صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

The best edition is in the Monumenta Germaniae historica. | though the vaseline application has probably the greater value: Scriptores, Bd. vii. (Hanover and Berlin, 1826-1892), which contains an introduction by L. C. Bethmann.

-R Ac. salicyl. 3i-iv; Ol. ricini 3ii-vi; Ol. ros. geran. mx; Spt. vini ad 3vi. The head must be frequently cleansed, and in very mild cases a daily washing with soap spirit will at times effect a cure unaided.

See Histoire littéraire de la France, tome viii. (Paris, 1865–1869). BALDI, BERNARDINO (1533-1617), Italian mathematician and miscellaneous writer, was descended of a noble family at Urbino, in which city he was born on the 6th of June 1533. He pursued his studies at Padua with extraordinary zeal and success, and is said to have acquired, during the course of his life, no fewer than sixteen languages, though according to Tiraboschi the inscription on his tomb limits the number to twelve. The appearance of the plague at Padua obliged him to retire to his native city, whence he was, shortly afterwards, called to act as tutor to Ferrante (Ferdinand) Gonzaga, from whom he received the rich abbey of Guastalla. He held office as abbot for twenty-number, but in others very abundant and forming a continuous five years, and then retired to his native town. In 1612 he was employed by the duke as his envoy to Venice, where he distinguished himself by the congratulatory oration he delivered before the Venetian senate on the election of the new doge, Andrea Memmo, Baldi died at Urbino on the 12th of October 1617. He was, perhaps, the most universal genius of his age, and is said to have written upwards of a hundred different works, the chief part of which have remained unpublished. His various works give satisfactory evidence of his abilities as a theologian, mathematician, geographer, antiquary, historian and poet. The Cronica dei Matematici (published at Urbino in 1707) is an abridgment of a larger work, on which he had bestowed twelve years of labour, and which was intended to contain the lives of more than two hundred mathematicians. His life has been written by Affò,

Mazzuchelli and others.

BALDINGER, ERNST GOTTFRIED (1738-1804), German physician, was born near Erfurt on the 13th of May 1738. He studied medicine at Erfurt, Halle and Jena, and in 1761 was entrusted with the superintendence of the military hospitals connected with the Prussian encampment near Torgau. He published in 1765 a treatise De Militum Morbis, which met with a favourable reception. In 1768 he became professor of medicine at Jena, whence he removed in 1773 to Göttingen, and in 1785 to Marburg, where he died of apoplexy on the 21st of January 1804. Among his pupils were S. T. Sömmerring and J. F. Blumenbach. Some eighty-four separate treatises are mentioned as having proceeded from his pen, in addition to numerous papers scattered through various collections and journals.

BALDINUCCI, FILIPPO (1624-1696), Italian writer on the history of the arts, was born at Florence. His chief work is entitled Notizie de' Professori del Disegno da Cimabue . . . (dal 1260 sino al 1670), and was first published in six vols. 4to, 16811728. The capital defect of this work is the attempt to derive all Italian art from the schools of Florence. A good edition is that by Ranalli (5 vols. 8vo, Florence, 1845-1847). Baldinucci's whole works were published in fourteen vols. at Milan, 1808-1812. BALDNESS (technically alopecia, from åλwn, a fox, foxes often having bald patches on their coats), the result of loss of hair, particularly on the human scalp. So far as remediable alopecia is concerned, two forms may be distinguished: one the premature baldness so commonly seen in young men, due to alopecia seborrhoica, the other alopecia areata, now regarded as an epidemic disease.

Alopecia seborrhoica is that premature baldness so constantly seen, in which the condition steadily advances from the forehead backwards, until only a fringe of hair is left on the head. It is always due to the underlying disease seborrhoea, and though it progresses steadily if neglected, is yet very amenable to treatment. The two drugs of greatest value in this trouble are sulphur and salicylic acid, some eighteen grains of each added to an ounce of vaseline making a good application. This should be rubbed well into the scalp daily for a prolonged period. Where the greasiness is objected to, the following salicylic lotion may be substituted, 1 The adjective "bald " M. E. "balled " is usually explained as literally" round and smooth like a ball," but it may be connected with a stem bol, white or shining. The Greek palakpós certainly

suggests some such derivation.

Alopecia areata is characterized by the development of round patches more or less completely denuded of hair. It is most commonly observed on the scalp, though it may occur on any part of the body where hair is naturally present. The patches are rounded, smooth and somewhat depressed owing to the loss of a large proportion of the follicles. At the margin of the patches short broken hairs are usually to be seen. Clinical evidence is steadily accumulating to show that this disease may be transmitted. Organisms are invariably present, in some cases few in sheath round the hair. They were first described by Dr George Thin, who gave them the name of Bacterium decalvens. The disease must be distinguished from ringworm-especially the bald variety; but though this is at times somewhat difficult clinically, the use of the microscope leaves no room for doubt. It must be remembered that for patients under forty years of age, time alone will generally bring about the desired end, though treatment undoubtedly hastens recovery. After forty every year added to the patient's age makes the prognosis less good. The general hygiene and mode of life of the sufferer must be very carefully attended to, and any weakness suitably treated. The following lotion should be applied daily to the affected parts, at first cautiously, later more vigorously, and in stronger solution:-Acidi lactici 31-31; Ol. ricini 3ii; Spt. vini ad živ.

