صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

principles, 349-licentiousness, 350-des-
potic law, 351-true nature, 352-analogi.
cal reasoning, 353-more extended illus-
tration, 354-spiritual and material, 356-
material forces, 358-finity of intellect,
360-1 diseased sentimentality, 362--
retrospect of past, 364-illustration, 367-
crime and its punishment, 368.
Marriage System, origin and development
of the, art cle on, 79 et seq. - modern
civilization, 79-present object, 80-writ-
ten history delusive, 81-poetry of law,
ib.-marriage ceremonies, ib.-capture of
brides, ib.-habit still in Iudia, 82-
among Kalmucks, id.-among Welsh, 83--
among ancient Irish, ib.-among Be-
douins, 84-natural conclusion, 85--origin
of system, ib.-capture practised among
American Indians, 86-nations in north
of Europe, 86--Australian, 87-descrip-
tion, 88-Mosaic code, 89-tribal senti-
ment, ib.-Chinese clans, 90-tribal affi-
liation, ib.-wives considered only as
drudges, 93-capture giving the sole right
of, 94-paucity of women, 95-strange
system, 96--maternal kinship, 97-pater-
nal relationship, 98-polyandry, 99--prop-
erty in wives, ib.-modern family system,
ib.--system of caste, 100-blood-feud, 101
-tribal group, 102-Fijian system, 103-
La Courade custom, 104-sufferings of
husband from, ib.

McCloskey, Archbishop, address to Man-
hattan graduates, 337.

O'Brien, James-no sympathy for robbers,
378-anecdote of, ib.-generous offer.

O'Conor, Charles, address to graduates,
335-preference for, 372.

Patrick, Brother, 337.

Paulian, Brother, qualifications of, 337.
Riverview Military Academy, noticed, 386.
Serpent Worship among the Primitive
Races, article on, 1 et seq.-earliest form,
1-prevailed in Italy under Romans, 2-
nearly universal among primitive races,
ib.-among Phoenicians and Egyptians, 3
-Canaanites, ib.-Pelasgic Greeks, 4-
popular belief, 5-suppositions and con-
jectures, 6-the serpent in Hindoo mytho-
logy, 7-Chinese belief, 9-Hebrew, id.-
serpent shown by Moses, 10-fiery ser-
pente, ib.-rabinic traditions, 12-serpent
worship in Africa, 13-in Europe, 14-
mysteries, 17-worship in Sicily, 18-in
Lapland, 19-Scandinavian tradition, 20—
Gauls probably not serpent worshippers,
ib. ancient Spaniards were, 21-origin
of worship-prevailed in America, 23-
Syrian snake god, 24-mysteries, 25-
snake worshipping vestals, 26-repre-
sentations of serpent, 27-symbolical wor-
ship, 28.

Skating, article on, 194-96.

Speaker, The Comprehensive, reviewed
and criticised, 384 et seq.

Stebbins, Colonel, his high character, 378.
Strikes, article on, 186 et seq.

Sumner, Charles, 372.

Typographic Messenger, noticed, 399.
Woods, Bishop, as a friend of education,
334, 344.

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