صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

are narrow and convex, in section usually part of a circle.

Mouldings, on the other hand, are adopted entirely for the sake of ornament, usually for cornices and panels. They are usually shaped to segmental curves, convex and concave. The standard forms are shown in Figs. 9 to 13, with the names by which each is generally known.

Frames in joinery consist of narrow, flat pieces of wood, con

joint, which is firmly glued, so that any shrinkage of the wood tends to draw the panel slightly away from the grooves in the framing only. Panels may be (1) square, (2) moulded, (3) flush, or (4) solid, according to whether they are (1) thinner than the frame and sunk way below it, (2) ornamented by moulding, (3) level with the surface of the frame, or (4) in one piece and flush with the frame on both


sides. The edges of panels are usually further marked by beadings, grooves, or chamfers, to make the joint less conspicuous.

Doors, which should usually open inwards, range in size upwards from 6 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 9 in. for inside use, and from 6 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. for entrances. If more than 3 ft. 6 in. wide, they should preferably be hung in two halves, or folding.' Doors may be 'ledged,' 'ledged and braced,' 'framed and braced,' or 'panelled.' Ledged doors, which are only suitable for inferior purposes are made of narrow vertical boards, connected by three horizontal members termed 'ledges,' to the uppermost and lowest of which the hinges are fixed. Ledged and braced doors are further strengthened by diagonal braces between the ledges. Framed and braced doors consist of a frame strengthened by a middle horizontal piece, or 'rail,' and by diagonal braces, and filled up with narrow vertical boarding. Panelled doors, which are almost entirely used for dwelling-houses, have a framework of narrow pieces joined with mortises and tenons, and grooved to receive four or six panels in pairs. The uppermost pair in a six-panelled door are termed the 'frieze' panels, those in a four-panelled door the 'top' panels; the other panels being respectively 'middle' or 'bottom,' according to their position, the horizontal frame members taking the names of 'top rail,' 'frieze rail,' 'middle' or lock rail,' and 'bottom rail.' The different varieties of panelled doors are also distinguished by technical terms denoting their thickness and the number and kind of panels they contain.

Windows should generally be about 2 ft. 6 in. from the floor inside, and should (for purposes of ventilation) reach nearly to the ceiling. They consist of two parts-the sash, which holds the glass; and the frame, which carries the sash. Sashes are usually either hinged at the sides to open like a door (as in a casement window), or are suspended by cords over pulleys, with counterweights which move up and down as the sash is lowered or raised. The frames are in the first case solid, in the latter hollow to receive the counter-weights. The sash consists of a framing of rails and stiles, as in a door, and of sash bars, horizontal and vertical, which cut up the enclosed space and hold the glass. In a casement window the horizontal bars are continuous from side to side, the vertical bars being mortised into them. In a sliding sash window the vertical bars are continuous. The sash bars and the inside edges of the framing are


rabbeted to receive the glass, which is secured in place with putty. The other side of the bars, rails, and stiles may be moulded, bevelled, or left square.

Wooden Stairs are supported on thick boards or pieces of timber placed at an inclination and termed 'strings.' These may be (1) 'cut,' when the stair boards rest on rectangular notches cut in the upper edge of the strings; (2) 'cut and mitred,' when the treads alone show above the strings, the rises being mitred into their vertical edges; or (3) 'housed,' in which case the upper edge of the string is left parallel to the lower, the stair boards being wedged into grooves cut in the inner sides of the strings. A usual practice is to house the ends of the stair boards in the string alongside the wall, and to rest the other ends on a cut and mitred string. For steps over 4 ft. long a third intermediate string is necessary. Stair boards consist of risers and treads, the latter (which are laid flat) projecting over the (vertical) risers, and being finished with a round or moulded nosing. The treads should be of oak or other hard wood, and should have a thickness of 1 in. for a step of 4 ft. 6 in. in length. The risers are jointed to the treads, both above and below, by grooved and tongued or rabbeted joints, well glued, the upper joint being further strengthened by small blocks glued into the inside angle. Balusters, vertical bars to support the handrail, should be dovetailed into the treads of the steps and secured to the handrail by a continuous flat bar of wrought iron, which is screwed into both. The balusters should not be more than 5 in. apart.

