' 260 n. 266 n.
Christianity, 698, 761.
Chrysostom, St., 598.

Chantrey, Francis, esq. R.A., 615 n. Chrysso, 69 n.

Chaonia, xviii.

Charing Cross, 729.

'Charity Ball, Lines on reading
that Lady Byron was patroness
of a,' 903.

Charlemagne, the Emperor, 574.
Charlemont, Lady, 826.
Charlemont, Mrs., 877.
Charles I. 3, 4 n., 287 n., 387 n.,


Charles II. 9 n., 29..
Charl's V. of Spain, 145, 869 n.
Charles VIII. of France, 162.

Churches, 667.
'Churchill's Grave,' 885.
Cibber, Colley, 823.
Cicero, 137 n. His opinion on Bri-
tain, 139 n. His villa, 146, 169.
A punster, 173 n.
Cicisbeo, 310.

Cicognara, Count Leopold, 126,
Cid, 568, 570.
Cigars, 582.

Cincinnatus, 712, 573.

Cintra, 72, 73. Convention of, 74.

Clytemnestra, 718, 887.

Cobbett, William, 74 n. 680, 830,

888. Epigram on his digging
up. Tom Paine's bones,' 897.
Coblentz, 117.

Cocker, the arithmetician, 777,904.
'Cockney school' of poetry,xvii. 840.
Cognac, apostrophized, 653.
Cogni, Margarita, story of, xxiv.
Cohen, Mr. F., 388.
Coimbra, xiii. 83 n.
Coke, Mr., of Norfolk, 867.
Colbleen, 44.
Colchis, 641.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, esq., his
'Christabel,' 195 n., 260 n., 266
n., 683 n., 875. His 'Wander-
ings of Cain,' 529. His 'Biogra-
phia Literaria,' 590 n., 645 n.
His sketch of Don Juan's sup-
posed character, 594 n.,
613 n.
His 'Devil's Walk,' 867 n. See
also 53, 63, 589, 602, 613 n.,
731, 799, 804.
Coligny, 121 n.

Coliseum, the, 136n. 140, 163,298.
College education, advantages of a,

[blocks in formation]

Colonna, Cape, 94, 825. Columns Cottle, Joseph, 55. His 'Alfred,'

[blocks in formation]

Columbus, 762, 769.
Column of Napoleon, 568.
Comboloio, or Turkish rosary, 216,

Comedy, the day of, gone by, 750.
Comitium, the, 164, 165.
Commodus, the Emperor, 350.
'Common Lot, answer to a beauti-

ful poem, entitled the,' 36.
Commonwealth, 368, 894.
Comnena, Anna, 102.
Company, mixed, 312.

Condorcet, Marquis de, 592, 593 n.
Congreve, driven from the stage by

Mrs. Centlivre, 348 n.
Congreve rockets, 606.

'Conquest, the,' a fragment, 904.
Conscience, 200, 286, 295, 577,
602, 609, 635.
Constable, the bookseller, 51 n.,
184 n.
Constans, 168.

Constant, Benjamin de, 572.
Constantine, the Emperor, 168.
Constantine, George, lexicographer,

Constantinople, xviii. 93, 99, 727,

825. Slave market at, 661.
Contarini, Andrea, Doge, 159.
Contarini, Madaine, xxv.
Conversationists, 750.
Cook, Captain, 54.
Cooke, George Frederick, comedian,
58 n., 351 n.
Cookery, science of, 766.
Copet, 157, 876 n., 888.
Copyright, sums paid to Lord By-
ron for, 52 n.
Coquette, 313, 740.
Coray, 101, 103.
Corfu, 100, 315.
'Corinne' quoted, 156.
Corinth, Siege of, 260.
Corinth, gulf of, xxx.
Corinthian brass, 685.
Cork Convent, 73 n.
Cornelia, 138.
'Cornelian, the,' 23.
'Cornelian heart which was broken,
Lines on a,' 861.
Cornwall, xvii.
Cornwall, Barry (Bryan Walter
Procter), 731.

and Fall of Columbia,' 55 n.
His Expostulatory Epistle to
Lord Byron,' 783.