The loss of hair following acute fevers must be treated by keeping the hair short, applying stimulating lotions to the scalp, and attending to the general hygiene of the patient.

BALDOVINETTI, ALESSIO (1427-1499), Florentine painter, was born on the 14th of October 1427, and died on the 29th of August 1499. He was a follower of the group of scientific realists and naturalists in art which included Andrea del Castagno, Paolo Uccello and Domenico Veneziano, the influence of the last-named master being particularly manifest in his work. Tradition, probable in itself though not attested by contemporary records, says that he assisted in the decorations of the chapel of S. Egidio in Santa Maria Nuova, carried out during the years 1441-1451 by Domenico Veneziano and in conjunction with Andrea del Castagno. That he was commissioned to complete the series at a later date (1460) is certain. In 1462 Alessio was employed to paint the great fresco of the Annunciation in the cloister of the Annunziata, which still exists in ruined condition. The remains as we see them give evidence of the artist's power both of imitating natural detail with minute fidelity and of spacing his figures in a landscape with a large sense of air and distance; and they amply verify two separate statements of Vasari concerning him: that " he delighted in drawing landscapes from nature exactly as they are, whence we see in his paintings rivers, bridges, rocks, plants, fruits, roads, fields, cities, exercisegrounds, and an infinity of other such things," and that he was an inveterate experimentalist in technical matters. His favourite method in wall-painting was to lay in his compositions in fresco and finish them a secco with a mixture of yolk of egg and liquid varnish. This, says Vasari, was with the view of protecting the painting from damp; but in course of time the parts exccuted with this vehicle scaled away, so that the great secret he hoped to have discovered turned out a failure. In 1463 he furnished a cartoon of the Nativity, which was executed in tarsia by Giuliano de Maiano in the sacristy of the cathedral and still exists. From 1466 date the groups of four Evangelists and four Fathers of the Church in fresco, together with the Annunciation on an oblong panel, which still decorate the Portuguese chapel in the church of S. Miniato, and are given in error by Vasari to Pietro Pollaiuolo. A fresco of the risen Christ between angels inside a Holy Sepulchre in the chapel of the Rucellai family, also still existing, belongs to 1467. In 1471 Alessio undertook important Bongianni Gianfigliazzi. First, to paint an altar-piece of the works for the church of Sta Trinità on the commission of

Virgin and Child with six saints; this was finished in 1472 and is | now in the Academy at Florence: next, a series of frescoes from the Old Testament which was to be completed according to contract within five years, but actually remained on hand for fully sixteen. In 1497 the finished series, which contained many portraits of leading Florentine citizens, was valued at a thousand gold florins by a committee consisting of Cosimo Rosselli, Benozzo Gozzoli, Perugino and Filippino Lippi; only some defaced fragments of it now remain. Meanwhile Alessio had been much occupied with other technical pursuits and researches apart from painting. He was regarded by his contemporaries as the one craftsman who had rediscovered and fully understood the long disused art of mosaic, and was employed accordingly between 1481 and 1483 to repair the mosaics over the door of the church of S. Miniato, as well as several of those both within and without the baptistery of the cathedral.

These are the recorded and datable works of the master; others attributed to him on good and sufficient internal evidences are as follows:-A small panel in the Florence Academy, with the three subjects of the Baptism, the Marriage of Cana and the Transfiguration; this was long attributed to Fra Angelico, but is to all appearance early work of Baldovinetti: an Annunciation in the Uffizi, formerly in the church of S. Giorgio; unmistakably by the master's hand though given by Vasari to Peselino: several Madonnas of peculiarly fine and characteristic quality; one in the collection of Madame André at Paris acquired direct from the descendants of the painter, a second, formerly in the Duchâtel collection and now in the Louvre, a third in the possession of Mr Berenson at Florence. All these are executed with the determined patience and precision characteristic of Baldovinetti; two, those at the Louvre and in the André collection, are distinguished by beautiful landscape backgrounds; and all, but especially the example in the Louvre, add a peculiar and delicate charm to the quality of grave majesty which Alessio's works share with those of Piero della Francesca and others of Domenico Veneziano's following. They probably belong to the years 1460-1465. In the later of his preserved works, while there is no abatement of precise and laborious finish, we find beginning to prevail a certain harshness and commonness of type, and a lack of care for beauty in composition, the technical and scientific searcher seeming more and more to predominate over the artist. See also Vasari, ed. Milanesi, vol. ii.; Crowe-Cavalcaselle, Hist. of Painting in Italy, vol. ii.; Bernhard Berenson, Study and Criticism of Italian Art, 2nd series. (S. C.) BALDRIC (from O. Fr. baudrei, O. Ger. balderich, of doubtful origin; cognate with English "belt "), a belt worn over one shoulder, passing diagonally across the body and under the other arm, either as an ornament or a support for a sword, bugle, &c. BALDUINUS, JACOBUS, Italian jurist of the 13th century, was by birth a Bolognese, and is reputed to have been of a noble family. He was a pupil of Azo, and the master of Odofredus, of Hostiensis, and of Jacobus de Ravanis, the last of whom has the reputation of having first applied dialectical forms to legal science. His great fame as a professor of civil law at the university of Bologna caused Balduinus to be elected podestà of the city of Genoa, where he was entrusted with the reforms of the law of the republic. He died at Bologna in 1225, and has left behind him some treatises on procedure, the earliest of their kind.

