expenses, Contingent dollars; for the purpose of paying contingent expenses, three thousand dollars; for paying salaries of officers, three thousand dollars; for officers' contingent fund, three hundred dollars; for military fund, to be used in paying interest on warrants issued pursuant to an act of the legislative assembly, ten thousand dollars. fund, $10,000 Surplus in treasury to be applied to payment of bonds. Territorial treasurer shall give public no fice of am't in treasury tise for sur SEC. 2. Whatever funds remaining in treasury after paying interest on said bonds, shall be paid out to the party or parties offering to surrender that amount of bonds at the lowest price; and for that purpose, the territorial treasurer shall, on the 1st day of January, A. D. 1867, and annually thereafter, advertise the amount so remaining in treasury, for at least thirty days, in one or more newspapers published within the territory, and ask for sealed bids at which said bonds will be surrendered; at the expiration of said thirty days, he shall publicly open all bids and award and pay out the amount so remaining, to the party or parties offering to surrender at the lowest price. Bonds to be Bonds so paid, shall be by the treasurer safely kept and canceled in like manner as territorial warrants. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. render of bonds. canceled. Approved February 9th, A. D. 1866. Money ap propriated to pay expenses of provisioning. Counties to be fur nished with weights and measures. A RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF WEIGHTS AND MEAS- Resolved by the Council, the House of Representatives The auditor of the territory be, and is hereby instructed to draw a warrant upon the treasurer for the sum of three hundred and twenty-eight dollars and twenty-eight cents, in payment of expenses upon weights and measures, as provided for in section six of an act concerning weights and measures, passed at the third session of the legislature. