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النشر الإلكتروني

instead of better. Medical assistance was resorted to, but this proving ineffectual she returned home: having applied for further advice, we were informed that her case was of a very dangerous nature; upon which our fears began to be alarmed, and this continued to be so more and more, till we were informed that all just ground of hope had expired. Her patience under her affliction was invincible; and her gratitude and sweetness of temper excited the affection and admiration of all that beheld her. It does not appear, says Mr. Allen, who attended her on her death bed, and noted down the gracious words which she spoke, and by whom the following account was written, that Miss Millward considered this affliction as being unto death; or if she did, she wished to keep every idea of it from her parents, whose strong affection for her she was well aware of. On Monday night, the 2d inst. her life being despaired of, one of her friends informed her of her danger, which a little disconcerted her. Mr. and Mrs. Millward, and I, going into the room immediately after, to pray with her, she related what had passed, and said, "Mother, do you think I shall die ?" Mrs. Millward answered, "Yes, my dear child, the doctor has said he can do no more for you, and I think so too, and I am come to give my Isaac back to God; you are no longer mine, but the Lord's." She said, "Well, mother, I am not afraid of death, the Lord is taking me from the evil to come." Mrs. Millward said, "Then you have a clear evidence for heaven?" "Yes," she replied, "I have." "Then," said Mrs. Millward, "we will kneel down and pray with you ;" and while thus employed, the mighty power of God came upon her, and with a rapture that cannot be expressed, she broke out in these words :

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Then she exclaimed aloud, "O how happy I am! O how beautiful is heaven! It is too beautiful even to think of!" She then called upon me to pray, saying, "Pray for an easy passage, but remember the will of the Lord be done;" and surely if ever I prayed in my life it was then. Never before did I hear such emphatic and powerful Amens as those which came from her

lips; they gave wings to my prayers, and brought down the overwhelming presence of God upon all that were in the place. Mr. Millward next attempted to pray, but in vain, for he could only praise; and while he was thus engaged, the dear young saint lay gasping for breath, and crying out, "That's right, father! praise, O praise on." When we rose, she said, “Sing! Sing!" Mrs. Millward gave out, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow," &c. in which, to our great astonishment, she joined, and sung so loud as to be heard as distinctly as any person in the room.

"I had always," said she, "a dread of death till now, but O how happy I am! Is this dying? O death, where is thy sting!' you are all alike to me now, father and mother, and all." After a little pause, she said, "I hope Satan will not get in; he is tempting me to doubt; but get thee behind me, Satan." Shortly after she said. "O mother, I am going to heaven, I wish you were going with me; but you will not be long after me. I shall see Mr. Wesley, Mr. Fletcher, St. Paul, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and all the Prophets, and Martyrs." "Yes," added Mrs. M. and Jesus the mediator." She answered, "O yes, and I love him dearly;" clasping her hands with the strongest ardency. She then embraced her mother, and said, "Do not grieve for me, you will not be long after me; I know you will not." She then embraced her father, and said, "Go on, father, and be useful." He said, "Shall I preach the same doctrine ?” She replied, "O yes, yes, do." Next she took an affectionate farewell of all that were present, one after another, speaking to them according to their several states. One of the number was the servant, to whom she said, "Farewell, Becca," with as much cheerfulness as if she had been only going to sleep, "I thank you for all your kindness to me; but I do not think you pray so much as you used to do, nor read the Bible in secret as much as you did. O be in earnest about your soul."

(To be concluded in our next.)



Colombo, July, 1816.

I HAVE thought it of importance that you should have immediate information of the delay of our intended Madras mission, and of the very pressing call for labourers in the Jaffnapatam district. Jaffnapatam is a most important province, especially with reference to the continent, the same language being spoken. Sir Alexander Johnson is particularly desirous and anxious that we should make a vigorous attempt in that province, and I have to propose to the brethren to fix this year a station at Jaffnatown, and one at Point Pedro; and for the preacher to travel in a direct line from one to the other, and establish schools on the road. This will in a little time bring the people into an acquaintance with us, and perhaps these schools may become heads of circuits. But we can send only two brethren thither! We rely on your sending us out a good supply as soon as possible.