BALDUS DE UBALDIS, PETRUS (1327-1406), Italian jurist, a member of the noble family of the Ubaldi (Baldeschi), was born at Perugia in 1327, and studied civil law there under Bartolus, being admitted to the degree of doctor of civil law at the early age of seventeen. Federicus Petrucius of Siena is said to have been the master under whom he studied canon law. Upon his promotion to the doctorate he at once proceeded to Bologna, where he taught law for three years; after which he was advanced to a professorship at Perugia, where he remained for thirty-three years. He taught law subsequently at Pisa, at Florence, at Padua and at Pavia, at a time when the schools of law in those universities disputed the palm with the school of Bologna. He died at Pavia on the 28th of April 1406. The extant works of Baldus hardly bear out the great reputation which he acquired

amongst his contemporaries, due partly to the active part he took in public affairs, and partly to the fame he acquired by his consultations, of which five volumes have been published (Frankfort, 1589). Baldus was the master of Pierre Roger de Beaufort, who became pope under the title of Gregory XI., and whose immediate successor, Urban VI., summoned Baldus to Rome to assist him by his consultations in 1380 against the anti-pope Clement VII. Cardinal de Zabarella and Paulus Castrensis were also amongst his pupils. His Commentary on the Liber Feudorum is considered to be one of the best of his works, which were unfortunately left by him for the most part in an incomplete state. His brothers Angelus (1328-1407) and Petrus (1335-1400) were of almost equal eminence with himself as jurists.

BALDWIN I. (d. 1205), emperor of Romania, count of Flanders and Hainaut, was one of the most prominent leaders of the fourth crusade, which resulted in the capture of Constantinople, the conquest of the greater part of the East Roman empire, and the foundation of the Latin empire of Romania. The imperial crown was offered to, and refused by, Henry Dandolo, doge of Venice. The choice then lay between Baldwin and Boniface of Montferrat. Baldwin was elected (9th of May 1204), and crowned a week later. He was young, gallant, pious and virtuous, one of the few who interpreted and observed his crusading vows strictly; the most popular leader in the host. The empire of Romania was organized on feudal principles; the emperor was feudal superior of the princes who received portions of the conquered territory. His own special portion consisted of Constantinople, the adjacent regions both on the European and the Asiatic side, along with some outlying districts, and several islands including Lemnos, Lesbos, Chios and Tenos. The territories had still to be conquered; and first of all it was necessary to break the resistance of the Greeks in Thrace and secure Thessalonica. In this enterprise (summer of 1204) Baldwin came into collision with Boniface of Montferrat, the rival candidate for the empire, who was to receive a large territory in Macedonia with the title of king of Saloniki. He hoped to make himself quite independent of the empire, to do no homage for his kingdom, and he opposed Baldwin's proposal to march to Thessalonica. The antagonism between Flemings and Lombards aggravated the quarrel. Baldwin insisted on going to Thessalonica; Boniface laid siege to Hadrianople, where Baldwin had established a governor; civil war seemed inevitable. An agreement was effected by the efforts of Dandolo and the count of Blois. Boniface received Thessalonica as a fief from the emperor, and was appointed commander of the forces which were to march to the conquest of Greece.

During the following winter (1204-1205) the Franks prosecuted conquests in Bithynia, in which Henry, Baldwin's brother, took part. But in February the Greeks revolted in Thrace, relying on the assistance of John (Kaloyan), king of Bulgaria, whose overtures of alliance had been unwisely rejected by the emperor. The garrison of Hadrianople was expelled. Baldwin along with Dandolo, the count of Blois, and Marshal Villehardouin, the historian, marched to besiege that city. The Bulgarian king led to its relief an army which far outnumbered that of the crusaders. The Frank knights fought desperately, but were utterly defeated (14th of April 1205); the count of Blois was slain, and the emperor captured. For some time his fate was uncertain, and in the meanwhile Henry, his brother, assumed the regency. Not till the middle of July was it definitely ascer tained that he was dead. It seems that he was at first treated well as a valuable hostage, but was sacrificed by the Bulgarian monarch in a sudden outburst of rage, perhaps in consequence of the revolt of Philippopolis, which passed into the hands of the Franks. One contemporary writer says that his hands and feet were cut off, and he was thrown into a valley where he died on the third day; but the manner of his death is obscure. King John himself wrote to Pope Innocent III. that he died in prison. His brother Henry was crowned emperor in August.