Could I remount the river of my
years,' 886.

'Could love for ever,' 896.
Coumourgi, Ali, 262.
Country and town, discrepancies
between, 776.
Courage, 381, 645.
Covent Garden, 307.
58 n.
Cowley, Abraham, his imitation of
Claudian's 'Old Man of Verona,'
571 n.

Theatre of,

Cowper, William, 62, 703. 'No
poet,' 829. His translation of
Homer, ib. His spaniel 'Beau,'
848 n.

Cowper, Lady, xxi.
Coxcomb, 657.
Coxe, Archdeacon, his 'Life of
Marlborough,' 645. His Life
of Sir Robert Walpole,' 664 n.
Crabbe, Rev. George, 613, 590.
'Nature's sternest painter, yet
the best,' 63. The first in point
of power and genius,' 63 n. The
first of living poets,' 800.
'Craning,' 754.
Crashaw, Richard, 643. Cowley's
lines on, 643 n.
Creation, Mosaic account of the,
507, 518 n.
Crema, 394, 470.

Cressy, battle of, xi.n., 3 n., 725.
Cribb, Tom, the pugilist, 189, 837.
'Critic,' Sheridan's, 792; too good
for a farce,' 882 n.
Croker, Crofton, Esq., his 'Fairy
Legends,' 772 n.

Croker, Right Hon. John Wilson,
his query concerning the title of
the Bride of Abydos,' 210 n.
His 'Boswell' quoted, 146 n.,
186 n., 503 n., 641 n., 671 n.
Croly, Rev. Dr. George, 731. His
'Letter of Cato to Lord Byron,'
Cromwell, the 'sagest of usurpers,'
136. His death, 29. His 'des-
tiny,' 136.
Crossing the Line, ceremony at, 582.
Crowe, Rev. Wm., his strictures on
'English Bards,' 56 n.
Crusades, xi. n. 3 n.
Cruscan school of poetry, the, anni-
hilated by Gifford, 61, 800.
Ctesilaus, 142 n.

Cuba, island of, 241.

Culloden, battle of, 26 n., 592.
Cumberland, Duke of, the hero of
Culloden, 592.

Cumberland, Richard, esq., 58, 175.
Cupid, 715.
Curiosity, 510.

Curran, Right Hon. John Philpot,
733, 750, 898.

Currie, Dr., his 'Life of Burns,'

'Curse of Kehama,' 183 n.
Curse of Minerva, 187.
Curtis, Sir William, 574, 726.
Curzon, Mr., xiii. 845 n.
Cuvier, Baron, 507, 519 m., 714,

Cyanometer, described, 660 n.
Cyclades, 235, 628, 655.
Cypress-tree, 199.
Cyprus, 369, 626.
Cyrus, 768.


'D, Lines to, 3.
Dacian woman, 142.
D'Alembert, 111.
Dallas, Robert Charles, xvi. 51 m.,
54n. 859 n.
Dallaway, Rev. James, his 'Con-

stantinople' quoted, 197 n.
Dalrymple, Sir Hew, 74n.
'Damætas, a Character, 15.
Damas, Count de, 693.

Damme,' the British, 730.
Dance, Pyrrhic, 97, 639, 644.
'Dance of Death,' Holbein's, 763.
Hollar's, 763 n.

Dancing, 113,639, 657,732,755.
Dandies, xx. 312 n. Dynasty of
the, 312.

Dandolo, Henry, 'the octogenarian

chief,' 128. Account of, 151.
'Dandy' described, 311, 312.
Daniel, 667, 710.
Dante, his early passion for Bea-
trice, xii. 43 n., 335 n. His infe-
licitous marriage, 336, 637. His
popularity, 334 n., 801. His
gentle feelings, 335 m., 899 %.
His banishment and poverty, 341.
His tomb at Ravenna, 341 m.,
659. His Beatrice, 637. Im
tation of, 647. His ' half-way
house' of life, 686, 721. See
also, 133, 158, 889, 900. Pro-
phecy of, 333.
Danton, 592, 593 n.
Danube, the, 142, 263.
Dardanelles, the, 213, 658.
'Darkness,' 884.

