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النشر الإلكتروني

thousand two hundred and eighty, yards, into the as we are true to our own principles, and will heed Pacificateur, an 80 gun ship. the dictates of wisdom and of policy; so long are we defended from the maritime nations of the Old World, by a 'watery bulwark,' three thousand miles across. To reach us, this must first be passed by them; and in that passage, the winds and the waves, 'those unsubsidized and faithful allies of the Republic,' may disperse the strongest force; or leave it so shattered, that it would fall an easy prey to our steam-sentinels of war.

The first shot struck low-made a hole of eight and a half inches diameter in the ship's side-tore off two feet of the inner plank,—then exploding, made a hole two or three feet square in the orlop deck-knocked away and shattered to atoms more than one hundred and sixty feet of timber. The third shot entered between two ports-tore off a large knee, which, with its fastenings, weighed more than two hundred and six pounds-then bursting, its splinters knocked down forty of the wooden figures, nailed around the guns to represent men. The explosion also shattered one of the beams of the deck above-started several planks, one ten and a half feet long, another five and a quarter, &c.

At another trial, the fourth shot struck three feet above the water, and, by the explosion, knocked off the butt of a plank, and made a hole nearly three feet square. Moreover, two strakes of planking below, and one above this hole, twenty-two feet long, were started more than five inches from the frame, at the place of explosion, and two inches at the starfing. The commission of officers, appointed to conduct the experiments, reported, that a like breach at the water-line would have sunk the ship immediately.

A ricochet shot fired one thousand and seventy yards, lodged between two ports of the lower deck battery. Its explosion knocked out one whole plank and two-thirds of another-raised a third its entire length, and shattered a

Therefore, considering the positions of our National Dock-Yards, not one south of the Chesapeake; that much of the timber used in them for ship-building, comes from the very banks of the Mississippiconsidering too, the defenceless and exposed state of our Southern coast, every principle of the national interests concerned, demands the establishment of a Public Dock-Yard on the Mississippi. It would be bringing home to every man's door, in the West, a portion of the benefits, public and private, which flow from the Navy. By such an establishment, too, that section of the country would receive no more than its fair quota of the national bounty. It would be the opening of the door, through which that hardy race of watermen in the West, could

part of the frame. Another thrown twelve hundred and
eighty yards, exploded in the ship's side-shattered two of the
nbs-tore away two inner and outer planks of the spirket-enter the Naval service; thus, it would make
ting, and made a hole more than two feet square.*

available the dormant resources of that part of
the country, and give new strength and greater
powers to the Navy in war.
It would serve as
a connecting link between the Naval service and
10,000 Mississippi boatmen, who now feel that
they are permitted to have no lot nor part in such

The experiments above quoted were made in stooth water. Had the Pacificateur been under sail in a sea-way, either shot would probably have disabled her; perhaps have caused her to founder. This being the case, a small steam-vessel presenting but little surface above the water, and armed with two or three of these guns, trained by skilful Our policy is not to send steamers abroad, but marksmen, might destroy the largest ship of the to keep them at home along our own coast,—thereine. Hence, the importance of entrusting the fore we want but few large ones. The size of duties of the Revenue service principally to small those we most want for cruising on the coast, should steamers, manned from the Navy and armed only range from 300 to 400 tons and their average with chase guns to throw shell-shot.' The cost, if built of white-oak in Private, or by the job first requisite for such vessels should be speed; in the Public, Yards, would not exceed $75,000, or so that in attacking or retreating, they should $100,000. Those built on the Mississippi, where always appear end on, and thus present the least timber is so cheap and abundant, would cost less. sartace as a target to the opposing ships. And It would be desirable to establish on board of one I imagine it would be no difficult matter to of the vessels in that river, a school of practice, make their bows so sharp, or so to protect them in which the Kentucky riflemen and the Tennessee with iron, that if a shot from the enemy should marksmen could be trained to the Paixhans guns. strike, it would glance, and do little or no mis- By these means we should give those vessels an chief. With as many of these vessels stretched accuracy and a precision with their destructive along our coast, as are required for the protection missiles that would make them formidable indeed; of the Revenue in peace, an admirable guarda- by these means, vulgar prejudices against the manensta would be formed, which, in war, would render of-war's-man's calling, would be gradually removed our ports and harbors, if not perfectly inaccessible, from a hardy and valiant class of ycomen; by these at least dangerously so, to any enemy, however means, statesmen would accomplish the important numerous might be his first-rates and 74s. For, in end-always a national desideratum-of making all our plans of coast defence and national security, resources that lie dormant in their country, availait should be borne constantly in mind, that so long ble for the public safety and the public good; and *See an excellent translation by Lieutenant John A. by these means, too, the Navy would be strengthDahlgreen, United States Navy, of a little work by H. J. ened in war, with that mighty host of brave and Paixhans, on experiments made with shell shot' in the patriotic spirits who now sing the merry boatman's French Navy. song to the father of waters,' and make glad with