AUTHORITIES.-Villehardouin, La Conquête de Constantinople (ed. De Wailly, Paris, 1872; ed. Bouchet, 2 vols., Paris, 1891); Robert

between the crusaders and the Armenians. During these two
years he was successful in maintaining his ground, both against
the Mahommedan powers by which he was surrounded, and
from which he won Samosata and Seruj (Sarorgia), and against
a conspiracy of his own subjects in 1098. At the end of 1099 he
visited Jerusalem along with Bohemund I.; but he returned to
Edessa in January 1100. On the death of Godfrey he was
summoned by a party in Jerusalem to succeed to his brother.
A lay reaction against the theocratic pretensions of Dagobert,
who was counting on Norman support, was responsible for the
summons; and in the strength of that reaction Baldwin was
able to become the first king of Jerusalem. He was crowned
on Christmas Day, 1100, by the patriarch himself; but the
struggle of church and state was not yet over, and in the spring
of 1101 Baldwin had Dagobert suspended by a papal legate,
while later in the year the two disagreed on the question of the
contribution to be made by the patriarch towards the defence
of the Holy Land. The struggle ended in the deposition of
Dagobert and the triumph of Baldwin (1102).
As Baldwin had secured the supremacy of the lay power in
Jerusalem, so he extended into a compact kingdom the poor
and straggling territories to which he had succeeded. This he did
by an alliance with the Italian trading towns, especially Genoa,
which supplied in return for the concession of a quarter in the
conquered towns, the instruments and the skill for a war of sieges,
in which the coast towns of Palestine were successively reduced.
Arsuf and Caesarea were captured in 1101; Acre in 1104;
Beirut and Sidon in 1110 (the latter with the aid of the Venetians
and Norwegians). Meanwhile Baldwin repelled in successive
years the attacks of the Egyptians (1102, 1103, 1105), and in
the latter years of his reign (1115-1118) he even pushed south-
ward at the expense of Egypt, penetrating as far as the Red Sea,
and planting an outpost at Monreal. In the north he had to
compose the dissensions of the Christian princes in Tripoli,
Antioch and Edessa (1109-1110), and to help them to maintain
their ground against the Mahommedan princes of N.E. Syria,
especially Maudud and Aksunk-ur, amirs of Mosul. In this way
Baldwin was able to make himself into practical suzerain of the
three Christian principalities of the north, though the suzerainty
was, and always continued to be, somewhat nominal. In 1118.
he died, after an expedition to Egypt, during which he captured
Farama, and, as old Fuller says, "caught many fish, and his
death in eating them."

de Clari, La Prise de Constantinople (in Hopf's Chroniques gréco- | an Armenian wife, and acting generally as the intermediary romaines); Ernoul, Chronique (ed. Mas Latrie, Paris, 1871); Nicetas (ed. Bonn, 1835): George Acropolites, vol. i. (ed. Heisenberg, Leipzig, 1903); Documents in Tafel and Thomas, Urkunden zur älteren Handels- und Staatsgeschichte der Republik Venedig (Vienna, 1856). MODERN WORKS.-Ducange, Histoire de l'empire de Constantinople sous les empereurs français (Paris, 1657); Gibbon, Decline and Fall, vol. vi. (ed. Bury, 1898); G. Finlay, History of Greece, vol. iv. (Oxford, 1877); Pears, The Fall of Constantinople (London, 1885); Hopf, "Griechische Geschichte," in Ersch and Gruber's Encyklopedie, vol. lxxxv. (Leipzig, 1870); Gerland, Geschichte des lateinischen Kaiserreiches von Konstantinopel, part i. (Homburg v. d. Höhe, 1905). (J. B. B.) BALDWIN II. (1217-1273), emperor of Romania, was a younger son of Yolande, sister of Baldwin I. Her husband, Peter of Courtenay, was third emperor of Romania, and had been followed by his son Robert, on whose death in 1228 the succession passed to Baldwin, a boy of eleven years old. The barons chose John of Brienne (titular king of Jerusalem) as emperor-regent for life; Baldwin was to rule the Asiatic possessions of the empire when he reached the age of twenty, was to marry John's daughter Mary, and on John's death to enjoy the full imperial sovereignty. The marriage contract was carried out in 1234. Since the death of the emperor Henry in 1216, the Latin empire had declined and the Greek power advanced; and the hopes that John of Brienne might restore it were disappointed. He died in 1237. The realm which Baldwin governed was little more than Constantinople. His financial situation was desperate, and his life was chiefly occupied in begging at European courts. He went to the West in 1236, visited Rome, France and Flanders, trying to raise money and men to recover the lost territory of his realm. His efforts met with success, and in 1240 he returned to Constantinople (through Germany and Hungary) at the head of a considerable army. Circumstances hindered him from accomplishing anything with this help, and in 1245 he travelled again to the West, first to Italy and then to France, where he spent two years. The empress Maria and Philip of Toucy governed during his absence. He was happy to be able to get money from King Louis IX. in exchange for relics. In 1249 he was with King Louis at Damietta. The extremity of his financial straits reduced him soon afterwards to handing over his only son Philip to merchants as a pledge for loans of money. Louis IX. redeemed the hostage. The rest of his inglorious reign was spent by Baldwin in mendicant tours in western Europe. In 1261 Constantinople was captured by Michael Palacologus, and Baldwin's rule came to an end. He escaped in a Venetian galley to Negropont, and then proceeded to Athens, thence to Apulia, finally to France. As titular emperor, his role was still the same, to beg help from the western powers. In 1267 he went to Italy; his hopes were centred in Charles of Anjou. Charles seriously entertained the idea of conquering Constantinople, though various complications hindered him from realizing it. He made a definite treaty with Baldwin to this intent (May 1267). During the next year Baldwin and his son Philip lived on pensions from Charles. In October 1273 Philip married Beatrice, daughter of Charles, at Foggia. A few days later Baldwin died.,

