صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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20 miles to the gallon of gasoline
12,500 miles to the set of tires
50% slower yearly depreciation

(National Averages)

OTOR CAR performance above the average is
something that most owners are willing to pay
for. With the Franklin you not only get such per-
formance, but get it at less cost.

Greater comfort, easier control, fewer annoyances and
delays, even in covering greater distances in a day—
all this is yours with a Franklin. And yet your gaso-
line, tire and repair bills are practically halved.

Nothing indicates more clearly what motorists think of
this combined road-ability and economy than this fact:

1920 will increase the total number of
Franklin owners to over 65,000-an
increase of more than 22% during the year.






(The first baptismal names entered in the records of the church founded by the Pilgrims at Boston were those that appear in these verses) Pilgrim mothers-when your ship Clove the wildness, of the West! When the sea-wind's icy grip

Chilled the dream within your What of peril? What of woe? What of pain and pestilence



you name your children so"Pity," "Joy," and "Recompense"?

When your unaccustomed hands

Helped to break the stubborn ground, When your titles to the lands

Were a headstone and a mound;

Whence your calm, submissive mood, 'Midst the new world's turbulence, That you named your infant brood

Pity," "Joy," and "Recompense"? Pilgrim mothers-still the years Hang their misty goals in space! We in turn are pioneers

To an onward-surging race!

You who by the barren rock

Built the spirit's excellence,


us worthy of your flock"Pity," "Joy," and "Recompense"!

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We are told all through childhood's formative years that we should always keep our tempers, and we are given examples like Sir Isaac Newton and his little dog Diamond and Patient Griselda, just as though they were equally applicable to the case; whereas, as I shall endeavor to show, they are poles apart. But, after all, who wants the same old temper all his life? Who can be sure that if he lost it he would not find a much nicer one? Above all, what person who contemplates the benefits won for himself and others by people's having lost their temper at the right time can dodge doing his share? On the other hand, if the people who lose their tempers, anyhow, would but study doing so to the best advantage, who can tell what might not be gained thereby? No one spends time or thought on how to do something which he does not want ever to do, like falling out of a third-story window or interfering between man and wife; but, though some very good people disapprove of dancing, most people feel that those who are going to dance anyhow should be taught to do it gracefully. Therefore I am about to lay down a few cardinal rules on this question of losing one's temper. It should be doneSeldom; Thoroughly;

At the right time;

To the right person;

It should stay lost until the situation is remedied if it be remediable;

A better one should be recovered in its place;

The evil remedied and the temper recovered, the incident is dead, and there should be no post-mortems.

A word or two under each of these heads, like an old-time sermon.

It should be seldom, both because otherwise it loses all its effect and because it is really very tiresome to get angry. That is

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ER why a great many people get the reputation of being good-tempered who in reality are only lazy. But I do not agree with the doctors who say that anger is always a poison. Righteous anger may be like an electrical storm and clear the air for miles hip around; and while all strong emotions are est! tiring, this is not considered ground on which to argue that love and ambition are poisons. A steady grouch is different; that I consider a malignant poison. A friend of mine whose family consists of several grown-ups once told me that they allow per each member of the family. one




plained grouch per month, to last not more than twenty-four hours. If there is a hanggover the next day, the guilty member must either see the doctor or the priest (they nd; are Roman Catholics). That seems to me mo eminently sane and reasonable; no one can go on being "Pollyanna "forever; you let your pessimism come to a head, per like a boil, prick it, and feel better.




Thoroughly. In the same formative ace! years of childhood we were told that whatever was worth doing at all was worth doing well. Not that we should swear and throw things, but that we should not let our anger evaporate until it has produced results. All emotion should be expressed in action, and our anger, having been aroused, should not leave any one in any doubt as to its getting what it is going after. When we are "mad clear through," we exercise a psychic power of which we 700 ourselves and every one else with whom we come in contact are conscious.




At the right time. The right time is when there are means at hand of making our anger effectual. When you hear of graft or some dirty piece of double-dealing on the part of a politician, for instance, the right time to be angry is on election & day. On the other hand, in private life, the right time to be angry is usually when the offense is committed. Many people, like all children and animals, have short memories, and do not really know what you are punishing them for except immediately after the fault.




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To the right person. Here is where Sir Isaac Newton's patience comes in. To have beaten Diamond, the dog, for tearing his manuscript to pieces would have been unworthy of any just man, and tenfold more so in a philosopher. It is never right to lose one's temper with an irresponsible agent. It is cowardly to visit the shortcomings of a company on a helpless employee of that company. It is rude and unavailing to abuse a clerk or servant for a fault that is none of his, and it is still worse if you know in your heart that you would not dream of saying the same things to his employer. Hit as hard as you like, but hit some one on your own level.

It should stay lost until the situation is remedied if it be remediable. Most people's tempers are like fires of straw, flaring up and dying out. before you have had time to warm your fingers. Here is where my objection to Patient Griselda comes in. Not that her temper flared-that spineless

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creature does not seem to have possessed Pepsodent

one; but that, having a remedy to

hand, she preferred to endure every indignity rather than walk quietly out of the back door and leave the brute forever. I remember once hearing the late President Roosevelt speak of her in terms which voiced my own opinion of her and afterwards thanked him for it. "And with everything else she was such a bad influ(Continued on page 119)

The New-Day Dentifrice

A scientific film combatant combined with two other modern requisites. Now advised by leading dentists everywhere and supplied by all druggists in large tubes.

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complying with all modern requirements. It does what never before was done. You should learn its benefits at once.

Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. . Watch the teeth whiten as the film-coat disappears.

Every one in your family needs Pepsodent daily, and a week will prove this to you. Cut out the coupon now.

