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practices. Hence, it will not do to infer from good home conduct that in school a boy will be necessarily correct without restraint.

"With these views, the Principal feels constrained to insist that it is his business, not only to see that his pupils are diligent in study and docile in school, but to keep himself informed, as much as possible, of their outside associations, to correct and restrain evil tendencies, and, in short, to deal with them as a wise parent should deal with his sons. In this relation he would not do justice to his own feelings should he not insist likewise that it is his privilege and duty to recommend and impress on the minds of his pupils the precepts of morality and religion contained in the Bible, and to endeavor to inculcate Christian virtues."

Limited as our space is in this department, we cheerfully make room for another passage, hoping that certain other institutions we have deemed it our duty to censure, on more than one occasion, for their injudicious indulgence to their students, may be induced to imitate the good examples thus set by Mr. Bisbee :

"It must be understood by every pupil who enters this school, that he is under obligation not to use profane or vulgar language, not to smoke or chew tobacco, nor use intoxicating liquors of any kind while a member, and that no one who continues to offend in these particulars can be allowed to remain in the school.

"The reading of dime novels and other pestilent literature is prohibited. Such books are unhesitatingly burned whenever found."

If, as we have said, there is nothing in the study of the military art which is in the slightest degree antagonistic to the study of either the languages or the sciences, certain it is that the same cannot be said of smoking or chewing tobacco, using intoxicating liquors, or reading the worthless, vitiating sort of literature known as dime novels.

A Grammar of the Greek Language. By Dr. GEORGE CURTIUS, Professor in the University of Leipzig. Translated under the revi sion of the author. Edited by WILLIAM SMITH, LL.D., Classical Examiner in the University of London, and Editor of the Classical and Latin Dictionaries. For the use of colleges and high schools. 12mo., pp. 369. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1872.

The work of Dr. Curtius is so well known to scholars in America as well as in Europe, if only, in many instances, for the fame it has

brought its author, that it is needless to give any elaborate analysis of its contents, since such would be of little use to any except scholars. This is fortunate in the present case, as the book did not reach our table until we were preparing for the press the last sheets of our present number. But it is one of the few an examination of which to us would be a most agreeable intellectual repast. We yield to none in our admiration of the structure of the Greek language, not to mention the incalculable value of Greek literature; and no other modern author has done so much justice to that structure as the worthy emulator, in philological research, of Humboldt, Bopp, and Grimm.

Our readers know that it is nothing new on our part to say that, not only art of a high order, but also science, is exhibited in the construction of the Greek. Before this Grammar had been written we had maintained that the noblest specimens of Greek sculpture which have survived the ravages of time, are not more exquisitely beautiful in outline than this Greek tongue, which so many of our modern philosophers think ought no longer to be studied! The Latin is, indeed, well calculated to develop the taste of the student of it, for the beautiful in nature, as well as in art, by its admirable word-painting; its declensions and its conjugations; but it is nearly as inferior in that respect to the language of Homer and Sophocles as our own composite patched up dialect is to the language of Virgil and Juvenal. The cause of the difference is well explained by Dr. Curtius. "The Greeks," he says, "are justly called an artistic people, and the Greek language is the most ancient work of art which they have reared upon a very primitive basis. The student who approaches the Greek," he adds, "after he has already gone through a considerable preparation by the study of Latin, ought to be impressed with the idea that the structure of this language is one of the most marvellous productions of the intellectual powers acting unconsciously."

Had Dr. Curtius been unknown in this country, as one of the most zealous and successful cultivators of the science of language, the fact that the editor of the English edition of his work is Dr. William Smith, the editor of several classical works for which the students and teachers of America, as well as those of the United Kingdom, are so much indebted-would have been a sufficient guarantee for its superior excellence. There is no student, or educator, whose vernacular is the English, who has not much faith in the opinion of Dr. Smith on any subject relating to the study of the classic languages. And,

speaking of the peculiar value of the work before us, Dr. Smith says: It is, indeed, almost the only grammar which exhibits the inflexions of the language in a really scientific form." Again: "It is surprising to find that many of the public and private schools in this country (England) continue to use grammars which ignore all the improvements and discoveries of modern philology."

Need we say that still more of the public and private schools in the United States continue to use such? Nay, how few of our colleges and universities do otherwise than "ignore all the improvements and discoveries of modern philology?" But these various facts cause us to regret all the more that Curtius's Greek Grammar did not reach us in time. However there are yet another reason or two why we should have been glad to examine it fully without having to keep it on our table for three months. No publishers have done so much for classical literature in this country as the Messrs. Harper. They have incurred an amount of expense in issuing standard works of reference for Latin and Greek students which would seem fabulous to many even of our readers if stated in round numbers, and which would have wholly deterred any other New York house, in view of the too wellknown fact that the demand for such is by no means sufficient to render them remunerative pecuniarily.