life and animation his peaceful tributaries of the der Barney; in the everglades of Florida: in short, West. wherever duty has called them, there they are, brave, patriotic and true. But the usefulness and necessity of a Marine Corps as a part of our Naval force, is a settled question, approved and endorsed by the practice and the experience of every maritime nation under the sun. England the greatest of them all, has, within the last quarter-century, and after an experience of near two hundred years, doubled her Marine force on board her cruising ships. Ask what is her opinion of that ancient and honorable Corps; and one bright column of bayonets, 10,000 strong, glitters back the reply. Ask France, and she will pass them in review, by whole ships' crews at a time.

The importance of commanding the pass into, and out of, the Gulf of Mexico,* and of a Dock-Yard for ships at the South, has been often and ably set forth. I have not the presumption to suppose that I can add any thing to the force, or to the weight of what has been said on those subjects. I can only raise my feeble voice to implore the patriots of the North, to unite with the friends of their country in the South and the West, in promoting its safety and its interests, wherever these may lie. I entreat Southern and Western men to consider well the exposed and defenceless condition of their coasts; to reflect upon the importance of establishing there, suitable depots for the materials and implements of war-for providing safe places of rendezvous for shipping, and for affording the means of defence and offence, against danger from without. A Dock-Yard for steamers on the Mississippi would necessarily lead to the establishment of a National Foundry on the Western waterswhich is also an object of great importance, that has been strongly urged, again and again, upon the consideration of the national law-givers.

And as to the usefulness of the Marine Corps to the American Navy, I give you, not my own, but the opinions of some of the oldest and best officers in the service. First, of Commodore Stewart whose practical and vigorous mind always leads him at once to the point; and whose opinion is of weight.

"Whether marines can, or cannot, be beneficially dis pensed with on board our public ships-of-war?"

"I would beg leave to remark, that the marines are the only portion of the crew of a ship-of-war that is wholly military, and the only part which could be rendered such, by the nature of the service, as well as the nature of those comprising the other classes. If, then, it is at all desirable or useful to have a portion of the force of a ship-of-war wholly and com larly organized infantry, for this reason: that the sea offpletely military, that portion must be composed of a regɛcers, from their employments and occupations in ships-<!war, differ materially from military officers; because the ideas and general habits of sailors unfit them, in a great measure, for infantry soldiers; and because the limited space in a ship-of-war would not admit of their training. and their general duty and employment would be too much deranged and interfered with. In order to ascertain the necessity and utility of having a portion of the crew of a ship-of-war organized as infantry, it will be necessary to inquire into the object and duties of such a corps.