See authorities for BALDWIN 1. above; also Norden, Das Papsttum und Byzanz (Berlin 1993). (J. B. B.) BALDWIN 1., prince of Edessa (1098-1100), and first king of Jerusalem (1100-1118), was the brother of Godfrey of Bouillon (9.9.). He was originally a clerk in orders, and held several prebends; but in 1096 he joined the first crusade, and accompanied his brother Godfrey as far as Heraclea in Asia Minor. When Tancred left the main body of the crusaders at Heraclea, and marched into Cilicia, Baldwin followed, partly in jealousy, partly from the same political motives which animated Tancred. He wrested Tarsus from Tancred's grip (September 1097), and left there a garrison of his own. After rejoining the main army at Marash, he received an invitation from an Armenian named Pakrad, and moved eastwards towards the Euphrates, where he occupied Tell-bashir. Another invitation followed from Thoros of Edessa; and to Edessa Baldwin came, first as protector, and then, when Thoros was assassinated, as his successor (March 1998). For two years he ruled in Edessa (1098-1100), marrying

Baldwin was one of the "adventurer princes" of the first crusade, and as such he stands alongside of Bohemund, Tancred and Raymund. On the whole he was the most successful of his class. By his defence of the lay power against a nascent theocracy, and by his alliance with the Italian towns, he was the real founder of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem. Events worked for him: he might never have come to the throne, unless Bohemund had fallen into the hands of Danishmend; and the dissensions among the Mahommedans alone made possible the subsequent consolidation of his kingdom. But he had virtù as well as fortuna; and on his tombstone it was written that he was "a second Judas Maccabaeus, whom Kedar and Egypt, Dan and Damascus dreaded." As king, he still retained something of the clerk in the habit of his dress; but he was at the same time a warrior so impetuous, as to be sometimes foolhardy, and his policy was on the whole anti-clerical. He may be accused of greed: his life was not chaste; and the two defects met in his rejection of his Armenian wife and his marriage to the rich Sicilian widow Adelaide (1113). But "on the holiest soil of history, he gave his people a fatherland"; and Fulcher of Chartres, his chaplain, who paints at the beginning of Baldwin's reign the terrors of the lonely band of Christians in the midst of their foes, can celebrate at the end the formation of a new nation in the East (qui fuimus occidentales, nunc facti sumus orientales)—an achievement which, so far as it was the work of any one man, was the work of Baldwin I.

LITERATURE.-The Historia Hierosolymitana of Fulcher, who had accompanied Baldwin as chaplain to Edessa, and had lived in

Baldwin in 1109.