Architraves are borders fixed round the openings of doorways and windows, both for ornament and to conceal the joint between the wooden frame and the plaster of the wall. They may be plain, moulded, or in the form of a pilaster, either extending down to the floor or resting on a plinth.

Baseboards are boards running round the base of the walls of a room, so as to hide the junction of the walls with the floor. They are usually from 6 to 12 in. wide, and may be either plain or ornamented with a moulding; being fastened to the wall direct, or fixed to rough battens termed 'grounds,' which are themselves nailed to plugs in the wall. The lower edge of the baseboard may be housed or tongued into the floor, or simply rest upon it; in the latter case being 'scribed'i.e. cut to fit the irregularities of the floor boards.

Linings are coverings of wood placed so as to hide or ornament


parts of the interior of buildings. They should be made of narrow boards, jointed together longitudinally, and nailed to battens fixed to the wall about 2 ft. apart. Of the linings to doorways, 'jamb' linings cover the sides, and 'soffit' linings the underside of the arch or lintel; of those to windows, the terms 'breast,' 'elbow,' and 'back' linings are given according to their respective positions. 'Wall linings' are employed generally to cover the surfaces of the walls beside windows-a development of this being those framed and panelled linings which conceal and at the same time form the walls in the rooms of many old houses.

Joint Adventure. A partnership confined to a particular speculation or transaction. Examples are agreements to promote the sale of mineral or patent rights, or to combine forces for the creation of a 'corner' in grain or a 'pool' in a stock transaction.


Joints, in morphology. tomically, a joint is formed by the approximation of two or more bones which are bound together and enveloped by other structures. A distinction must be drawn between rigid and mobile articulations. Good examples of the former are the sutures or synarthroses of the cranial bones, whose serrated edges interlock with only a thin sutural membrane between. When adjacent bones are separated by a plate of cartilage which is adherent to each, a limited amount of mobility results, and such a joint is known as a mixed articulation, or an amphiarthrosis. The joints between the vertebræ are of this type; and while the movement possible at each joint is but slight, the spine as a whole acquires a considerable degree of flexibility from a series of such articulations. Joints which are freely movable are called diarthroses. The part of each bone which enters into the formation of a diarthrosis is covered by a thin layer of cartilage, which acts as a smooth bearing surface over which the other moves with little friction. A joint of this nature is also provided with fibrous ligaments, which by binding the bones together limit the range of movement, and with a synovial capsule or sac, the inner surface of which secretes a glairy lubricating fluid known as the synovia. The outer layers of the synovial capsule are dense and fibrous, and the whole forms a bag enclosing the joint cavity into which the articular surfaces protrude. In the knee and maxillary joints are interarticular pads of cartilage, which, besides


giving greater elasticity, allow of more complicated movements. Diarthroses may be hinge-shaped, or of the ball-and-socket form; or, again, the movement may be either gliding or rotatory. The ball-and-socket joint gives the widest range of movement, as in the shoulder, in which the ballshaped head of the humerus is applied to the shallow glenoid fossa or socket of the scapula.

Of injuries, a dislocation is a separation of the articular surfaces. Like fractures, dislocations may be either simple or compound, the latter term being employed when, from laceration of the surrounding tissues, a communication is established between the joint cavity and the external air. In the hip an intracapsular fracture of the neck of the femur

[subsumed][subsumed][merged small][graphic]

Joints of the Arm and the Leg.

A, Shoulder joint; B, elbow joint; c, hip joint; D, knee joint (in section). a, Synovial capsules; b, interarticular cartilage.

may occur; and the knee is liable to displacement of the interarticular or semilunar cartilages -an accident which is often followed by a permanent weakness of the joint. Nearly all injuries of joints are attended by considerable pain and swelling, due partly to extravasation of blood into the surrounding tissues, and partly to effusion of blood and synovial fluid into the joint cavity.