Daru, M., his picture of Venetian
society and manners, 392, 487 m.
Darwin, Erasmus, his 'pompous
chime,' 63. His 'Botanic Gar
den,' 63 n. Put down by a poem
in the 'Anti-Jacobin,' 800.

[ocr errors]

Dates, a sort of post-house, where
the Fates change horses,' 603.
David, King, 193, 492, 609.

harp, 254. His hymns, 11, 254 n.
Davies, Scrope, esq. xviii. 312 n.
Dedication of 'Parisina' to, 271.
Davy, Sir Humphry, 346. His safety
lamp, 606.

Dead, features of the, 197. Belief
that the souls of inhabit the forms
of birds, 222.

'Dear Doctor, I have read your
play,' 892.

'Dear object of defeated care,' 856.
Death, Slumber the sister of, 12,
Shuns the wretched, 612. Ad-
vantages of an early, 649, 719.
The 'Sovereign's sovereign,' 720.
A reformer, 721. 'Dunnest of
all duns,' 760. A gaunt gour-
mand,' 761. See also, 95, 122,
140, 197, 206, 451, 511, 517,
618, 647, 655, 665, 712, 720,

'Death and the Lady,' 637.

[ocr errors][merged small]

tions of the Turkish character,

De Pauw, his writings charac-
terised, 100, 101.

De Quincey, Mr., his 'Confessions of

an English Opium-Eater,' 650 n.
De Retz, Cardinal, his account of
a shipwreck in the Gulf of
Lyons, 620 n.

Dervish Tahiri, Lord Byron's faith-
ful Arnaout guide, 97, 207 n.,
261 n.

Desaix, General, 593.
Deshayes, the ballet-master, 59.
Desmoulins, Camille, 729 n.
Despair, 113, 219, 237, 281, 622,

Despotism, 672.
Destiny, 136.

[ocr errors]

De Tott, Baron, his History of
the Turks,' 676 n., 683.
'Devil's Drive, the; an unfinished
Rhapsody,' 867.

esq. ib. Origin of the charac-
ter, 592 n. When first intro-
duced upon the stage, ib. Sketch
of his supposed character by
Mr. Coleridge, 594 n., 613 n.
Fragment on the back of the MS.
of Canto I., 615 n. Preface to
Cantos VI., VII., VIII., 679.
Testimonies of authors, 779. Let-
ter to the Editor of My Grand-
mother's Review,' 792. 'Ob-
servations upon an Article in
Blackwood's Magazine,' 794.
Dedication of 'Observations' to
J. D'Israeli, esq., ib. See also
xxxii. 647 n., 731.

[ocr errors]

· Don Quixote,' xxxii. 49 n. 'A too
true tale,' 743. Delight of read-
ing in the original, 760.
Donaghadee, 816.
Donati Corso, 336 n.
Donoughmore, Earl of, 813.
Doomsday-book, xi. 721.

'Devil's Walk,' Coleridge's, attri- Doria, 128, 151.
buted to Porson, 867 n.
Devotion, 507, 646, 683.
'Diable Boiteux,' 10 n.
Diana, temple of, 143, 190.

quoted, 298 n.

De Foix, Gaston, his tomb at Ra-Diary of an Invalid,' Matthews's,
venna, 659. Account of, 659 n.
Deformed Transformed; a Dra-
ma, 488.

Dibdin, Thomas, 58, 351 n. Suc-
cess of his 'Mother Goose,' 58 n.
Deformity an incentive to distinc-Dictionnaire de Trévoux,' its defi-
tion, 493 n.

De Grammont, his 'Memoirs,' 647n.
D'Egville, the ballet-master, xvi.
D'Herbelot, 204 n.

D'Israeli, J., esq. his 'Quarrels of
Authors,' 173 n., 794. Dedi-
cation of Observations upon an
Article in Blackwood's Magazine'
to, 794.

nition of an epic, 612 n.
Diderot, 395 n.
Dido, 19, 700.

Dorotheus of Mitylene, 104.
Dorset (Thomas Sackville), Earl of,
'called the drama forth,' 9.
Dorset (Charles Sackville), Earl of,
his character, 9 n.