Jerusalem during his reign, is the primary authority for Baldwin's | 1130, and became king in 1143, under the regency of his mother, career. There is a monograph on Baldwin by Wolff (König Baldwin I. von Jerusalem), and his reign is sketched in R. Röhricht's Geschichte which lasted till 1152. He came to the throne at a time when des Königreichs Jerusalem (Innsbruck, 1898) C. i.-iv. (E. BR.) the attacks of the Greeks in Cilicia, and of Zengi on Edessa, BALDWIN II., count of Edessa (1100-1118), king of Jerusalem were fatally weakening the position of the Franks in northern (1118-1131), originally known as Baldwin de Burg, was a son of Syria; and from the beginning of his reign the power of the Count Hugh of Rethel, and a nephew of Godfrey of Bouillon Latin kingdom of Jerusalem may be said to be slowly declining, and Baldwin I. He appears on the first crusade at Constanti-though as yet there is little outward trace of its decay to be seen. nople as one of Godfrey's men; and he helped Tancred to Edessa was lost, however, in the year after Baldwin's accession, occupy Bethlehem in June 1099. After the capture of Jerusalem and the conquest by Zengi of this farthest and most important he served for a time with Bohemund at Antioch; but when outpost in northern Syria was already a serious blow to the Baldwin of Edessa became king of Jerusalem, he summoned kingdom. Upon it in 1147 there followed the second crusade; Baldwin de Burg, and left him as count in Edessa. From Edessa and in that crusade Baldwin III., now some eighteen years of Baldwin conducted continual forays against the Mahommedan age, played his part by the side of Conrad III. and Louis VII. princes; and in the great foray of 1104, in which he was joined the attack on Damascus and with them he signally failed in the He received them in Jerusalem in 1148; with them he planned by Bohemund, he was defeated and captured at Balich. Tancred became guardian of Edessa during Baldwin's captivity, and did attack. In 1149, after the failure of the crusade, Baldwin III. not trouble himself greatly to procure his release. Baldwin, appeared in Antioch, where the fall of Raymund, the husband however, recovered his liberty at the beginning of 1108, and at of the princess Constance, made his presence necessary. He once entered upon a struggle with Tancred for the recovery of regulated affairs in Antioch, and tried to strengthen the north Edessa. In September 1108 he regained his principality; but of Palestine generally against the arm of Zengi's successor, the struggle with Tancred continued, until it was composed by Nureddin, by renewing the old and politic alliance with Damascus For the next ten years Baldwin ruled his interrupted since 1147, and by ceding Tellbashir, the one remnant principality with success, if not without severity. Planted in the of the county of Edessa, to Manuel of Constantinople. In 1152 farthest Christian outpost in northern Syria, he had to meet came the inevitable struggle between the young king and his many attacks, especially from Mardin and Mosul, in revenge mother, who had ruled with wisdom and vigour during the regency for the provocation offered by his own forays and those of the and was unwilling to lay down the reins of power. Baldwin restless Tancred. In 1110 he was besieged in Edessa, and originally planned a solemn coronation, as the signal of his relieved by Baldwin I.; in 1114 he repelled an attack by emancipation. Dissuaded from that course, he nevertheless Aksunkur of Mosul; in 1115 he helped to defeat Aksunkur at wore his crown publicly in the church of the Sepulchre. A Danith. At the same time, if Matthew of Edessa may be struggle followed: in the issue, Baldwin agreed to leave his trusted, he also carried his arms against the Armenians, and mother in possession of Jerusalem and Nablus, while he retained. plundered in his avarice every Armenian of wealth and position. Acre and Tyre for himself. But he repented of the bargain; In 1118 he was on his way to spend Easter at Jerusalem, when and a new struggle began, in which Baldwin recovered, after he received the news of the death of Baldwin I.; and when he some fighting, the possession of his capital. From these internal arrived at Jerusalem, he was made king, chiefly by the influence dissensions Baldwin was now summoned to the north, to regulate of the patriarch Arnulf. In a reign of thirteen anew the affairs of Antioch and also those of Tripoli, where the II. extended the kingdom of Jerusalem to its widest limits. death of Count Raymund had thrown on his shoulders the cares of His reign is marked by, almost incessant fighting in northern a second regency. On his return to Jerusalem he was successful Syria. In 1119, after the defeat and death of Roger of Antioch, in repelling an attack by an army of Turcomans, and his success he defeated the amirs of Mardin and Damascus at Danith; in encouraged him to attempt the siege of Ascalon in the spring subsequent years he extended his sway to the very gates of of 1153. He was successful: the "bride of Syria," which Aleppo. In 1123 he was captured by Balak of Mardin, and had all but become the property of the crusaders in 1099, but confined in Kharput with Joscelin, his successor in the county became part of the kingdom of Jerusalem. From 1156 to 1158 had since defied the arms of the Franks for half a century, of Edessa, who had been captured in the previous year. During Baldwin was occupied in hostilities with Nureddin. In 1156 his captivity Eustace Graverius became regent of Jerusalem, he had to submit to a treaty which cut short his territories; in and succeeded, with the aid of the Venetians, in repelling an Egyptian attack, and even in capturing Tyre, 1124. the winter of 1157-1158 he besieged and captured Harim, in the In 1124 Baldwin II. succeeded in securing his liberty, under conditions territory once belonging to Antioch: in 1158 he defeated which he instantly broke; and he at once embarked on strenuous Nureddin himself. In the same year Baldwin married Theodora, and not unsuccessful hostilities against Aleppo and Damascus a near relative of the East Roman emperor Manuel; while in (1124-1127), exacting tribute from both. During his reign he 1159 he received a visit from Manuel himself at Antioch. The twice acted as regent in Antioch (1119, 1130), and in 1126 he Latin king rode behind the Greek emperor, without any of the married his daughter Alice to Bohemund II. In 1128 he offered insignia of his dignity, at the entry into Antioch; but their rethe hand of his eldest daughter, Melisinda, to Fulk of Anjou, lations were of the friendliest, and Manuel-as great a physician who had been recommended to him by Honorius II. In 1129 as he was a hunter-personally attended to Baldwin when the Fulk came and married Melisinda, and in 1131, on the death of king was thrown from his horse in attempting to equal the Baldwin, he succeeded to the crown. emperor's feats of horsemanship. In the same year Baldwin had to undertake the regency in Antioch once more, Raynald in battle. Three years later he died (1162), without male issue, of Chatillon, the second husband of Constance, being captured and was succeeded by his brother Amalric I.

