صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

rather than confer happiness. It is hence a matter of less furprize, if women with little education, and lefs knowledge of the world, fhould be deceived in their judgment of the difpofition and character of men, upon whom they have conferred their affections, and bound them by matrimony; but when a mafter and miftrefs have treated a fervant with tenderness, they moftly gain her confidence, and are informed of her intentions, under their advice and permifsion. In fuch a fituation, or rather as foon as the good conduct of a fervant is afcertained, the judicious mistress would address her:

"When you came into my fervice, you came likewife under my protection. I am fenfible that, with the utmoft economy, as clean and decent, you can you must appear fave little or nothing, to enable you to better yourself by business or trade; but you may acquire what is equally valuable, a good character: your dependance, therefore, must be upon the generofity of your mafter and mistrefs; and if you behave well, fhould a fuit

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able match be propofed, you fhall have our approbation, and fome afsiftance to place you in a way of business. It behoves you, therefore, in order to merit our patronage, that you confult us as to the character of the perfon with whom you are difpofed to share your future fortunes and happiness: as we have feen more of the world, we are more competent to advise than you are to choose; and our decifion will be directed folely to your advantage. At prefent you have few cares, whilft you enjoy many comforts in the family; and forry fhould I be, fhould you find, that, inftead of bettering your condition, you had entailed on yourself a load of anxiety."

Advice in this manner has been adminiftered, and the grateful female has fubmitted implicitly to fuch a mistress; and when duc enquiry has induced her to encourage the courtfhip, the lover, fenfible of the goodness of his fuperiors, and the patronage derived from their generofity, has himfelf voluntarily appealed for their direction, and with his intended bride becomes fubfervient as a child


in the family. At a proper period they have been fet up in bufinefs, and have profpered; and their grateful feelings have been fuch, that they never go to reft without first praying for blessings upon their patrons; - patrons that do not forget them in promoting their little trade, in vifiting and aiding them in fickness, and extending comforts to them, in a particular manner, as often as a lying-in may call for them.

What a contraft does this afford to the ruin entailed upon a helpless female, difcarded by caprice, "AT A MOMENT'S WARNING!"

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WHOEVER philofophically reflects upon the operations of the mind, and the permanent influence of early impressions, will naturally be difpofed to view with favourable indulgence, the various opinions of mankind; and even prejudices founded in error, so long as they do not tend to immoral conduct, or the breach of any focial duty.


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