صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

his anguish inexpreffible, the hopes of death his comfort. In thefe deplorable circumftances I received from his own mouth this fhocking story, which all the neighbours attested. It now is found out, that this fame villain, about a year ago, poifoned James Devanny, and his family, all of whom, fix in number, died in cruel torments.

Charles Wright, who committed thefe murders, is about five feet feven inches in height, has fair hair, and fair complexion, fomewhat freckled, has grey eyes, little and hollow, heavy eye-brows, a very thin beard, a rough mole on one of his cheeks, the fcar of a wound on his right hand; he is thirty years of age, and well proportioned to his height; was bred a weaver, but of late has acted as a mill porter; he wore a blue coat and fuftian breeches when he fled. I fhould offer a large reward, but every human creature is called on to feize this monftrous enemy of mankind. I am, dear Sir, your moft obedient fervant,

WM. HENRY. We have inferted the above letter at length, in order to contribute, if poffible, towards the apprehenfion of fo deteftable a monster. Extract of a letter from on board the Britannia, of Bristol, lately arrived, after lofing thirty-fix men out of forty-four, at St. Thomas's on the coaft of Africa, through the affiftance of the General Murray, another Bristol fhip.

The flaves attempted twice to get poffeffion of the ship in the river, which obliged us to kill about thirty of them; but, what is amazing, when the General Murray fell in with us, the flaves did juft as

they pleased on board, and yet did not attempted to destroy us, though undoubtedly in their power."

The Metz stage coach to Paris was lately stopt by a gang of ruffians, who murdered the coachman and poftillion, fix paffengers, and a child. Some of this gang had the audacity to write uppon the gate of the Grand Chatelet, We are 500, and are not afraid of 1000.'

Du Lyon, a French affaffin, was lately broke upon the wheel, having firft had his right hand burnt off with brimftone, for his ingenious device in murdering his own brother, by directing a box of gun-powder for him, in which were two loaded pistols, which foon as he opened the box, went off and killed him on the spot.

A youth of 17 years of age, of a genteel family at Abbeville in France, having poisoned both his father and mother, determined, on quarrelling with a man who always had been his friend, to poifon him alfo. Being invited to a neighbour's houfe to dine, where this gentleman was to be one of the guefts, he went thither before dinner to excufe himself; and going into the kitchen, threw a paper of arfenic into the pot, the confequences of which were terrible; out of 14, the number who dined at his neighbour's table, ten died almost inftantly; the other four languished in great agonies; and the young villain being apprehended on the evidence of a child, who faid he faw him falt the pot, has confeffed all, and will, no doubt, suffer accordingly.

Breft, Sept. 24. This day the Calypfo returned into our port in a fhattered condition, being fent


to fea to make a trial of fails of a new construction, invented by Le Roy, fon of the famous watchmaker of that name; but they were fo far from fucceeding, that the fhip loft her mafts, and was in danger of finking.

Conftantinople, Sept. 1. The late news from Smyrna has alarmed us very much about ten days ago the ambaffadors and minifters here received from thence the account of a very extenfive and devouring fire, which by fome fatal accident, broke out on the 6th of laft month, at midnight, and last ing 26 hours, involved in its progrefs the whole quarter of the city, called the Frank-quarter, inhabited entirely by the different factories of the several nations trading there, particularly the English, French, Dutch, Venetian, Imperial, Swedifh, Danish, and Ragufan. By the English conful's account, not a merchant's or conful's houfe is left ftanding, except his own, and that not entire, nor without fuffering great damage. Even their magazines, the repositories of all their various merchandife (which had hitherto been looked upon as fire proof) burft, through the intense violence of the flames. The fcene of defolation is on all fides terrible. The lofs fuftained is reckoned, by a grofs computation, at a million and a half of Turkifh dollars, or near 200,000l.

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As by the accounts received from thence, the behaviour of the Tur kifh officers, during the fire, gave the greateft caufe of complaint to the fufferers by it; all the chriftian minifters refiding here have pre fented memorials to the porte on

that occafion.

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Kerim Kan has made himself

mafter of all Perfia by the defeat of Fat-ali-Kan, by which happy event that vast empire, after being long rent and ravaged by a crowd of petty tyrants, feems to be on the point of recovering, under the wife and vigorous administration of Kerim Kan, its ancient fplendor. Though this prince has no competitors, he has declined the title of king; ftiling himself only Master of the prefent times.