The last reason we shall mention is, we trust, no less legitimate than any yet given; it is this: that eminent house has ever been friendly, liberal, and encouraging to our humble selves. For nearly twenty years their most valuable books have been courteously placed at our disposal for examination, without any dictation or condition. This remark will be the better understood when we say that we know no publishers who would not very gladly furnish copies of their best publications, if sure that they would be praised. Thus, for example, there was a time when the Messrs. Appleton used to send us their largest books in dozens, but the moment we make the slightest criticism all is changed in their case! Not only would these gentlemen do all they could to prevent us from examining their books on finding we had ventured to point out any serious defect in them, but once, at least, before we had any journal of our own, they did their utmost to prevent our having any employment as a critic.

Upon the other hand, our readers know that we have criticised books issued by the Harpers quite as often as they have set their imprint on such as were not worthy of it. For an instance of this, we need not go farther back than our number for March, 1871, in which we

elaborately criticised Dio Lewis' book, entitled "Our Girls," under the head of "Specimen of a Modern Educator of Young Ladies." To this day, the Messrs. Harper have never evinced to us the slightest displeasure on account of that criticism, or the slightest unwillingness to send their books for examination as usual. Since such is our experience of publishers who address larger audiences through their own various periodicals than any other publishers in the world, it will be admitted that we should be wanting in sensibility, and unworthy of the courteous and generous treatment we have received, did we not feel it incumbent on us to do justice to such publications of theirs as this excellent and truly unequalled Grammar.

Among the many advantages which render it superior to all other Grammars now in use in this country are its two copious alphabetical indexes, English and Greek, which extend to eighteen three-column

pages, in small type. These indexes, admirably arranged as they are, greatly facilitate the labors of the student. Not only may they be regarded as the keys to a fountain of philological knowledge, but, in the hands of those capable of using them, they are a veritable fountain in themselves.

Boys of Eaglewood; or, Life at School. By CLARA F. GUERNSEY. Author of "The Silver Cup," "The Leighton Children," etc., etc. 16mo., pp. 406. Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union.

Ir requested by parents or guardians to mention some book combining innocent amusement with useful instruction, to be placed in the hands of young people, especially boys, we do not remember one of its size which we could recommend with more implicit confidence in its genuine worth than this. We are not aware of having read any of the author's previous works, but we regard "Boys of Eaglewood" as worthy of comparison with the happiest efforts of Maria Edgeworth, in the same rich field and noble cause.

It is no new notion of ours that ladies of talent and cultu have a taste for the good work, not only equal the lords of cre writing books for the entertainment and instruction of youth, bu excel the best of them. Nor need we mention now, in illustrat

the fact, Madame de Stael, Madame de Sevigné, Anna Maria Porter, Mrs. Sigourney, Hannah More, etc., for it is sufficiently illustrated in the unpretending volume before us.

There are none that know anything of the school life of boys, who, on perusing Miss Guernsey's book, will not admit that she has portrayed it with remarkable fidelity. Indeed, the perusal of one chapter is all the examination of the volume we should require from any competent judge before claiming his concurrence in our opinion as to the superiority of "Boys of Eaglewood" to three-fourths of the books written, with the same avowed design, by men who claim to possess both learning and literary talent. Take chapter iv., for instance. In this the difficulties and dangers of "the new scholar" are depicted so vividly as almost to make one feel that he has a personal interest in them. Chancey Waldo is no mere portraiture, but a veritable, living type; such a real boy of flesh and blood as cannot be confounded with any of his ordinary playmates. Another well

drawn character is Joe Fenton.

But it is the useful lessons, that are rendered so attractive as to seem all play, while making impressions not easily effaced, which prompt us most strongly to recommend the book as one of the best of its kind we have read for years.


Ellie Laura; or, The Border Orphan. A Drama. By Rev. JAMES O'LEARY, D.D. 16mo, pp. 41. New York: P. O'Shea.

THE author modestly tells us in his preface that this "is an attempt to meet a demand for amusement and instruction in Catholic educational institutions." In our opinion it is a successful attempt, if suc cess consists in producing a piece that possesses genuine merit. But we see no reason why it should be confined to Catholic institutions; and we know the author is sufficiently liberal, charitable, and philanthropic to have no objection to its affording "amusement and instruction" even to heretical boys and girls, such as juvenile Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians, etc. Accordingly, we will extract a passage or two here and there, so that all denominations may judge for themselves whether "Ellie Laura" is so deeply tinged with popery as

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