Dorset (George-John Frederick),
fourth Duke of, xiii. 'Lines ad-
dressed to,' 9. Some account of,
9 n., 10 n. 'Lines occasioned
by the death of,' 873.
Doubt, 712, 726.
Dover, dear,' 724.
Downs, the' xxxi.
Drachenfels, 117, 724.
'Drapery misses,' 731.
Drawcansir, 174, 731.
depen-Dream, the,' 882.

'Difficile est propriè,' etc. of Ho-
race, disputes on the meaning of,
174 n.

Digestion, 712, 714.
Dinner, a man's happiness
dent on, 751.

Dekker, Thomas, his 'Wonder of Dinner-bell, 'the tocsin of the soul,'

[merged small][ocr errors]


Diodati, xxiii. 121 n.
Diodorus Siculus, 430.

Diogenes, 572, 729, 766, 772 n.
Dion, 164, 165.

Delia, poetical epistle from, to Lord Dionysius, the historian, 164, 165.

Delphi, xviii. Fountain of, 69, 79. Dirce, fountain of, 99.

Byron, 217 n.

[blocks in formation]

Dionysius at Corinth, 869.

Discontents, progress of popular,


'Disdar Aga,' 98.

Dissimulation, 760.

'Dives, Lines to,' 857.
Divorces, 715.

Denham, his 'Cooper's Hill,' 725 n. Doctors' Commons, 715.

Denina, 155.

Denman, Baron (Lord Chief Jus-
tice), his translation of the Greek
song on Harmodius and Aristo-
geiton, 113 n.
Dennis, John, the critic, 55, 176,
237 n. His tract against operas,
176 n.

Dent d'Argent, 287 n.
D'Ohsson, accuracy of his delinea-

[blocks in formation]

Dresden, 724.
Druids, the, 729.
Drummond, Sir William, 351, 505
n. His Academical Questions
quoted, 141 n.

Drury, Rev. Henry, 65 n., 854 n.
Drury, Rev. Dr. Joseph, his opi-
nion of Lord Byron's disposition
and capabilities while at Harrow,
xiii. 12 n., 35 n. Lord Byron's
character of, 10 n., 31 n., 35 n.,
135 n. 'Lines on his retiring
from the head-mastership of Har-
row,' 10.

Dogs, 691. Fidelity of, 605, 848. Drury, Mark, 31 n.
Dolce, Carlo, 748.
Dolfino, Giovanni, 151.
Domenichino, 169.
Domingo, St., island of, 241.
Domitian, the Emperor, 350.
Domitius Marsus, translation from,5.
Don, the river, 720.
Don Juan, 589. Dedication of
'Don Juan' to Robert Southey,

Drury Lane Theatre, 345 n., 348 n.,
351 n., 862 n. 'Address, spoken
at the opening of,' 862.
Dryden, his dislike of Cambridge,
64 n. His infelicitous marriage,
637 n. His 'Absalom and Achi-
tophel,' 646. His Theodore
and Honoria,' 647. His 'Ode,'
799, 802. His epigram under

[ocr errors]

Milton's picture, 801. His 'Pa-
lamon and Arcite,' 802.
Dubois, Edward, esq. his satire,
entitled 'My Pocket Book,' 65 n. |
Dubost, M., painter, 171. His
'Beauty and the Beast,' 171 n.
Duelling, 59 n., 652.
'Duet, between Campbell and Eleusis, Bay of, 819.
Bowles,' 893.

case of Wat Tyler,' 397 n.,
and Cain,' 505 n. His impar-
tiality, 767.
Electioneering, 775.

Duff, Miss Mary (afterwards Mrs.
R.Cockburn) Lord Byron's boyish
attachment for, xii. 43 n., 842.
Duigenan, Dr., 815, 817.
Dulwich, xii.

Dumourier, General, 592.

Dunbar, battle of, 136 n.

Duncan, Admiral, 593.

Dunciad, the, 55.

Dupaty, the President, 163.

Elegy on Newstead Abbey,' 28.
Elegy on the Recovery of Lady
***,' 903.