1 Charles-town, July 6. In the garden of William Bull, Efq; lieutenant-governor of this province, in St. Andrew's parish, an aloe of of the arborescent kind is now in flower, and makes a most beautiful appearance. The flower-ftem has grown about 24 feet in the last five months; the plant is about 29 years old.

Died lately. Charles Savage, Efq; in Bedford-row; who has left 500l. to each of the following hofpitals, viz. St Bartholomew's, St. Thomas's, Bridewell and Bethlem, St. Luke's, the London, and the Foundling.

Jane Grey, at Wem, Shropshire, aged 100; her husband, a fhepherd, is ftill living, aged 98.

Mary Iles, of Hanham, in Gloucefterfhire, aged 104.


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zd. and three halfpence for porter, the rest of the year.

The journeymen taylors at Leipzic, on the death of the king of Poland, having refused to work at the accustomed wages, were all clapt into prifon at Glatz, and fed on bread and water till they thought fit to work at the wages allowed by the magistrates.

the fire underneath, boils like a cauldron. Into this boiling pit a man lately fell, in the darkness of the night, and next morning was found by his friends fo boiled, that, on taking him out, his flesh fell from the bones.


The right hon. William Bridgen, Efq; was sworn in as lord mayor of this city, before the barons of the court of Exchequer, Westminster, with the usual formalities. In the afternoon there was a grand entertainment at Guildhall, at which were prefent the great officers of state and other perfons of diftinction; and the even


Letters from New York mention the lucky thought of a negro in faving a hip in diftrefs, by launching a hundred and fifty fa thom haufer, with a spare boom faftened to it; the fhip, by this means, riding head-a-wind during the ftorm, as at anchor, after having concluded with a ball. ing cut away the main-maft. The Blue Anchor, a public houfe near the king's yard Deptford, known by the name of the Red-house, fell entirely to the ground; there were feveral lodgers in it, two of whom were unfortunately killed; divers were dug out of the ruins much bruised, and three children, who happily received no hurt. Two days before two old houfes and a new houfe fell down of themselves in London, but fortunately without doing any mischief.

On petition of the Spanish
merchants, his majesty was
graciously pleased to order the qua-
rantine to be taken off from all
Spanish ports in the Mediterranean,
Gibraltar, and Mahon included.


Two women were found dead in an empty houfe in Stonecutter-ftreet, Shoe-lane. It appeared on the coroner's inqueft, by the depofition of two women and a girl, found in the house at the fame time, that the deceased women, being deftitute of lodging, got into the house, being empty and open, and being fick perished for want of neceffaries and attendance. The poor wretches who gave this evidence were almoft in the fame condition.

Soon after another woman was found ftarved to death in an empty houfe in the fame neighbour hood.

There is, near Glasgow in Scot land, a coal pit which has been burning under ground for fome years, and near it is an old pit full of water, which, by the force of

His majefty went to the 15th. houfe of peers, and opened the feffion with a moft gracious fpeech.


The fheriffs of London attended the hon. house of commons, and prefented the petition of the lord mayor, aldermen, and commons of that city, in common council affembled, praying a repeal of fo much of the late cyder act as fubjects the makers of cyder and perry to the excife laws, &c.

A duel was fought between Samuel Martin, Efq; member for Camelford, and late fecretary to


the treasury, and John Wilkes, Efq; when the latter was wounded dangerously in the belly by a pistol bullet..

His grace the duke of Bolton, the right hon. earl temple, and Mr. Pitt, &c. waited on Mr. Wilkes the moment he was carried home, after receiving his wound.

The tide in the river 18th. Thames at eleven o'clock, when it was flowing, fuddenly stopp❜d, and ebbed for the space of an hour; after which it returned, and flowed the usual time.

The following note was received by a gentleman of Iflington. "Up the paffage by the Duke's head, near the stand of coaches, lives one Mrs. Porte.

"This poor woman, who has five fmall children, the eldeft about ten years of age, now lies lightheaded in a high fever; nobody to look after her but the eldeft child, without blanket or sheet to the bed, without meat, drink, fire, or money, and the youngest child dead in the room.”

The gentleman prevailed on a friend to go and fee this poor object, who found the contents of the above note to be literally true; and fays, that he never faw, in the whole course of his life, a fcene of fuch poverty, mifery, and real diftrefs.