In nearly all cases of joint injury rest is an important factor of the treatment. Movement should be prevented by mechanical apparatus, and if there be much effusion and extravasation, elastic pressure should be applied by means of cotton and bandages. When great pain is present, however, or when the effusion is still increasing, the application of cold by ice bags or by Leiter's coil gives relief, while in some cases hot applications are more grateful to the patient. The period for rest of an injured joint must not be too prolonged, lest permanent stiffness result. To avoid this effect gentle movement and mas


sage of the injured parts should be resorted to. A dislocation must be reduced as early as possible, and should it be compound, the greatest care must be taken to keep or to render it aseptic. The same necessity holds in the case of wounds of the joints. When, in spite of all precautions, septic infection, suppuration, and extensive destruction of the tissues ensue, the most the surgeon can hope for, in many cases, is anchylosis (union) of the bones in such a position as to secure a useful limb to the patient. Should the infection be so virulent as to endanger the patient's life, amputation may be necessary.

One of the commonest affections of an articulation is inflammation of the synovial membrane, or synovitis, which may be acute or chronic. In a large number of cases it is associated with some general pathological condition, such as rheumatism. In acute synovitis, from whatever cause it may arise, the membrane is congested and exudes into the joint cavity an excess of synovial fluid of a more serous character than is normal. Pain and swelling are proportionate to the rapidity and extent of the effusion, which in bad cases may after a time become purulent. In such cases general arthritis, or inflammation of the whole joint, may follow, and may lead to the destruction of not only the membrane, but of ligaments, articular cartilages, and even the ends of the bones. In chronic synovitis the vascularity of the membrane is less marked, and there is generally a smaller amount of exudation, which, however, has a tendency to undergo fibrous development, so that the synovial membrane becomes thickened and indurated. Rheumatic synovitis corresponds very closely with that of an acute type. The process, however, is generally more extensive, the ligaments, cartilages, and surrounding tissues being involved. Suppuration rarely follows this form. Gouty synovitis is very similar to the rheumatic type, but the pain is more paroxysmal, and the general health is less disturbed. A chronic rheumatic arthritis sometimes gives rise to the condition known as hydrops articuli, in which the synovial membrane develops fringes and tufts of pedunculated growths of new tissue, while the cavity is often greatly distended by serous fluid. A grave form of synovitis occurs in diseases such as pyæmia, smallpox, scarlet fever, gonorrhoea, typhoid, and dysentery. In such cases joint after joint is attacked in quick succession, and so extensive and rapid is the destruction that each may be wholly disorganized within a


few days. Even in the slighter cases complete recovery is rare.

In young children inflammation of the epiphyses of long bones frequently extends to the neighboring joints, and sets up a septic arthritis which does not materially differ from the forms above referred to. The result is frequently fatal; but if the joint cavity be freely opened and drained before destruction of the surfaces has set in, the joint may be saved. Another group of joint diseases includes those of tubercular origin and those into which, arising from a traumatism, tubercolosis gains entrance secondarily. The joints most frequently affected by tuberculosis are those between the vertebræ and those of the lower limb. In some, the bone is the first tissue to be affected; in others, the synovial membrane, the ligaments and cartilages becoming involved later; and in nearly all, the disease begins in childhood.

Tumors involving joints generally have their origin in the ends of the long bones. They are nearly always of a sarcomatous type, but may be wholly cartilaginous.