[ocr errors]

Elgin, Lord, 65, 85n., 96, 187,
189. 'Epigram on,' 864.
Elgin marbles, 96, 187 n., 190 n.
'Eliza, Lines to,' 26.

Elizabeth, Queen, 145. Her avarice,

Epistle to Augusta,' 879.
Epitaphs:-'on a Friend,' 4; ‘on
Virgil and Tibullus, by Domi-
tius Marsus, translated,' 5; fon
John Adams, of Southwell, car-
rier, who died of drunkenness,'
845; 'for myself,'854; Substitute
for an,' ib.; for Joseph Blackett,
late poet and shoe-maker,' 857;
'for William Pitt,' 897; for
Lord Castlereagh,' 902; on Lady
Milbanke's dog Trim,' 905.
Epitaphs, remarks on, 4.
Erasmus, his Naufragium,' 6 19 n.

Ellen, Lines to,' imitated from Ca- Eratostratus, 190.

tullus, 5.

Ellice, Mr. xxviii.

Elliston, Robert William, comedian,
349 n., 351 n.

Duppa, Richard, esq., his 'Life of Eloisa and Abelard,' Pope's, 802.

Michael Angelo,' 340 n.
Dwarfs, 670.

Dyer's Grongar Hill,' 827.
'Dying Gladiator,' 142.


'E, Lines to,' 2.

Early death, 649.

Early hours, 752.
Early rising, 629.
Eating, 664.

Eblis, Oriental Prince of Darkness,

Eboli, Princess of, epigram on her
losing an eye, 834.
Eccelin, 226 n.
'Eclectic,' 642.

'Eclectic Review,' its strictures on

Hours of Idleness,' 182. Its
character of 'Don Juan,' 781.
Economy, 721.
Eddleston (Cambridge chorister),
23 n., 842. Lines on a corne-

lian given to Lord Byron by,' 23.
Edgeworth, Maria, 595.
Edinburgh, 56, 57.
'Edinburgh Review,' xv. 45, 48,
614,784. Its 'Critique' on 'Hours
of Idleness,' 45. Strictures on
its remarks on the literature of
modern Greece, 102.
Education, English system of, 599 n.
Edward I, xi. n.
Edward III., xi. n. 3.
Edward the Black Prince, 36 n.
His tomb, 725.

Egeria, 140, 166.
Egeria, Fountain of, 140.
Egeria, Grotto of, 140, 166.
Egripo (the Negropont), 214.
Ehrenbreitstein, 118.
Eighers, the, 119 n.
Eivan, 123 n.
Ekenhead, Mr., 626, 853 n.
Elba, Isle of. 569.

Eldon, Earl of, xvii. 867. Anecdote
of, 60 n. His judgment, in the

Eloquence, power of, 122, 761.
State of, in England, 572 n.
'Emma, Lines to,' 6.

Endor, witch of, 256, 257 n., 291.
'Endorsement to the Deed of Sepa-
ration, in April, 1816,' 878.
England, 311, 797.

English Bards and Scotch Review-
ers, 48. See also, xxxii. 822.
'English look,' 663.

English system of education, 599 n.
English women, 741.

Enigma, On the Letter I.,' 908.
Enniskillen, 814.

Ennui, the best of friends and
opiate draughts,' 646 n. 'A
growth of English root,' 751.
Enthusiasm, 'a moral inebriety,'
745. How excited, 122 n.
Envy, 672, 829.
Epaminondas, his disinterestedness,

Ephesus, ruins of, 143, 713.
Epic poem, definition of an, 612.
Recipe for, 612 n.
Epicurus, philosophy of, 606 n. 635.
:-on Moore's Operatic
Farce, or Farcical Opera,' 857;
'from the French,' 861; 'on Lord
Elgin, 864; from Martial,' 888;
'from the French of Rulhières,'
895; on my Wedding Day,'
897; on Cobbett's digging up
Tom Paine's Bones,' ib.; ‘ou some
Brother Poets,' ib.; "The world
is a bundle of hay,' ib.; on my
thirty-third Birth-day,' 901; 'on
my Wedding,' ib.; on Queen |
Caroline,' ib.; on the Brasiers'
Company having resolved to pre-
sent an Address to Queen Ca-
roline,' 902; on Lord Castle-
reagh,' ib.
Epirus, 67, 89.

