CONTENTS THIRD VOLUME. LXI. UP ON pleasure, as pursued by System; a meditation upon this LXII. The advantages of public education exemplified in the story of Gemi- LXIV. The case of the Jews confidered; their method of fecreting their religion, in countries where the NUMBER. PAGE. - Abrahams a Jew; observations - LXVI. Remarks upon Congreve's comedy - - 26 38 46 60 LXVIII. Remarks on the passions. Cafes of LXIX. Letter from Mr. Jedediah Fish, - LXX. A visit to Vanessa: An old gen- 9 76 perfon LXXII. Of the Greek comedy; of Arifto- tle's definition and chronology of the first comedy. Of Epicharmus LXXIV. Of Cratinus and his comedy, in reply to the fatire of Aristophanes : Of Eupolis, his fragments com- 119 135 more more fully confidered, with some anecdotes of that philosopher's School and private character : The plays of this poet ascertained - 155 LXXVIII. Of the remaining writers of the old comedy, viz. Amipfias, Plato, Crates, Phrynichus, Pherecrates, Amphis, Hermippus, Hipparchus, LXXX. Letter from Rufticus, giving his reason for laying afide reading. Newspaper critique of a tragedy - LXXXI. Memoirs of a Sentimentalift exem- - LXXXII. Conclusion of the above |