Rumor has often charged certain members of the Navy-Board with an unfriendly disposition towards the Marine Corps. Those officers certainly have a right to their opinions, which, whatever they be, I doubt not, are honestly entertained. For an honest difference of opinion, how much soever it may sometimes, and on some subjects, be deplored, I arraign no man, blame no man; nor do I, in this case, ascribe any improper motives. As it regards this gallant little Corps, however, Mr. Editor, I wish to say a word. In the Official Reports that are annually made to Congress concerning the affairs of the Navy, it has been much the fashion of late years, to pass the Marine Corps by with a slur; and in calling your attention to the condition of the Navy, I had well nigh fallen into the same track. The existence of the Marine Corps, is coeval with the Navy. Ashore and afloat, in the storm and the calm-in peace and in war, this little band of 'sea soldiers' has been true to its Country, the Navy, and itself. And no officer who has cruised much at sea, could ever doubt the utility of marines on board of our ships-of-war. They bore them,) always near their arms: thus they prevent surpise an honorable part in all our Naval victories and from without, and check mutiny within. In the ordinary actions on the ocean; and whenever an opportunity duties at sea, the marine watch perform the same duties on presented itself, they as invariably embraced it, and deck which would be required of any other body of 1-2, except going aloft ; consequently, their usefulness and fore distinguished themselves. Congress has voted the as men are not lost; for there must be some men kept on thanks of the country to its officers, and history deck, in reefing and furling, to haul the rigging, and m has bestowed her meed of praise upon the privates, nage the cordage for those who are aloft. In battle, whrs for their gallantry in many a bloody scene and hard-the ship is engaged on both sides, or when otherwise nefought battle. In the gun-boats off Tripoli; in cessary, they can be distributed among the carriage-guns, several actions of the late war; at Bladensburg un-military, be required of them on shore, they would be more for working the artillery. Should any operations, wholly * For an important and able paper on the subject of na-efficient and competent to its performance. Should the tional Defences, see Doc. H. R. 206, 1st Sess. 26th Con- combined efforts of seamen and marines be required for the gress-by a Board of Army-Officers. surprise of posts, or the escalade of a fortress, the marines,

"The first object is, to instil into them these sound mitttary principles-obedience, subordination, and respect, that they may be entitled to confidence in the discharge of their duties as sentinels to watch over your magazines, spiritrooms, store-rooms, gangways, galleys, and look-outs; t preserve order, and prevent interruption to the cooking da ties, and to guard your prisoners-of-war, who sometimes guard, and at sea they are (at least, a large proportion of outnumber the crew. In port, they constitute the deck

as a supporting column of regular infantry, would form a disciplined body whereon to rest the security of the other classes who are appointed to make the grand effort, and would yield them a steady column and military support in ease of failure, when they would constitute the reserve, and cover the retreat and embarcation of the seamen. The latter are a class of men, whose onset and first efforts are tremendous and formidable; but, if resisted and discomfited, they break into a hundred groups, which cannot be rallied, "I do conceive it necessary to the armed equipment of a and they become a mere mob, who, without a body of regu-vessel-of-war, that marines should compose a part of its lars to sustain them, must fall a sacrifice. Seamen have a military force."—[Captain Hoffman: Ib. particular aversion to the infantry drill, and, generally speaking, can be brought to little more in that art than to load and fire. That strict subordination and obedience to orders, and the pride of feeling, intuitive in a regular solder, cannot be attained by a seaman: hence, the entire confidence of the officers, for the performance of the ordinary duties on posts, cannot be yielded them; frequent punistments would ensue for neglect and irregularities, and dagast to the service would follow. But, sir, there is another evil in attempting to make marines of sailors: the scarcity of seamen and ordinary seamen would embarrass more and more the manning of our ships-of-war, if those

"To the interrogatory, whether it is necessary to the armed equipment of a vessel-of-war that marines should compose a part of its military force?' I answer, unequivocally, that, in my opinion, it is indispensably necessary." [Commodore Ap. C. Jones: Ib.

"I conceive it of the utmost importance in the armed equipment of a vessel-of-war, that marines compose a part of its military force."-[ Commodore Kennedy: Ib.

who act as marines be substituted from the other classes.

"Marines should compose a part of the force of a shipof-war."-[Captain J. J. Nicholson: Ib.

"I cannot omit the opportunity afforded of expressing the high sense I entertain of the gallantry and good conduct of the marines. The peculiar position in which that part of my command, extending along the Florida shore, placed me, enabled me to entrust important, arduous and disagreeable duties, to those I have had so much pleasure in commanding; and none have performed their service more faithfully, more ably, and more cheerfully, than the marinesalways and ever ready.”

"I for one should be most happy to see the Corps increased."--[ Commodore Dallas, 28th March, 1838.

To take them from landsmen, no advantage would be gained, as regards the increased nautical efficiency of our ships; "That there are military duties to be performed on board but much would be lost with respect to the military portion--a vessel-of-war which cannot be as well performed by any we should have the men without the seaman's or the sol-one as by a regularly disciplined soldier, I presume none will dier's profession. In the above observations, I have refer- deny; and it is to me equally clear, that with the guards red to the possibility of mutiny in our national ships-of-war. allowed at present to the ships, some of those duties must That mutiny has occurred in our Navy, there is no doubt. be neglected or inadequately discharged."--[ Commodore W. One instance took place on board the Constitution, in the B. Shubrick to the Secretary of the Navy, August, 1839. Bay of Leghorn, in the year 1807. The mutiny broke out, In 1839, the Commanders of all the vessels of I think, in July, and was near becoming serious. By the the West-India squadron, united in a remonstrance, formidable appearance of a column of marine bayonets, sup setting forth, that the detachments of marines on ported by nearly a hundred gallant officers armed, it was board the several ships of that squadron were not not only suppressed, but twenty of the ringleaders were se ered, and sent home in the ship, ironed, for punishment. | sufficient to furnish a relief-guard for the number If mutinies have not more frequently occurred in our ships- of sentinels posted. And in closing that remonof-war, it has been owing to the mildness of our command-strance to the Secretary of the Navy, Commodore en, the good feelings of the seamen towards their officers, Shubrick added, "I fully concur in opinion with and the support afforded the latter by a steady column of the signers of the communication, that the guards bayonets. There are some who will say that marines are aseless, except for idle parade. But even form and parade at present allowed, are insufficient." In a military system, is perhaps more essential, in aid of preservation of discipline amongst republican citizens, with the subjects of a King.

"The whole business of life may be considered a little

more than bent, so far as the desire of distinction goes, towards appearances. Men are at best but grown up children, 'pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw.' Take from military service its distinguishing trappings, the pos*ble pomp and circunstance of war,' the probable vote of Thanks of the National Legislature, and what will then be left them to aid their patriotism, in calling forth the whole ezergies of the man, to support them in the perils of the Le and the ocean, the deprivations of their homes and

's comforts?

Notwithstanding all these testimonials, would it be believed that there has been a malign influence at work with the Marine Corps? Why, Sir, in 1830, the Navy-Board made an attempt to abolish it altogether. The letters, from which extracts are quoted above, saved it. After that, the slur was cast upon the marines by turning them away from the Navy-Yards as sentinels-and government was, have seen, put to the unnecessary and useless expense of hiring watchmen in their places. And after thousands have been paid to these, all of which might have been saved, the discovery is now being made, that watchmen wo'nt do—and marines have been taken back into all the Yards, I believe, but

as you


"If we refer to the past services of the Marine Corps, they will be found to be among the most distinguished. Whether you take them at the charge of the bayonet, in it.son with the seamen wielding the sabre and the pike, xarding the gun-boats off Tripoli, in their various actions The ratio of marines to sailors in the English Naon the ocean, or in their efforts with the seamen under Bar- vy is about 1: 2. The ratio now in the American rey in resisting the advance of the British columns to your Navy is about 1:8. By the law of January 2nd, rapital, you will find they have ever sustained a high repu- 1813, one marine (private) was required for every tation for discipline, conduct, and courage. Under these tircumstances, I am decidedly of opinion that the marines seven sailors in the crew of a 74. By the ComFinnot be beneficially dispensed with in our national ships-missioners' table of January 20, 1838, the ratio of-war."--Commodore Stewart to the Secretary of the Navy, of marines on board of a 'first-rate,' is one priSth March, 1830. vate for every twenty-two sailors! In 1825, the

VOL. VII-48*

The Army has its Topographical Bureau, its Department of Engineers, &c. In the re-organization of the Navy, which the whole country is looking for with so much confidence, it seems but fair and reasonable, that there should be also a Ma

Navy Commissioners, with Commodore Bainbridge | ther striking illustration that that Board is not only at their head, assigned a guard of, I think, ninety an irresponsible institution, but practically unaemarines, as the complement of a 'first-rate'-the countable in many respects. English have one hundred and forty. But, two or three years ago, when the hostility to this Corps had gained the ascendancy at the Navy-Board, the alternative was presented of recommending an increase of the Corps, or of diminishing the guards afloat. Of course the latter was adopted-and rine Bureau, over which the Commandant of the Commodore Bainbridge's guard of ninety, which had been found not a man too strong for one of our ships of the line, was reduced down to a mere handful of four dozen men: and a proportionate reduction was made for frigates, &c.

The law of 1834 fixed the number of privates of the Marine Corps, at 1000. But by increasing the active Naval force afloat, the ratio of the marines to the seamen employed, was altered; and of course some such reduction, or an increase of the Corps became necessary. You have seen some of the practical results of such reduction, and read the unheeded remonstrance of officers in command, against it.

Corps, assisted by his staff, should preside. Though a part of the Navy, the duties proper of this Corps, are as separate, as distinct, and as well defined, from those of the Navy Officer, as are the duties of a Surgeon from those of a Post-Captain.

The present organization of the Marine Corps, appears defective in many respects, and imperfect in others. In my desire to see the Navy complete and perfect in all its parts, I cannot resist the temptation here presented, to make one or two remarks concerning this branch of it-premising, however, that they are mere suggestions of one who professes no very intimate knowledge of its details.

In the first place, the present plan of supplying On board ship, in cases of fire, disturbances it with officers, appears to be very injudicious and among the crew, rows, mutinies, &c. the place of objectionable. When a vacancy occurs, instead of the marines is always along side the officers on the filling it with a graduate from the Military Acadequarter-deck, with fixed bayonets-and there they my at West-Point, they go out into the highways, are sure to be. And never has an instance occur- and bring into it, noviciates who have been reamred in which they have failed to support the officers, ing over the political commons for years. It is true, either in maintaining order, or enforcing discipline. that 'many a good tall fellow,' has been brought inIt is seldom that sailors, though ordered by their to this Corps-but, per contra-many a one gets officer, will arrest a brother-sailor in his career of into it, who from the day he enters, till he is dismutiny. Cases of riot and outbreak, though not missed, only brings it into disrepute. In any comfrequent on ship-board, do sometimes occur in boats, munity, whether military or the reverse, the exwhen absent on duty from the vessels to which ample of every member has its effect for good or they belong. Though several such cases have for evil-and though the dissolute and unworthy occurred within my own knowledge, I have seldom, are sure of final expulsion from the Corps, they or never, known the sailors to assist the officers; leave behind them, to taint it, traces of their evil and I may add, that I have never known a marine, example. Besides this, the salary paid to such, is if near, to hesitate. In the case of the notorious more than a public loss; because, abusing ther mutineer, Fleming Livingston, who rose up against trust, they never render a quid pro quo. For these his officer in a boat, the sailors to a man, though and other obvious reasons, much better would it be called on to seize him, refused to do it; two ma- to appoint into the Corps, from West-Point. rines came of their own accord to the rescue, and I have before me, letters and papers from many for that, they were bulletined by the Commander officers, in every way qualified to judge, in which of the squadron, and honored with promotion. the opinion is expressed and oft repeated, that the This little incident is mentioned, because it serves to Corps is too small. In my humble opinion, if I may give an idea of the different principles and motives be allowed to express it, the public interests do of conduct, by which the two classes are actuated. require the enlargement of this Corps; but, to In the progress of improvements at one of our what extent, I am not prepared to say. The opNavy-Yards, the Marine Barracks were torn down; nion has been expressed by the officers of the and though Congress has twice made an appro- West-India Squadron and others, that a large porpriation for rebuilding them, or others, the Navy- tion of that force, known in our ships as landsmes, Board has in each instance, set aside the law of might, with great advantage to the public service, Congress, by failing to apply the appropriation. be classed with marines. It is always attempted Where is the responsibility in that case? Because to train a certain number of the sailors in every of individual hostility to the Marine Corps-so say ship's company, to the use of the musket. But writers in the papers-a law of Congress is set such is the aversion among seamen to every thing aside; but certainly, I know of no reason why the in the way of soldiers' duty, that I have never works were not erected: that they are not, is ano-known one to become even a tolerable profi

cient with the musket. And, if backed by a line of sailor musketeers in boarding, I should be as apprehensive of a shot from behind as before; for in exercising them at repelling boarders with blank cartridges, I have seldom seen the exercise to conclude without some one being more or less injured by a blank shot, from some awkward musketeer. And if sailors will be so clumsy as to shoot each other, in the exercise, with blank cartridges, much more may be apprehended from them, in the confusion of an action, when they are loaded with ball. Admirable then, it seems to me, is the suggestion of dividing the Marines into two classes, one of which shall compose the Marines proper, or Veterans who shall perform on board ship, all the duties of Marines under the present arrangement; the other, the Grenadiers, Musketeers, or whatever be their title, whose duties on board ship, shall be very much what those of landsmen now are; and thus, in the same person, would be united the double qualifications of Landsman and Soldier. Who does not perceive the advantages, strength, and efficiency which men thus trained, would confer upon ships in close action, upon boat expeditions, descents, and skirmishes on shore, &c. ?




Thou bad'st me strike my harp again,
For thee, my father, dear;
The theme to swell my song upon,

I saw an angel hovering nigh,
With tear-drop standing in his eye,-
That deep blue eye so soft and bright,
I knew him by its dewy light.

He hover'd there on seraph wings,
And with a voice that e'en now rings
Within my soul, he seemed to say,
(How sweetly) "Daughter, come away."

He fled away, but as he passed
A tear fell on me, 'twas the last
Sweet record of his heavenly love;
I knew he came far from above;
I knew him by that drop so dear,
It was,
Washington City, 1841.


These Grenadiers, when first enlisted, should be sent to the Marine Barracks to receive the rudiments of their soldier-education; when drafted on board ship, they would learn as readily as landsmen It may be doubted whether the prevailing sentinow do, to pull an oar, splice a rope, go aloft, hand ments on the subject of death, are in accordance a sail, reef, steer—and so on. And thus, they could with true philosophy or our Religion. As God is a be taught the duties requisite for an ordinary seaman, being of pure benevolence, and as death is inevitain which class they could be rated as occasion re-ble and universal-an infliction visiting alike the quires. It is well known that a soldier has no ob- good and bad-the inference would seem to be that jections to learn the duties of the sailor, whereas death is a good appointment. But very different the aversion of the latter to be even like a soldier, from this seems to be the prevalent opinions on is insuperable. I leave this subject in abler hands-this subject. Excited and unhallowed fancy racks



to the powers that be,' and to the Marine officers itself to find images of terror to represent this disthemselves, who, I hope, will receive, in a kindly pensation of our Heavenly Father. The "secrets spirit, the poor suggestions that have been ventured of the last prison-house" of poor mortality are reconcerning their neglected little band. vealed for empty rhetorical parade, or to indulge A lame man on his hobby is said to ride like " the ravings of undisciplined imagination, till the beggar on horseback." If I have rode too furiously, despairing, shrinking spirit, exclaims, "Did our God I hope that those of your readers who have fol- make us in mockery?" It may be said that through lowed thus far, will find an excuse for me in the fear many are induced to reformation. But a recircumstance that I am much of a cripple, and can formation which proceeds from a source so selfish mount but seldom. If I have rocked over the toes and slavish, cannot be very sincere nor acceptable of any one, I can only say, it is not my fault. in the sight of Heaven. To base Religion on the Had it not been for the question of veracity, raised fear of death, as many appear to do practically, if between the statements of the 'Lucky-Bag' and of not theoretically, cannot be authorized by Reason or Revelation. In all our Saviour's teachings, we the Report, I should not have untied the 'Bag,' or have troubled your pages with any more' Scraps. hear nothing of the terrors of death; and he cerHowever, before I tie up again, and dismount, per-cline it to right dispositions. The duties of life, tainly knew the human heart, and how best to inmit me to thank you, Mr. Editor, for your kindness, and the reader for his courtesy.

34 pages HARRY BLUFF, ради

[ocr errors]

United States Navy. P. S.-In the 2nd column of page 358, instead of saying that not one of the sloops-of-war cost less than $113,000'it should be $110,000. H. B. May, 1841.

occupied his compassionate mind; and were we to perform aright these sacred obligations, there would be less reason to fear the transit from one state of being to another. It were to be desired that men feared wickedness more, and death less. We practise sin with little remorse, if we think the great

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