I have begun a letter-foundry in Colombo on our own estate, and hope this month to commence the casting of Cingalese and Malabar types. The government have kindly promised, at the request of the Bible Society, to accommodate us with the use of their moulds and matrices, and any other help from their foundry here. We want iron-work for another printing-press or two. We intend to send a Malabar press to Jaffna. I suppose at the Conference, next month, we shall take out upon trial to travel, three country missionaries of undoubted character. But though we hope to have three country missionaries in our employ, what are three among so many? O ye lovers of God and of souls! "come over and help us." I would not have been at home for these last three years for all the world. My dear wife and myself would not have been absent from this glorious field of action for all the treasures of the earth. O! what a blessed work is that in which we are engaged! Our young preachers will, I hope, burn with desire to come to our assistance. They have no idea of the inexpressible delight of being engaged in this

mission. I travelled in two excellent circuits in England, where I met with the kindest friends, large congregations, &c. and was, I am sure, one of the happiest men in existence, my dear friends in Kent and Norfolk being my witnesses; and now having left it for nearly three years, I do not scruple to say, that God has given me an hundred fold now at this present time; and I know in the world to come I shall have "life everlasting." The climate is charming, and very equable. I was never more healthy in my life, though I never in my life before had to labour so hard, and be so incessant in my application to business. It is true, we are not without natural affections. We remember our parents, and brethren, and sisters, and kind friends, and the happy moments we have had with them in our native land. But to lay them all with humble faith, before the missionary altar, yields a sweetness and delight to our souls which tongue cannot express.



To the Editors of the Methodist Magazine.

THE request of a respected friend, rather than a confidence in my own abilities, has induced me to furnish the enclosed communication. Perhaps, however, I may be enthusiastic, and if you think so, I shall consider it an act of friendship in you to suppress the enclosed.

If I know my own heart, I am actuated by desires to promote the interests of religion. Preserved, almost by miracle, from the vortex of infidelity, and as I humbly trust brought to the enjoyment of that love that casteth out fear, gratitude impels me to devote my small abilities to the service of my God. In the fellowship of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I subscribe your friend and sister, C. M. T.

Canandaigua, Ontario County, Nov. 1817.

To the friends of Jesus, no intelligence is more welcome, than that which relates to the conversion of sinners, and the enlargement of the Redeemer's kingdom. Fully convinced of this truth, I shall offer no other apology for presenting the following

little narrative, which you are at liberty to insert in your Magazine.

In the Autumn of the year 1816, I was induced, by the earnest solicitation of my friends, in the neighbourhood where I then resided, to take the charge of a small District School.

Although the business of school-keeping was perfectly familiar to me, having been engaged in it for several years, I entered upon this task with great reluctance. My school had been of a private nature, and composed of select individuals, and I thought myself incompetent to the government of such a promiscuous number as would attend a District School, in the winter season, especially, as a considerable proportion of my pupils were males who had passed the years of childhood.-Yielding, however, my own judgment to that of my friends, I accepted the proposal, and entered upon my arduous employment. My school consisted of about thirty, from the age of ten to twenty; and for the first few weeks, I noticed nothing remarkable, except that I found myself imperceptibly contracting an affectionate attachment to my pupils, and experienced an uncommon anxiety for their eternal interest. I found great enlargement of heart in pleading for their eternal salvation, and often experienced sweet, refreshing seasons, when I remembered them in secret before my God.

One evening, in particular, the neighbouring youths had convened for a party of amusement, and as many of my scholars as were entitled by age to be present at such convivial meetings, were of the company. This evening God was pleased to grant me near access to his throne. My tender anxiety for the dear youth, who were wasting their precious time in vain amusement, and particularly for those who were immediately under my tuition, I have no language to describe. My memory recurred to the period of my life, when like them, I was running the mad career of folly, careless and thoughtless of hereafter, and I fervently besought the God, who, in infinite mercy snatched me from irretrievable ruin, to awaken their minds to a discovery of their awful danger. Let Christians triumph, for there is a God who hears and answers prayer. At the same time that I was pleading for them in secret, God, with whom is the residue of the Spirit, was pleased to touch some of their hearts, and turn their mirth to seriousness. The next evening, our little society convened for prayer-meeting. In the afternoon I invited

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