years, Baldwin

Baldwin II. had much of the churchmanship of Godfrey and Baldwin I.; but he appears most decidedly as an incessant warrior, under whom the Latin domination in the East stretched, as Ibn al-Athir writes, in a long line from Mardin in the North to el-Arish on the Red Sea-a line only broken by the Mahommedan powers of Aleppo, Hamah, Homs and Damascus. The Franks controlled the great routes of trade, and took tolls of the traders; and in 1130 their power may be regarded as having reached its height. LITERATURE.-Fulcher of Chartres narrates the reign of Baldwin II. down to 1127; for the rest of the reign the authority is William of Tyre, R. Röhricht, Geschichte des Königreichs Jerusalem (Innsbruck, 1898), C. vii.-x., is the chief modern authority. (E. BR.) BALDWIN III., king of Jerusalem (1143-1162), was the eldest son of Fulk of Jerusalem by his wife Melisinda. He was born in

Baldwin III. was the first of the kings of Jerusalem who was a native of the soil of Palestine. His three predecessors had all departure from another point of view. His predecessors had been emigrants from the West. His reign also marks a new been men of a type half military, half clerical-at once hard fighters and sound churchmen. Baldwin was a man of a subtler type-a man capable of dealing with the intrigues of a court and with problems of law, and, as such, suited for guiding the middle age of the kingdom, which the different qualities of his predecessors had been equally suited to found. Like his brother, Amalric I., he was a clerkly and studious king versed

in law, and ready to discuss points of dogma. In an excellent | Johns Hopkins University. Prominent among experimental sketch of Baldwin's character (xvi. cii.), William of Tyre tells psychologists, he was one of the founders of the Psychological us that he spent his spare time in reading and had a particular Review. In 1892 he was vice-president of the International affection for history; that he was well skilled in the jus con- Congress of Psychology held in London, and in 1897-1898 suetudinarium of the kingdom (afterwards recorded by lawyers president of the American Psychological Association; he received like John of Ibelin and Philip of Novara as "the assizes of a gold medal from the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences of Jerusalem "); and that he had the royal faculty for remembering Denmark (1897), was honorary president of the International faces, and could generally be trusted to address by name anybody Congress of Criminal Anthropology held in Geneva in 1896, and whom he had once met, so that he was more popular with high was made an honorary D.Sc. of Oxford University. Apart and low than any of his predecessors, He had, William also from articles in the Psychological Review, he has written:reports, a gift of impromptu eloquence, and a faculty both for Handbook of Psychology (1890); translation of Ribot's German saying witty things pleasantly at other people's expense and Psychology of To-day (1886); Elements of Psychology (1893); for listening placidly to witticisms directed against himself; Social and Ethical Interpretations in Mental Development (1898); while he was generous to excess without needing to make ex- Story of the Mind (1898); Mental Development in the Child and actions in order to support his generosity, and always respected the Race (1896); Thought and Things (London and New York, the Church. If in his youth he had been prone to gambling, vol. i., 1906). He also contributed largely to the Dictionary of and before his marriage with Theodora had been somewhat lax | Philosophy and Psychology (1901-1905), of which he was editorin his morals, when he became a man he put away childish things; in-chief. his married life was a shining example to his people and he was abstemious both in food and drink, holding that "excess in either was an incentive to the worst of crimes." Even his enemy, Nureddin,, said of him, when he died-" the Franks have lost such a prince that the world has not now his like."

LITERATURE.-William of Tyre is the great primary authority for his reign; Cinnamus and Ibn-al-athir (see Bibliography to the article CRUSADES) give the Byzantine and Mahommedan point of view. His reign is described by R. Röhricht, Geschichte des König (E. BR.)

reichs Jerusalem (Innsbruck, 1898), C. xiii.-xvi.