Whitehall. The lords 21ft. commiffioners for trade and

plantations having received in formation, that many perfons are defirous of grants of land in his majesty's provinces of Eaft Florida and Weft Florida in America, in order to the cultivation of

the fame, for the raifing of filk,

cotton, wine, oil, indigo, cochineal, and other commodities,

to which the faid lands are adapted; their lordships, therefore, to avoid any delay in the making fuch fettlements, do, by his majefty's, command, give public notice, that his majefty has been pleased to direct, that the lands in his majesty's faid provinces of Eaft Florida and Weft Florida fhall be furveyed and laid out into townships, not exceeding twenty thousand acres each, for the convenience and accommodation of fettlers; and these townfhips, or any proportions thereof, will be granted, upon the fame moderate conditions of quit-rent and cultivation as are required in other colonies, to fuch perfons as fhall be willing to enter into reafonable engagements to fettle the lands within a limited time, and at their own expence, with a proper number of ufeful and induftrious proteftant inhabitants, either from his majesty's other colonies, or from foreign parts; and all perfons who may be willing to obtain fuch grants, are defired to fend their propofals in writing to JohnPownall, Efq; fecretary to the faid lords commiffioners for trade and plantations.

The court of Common Pleas was moved for an at23d. tachment against the publisher of a new paper called the Moderator, in which the juftice and dignity of that court was attacked, in refpect to the enlargement of Mr. W. on his plea of privilege; and the defendant was ordered to have due notice given him to fhew caufe why the attachment should not be granted.

Afa general court held in Chrift's hofpital, a dona- 24th.

tion of zool. from the reverend

Mr. Trigg, was prefented to the



governors, as a teftimony of his gratitude for the education he received from that foundation.

Was tried, at the bar of

29th. his majefty's exchequer, the great question which has been long depending between the king and the West India merchants, concerning the power of the officers of the cultoms to rummage fhips with lights, by means of which many had taken fire. After a long hearing the jury gave a verdict for the crown.

There are two pear trees in full bloom, one at Guildford and the other at Lambeth. On the 13th at Castle Sowerby, in Cumberland, a hive of bees fwarmed.

A young married lady, who died a few days fince, was, at her own request, buried in all her wedding garments, confifting of a white negligee and petticoats which were quilted into a mattrafs, pillows, and lining to her coffin; her wedding fhift was her winding fheet, with a fine point lace tucker, handkerchief, ruffles, and apron; alfo a fine point lace lappet head, and a handkerchief tied closely over it, with diamond ear rings in her ears, and rings on her fingers, a very fine necklace, white filk ftockings, filver fplangled fhoes, and ftone buckles.

Newcastle, Nov. 12. In Jaroe church a stone was lately found, with the following infcription; which fhews its antiquity fuperior to any in this country. DEDICATIO. BASILICAE. SCI. PAVLI VIIII. KL. MAII. ANNO. XV. EGFRIDI. REG. CEOLFRIDI, ABB. EIVSDEM. Q. ECCLES. D.O. AVCTORE. CONDITORIS, ANNO. IIII. By this it appears, that this church was dedicated to St. Paul

on the 9th of the kalends of May, in the 15th year of the reign of king Egfrid; and that Coelfrid, the abbot thereof, founded in the

fourth year of the faid king's reign. Egfrid, (or Ecfrid) king of Northumberland, began his reign A.D. 670. The church was founded in the fourth year of his reign, 674; dedicated in the fifteenth, 685, which is 1089 years fince its foundation.

Remarkable proceedings of the

Irish house of Commons. Nov. 8. A motion was made to fufpend the payment of all penfions granted by the crown, till it fhould be legally determined, Whether the revenues of the crown, that have been granted for public ufes, ought, or can, by law, be applied to penfions. It paffed in the negative.

Nov. 10. Several petitions having been presented praying encouragement to carry on particular manufactures, &c. it was unanimoufly refolved, That no more money fhall be granted this feffions for the encouragement or fupport of any manufacture whatever.

Nov. 24. A motion was made humbly to befeech his majesty to recall the penfion of 1000l. a year, for thirty-one years, in truft for the Sardinian minifter, as a rewa for negotiating the late treaty of peace with France and Spain. It paffed in the negative.

The cunette of Dunkirk is entirely filled up, excepting a trifling part, for which there was no earth; and three hundred men are employed in the demolition of the king's bafon. Gazette.

The Dutch conful having lately complained to the emperor of Morocco of a Dutch veffel being car

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