صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Lamia while besieging Antipater in that town.

Leotychides, king of Sparta, reigned from 491 to 469 B.C. He commanded the Greek fleet against the Persians, and won the battle of Mycale (479).

Leovigild, LÖWENHELD (d. 586), king of the Visigoths in Spain from 569. In his reign the Vandals and Byzantines who Occupied Andalusia were subdued. Arianism was maintained by Leovigild, in spite of the revolt of his son Herménégilde and the intervention of France; but ultimately the heresy was vanquished, and Spain was reunited to the Roman Church under Gregory the Great in 590 A.D. See Bradley's Story of the Goths (1888).

Lepage. See BASTIEN-LEPAGE. Lepanthes, a genus of tropical epiphytal orchids, of which the W. Indian L. sanguinea, with red flowers, and the New Granada L. calodictyon, with small orange and red flowers, are the bestknown species.

Lepanto (anc. Naupactus), seapt. of Greece, on the N. shore of the entrance to the Gulf of Lepanto, 11 m. N.E. of Patras. The STRAIT OF LEPANTO, 1 m. wide, is the entrance to the Gulf of Corinth, and is defended by a castle on either side. Here, on Oct. 7, 1571, Don John of Austria, commanding the allied fleet of Austria, the Italian States, and Spain, encountered a powerful Turkish fleet under Ali Pasha, which he completely defeated, thereby releasing about 15,000 Christian galley slaves. It is the practice of both Spain and Italy to name ships of war in honor of the victory. For the Gulf, see CORINTH.

Lepanto-Bontoc, prov., Luzón, Philippines, in N. central region. Area, 1,232 sq. m. The contour of the E. portion is broken by the main range of the Cordillera Central, the spurs of which extend into the middle of the province. Lofty peaks, measuring 4,000, 5,000 and 6,000 ft., rise on the w. boundary, which is formed by a range of the Caraballos Occidentales. The inhabitants are scattered and the communications poor. Rice, tobacco, sugar cane, corn, and vegetables are the chief crops. Copper of high quality is abundant. Cervantes, the capital, is 260 m. N. of Manila. Pop. (1903) civilized, 2,467; wild, 70,283.

Lepchas, people of Tibetan stock inhabiting Sikkim, Bhutan, and part of E. Tibet, and consisting of two branches, which they designate Róng and Khamba. Their religion is Lamaism.


Von Schlagintweit's Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia (1863); Rowney's Wild Tribes of India (1882); Donaldson's In Lepcha Land (1900).

[blocks in formation]

trobi), which in form somewhat resemble those of the fir. The branches usually fork repeatedly, and were implanted on a massive stem which had a similar external sculpture. Some of these stems have been seen in the roofs of coal-workings with a length of a hundred feet. Their roots are generally known as stigmaria. The Lepidodendra belonged to the Lycopodiaceæ, and have their nearest representatives in the diminutive club-mosses, which they resemble even in their superficial characters. See Solms-Laubach's Fossil Botany (1891).

Lepidoptera (lepis, 'scale;' pteron, wing'), an order of insects which includes the butterflies and moths, and is marked by the following characteristics:-There are four pairs of wings, and both they and the body are covered with scales, frequently bright colored, which on the body may resemble hairs in appearance. The imago, or perfect insect, is devoid of biting jaws, and usually possesses a long protrusible proboscis. The metamorphosis is well marked, and the larva (caterpillar) has powerful jaws, and is almost invariably vegetarian in diet. In the pupa stage the appendages are usually cemented to the body, which is invested by a continuous horny skin (chrysalis) and frequently by a cocoon in addition. See BUTTERFLIES, MOTHS, CATERPILLAR, and INSECTS.

Lepontine Alps

Lepidosiren, orc of the three living genera of Dipnoi; it is S. American. See DIPNOI.