Joints, in geology, are fissures which traverse the rocks of the earth's crust, mostly in a vertical or nearly vertical direction. They are usually open, though their width may be very small. They serve as passages for the circulation of underground water, and those which are nearest the surface may be widened by solution or filled with débris. Joints are developed in perfection only in rocks which are hard and coherent; in sands, clays, and gravels they are absent or rare. In bedded sediments the joints are perpendicular to the bedding planes, and very frequently run in two directions, one set being nearly at right angles to the other. The master joints have usually a close relation to the dip of the strata, and as this is a consequence of the folding which has resulted from lateral earth pressure, it seems reasonable to believe that folding is an important factor in the production of joints. This is supported by the experiments of Daubrée. Where movement has taken place along a joint, it becomes a fault. Joints in some cases have been injected with igneous material, forming dikes. In the igneous rocks the jointing is very frequently columnar. Very perfect examples are furnished by the basaltic rocks of the Giant's Causeway and the west of Scotland. The columns are roughly hexagonal, and are bounded by three sets of vertical planes, making angles of sixty degrees with one another. There can be no doubt that these joints


are due to contraction on cooling. Columnar jointing is sometimes produced in sandstones which have been greatly heated by contact with an intrusive igneous mass. Joints of this type are always perpendicular to the surfaces of cooling. A lava cools on its upper surface, and the joints, in consequence, are nearly vertical; a dike cools on its vertical edges, and the joints are horizontal. But many kinds of granite and of gneiss are jointed in a manner closely resembling the sedimentary rocks.

Joint Stock Company. COMPANY; CORPORATION.


Joint Tenancy. The ownership of land or goods by two or more persons in such a way that each one is deemed to own the whole as well as an undivided share. This is the only interpretation that can be put on the mysterious phrase of NormanFrench law by which joint-tenancy is characterized-that the ownership is per my et per tout. Its one unfailing characteristic is the right of survivorship (jus accrescendi), the death of one of the joint tenants leaving the entire property to the survivor or survivors. Joint tenancy is characterized by the four unities: all the tenants must acquire their estate under the same instrument, at the same time, with the same interest (i.e. one estate cannot be for life and the other freehold), and with the same possession (i.e. all the tenants are seized of the whole land). A joint tenancy can be severed by partition, and converted into a tenancy in common by the alienation by a joint tenant of his share to a third person. See TENANCY IN COMMON; SURVIVORSHIP.

Joinville, FRANÇOIS FERDINAND PHILIPPE LOUIS MARIE D'ORLEANS, PRINCE DE (18181900), third son of King Louis Philippe. Trained for the navy, he distinguished himself (1838) at the bombardment of San Juan de Ulloa, and in 1845 bombarded Tangier. At the revolution of 1848 he took refuge in England. Returning to France (1870), he fought under an assumed name, but was expelled by Gambetta. Later he was elected to the Assembly, in which he sat till 1876.

Joinville, JEAN, SIRE DE (12241317), French historian, was a seigneur of Champagne, who accompanied (St.) Louis IX. of France in his crusade of 124854. His Histoire de St. Louis was begun when Joinville was almost eighty; there is a critical edition by N. de Wailly (1874). Besides this he wrote a Credo, or confession of faith, in 1250.

Jókai, MÓR or MAURUS (1825– 1904), novelist of Hungary, was born at Komorn. His first book,


Hétköznapok (1845), marked an era in Hungarian literature, and made the reputation of its author, who, as the editor of the literary journal Elet Képek, gathered around him the rising talent of the country. Having taken an active part in the Hungarian revolution (1848-9),, Jókai was proscribed, and only owed his life to a stratagem of his wife, the tragic actress Rosa Laborfalvy. During the next ten years he wrote no fewer than sixty romances, besides conducting three periodicals, including the government journal, The Nation. After 1863 Jókai entered Parliament, and became one of the principal supporters of Koloman Tisza (1875-1890). He also wrote two hundred volumes of stories in the last five-and-thirty years of his life. Jókai combines a humor hardly inferior to that of Dickens with an illimitable imagination and a gorgeous fancy. His defects are those of the ultra-romantic school. The most notable English translations of his novels are: Timar's Two Worlds

(1888); Midst the Wild Carpathians (1894), with its sequel The Slaves of the Padishah (1903); Pretty Michal (1897); Dr. Dumany's Wife (1891); Black Diamonds (1896); The Lion of Janina (1897); A Christian, but a Roman (1900); The Baron's Sons (1902); and Tales from Jokai (1904), with a biography by R. N. Bain.

