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As near the ORIGINAL as the different Idioms of the LATIN and


The LATIN TEXT and ORDER of CONSTRUCTION on the fame Page;
NOTES, in ENGLISH, from the beft COMMENTATORS both Ancient and
Modern, befide a very great Number of Notes entirely New.


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I 792.

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Aug, 1989.

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BUT, long before his Speech was done, the Queen, pierced with Love's painful arts, feeds a Wound in every Vein, and confumes by flow Degrees in Flanes unfeen. The many Virtues of the Hero, the many Ho

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Before we enter upon the Subject of this Book, dered a vast Quantity of the Cedar of Lebanon to it may be proper to difcufs the Question concern-be cut down for building Temples; which shews ing the famous Anachronifm which Virgil is that he was the fame with the Hiram recorded charged with, in making Dide and Æneas co-in the Bible, who lived in the Time of Solomon. temporary. Bochart is fo pofitive about it, that From Hiram to Itbobalus, Prieft of Affarte, who he fays, if it is not one, nothing is certain in put Philes to Death, and poffeffed himself of the History. Throne for thirty Years, is a Succeffion of feven Between Eneas and Dida, continues he, ac- Kings. This Ithebalus he finds to be the fame cording to the lowest Computation, are at leaft with Ethbaal mentioned in Scripture to have 260 Years; for none of the ancient Chronologers, lived in the Time of Abab, who married his of any Name, fet the Destruction of Troy at the Daughter Jezabel. This fixes the Times of IthoDistance of less than 60 Years from the time of balus, and confequently of Pygmalion and Dido, Saul: And from the first Year of Saul's Reign, who were his Grand-children. Pygmalion reignto the time of Dido's building Byrza, the For-ed fifteen years after the Death of Ithobalus, and trefs of Carthage, are at least 200 Years. Dido fled into Afric in the feventh year of Pyg

He grounds his Aflertion on the Chronicles of malion's Reign; that is, according to his Comthe Tyrians, which have always been reckoned putation, when Jebu reigned in Samaria, and the very authentic. Sanchoniatbon, who comments wicked Athalia in Jerufalem. Whence he conupon them, lived before the Trojan War, and is cludes that Virgil is unquestionably guilty of preferved in Phylo Byblius's Translation. an Anachronifm. What he thinks had milled

But what he lays moft Stress upon is a Paffage Virgil is, that under the Pretext of Dido's having in Menander of Epbefus, quoted by Jofephus in built Birfa, or rather Bofra, which was the feveral Places of his Hiftory, and by Theophilus Fortress of Carthage, feveral Authors had given of Antioch in his third Book to Autolychus. In out that he was the Founder of Carthage itself: this Paffage we have a Series of Kings who reign- And, if fo, she must have lived in the Time of ed at Tyre, from Abibalus down to Pygmalion, Eneas, or even before him; for Carthage was Dido's Brother, and of the Years that each of built before the Destruction of Troy. them reigned, together with an account of the Notwithstanding all that this Author has to principal Tranfactions of their feveral Reigns. fay for himself, the illuftrious Sir Ifaac Newton, There particular Mention is made of Hiram, who in his Chronology, has cleared Virgil from this fucceeded Abibalur, and who is faid to have or-Charge, and finds neas and Dide cotemporary. VOL. II.



vultus ejus hærent infixi pectore, Gentis honos; hærent infixi pectore vultus, verbaque; nec cura dat membris Verbaque; nec placidam membris dat cura qui

placidam quietem.



nours of his Race ftill to her Thoughts by frequent Starts recur: His Looks d Words dwell fixed in her Soul; nor does Care allow one Moment's undisturbed ft to her weary Limbs.