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Believing that the advance of business is a subject of vital interest and importance, The Outlook will present under the above heading frequent discussions of subjects of industrial and commercial interest. This department will include paragraphs of timely interest and articles of educational value dealing with the industrial upbuilding of the Nation. Comment and suggestions are invited.

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Wonderful Range

With Two Ovens



time worrying about it. He'll just do the very thing he did last winter, and put a fleet of motor truck engines to work keeping his production schedule up to mark. The plant was not shut down one day during the period of coal shortage, and with a most surprising stability the production planned was carried through. In one instance it was found possible to operate

the truck engines were installed throughout the shops in advantageous positions.

All of the engines were stock motors, and were rigged on test stands and belted to the machinery to be operated. High wooden stands carried the gasoline tanks so that they could not be easily turned over where much movement of machinery was being done.

TWENTY-FOUR HOGSHEADS OF TOBACCO Not all the tobacco used in the world is raised outside of America, and it probably would surprise many people if they were told that great quantities of tobacco raised in Virginia and other Southern States are exported every year. Take, for instance, this shipment of leaf tobacco at Richmond, Virginia. Here are two 32-ton trucks, each with six hogsheads of tobacco,

and a 5-ton truck with trailer, carrying six hogsheads and hauling a like number on the trailer-a total of twenty-four hogsheads. This immense quantity of leaf tobacco is on its way to Australia. The 3% and 5-ton trucks haul respectively three and six times as much tobacco per load as was formerly hauled by a team, and take it to the terminal in much quicker time.

Bakes Bread, Pies, Biscuits Broils, Roasts, and Cooks Nine Different Vegetables

All At One Time.

Although it is less than four feet long it can do every kind of cooking for any ordinary family by gas in warm weather, or by coal or wood when the kitchen needs heating. The Coal section and the Gas section are just as separate as though you had two ranges in your kitchen. Gold Medal


Note the two gas ovens above-one for baking, glass paneled and one for broiling, with white enamel door. The large oven below has the Indicator and is heated by coal or wood. See the cooking surface when you want to rush things-five burners for gas and four covers for coal. When in a hurry both coal and gas ovens can be operated at the same time, using one for baking bread or roasting meats and the other for pastry baking-It

"Makes Cooking Easy"

Write for handsome free booklet 179
that tells all about it.

Weir Stove Co., Taunton, Mass.
Makers of the Celebrated Glenwood Coal, Wood
and Gas Ranges, Heating Stoves and Furnaces.

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Tresident Suspenders

for comfort Every pair guaranteed




ence for her husband, you know," he said Where would we have been to-day without the people who lost their tempers in behalf of right and justice and never dreamed of recovering them until that particular evil had been spaded under? We reap the fruit of their labors; it is for us to tackle the problems of to-day in the same spirit.

A better one should be recovered in its place. Moralists would probably scout at this and say that whenever one is angry one has permanently warped one's disposition. I contend that this is not true. If you have observed the rules of losing your temper, and can feel that besides the relief of having worked off your emotion you have accomplished something worth while. for yourself and others, I believe that you are disposed to purr and that you will be peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated. until another real wrong presents itself.

The evil remedied and the temper recovered, the incident is dead, and there should be no post-mortems. Even with the fear of the suffragists before my eyes, I must say that this part of my talk is directed especially to my own sex. If a woman loses money, she thinks for months thereafter of all she could have bought with it; I know that, because I do it myself. A man charges it off to profit and loss and forgets about it. And so in this matter of losing one's temper. It is proverbial that men shake hands after a fight and bear no malice. Again I am judging others by myself. I have had but one quarrel that resulted in my losing a friend since I have been grown up; that was eighteen years ago, and I could (though I won't) tell you all its details. Perhaps some clever will invent a system for person forgetting, similar to the various memory systems now on the market, to help those who, like myself, have ower gude memories.

A wiser man than any of this generation said that there was a time to be angry. When that time comes in your life, think of these seven rules and then be angry and sin not; but get what you start out for.

The whole world loves the quiet man
Who is silent all day as the owls;

But it's needless to mention that it gives its


To the fellow who gets up and howls.

The whole world loves the peaceful man
Who sees no occasion to bicker;

But the full right of way you'll permit me to

It gives to the strenuous kicker.

BB Blue-jay

Ends Corns Quickly Liquid or Plaster


B & B 1920

Don't pass by

And let that corn keep hurting

Don't pass a drugstore that sells Blue-jay if you ever suffer corns.

Blue-jay stops the corn pain. A simple touch applies it. And soon the toughest corn will loosen and come out.

The Blue-jay way is gentle, easy, sure. It comes in plaster or in liquid form.

It is scientific-a product of this world-famed laboratory.

Millions now employ it. Most of the corns that de velop are being ended by it.

Compare it with old methods, harsh and uncertain. Learn what folly it is to merely pare and pad corns.

Use Blue-jay on one corn tonight. Watch that corn go. Then remember that every

corn can thus be ended the

moment it appears. A week-old corn should be unknown in these days.

ByB Blue-jay

Plaster or Liquid

The Scientific Corn Ender
BAUER & BLACK Chicago New York Toronto
Makers of Sterile Surgical Dressings and Allied Products


I have recently read with great pleasure the story by Mr. Platt in the August 4 issue- The First Class." This story, as doubtless many of readers have inyour formed you, is a worthy companion piece to Daudet's "La Dernière Classe," which latter story is a favorite of mine because of its great human interest. I use every year in class teaching the story by Daudet, and I shall now add this one by Platt; the two very neatly summarize a halfcentury-long episode in French history. G. H. McGAW, Head Master Woodsville High School.

Woodsville, New Hampshire.





Tooth Brush

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