Jokjokarta. (1.) Residency of Java, with an area of 1,200 sq. m., and population (1896) 858,392. The province possesses indigo and sugar factories. See JAVA. (2.) Or DJOKJOKARTA, tn. in above prov., at the S.E. foot of Mount Merapi, 260 m. S.E. of Batavia, with 60,523 inhabitants (1896). Its principal feature is the citadel of the native prince, a vast walled enclosure, with some 15,000 inhabitants.

Joliba. See NIGER.

Joliet, city, Illinois, co. seat of Will co., on the Des Plaines R., the Illinois and Michigan Canal, the A., T. and S. Fe, the Mich. Cent., the Chi., Rock I. and Pac., the Elgin, Jol., and E., and the Chi. and Alt. R. Rs., 33 m. s.w. of Chicago. It is the seat of the Illinois Steel Co., the American Steel and Wire Co., the Joliet Mfg. Co., making corn shellers, etc., the Phoenix Horse Shoe Works, the Oliver Oat Meal Mills, Gerharz Piano Factory, Bates Machine Co., making Corliss Engines, etc., the Heggie Boiler Works, and other large manufactories. Many thousand men are employed in the steel works, rolling mills, and factories. In the barbed wire plant alone more than 1,600 men find work. The falls of the river supply excellent water power, and greater power is to be developed farther



down the river. Among the public buildings are the court house, the government building, the Joliet Township High School, St. Joseph's and Silver Cross Hospitals and a large public library. There are two Catholic academies and a convent. The state prison, located here, is a magnificent building. Here are also the women's prison and two orphanages. The material for the prison structure was taken from the adjacent Silurian limeston quarries, the largest in the country, employing 3,000 men. The Illinois Steel Company's athenæum is a fine club house for working men. Among the features of public interest are Highland and Western Parks, the County Memorial Soldiers' Monument, and a monument to Louis Joliet, for whom the city was named. It was settled in 1831 and incorporated as a city in 1852. Pop. (1900) 29,353; est. (1903) 30,769.


Joliet, LOUIS (1645-c. 1700), famous French - Canadian plorer, born at Quebec. He was educated by the Jesuits and was destined for the priesthood, receiving the tonsure and the minor orders in 1662, but yielded to the seductions of the wilderness, and became one of the most adventurous of the early Canadian fur traders and explorers. He unsuccessfully attempted to discover the copper mines of Lake Superior (1669), and in 1673, with the Jesuit Jacques Marquette, he was sent by Talon, the indendant of Canada, to explore the Mississippi river. Proceeding by way of Green Bay and the Wisconsin river, on June 17, 1673, they reached the Mississippi, near the place where now stands the city of Prairie du Chien; they then passed down the river to within about 700 miles of its mouth, and being convinced that it emptied into the Gulf of Mexico, returned and were again at Green Bay in September. Joliet subsequently visited Hudson Bay (1679), received a grant of the island of Anticosti (1680), where he engaged in fisheries, explored the coast of Labrador (1694), and was in turn royal pilot for the St. Lawrence and hydrographer at Quebec. The priority of Joliet's and Marquette's discovery of the Mississippi has been denied, and it seems probable that Radisson preceded them, but they were certainly the first to pass down the river for any considerable distance. Their account of their journey may be found in French's Historical Collections of Louisiana (1st series, 5 v., 1846-53), and a map of their discoveries, in Marcel's Reproductions de cartes et de globes relatifs à la découverte de l'Amérique du


XVI. au XVIII. siècle (1894). See also Parkman's La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West (new ed., 1898).