He brings the Era of the Destruction of 5. Laftly, In the Year 1689, theardinal Troy about 300 Years lower down than any other Points had gone back one full Sign, degrees, Chronologer had done before, fixing it to the and 29 Minutes from the cardinal Pois of Chi78th Year after the death of Solomon, the Year ron (in the Time of the Argonautic pedition) before our vulgar Era 904; and the Year of as nearly, he fays, as can be deterned from Dido's building Carthage to the year 883, i. e. the coarfe Obfervations of the Annts. Con21 Years after, when Eneas might very well fequently at the Rate of 72 Years a Degree, be alive. Thofe, who will take the Trouble to 2627 Years had then paffed fincebiron, which examine his Book, will find it no eafy Matter to brings us back to 43 Years afterhe Death of withstand the weighty Reafons he offers in Sup-Solomon, for the Time of the Apnautic Expeport of his fingular Opinion. To fhorten the dition; and the Deftruction of roy was about Reader's Labour, fhall briefly mention a few 30, or 35 Years later. So tha all these collateral Proofs agree in one Point and fix the Æ

of them.

1. He obferves that Virgil agrees with the ra of the Ruin of Troy to abut one and the Arundel Marbles. As Virgil relates probably fame Year, viz. 904 Years efore our vulgar from the Archives of Tyre or Cyprus, that Teu-Era.

cer came from the War of Troy to Cyprus, in the I fhall only make this farther Remark, that Days of Queen Dido (See n. 1. 623) and there is hardly any Doubt to be made, but that with her Father feized Cyprus; fo the Arundel the Romans in Virgil's Time were of Opinion, Marbles fay that Teucer came to Cyprus seven that Dido and Æneas were cotemporary; and Years after the Destruction of Troy, and builtjeven granting it to be an Error, and that Virgil Salamis. knew it to be fo, yet he acted wifely not to de

2. Farther, in the Temple built at Cadiz tolviate from common Opinion, but take AdvanHercules, under the Name of Melcartus, wastage of it as a Poet, fince it conduced fo much Teucer's golden Belt, and Pygmalion's golden to the Embellishment of his Poem. Bow, by which it appears, that the Temple I. Jamdudum. Servius thinks jamdudum here was built in their Days, and that they were co-may have the Signification of nimium or veletemporary. menter, as in Terence, Eun. III. 1. 57. Quando illud, quad tu das, expectat, atque


Jamdudum amat te: jamdudum illi facile fit
Quod doleat-

3. Again Dionyfius Halicarnaffeus reckons fixteen Kings from Latinus, who reigned in Italy inf the Time of the Trojan War, to Romulus; and from him to the Confuls were fix Kings more :| Which 22 Reigns, at a Medium of 18 Years to But I fee nothing to hinder us from understanda Reign (taking the loweft Reckoning, becaufeling the Word in its common Acceptation; for, many of them died violent Deaths) amount to though it was but a fhort While fince Dido had 396 Years. These counted backward, from the first feen Æneas, yet, when the Poet is defcriConfuls Brutus and Publicola, place the Trojan bing the Pangs of Love the had fuffered all that War about 78 Years after the Death of Solomon, While, he very elegantly uses a Word implying according to Sir Ifaac's firft Computation. long Duration. With the fame Propriety he 4. Further, Herodotus, who fays Homer and ufes this Word in the fecond Book, Verse 103, Hefiod were but 400 Years before him, wrote in where Sinon fays, the Time of Nehemiah, i. e. 444 Years before

Si omnes uno ordine babetis Achivos, Chrift. And Hefiod fays he was but an Age af- Idque audire fut eft jamdudum, fumite panas. ter the Destruction of Troy. Now 400, 444,Though but a few Minutes had intervened fince 844, and 60 Years more for the Time between the Trojans had been informed that Sinon was a Hefied and the War of Troy, bring it to the Greek; yet he calls thofe few Minutes a longwhile Year before Chrift 904, as Sir Ifaac reckons. '--jamdudum audire, to represent their impatient


Poftera Phoebeå luftrabat lampade terras,
Humentemque Aurora polo dimoverat umbram;
Cum fic unanimem alloquitur malefana fororem:
Anna foror, quæ me fufpenfam infomnia ter-
rent !

Quis novus hic noftris fucceffit fedibus hofpes!
Quem fefe ore ferens! quàm forti pectore,
armis !


Credo equidem, nec vana fides, genus effe De


Degeneres animos timor arguit. Heu, quibus
Jactatus fatis! quæ bella exhaufta canebat!


Pofera Aurora luftrabat terras
bumentem umbram polo; cum
Phabed lampade, dimoveratque
Dido malefana fic alloquitur fo-

rorem fuam unanimem: Soror Anna, quæ infomnia terrent me fufpenfam? quis bic novus hofpes fucceffit nofiris fedibus? Quem ferens fife ore! quam forti pec

tore et armis! Ego equidem cre-
do, nec fides mea eft vana, eum
effe genus Deorum. Timor argu-
it degeneres animos. Heu quibus
la exbaufta ab eo canebat!
fatis fuit ille jacatus ! quæ bel-


Returning Aurora now illuminated the Earth with Phoebus's Lamp, and had chafed away the dewy Shades from the Sky, when thus the Love-fick Queen befpeaks her affectionate fympathizing Sifter: Sifter Anna, what vifionary Dreams terrify and diftract my Mind? What think you of this wondrous Guest now lodged within our Walls? In Mien how graceful he appears? In manly Fortitude and warlike Deeds how great, how God-like? I am fully perfuaded (nor is my Belief groundless) that he is the Offspring of the Gods. Fear argues a Mind ignoble and degenerate. Ah by what fatal Difafters has he been toffed? What Toils of War he fung, with invincible Fortitude endured to the laft! Had I not NOTE S.

Defire to Revenge, as if it could brook no De- 10. Novus--befpes. Servius explains novus lay, but reckoned every Moment long, that here to fignify magnus, rare, matchless, as in with-held them from gratifying their Retent-Ecl. III. 86.


So alfo in the fame fourth Book, where

Pollio et ipfe facit nova carmina. Dido is quite diflatisfied with Eneas's Speechli. e. excellent, inimitable Verfes, quafi quæ antea from the Beginning, the Poet fays, nunquam, fuch as zvere never matched. In the fame Senfe Virgil calls Wine novum neclar, excellent as the Drink of the Gods, Ecl. V. 71.

Talia dicentem jamdudum averfa tuetur.

Verse 362.

1. Gravi curâ. Love's painful Darts. This II. Quam forti pectore, et armis. This is eafy Metaphor in Englife, feems beft adapted to an elliptic Way of Speaking in Latin, and the convey the Force of the original gravi cura, full fentence is, Quam forti eft pectore, et quam beavy, or oppreffive Care; efpecially fince Vir-fortibus armis. By the first we are to understand gil ufes the Words faucia and vulnus, probably his Fortitude in furmounting Hardships and in Allufion to the Darts and Arrows with Misfortunes, and by the fecond his Valour and which Cupid was poetically reprefented as the Prowess in war,

following Expreffion caco carpitur igni alludes 13. Degeneres animos timor arguit. The to his flaming Torch. Meaning is, as Fear argues an ignoble base born

5. Nec placidam membris dat cura quietem. Mind, fo Valour, like that of Eneas, who is Her care and Anguish allow her to enjoy no Rest forti pectore et armis, bespeaks a noble, a divine but what is broken and disturbed by Dreams. Original. The Poet has filled this Speech of That this is the Senfe, appears from the follow-Dido with there abrupt half Sentences, and ing ninth Verse, Imade her fpeak incoherently, of Purpose to -Qua me fufpenfam infomnia terrent !hew the Confufion and Perturbation of her 8. Unanimem This is a very emphatic Ex-Mind.

preffion; it fignifies there was fuch an Unionand 14. Fatis. The Word fignifies fometimes the Harmony of Affections between them, that Diftreffes and Calamities of Life, whofe Caufes they seemed to be both animated with one and are more fecret, and that seem to arife from the the fame Soul. particular Appointment and Determination of B 2 Heaven:

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