Lepidus, the name of a distinguished family of the Emilian clan in ancient Rome, c patrician rank. Its most famous members were:- -(1.) MARCUS EMILIUS LEPIDUS, who was prætor in Sicily (81 B.C.), and consul (78 B.C.), as representing the popular faction, with Catulus as a colleague. Subsequently the senate ordered Lepidus to retire to his province of Further Gaul; but he remained in Etruria, collected an army, and

marched on Rome. He was defeated in the Campus Martius by Pompey and Catulus. (2.) MARCUS EMILIUS LEPIDUS, one of the triumvirs with Augustus and - Antony, a son of the above, was prætor (49 B.C.), and took Cæsar's side against Pompey. He was consul (46 B.C.), and was governor of Gallia Narbonensis and Hispania Citerior (44 B.C.). At the time of Cæsar's death he was near Rome, and aided Antony, afterwards becoming pontifex maximus. In 43 B.C., Antony, after his defeat at Mutina, took refuge with Lepidus, when they together crossed the Alps at the head of a strong army, and were joined by Octavian (Augustus), whom the senate expected to oppose them. In October of that year they formed the second triumvirate. After the battle of Philippi (42 B.C.) he received the government of Africa, and remained there until 36 B.C., when Augustus called him to Sicily to help in the war against Sextus Pompeius. Lepidus came, but tried to secure Sicily for himself. Augustus easily subdued him, and deprived him of his triumvirate, his army, and his province, but allowed him to retain the pontificate, and to live in retirement at Circeii, where he died (13 B.C.).

Le Play, PIERRE GUILLAUME FRÉDÉRIC (1806-82), French economist, was born at La Rivière Saint Sauveur in the Calvados. Napoleon III. appointed him to organize the exhibition of 1855; he was also prominently connected with the London Exhibition of 1862, and the Paris Exhibition of 1867. In 1881 he commenced the publication of La Réforme Sociale, a fortnightly journal. He is regarded in France as the founder of social economy; and on this subject he has published La Réforme Sociale en France (1864), L'Organisation du Travail (1870); Eng. trans. by Emerson (1872), La Constitution Essentielle de l'Humanité (1881), and Higgs's article in vol. iv. Quarterly Journal of Economics (1890).

Lepontine Alps, the name of



that portion of the main chain of the Alps included between the Simplon Pass on the w. and the Splügen Pass on the E. In the E. half (Adula Alps) are included all the various sources of the Rhine; the hills round the Italian lakes form part of this range. See Conway and Coolidge's Climbers, Guide to the Lepontine Alps (1892), and Guide to the Adula Alps (1893).

Leprosy (Gr. lepros, 'scaly' or 'rough') is a disease caused by the bacillus lepræ, and characterized by nodules or tubercles on the skin, or by anæsthetic changes in the nerves. Leprosy is very widely spread, and at one time was common in Europe, but


duced by the tubercles and by the cicatrization of the ulcerated areas; while, if the ulceration is deep, there may be extensive destruction of tissue and the loss of fingers or of toes. In some forms the affected area becomes perfectly white. The hair generally disappears, and sooner or later the mucous membranes become involved, so that the nodules are present in the mouth or larynx. In the latter case they may cause oedema, and lead to a rapidly fatal result. Blindness is a frequent concomitant of leprosy. When the purely anesthetic form of leprosy exists, the disease has little resemblance to the other variety. It usually mani


Stevenson in his Father Damien (1890). See also Marsden's On Sledge and Horseback to Siberian Lepers (12th ed. 1905); Morrow's Atlas of Skin and Venereal Diseases (1897).

Lepsius, KARL RICHARD (181084), German Egyptologist and archæologist, was born at Naumburg. His first book, Die Paläographie als Mittel der Sprachforschung, written in Paris (1834), and published in Berlin, obtained the Volney prize of the French Institute. His Lettre à M. Rosellini sur l'Alphabet Hieroglyphique was written in Rome (1837), where he also studied the ancient Etrurian and Oscan languages, and wrote Inscriptiones Umbrica

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it is found in any quantity only in France, Russia, Norway and Turkey. By some authorities it is believed to be communicated by contagion; while others favor the view that a fish diet has some influence in creating a susceptibility to the disease. Clinically two forms of leprosy are recognized

(1) the tubercular, and (2) the anææsthetic. In the former, the tubercles are composed of masses of cells which vary in size and are embedded in connective tissue. Around and in the cells are great numbers of the bacilli lepræ. The skin becomes covered with the outgrowths, and is subject to ulceration between them. Considerable deformity is pro

26. San Bernardino Pass. 6,770 27. Pizzo Tambo.........10,749

fests itself first by pains in the limbs, which are soon succeeded by numbness or by absolute loss of sensation. The nutrition of the tissues suffers severely, and is shown by the formation of bullæ and spots, which later may break down into deep necrotic ulcers. The course of this form of the disease is very slow. No remedy is as yet known for leprosy, but general tonics and antiseptic treatment of such local manifestations

as ulceration may mitigate the patient's sufferings. Isolation, cleanliness, and measures of sanitation are of use as prophylactics. The celebrated leper settlement at Molokai, Hawaii, is described by R. L.