Epistle, a female, described, 751.
'Epistle to a Friend, in answer to
some Lines exhorting the author
to banish care,' 857.

[ocr errors]

Eros and Anteros, 290.
Erse language, 700.
Erskine, Lord, 750.
Escurial, the, 75 n.
Este, family of, 271, 272.
Etiquette, 672, 676.
Etna, 698, 135.
Eton College, 46.
Euboea, bay of, 263.
Euclid, 22.
Eucrates, 136.

Eugene, Prince, 262, 347.
Eumæus, 807.
Eunapius, 290 n.

Euphues (Barry Cornwall), 731.
Euripides, translation_from_his
Medea, ‘Έρωτες ὑπὲρ, 21.
Eurotas, 93.
Eusebius, 165.

Eustace's Classical Tour in Italy,'
strictures on, 160, 170.
'Euthanasia,-When Time, or soon
or late,' 860.

Eutropius, the eunuch, and minis-
ter of Arcadius, character of,
591 n.

Euxine, or Black Sea, description
of, 662, 825.
Evander, 826.

Evening described, 129, 273, 646.
Evil, origin of, 522, 522 n.
Exile, 71, 111, 476, 617.
Expectation, 242, 605.
Experience, 309, 739, 894. 'The

chief philosopher,' 761.
Eyes, 202 n., 600, 717, 766.


Fainting, sensation of, 626.
Faintness, the last mortal birth of
pain,' 894.
Fairy, 289.

Falconer, his 'Shipwreck,' 94 #.,
824, 827.
Faliero, Marino, doge of Venice,
347, 392.

Faliero family, 350, 389.
Falkland (Lucius Cary), Viscount,
29, 59.

Fame, 94, 112, 115, 116, 125,
615, 659, 693, 699, 700, 714,
741, 760, 803, 902.

Family, a, 641.

Fanal, the, 100, 102.

Fancy, 648.

Fano, 350.

'Fare thee well,' 875.

'Farewell to the Muse,' 844.

'Farewell! if ever fondest prayer,'

'Farewell to Malta,' 857.
Farmers, 714.


Fashionable world, 631, 730, 753.
Fate, 115, 663, 743.
'Father of Light! great God of
Heaven,' 39.
Faublas, 513 n.,
Faunus. Lucius, 164, 165.
'Faust,' Goethe's, 296 n., 299 n.
'Faustus,' Marlow's, 300.
Fauvel, M. (French consul at
Athens), 96, 99.

Faux pas, in England, 757.
'Fazio,' Milman's tragedy of, 351 n.
Fazzioli, the Venetian, xxv. 311 n.

Fea, the Abate, 164 n.
Fear, 770, 778.
'Features,' 670.
Feelings, innate, 649.
Feinagle, Professor, his Mnemonics,

Felicaja, his 'O Italia, Italia,' trans-
lated, 131 n.
Female fickleness, 760.
Female accomplishments, 739.
Female friendship, 759.
Fénélon, 690.

Fenton, the poet, 828.

Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick, 592.
Ferdinand VII. of Spain, 77 n., 816.
Fermanagh, 814.
Ferney, 124.

'Florence' (Mrs. Spencer Smith),
xviii. 87. Stanzas to,' 852, 853.
Foligno, 134 n.

Fontainebleau, abdication of Napo-
leon at, 868 n.
Fontenelle, 105.
Foppery, 803.

Forbes, Lady Elizabeth, xx.
Forbes, Sir W., 152 n.
Fornarina, the, xxiv.
Forsyth, Joseph, esq., his 'Italy,'
143 n.

Fortitude, 115, 129, 232, 234, 759.
Fortune, 115, 137, 312, 381, 653,

663, 803.

'Forty-parson power,' 721.
Forum, the Roman, 139.
Foscari, the Two; an Historical
Tragedy, 463.

Foscari family, 463-465 n.
Foscolo, Ugo, 307 n., 259 n., 799
n. His account of Pulci's Mor-
gante,' 324-326.

[ocr errors]

Fox, Right Hon. Charles James,
36, 572 n., 882 n. 'Lines on
the death of,' 24. Saying of, 567
n. His grave, 567 n.
Fox-hunt, an English, 754.
'Fragment,' a, 4.
'Fragment,' written after the mar-
riage of Miss Chaworth, 8.
'Fragment,' in prose, 818.
'Fragment of an Epistle to Thomas
Moore, 871.

'Fragment,' a, 886.
France, 192, 569.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Galignani, M., 351 n.
Galileo, 159. His tomb in Santa
Croce, 133.
Galiongee, 217.
Gallantry, 801.

Galt, John, esq., xviii. 193, 206 n.,
795 n.
His character of 'Don
Juan,' 788. Critical Notes by,

Gamba, Count, xxvii-xxx. 646 n.,
904 n.

Gamesters, 753 n., 756 n.
Gaming, 735, 753.

Gandia, Duke of, interesting parti-
culars of his death, 252 n.
Ganymede, 656 n.

Garcilasso de la Vega, 603.
Garrick, 58, 862. Sheridan's Mo-
nologue on, 880 n.

Francesca of Rimini; from the Garter, order of the, 68.
'Inferno' of Dante, 899.
Francis I. of France, 597 n.
Francis Maria II., Duke of Rovero,


Ferrara, 130, 272 n., 302 n. Cer- Francis, Miss Eliza, 804.

tosa cemetery at, 4 n.

Ferrata Grotta, 169.

Francis, Sir Philip, the probable
author of 'Junius,' 405.

[ocr errors]

Gastouni, in the Morea, 217 n.
Gay, his Beggar's Opera,' 829.
Gayton, Miss, 59.

Gazelle, the, 69, 201.

Gell, Sir William, 65. Review of
his Geography of Ithaca,' and
'Itinerary of Greece,' 805.

'Few years have pass'd since thou Franciscan Convent at Athens, 101, Gelon, 381.

[blocks in formation]

'First Kiss of Love,' 8.
First Love, 605, 633.
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, 'Sonnet
on the repeal of his forfeiture,' 896.
Fitzgerald, William Thomas, esq.,
poetaster, 49, 186, 800.
Fitzpatrick, General, 194.
Flaminius, the Consul, 162, 163.
Flaminius Vacca, 163, 166.
Flavian Amphitheatre, 168.
Fletcher, William (Lord Byron's
valet), xxvi. xxx.71n.,261n.,851.
Florence, 132, 133, 162, 308, 335.

856 n.
Franconia, 556.

'Frankenstein,' Mrs. Shelley's,818n.
Frankfort, 193, 543, 563.

Gemma, the wife of Dante, 336 n.
Geneva, xxiii. 119 n., 278 n. Lake
of, 123 n., 798.
'Genevra, Sonnets to,' 866.

Franklin, Benjamin, 406, 569, 571, Genlis, Madame de, 193.

629 n.
Frascati, 169.
Fraser, Mrs., 857.

Frederick the Second, 36 n., 588 n.
His flight from Molwitz, 700.
'Free to confess,' the phrase, 775.
Free press in Greece, 104.
Free-will, 522 n.
Freedom, 93, 138, 724, 727.
Freiber, Dr. xxx.
French Chambers, 572.
Frere, Right Hon. John Hookham,
Writes half the Needy
Knife-grinder, 82n. His
craft,' 305 n., 788.
Fribourg, 278 n.

62 n.

Genoa, xxix. 151, 347.
Genseric, 226 n.
Gentility, 718.

'Gentlemen farmers,' 714.
Geoffry of Monmouth, 769.
George I., 222 n., 733 n.
George III., 192, 398-408.
George IV., 574 n., 709,714, 733,
742, 868 n., 897, 898. 'Sonnet
to, on the repeal of Lord Edward
Fitzgerald's forfeiture,' 896.
Georgia, 683 n.

Georgians, beauty of the, 684.
Whistle-Georgics,' a finer poem than the
'Eneid,' 828.
Geramb, Baron, 396 n.

Friday, supposed unluckiness of, 62.
Friends, 148, 719, 756, 759.

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