Joliette, tn., Que., Canada, co. seat of Joliette co., 35 m. N. of Montreal, on L'Assomption R., and on the C. P. and the Can. Northern Quebec R. Rs. It is a shipping point for grain, lumber, and agricultural produce, and manufactures lumber, flour, iron goods, paper, leather, shoes, woollens, etc. Here are a classical college and a mechanic's institute. Pop. (1901) 4,220.

Jolly-boat, a term almost obsolescent for the small ship's boat (in the merchant marine) hoisted over the stern.

Jolo. See SULU.

Jomini, HENRI, BARON (17791869), general, and author of works on military tactics, was a native of Payerne (canton Vaud), Switzerland. In the French military service he rose to be chief of staff to Marshal Ney. After the Peninsular campaign (1808), and the retreat from Moscow, he joined the Russian service. him was largely due the Turkish capitulation at Varna (1828). He published Principes de la Stratégie (1818), Précis de l'Art de la Guerre (1830), and histories of the revolution and Napoleonic



See Life, in French, by Lecompte (3d ed., 1888), and by Sainte-Beuve (1869).

Jonah, the son of Amittai, a native of Gath-hepher in Zebulun, a Hebrew prophet who lived in the time of Jeroboam II., C. 780 B.C. (sec 2 Kings 14: 25); it is supposed by some (Hitzig, Riehm, Duhm, Renan) that the word' here referred to is found in Isa. 15-16:12.

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Jonah, THE BOOK OF (socalled) does not belong to the period of the prophet of that name, and makes no claim to have been written by Jonah himself. It recounts how the prophet was commanded by God to preach in Nineveh; how he fled instead to Tarshish; how on the voyage he was cast overboard, swallowed by a great fish, and liberated again after three days (ch. 1, 2); how eventually he preached to the Ninevites, was instrumental in bringing them to repentance (3), and was displeased at the result (4). The tenor and style of the narrative seem to indicate that it was not written as a historical record, and its place among the Twelve Prophets' can be adequately explained only if we emphasize the prophetic bearing of the story. It may be interpreted as a parable. Jonah and his experiences are meant to represent Israel, false to her mission, overwhelmed by the nations, at length


delivered, but still intolerant and sullen. Or it may be regarded as the free adaptation of an ancient tradition, either connected with Jonah or not. In any case the booklet brings out very forcibly the truth that the bounty and mercy of God are infinitely greater than was conceived by the post-exilic popular religion, and that the heathen are susceptible of spiritual influences; and thus, with all its apparent simplicity and grotesqueness, it forms one of the profoundest productions of the period between the return and the time of Christ, and, breaking through the narrow national limits of the old covenant, takes a long step towards the new. See commentaries by Martin (4th ed., 1891); H. C. Trumbull (1892); Kennedy (1895), Perowne (Cambridge Bible), and books on the minor prophetse.g., G. A. Smith, Orelli (trans.), Nowack (1897), and Duhm (1904); and works quoted under PROPHECY.

Jonas, JUSTUS (1493-1555), German reformer, born at Nordhausen. He was an intimate friend of Luther, whom he accompanied to the Diet of Worms, and assisted in his translation of the Bible. He was rector of the University of Erfurt and professor of theology at Wittenberg; See Justus Jonas by Pressel (1863), and Meyer's Festchrist des 400 jährigen Geburstags des Dr. Justus Jonas (1893).

Jonathan. (1.) The eldest son of Saul. His prowess and ingenuity were shown in his successful attack on the Philistines at Michmash (1 Sam. 14), but it is the warmth and disinterestedness of his friendship with David which keep his memory fresh. Along with Saul he perished in battle with the Philistines at Gilboa. His young son Mephibosheth was tenderly cared for by David (2 Sam. 9). renegade Levite of Bethlehem, the son of Gershom, who founded the idolatrous priesthood at Dan (Judg. 17 f.). (3.) The son of Mattathias, who after the death of Judas Maccabæus became the leader of the revolted Jews against the Syrian Bacchides, and subsequently high priest (161-143 B.C.).

(2.) A


name is said to come from Jonathan Trumbull (1710-85), governor of Connecticut. Nowadays 'Uncle Sam' has largely superseded Brother Jonathan' in popular use.



Joncières, known as VICTORIN DE (18391903, French musical composer, born in Paris. The two masters most influential on his style were Wagner and Gounod. produced operas Sardanapale (1867), Dernier Jour de Pompéi (1869), Dimitri (1876), La Reine Berthe (1878), Lancelot (1900); also the incidental music to Hamlet (1863-8), and other works. From 1871 till his death he was musical critic to La Liberté, under the pseudonym of 'Jennius.'

Jones, ALEXANDER (c. 180263), American inventor and author, was born in N. C. He practised medicine in Miss., and while there invented various improvements in the cotton-gin. After 1840 he lived in New York city as correspondent of out-oftown papers, as agent of the Associated Press, and as commercial reporter for the New York Herald. He devised a system of ciphers for the Associated Press, and invented a street-sweeping machine. He was of Welsh descent and wrote much about the history of the Welsh in the U. S.

Jones, ALFRED GILPIN (1824), Canadian statesman, lieutenantgovernor of N. S., was born at Weymouth, N. S., was educated at Yarmouth Academy, and entered the importing business. In 1865-66 he opposed the union of Nova Scotia and Canada, and from 1867-71, 1874-77, and 1887-91 he represented Halifax in the House of Commons.

Jones, ANSON (1798-1858), the last president of the Republic of Texas, born at Great Barrington, Mass. He removed to Texas in 1833, took an active part in the War for Texan Independence, was the minister of Texas to the U. S. (1838), and successively president of the Texan Senate, secretary of state of Texas, and president of the republic (18445), vigorously opposing annexation to the U. S. He committed suicide at Houston, Tex., in 1858.



Memoranda and Official Correspondence Relating to the Republic of Texas, its History and Annexation, including Brief Autobiography of the Author (1859), primarily a collection of documents, is of great value to students of Texan history.

His He was an able general and a clever diplomatist, but was eventually captured at Ptolemais, and shortly afterwards put to death. See MACCABEES. Others of the name are mentioned 2 Sam. 21:21; 15: 27 and 17: 17; 23:32; 1 Chron. 27:25; Neh. 12:11; 12:35; Jer. 37:15 and 38:26; 40:8; Ezra 8:6; 10: 15. Jonathan, BROTHER, personification of the citizen of the United States, corresponds to the English John Bull' and the French 'Jean Crapaud.' The

Jones, EBENEZER (1820-60), English poet, was born at Islington; became (1837) a clerk in a city warehouse. His first volume of poetry-Studies of Sensation and Event (1843)-though at

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Jones, ERNEst Charles (181969), English Chartist leader, born at Berlin. Called to the bar (1844), he identified himself with the Chartist movement (1846), and soon became one of its foremost orators. His advocacy of violence led to his imprisonment (1848-50). His poems, especially The Battle Day (1855), are of considerable merit, as are also his Song of the Poorer Classes, and other lyrics.

Jones, HARRY CLARY (1865), American physicist, was born at New London, Md., and was educated at Johns Hopkins and in Germany. After holding scholarships and a fellowship in Johns Hopkins, he was appointed professor of physical chemistry there. His publications include Freezing Point, Boiling Point and Conductivity Methods (1897); Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation (1900), and works on physical chemistry (1902) and inorganic chemistry (1903). He also translated Biltz's Practical Methods of Determining Molecular Weights (1899).

Jones, HENRY (1831-99), author of Cavendish's' Laws and Principles of Whist, was born in London. He practised as a physician in London from 1852 until 1869. A member of the 'Cavendish Club' in Cavendish Square, he published in 1862 Principles of Whist Stated and Explained by Cavendish. In 1863 it was reissued under the title before given, and became the standard See authority upon the game. Courtney's English Whist and Whist Players (1894).

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