BALDWIN, ROBERT (1804-1858), Canadian statesman, was born at York (now Toronto) on the 12th of May 1804. His father, William Warren Baldwin (d. 1844), went to Canada from Ireland in 1798; though a man of wealth and good family and a devoted member of the Church of England, he opposed the religious and political oligarchy which was then at the head of Canadian affairs, and brought up his son in the same principles. partnership with his father. In 1829 he was elected a member of Robert Baldwin was called to the Bar in 1825, and entered into the parliament of Upper Canada for the town of York, but was defeated in the following year and retired for a time into private life. During the next six years, he so constantly advocated a responsible executive as the one cure for the political and economic evils of the time that he was known as "the man of one idea." In 1836 he was called by Sir Francis Bond Head (17931875), the lieutenant-governor, to the executive council, but finding himself without influence, and compelled to countenance measures to which he was opposed, he resigned within a month. Though a reformer, he strongly disapproved of the rebellion of 1837-1838. On the union of the two Canadas he became (1841) a member of the executive council under Lord Sydenham, but soon resigned on the question of responsible government. In 1842 he formed the first Liberal administration, in connexion with Mr (afterwards Sir) L. H. Lafontaine, but resigned the next year, after a quarrel with the governor-general, Sir Charles Metcalfe, on a question of patronage, in which he felt that of which followed, the governor-general was sustained by a narrow majority, but in 1848 the Liberals were again returned to power, and he and Mr Lafontaine formed their second administration under Lord Elgin and carried numerous important reforms, including the freeing from sectarian control of the Provincial University and the introduction into Upper Canada of an important municipal system.

BALDWIN IV., the son of Amalric I. by his first wife Agnes, ruled in Jerusalem from 1174 to 1183, when he had his nephew Baldwin crowned in his stead. Educated by William of Tyre, Baldwin IV. came to the throne at the early age of thirteen; and thus the kingdom came under the regency of Raymund II. of Tripoli. Happily for the kingdom whose king was a child and a leper, the attention of Saladin was distracted for several years by an attempt to wrest from the sons of Nureddin the inheritance of their father an attempt partially successful in 1174, but only finally realized in 1183. The problems of the reign of Baldwin IV. may be said to have been two-his sister Sibylla and the fiery Raynald of Chatillon, once prince of Antioch through marriage to Constance (1153-1159), then a captive for many years in the hand of the Mahommedans, and since 1176 lord of Krak (Kerak), to the east of the Dead Sea. Sibylla was the heiress of the kingdom; the problem of her marriage was important. Married first to William of Montferrat, to whom she bore a son, Baldwin, she was again married in 1180 to Guy of Lusignan; and dissen-responsible government to be involved. At the general election sions between Sibylla and her husband on the one side, and Baldwin IV. on the other, troubled the latter years of his reign. Meanwhile Raynald of Krak took advantage of the position of his fortress, which lay on the great route of trade from Damascus and Egypt, to plunder the caravans (1182), and thus helped to precipitate the inevitable attack by Saladin. When the attack came, Guy of Lusignan was made regent by Baldwin IV., but he declined battle and he was consequently deposed both from his regency and from his right of succession, while Sibylla's son by her first husband was crowned king as Baldwin V. in 1183. For a time Baldwin IV. still continued to be active; but in 1184 he handed over the regency to Raymund of Tripoli,

and in 1185 he died.

Internal dissensions soon began to appear in the Liberal party, and in 1851 Mr Baldwin resigned. The special struggle leading to his resignation was an attempt to abolish the court of chancery of Upper Canada, whose constitution was due to a measure introduced by Baldwin in 1849. The attempt, though defeated, had been supported by a majority of the representatives LITERATURE.-The narrative of William of Tyre concludes with from Upper Canada, and Baldwin's fastidious conscience took Baldwin IV's transfer of the regency to Raymund of Tripoli.it as a vote of want of confidence. A deeper reason was his R. Rohricht describes the reign of Baldwin IV., Geschichte des inability to approve of the advanced views of the Radicals, or Königreichs Jerusalem (Innsbruck, 1898), C. xix.-xxi. (E. BR.) "Clear Grits," as they came to be called. On seeking re-election BALDWIN V., the son of Sibylla (daughter of Amalric I.) in York, he declined to give any pledge on the burning question of by her first husband, William of Montferrat, was the nominal king the Clergy Reserves and was defeated. In 1858 the Liberalof Jerusalem from 1183 to 1186, under the regency of Raymund Conservative party, formed in 1854 by a coalition, attempted of Tripoli. His reign is marked by the advance of Saladin and to bring him out as a candidate for the upper house, which was by dissensions between the government and Guy of Lusignan. at this date elective, but though he had broken with the advanced BALDWIN, JAMES MARK (1861- ), American philosopher, reformers, he could not approve of the tactics of their opponents, was born at Columbia, S.C., and educated at Princeton and and refused to stand. He died on the 9th of December 1858. several German universities. He was professor of philosophy Even those who most bitterly attacked his measures admitted in the university of Toronto (1889), of psychology at Princeton the purity and unselfishness of his motives. After the concession (1893), and subsequently (1903) of philosophy and psychology in of responsible government, he devoted himself to bringing about

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