et Osca (1841). In 1842 he was charged with the Prussian scientific mission to Egypt and Nubia; the result of his researches appeared in Denkmäler aus Egyp ten und Ethiopien (1849-60). Appointed professor in Berlin (1846), he led the way to a fuller scientific knowledge of Egyptian history with his Chronologie der Egypter (1849) and Ueber den ersten Egyptischen Götterkreis (1851). He wrote numerous other philological works; was a member of the Royal Academy, and a director of the Egyptian section of the Royal Museum. See Ebers's Richard Lepsius, ein Lebensbild (1855; Eng. trans. 1887).

Leptis. (1.) MAGNA, or NEAP


OLIS, the modern Lebda, seapt., N. coast of Tripoli, Africa. It was a Phoenician colony, and possessed a flourishing commerce. (2.) L. MINOR, city in N. Africa, a little N. of the ancient Thapsus in Tunis. It was a Phoenician colony. See Davis's Ruined Cities within Numidian and Carthaginian Territories (1862).

Leptospermum, a genus of half-hardy shrubs, order Myrtacee, natives of Australasia. They have small, hard leaves, and bear white flowers. The leaves of L. lanigerum were used by the early settlers in Tasmania as a substítute for tea leaves.

Lepus, an ancient constellation situated beneath the feet of Orion. a Leporis, called by the Arabs Arneb (the "Hare'), is of 2.7 magnitude, and of an advanced Sirian type. Hind's 'crimson star,' R. Leporis, varies from 6.0 to 8.5 magnitude in 436 days, and gives a spectrum marked by carbon absorption.

Le Queux, WILLIAM (1864), English novelist, born in London; educated in London and Italy, and studied art in Paris. On his return to London he became editor of Gossip and Piccadilly, and sub-editor of The Globe (1891-3). Among his numerous novels are Strange Tales of a Nihilist (1890); The Great White Queen (1896); The Day of Temptation (1897); England's Peril (1899); The Tickencote Treasure (1902); Secrets of the Foreign Office (1903); The Mask (1904); The Czar's Spy (1905); Confessions of a Ladies Man (1905); Who Giveth this Woman? (1905); and A Spider's Eye (1905).

Lercara, tn. in Palermo prov., Sicily, Italy, 28 m. s.s.E. of Palermo; has sulphur mines. Pop. 14,000.

Lerdo de Tejada, SEBASTIAN (1825-89), a president of Mexico, was born at Jalapa. He had the portfolio of foreign affairs for a few months (1857) under President Comonfort, but resigned because of his sympathy with the new Liberal movement.

As a member of Congress in 1861-62, he opposed the treaty adjusting the English debt, on the ground that such measures should not become operative until they had received the sanction of Congress. Under President Juarez (1862– 63), however, he favored vesting the executive with extraordinary powers because of the inpending French invasion, and advised him to extend his term (expiring in 1865) until the forthcoming constitutional elections. He declined to intercede with Juarez for Maximilian; in 1867 was minister of foreign relations and then chief justice of the supreme court, by virtue of which office he became president upon the death of


Juarez (July 18, 1872), and in Nov. of that year was formally elected, taking office Dec. 1. His candidacy for re-election in 1876 brought about the revolution of that year. He was declared reelected by Congress (Sept. 26), but José Maria Iglesias, chief justice of the supreme court, decided that the election had been irregular, and proclaimed himself provisional president. The government forces were defeated by Diaz, at Tecoac (Nov. 16), and Lerdo and his ministers were captured and held for ransom by the bandit, Huato, a supporter of Diaz. After his release, Lerdo made his way to N. Y. City, where he afterward lived in retirement.

Lérida. (1.) Province, Spain, in s. part of principality of Catalonia. Watered by the Ebro and its tributaries, it is a prosperous and advanced agricultural country. There are 324 townships. Area, about 4,770 sq. m.; pop. 300,000. (2.) (Anc. Ilerda), cap. of above prov., on the Segre R., trib. of the Ebro, 80 m. w. of Barcelona, on the railway to Saragossa. The city contains a 13th-century cathedral, built in a strange mixture of the Byzantine, Gothic, and Moorish styles, and the 12th-century church of San Juan. Manufactures wool, cotton, silk, leather, and glass. Pop. (1900) 21,352.

Lérins, ILES DE, group of isls. in the Mediterranean, about 2 m. off the s. coast of dep. Alpes-Maritimes, France, comprising SainteMarguerite, Saint-Honorat, and other smaller islands. In the fort of Sainte-Marguerite Bazaine, the French commander who surrendered at Metz, was imprisoned.

Lerma, RIO DE. See MEXICO. Lerma, tn., state of Mexico, Mexico, 40 m. s.w. of Mexico city. Pop. 7,200.

Lermontoff, MIKHAIL YUREVITCH (1814-41), Russian poet and novelist, of Scottish descent, born at Moscow; became an officer in the Russian army. The death of Pushkin inspired his first poem. This incurred the displeasure of the Czar, who sent him to serve in the Caucasus, where the remainder of his life, except from 1838 to 1840, was spent. He was killed in a duel. The best edition of his works is that published by Viskovatoff (1891). See Macherski's Les Poètes Russes.

Leros, isl. in the Sporades, Egean Sea, 32 m. s. of Samos, belonging to Turkey; has white marble quarries. Chief town, Marina or Leros. Area, about 25 sq. m.; pop. 4,000.

Leroux, HENRI or HUGUES (1860), French journalist and novelist, born at Havre. He was early interested in social subjects, and his articles in Le Temps and Le Journal, as well as his various


novels, display an intimate knowledge of the life of the 'submerged tenth.' Among his works are La Russie Souterraine (1885), L'Attentat Sloughine (1885), L'Enfer Parisien (1888), Marins et Soldats (1892), plays, and travel sketches.

Leroy, vil., Genesee co., N. Y., 24 m. s.w. of Rochester on the Erie, N. Y. C. & H. R., Lehigh Valley and Buf. and Sus. R. Rs. It has manufactures of farm implements, flour, and patent medicines. Pop. (1905) 3,395.

Leroy-Beaulieu, HENRI JEAN BAPTISTE ANATOLE (1842), French publicist, was born at Lisieux. His Essai sur la Restauration de nos Monuments historiques devant l'Art et devant le Budget (1866) was followed by L'Empire des Tsars et les Russes (1881-9); La France, La Russie et l'Europe (1888); La Révolution et le Libéralisme (1890); and La Papauté, le Socialisme et la Démocratie (1893). In 1881 he became professor of modern history at the Ecole Libre des Sciences Politiques.

Leroy-Beaulieu, PIERRE PAUL (1843), French political economist, brother of the preceding, was born at Saumur. He was appointed professor of finance in the School of Political Sciences, Paris (1872), a member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences (1878), and professor of political economy in the College of France (1880). Leroy-Beaulieu became the leading free-trade exponent in France, and founded the Economiste Français (1873) to give utterance to his views. For his treatise De l'Etat Social et Intellectuel des Populations Ouvrières (1868) he was crowned by the Academy. He published De la Colonisation chez les Peuples Modernes (1873), L'Etat Moderne et ses Fonctions (1889; 3d ed. 1900), Traité théorique et pratique d'Economie politique (1896; 3d ed. 1900), La rénovation de l'Asie, Sibérie, Chine, Japan (1900; Eng. trans., The Awakening of the East, 1900); Le Sahara, le Soudan et les Chemins de fer Transsahariens (1904); and Eng. trans., The United States in the Twentieth Century (1906).

Lerwick, cap. of the Shetland Is., Scotland, on the E. coast of Mainland. Exports fish, ponies, sheep, cattle, and knitted goods. The shores of the sound are fringed with herring-gutting and packing stations. Lerwick is the seat of the law courts; and Fort Charlotte, at the N. end of the town, is an important British Naval Reserve Station. Pop. (1901) 4,061.

Lesage, ALAIN-RENÉ (16681747), French author, was born at Sarzeau, in Brittany. He went to Paris, studied law, and became a member of the bar. In 1743


he retired to Boulogne-sur-mer. Lesage may be called the first French man of letters,' in the modern sense of the term. He resembled the writers of the 17th century, with whom he had much more in common than with Voltaire and his set. Lesage wrote two novels of note and merit-Le Diable boîteux, and Gil Blas; also one play, Turcaret. His other works have fallen into merited oblivion. Turcaret is the first work in which a cruel realism makes its appearance. Le Diable boîteux is a novel whose title and scheme are both taken from the Spanish writer Guevara. Gil Blas is on the same lines as Le Diable boiteux, but is larger in scope. It is certain that Lesage took the idea of the book from the Marcos Obregon of Vincente Espinel, as also the scheme and some of the adventures. The first part of the novel was written during the closing years of the reign of Louis XIV., and published in 1715. The second part appeared in 1724, and the third in 1735. Gil Blas is the type of the honnête homme who becomes so after experience that dishonesty is not the best policy. What is chiefly remarkable about Lesage is his style, which is natural to the point of negligence, and yet is more carefully wrought than one thinks at first. It is light, and yet strong; lively, and full of pith and point. It is by that he will live. He is the true-begotten child of Molière, and has no 18th-century marks about him. See Lintilhac's Le Sage (Grands Ecrivains Français'); Lanson's Histoire de la Littérature Française (1896); Doumic's Histoire de la Littérature Française (1900).

Lesbos. See MYTILINI.

Leschenaultia, a genus of Australian herbs and shrubs, order Goodenoviaceæ. L. biloba bears beautiful corymbs of blue flowers; L. formosa, solitary scarlet flowers; L. linarioides, yellow flowers; and L. chloranthes, solitary greenish flowers.

Lescot, PIERRE (c. 1510-78), famous French architect of the renaissance, of whose early life there is no record. His plans for the Louvre were carried out by himself and his friend, the sculptor Jean Goujon (1540-8). He was rewarded by many ecclesiastical gifts, and became counsellor to François I., Henri II., François II., and Charles IX. See Palustre's La Renaissance en France (1880).

Lesghians, one of the names (Lesghs, Lezghines, Leks, and Leki) applied to the collection of petty tribes which, along with the Tchechenzes, inhabit Daghestan (Highlands') in the Caucasus. They number some 600,000, and include the Avars, Kurins, and many smaller and


wilder tribes. They are a people of fine features and physique, even for Caucasians, of high intelligence, and industrious. They proved their daring and endurance during their thirty years' struggle with Russia. The capture of their famous leader Shamyl, in 1859, brought their independence to an end. In religion they are Mohammedan Sunnites.

Lesina, isl., Austria, off the Dalmatian coast, in 43° 10' N. lat.; produces dates, figs, and wine. Area, 120 sq. m.; pop. (1900) 18,010. The chief town, of the same name, is a bishop's see, a seaport, and a health resort. Pop. (1900) 3,820.


Leskovac, tn., Vranya Servia, on the 1. bk. of the Bulgarian Morava. Trade in hemp and cloth. Pop. 12,000.


Leslie, ALEXANDER, EARL OF LEVEN (1580-1661), Scottish general. He joined the army of Gustavus Adolphus as a common soldier, and rose to be lieutenant-general some time before 1626, when he was made a knight. During the Thirty Years' war he held the chief command under Gustavus. He raised the siege of Stralsund (1628), and for his brilliant feats against Wallenstein received many rewards and honors. After the death of Gustavus at Lützen (1632), he continued in the Swedish service, and in 1636 his achievements were rewarded by the rank of fieldmarshal. On Charles setting out in person against Scotland, he was named lord general of the Scottish forces on land and sea; and in June, 1639, he advanced southwards with an army of thirty thousand to Duns Law, this bold attitude leading to a treaty of pacification. On the resumption of hostilities (1640), Leslie advanced to Newcastle, of which he retained possession until the treaty of Ripon, Aug. 7, 1641. In 1644 he was appointed general of the Scottish army sent to the support of the English Parliament. Some time afterwards he successfully stormed Newcastle; and after the capture of Charles (1646), he retained him there until his delivery to the English Parliament (1647). He served as a volunteer against Cromwell at Dunbar (1650), and was afterwards captured by General Monck (1651), and confined for some time in the Tower. See Terry's The Life and Campaigns of Alexander Leslie, First Earl of Leven (1899).

Leslie, CHARLES (1650-1722), Irish non-juring divine and controversialist, born at Dublin; took holy orders (1680), becoming chancellor of Connor (1686). A zealous Protestant as well as a Jacobite, he lost his chancellorship for refusing to acknowledge William III. He accompanied


the Pretender to Italy (1713), returning in 1721. He wrote many political and theological pamphlets, his Short and Easie Method with the Jews (1699) being the most notable. See Life by R. J. Leslie (1885).


Leslie, CHARLES ROBERT (17941859), English painter, of American descent, born in London. worked under West and Allston in the Royal Academy schools. His Sir Roger de Coverley going to Church (1819), the first of his great series of drama-pictures, ensured his election as A. R. A., and full honors followed (1826). Queen Victoria commissioned him to paint her coronation and the christening of the Princess Royal. In 1848 he was elected professor of painting at the Royal Academy, his lectures being printed (1855). He had previously written Memoirs of the Life of John Constable (1843), and begun_his Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds (1865). He provided the illustrations for Irving's Knickerbocker History of New York and the Sketch Book. There are fine examples of his pictures in the Tate Gallery and the South Kensington Museum, and several reproductions of his works, together with the original of the Murder of Rutland in the Philadelphia Academy. See his Autobiographical Recollections (1860), and Dafforne's Pictures of C. R. Leslie (1872).

Leslie, DAVID, LORD NEWARK (d. 1682), Scottish general, was the fifth son of Sir Patrick Leslie of Pitcairly, Fifeshire. He served under Gustavus Adolphus, but returned to Scotland to aid the Covenanters against Charles 1. In 1645, by a rapid movement, he surprised and almost annihilated the forces of Montrose at Philiphaugh; and it was to him that Montrose owed his defeat and capture. For some time he completely out-manoeuvred Cromwell, and the disaster at Dunbar (1650) was doubtless caused by the incompetent urgency of the Committee of Estates. He also displayed skill in delaying Cromwell's progress northwards; and though his march on London ended in overwhelming defeat at Worcester, he did at least the best he could for a cause that had become hopeless. After Worcester he was detained a prisoner in the Tower until the Restoration. See Gardiner's History of the Great Civil War, and his History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate; Colonel Leslie's Historical Records of the Family of Leslie (1869).

Leslie, FRANK, born Henry Carter (1821-80), American pub lisher, was a native of Ipswich, England, and was the son of a glove-manufacturer of that town.


Apprenticea to the dry-goods business, he studied drawing and engraving privately, and obtained acceptance of his sketches by the Illustrated London News, over the name 'Frank Leslie.' He came to the U. S. in 1848, and, after working on various illustrated periodicals, established his own business, 1854, and began (1855) the publication of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. In his long and successful career as a publisher he founded a number of other illustrated periodicals, of which the chief was his Popular Monthly.

Leslie, SIR JOHN (1766-1832), Scotch mathematician and natural philosopher, was born at Largo. He was tutor for the sons of a Va. planter (1788-90), and from 1790 till 1805 occupied himself with teaching, travelling, writing, and research. He translated Buffon's Natural History of Birds (1793), and invented the differential thermometer and a photometer. His treatise on the Nature and Propagation of Heat (1804) obtained the Royal Society's Rumford medal. He became professor of mathematics at Edinburgh (1805), and professor of natural philosophy (1819). The invention of his hygrometer led to the discovery of artificial freezing (1810). His Elements of Natural Philosophy appeared in 1823. See Napier's Memoir (1838).

Leslie, or LESLEY, JOHN (152796), Scotch prelate, statesman, and historian, the natural son of Gavin Lesley, rector of Kingussie, Inverness-shire. After Queen Mary's marriage to Darnley he received the abbacy of Lindores, and he was presented to the see of Ross (1566). Though opposed to the Bothwell marriage, he continued to retain the queen's confidence, and after her flight into England was her chief legal adviser in the negotiations with Elizabeth. He for some time represented the interests of Mary at the court of Rome, whence he was sent by the Pope on various missions on her behalf. He became suffragan and vicar-general of the diocese of Rouen (1579), and was appointed to the bishopric of Constance in Normandy (1591); but the distracted state of the country made it impossible for him to obtain possession of it, and he died in an Augustinian monastery near Brussels. Leslie is now best known by his histories of Scotland: that in the vernacular, from the death of James I. to 1561, written for Queen Mary's perusal, and printed by the Bannatyne Club (1830); and the Latin history, entitled De Origine, Moribus, et Rebus Gestis Scotorum (1578), the most valuable portion of which is the contemporary description of Scot


land and its inhabitants. A Scottish translation made in 1596 was printed by the Scottish Text Society (1884-91). See Letters of Mary Queen of Scots, edited by Labanoff (1839); Irving's Lives of Scottish Authors (1801); Father Cody's Introduction to the Scottish translation of Leslie's Latin History (Scottish Text Society, 1888).

Lesley, J. PETER (1819-1903), American geologist, was born in Philadelphia, and graduated (1838) at the University of Pennsylvania. His young manhood was passed in a very remarkable alternation between geological and theological work. He prepared for the ministry at Princeton, and was pastor of a Congregational church at Milton, Mass., in the intervals of his geological studies. In 1851, however, he took up geology finally, and was professor in that subject at the University of Pennsylvania, 18728. Mr. Lesley was chief geologist of the survey of Pennsylvania made in 1874, was a commissioner to the Paris Exposition of 1867, and held office in learned societies. Besides his technical books and reports he published Man's Origin and Destiny as seen from the Platform of the Sciences (1868).


Leslie, THOMAS EDWARD CLIFFE (c. 1827-82), Irish economist, born in County Wexford, and educated at King William's College, on the Isle of Man, and at Trinity College, Dublin. was made professor of jurisprudence and political economy at Belfast in 1853, and was called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn in 1857. He applied Sir Henry Maine's historical and comparative method in jurisprudence to the study of economics. Most of his earlier lectures and papers were pub lished under the title, Essays in Political Philosophy (1888). He attacked the 'wages fund' theory successfully, but was less convincing in his arguments against the proposition that wages are equalized by competition. His Land Systems and Industrial Economy of Ireland, England and Continental Countries (1870) was warmly commended by Mill. In an article On the Philosophical Method of Political Economy' (1876), he attacked deductive economics because of its failure to take into account actual facts.

Lespinasse, JULIE JEANNE ELÉONORE DE (1732-76), natural daughter of the Countess d'Albon, a leader of French society, was born at Lyons. Being early left unprotected, she went to reside with the Marquise du Deffand. Here her brilliant wit and originality attracted the attention of D'Alembert, Turgot, and Marmontell, and others of the marquise's circle soon transferred their al


legiance to her, and her salon became famous. Her charming letters to her lover, the Comte de Guibert, were published in 1809 (ed. in English, 1903). See Lettres Inédites de Mlle. de Lespinasse (1887); Mrs. Humphrey Ward's novel, Lady Rose's Daughter (1903) is reminiscent of Mile. de Lespinasse's career.

Lesquereux, LEO (1806-89), American botanist, was born at Fleurier, Switzerland. He taught for some years, and worked as an engraver and in other ways while studying the mosses and fossil plants of Switzerland. He received commissions to investigate the peat-bogs of Neufchatel and northern Europe, and came to America as an assistant of Agassiz at Cambridge, Mass., 1848, afterward removing to Columbus, O. He soon began to study the coalformations of the Middle West, and subsequently prepared his three-volume work on The Coal Flora (1884) for the second geological survey of Pennsylvania, which embodies the results of his life-work. His other publications number over fifty titles.

Lesseps, FERDINAND, VICOMTE DE (1805-94), French diplomat, cousin of the Empress Eugénie, was in the consular service at Lisbon (1828) and at Alexandria, where he received the Cross of the Legion of Honor for heroic conduct during the plague (183435). He also served at Tunis, Cairo, and Madrid. In 1854 he evolved the Suez Canal scheme, which, on account of British opposition to the work, was not begun till 1860. The canal was finished in 1869. For this he received the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor and an English knighthood. In 1881 he began the Panama Canal on insufficient funds, and in 1892 the management was charged with fraud, and De Lesseps was condemned to five years' imprisonment, but was too ill to undergo the sentence. His son, Charles, at the same time was found guilty of fraud, and sentenced to pay a fine, and to undergo imprisonment, but the sentence was not enforced. He wrote Lettres, Journal, et Documents pour servir à l'Histoire du Canal de Suez (1875; trans. 1876), and Souvenirs de Quarante Ans (1887). See PANAMA CANAL.

Lesser Antilles. See WEST INDIES.

Lessing, GOTTHOLD EPHRAIM (1729-81), German critic and dramatist, born at Kamenz, Upper Lusatia, where his father was pastor primarius. Proceeding to the University of Leipzig to study theology (1746), he soon drifted to the literary and philosophical lectures. After spending the summer of 1748 at Wittenberg, he went to Berlin. At first he was compelled

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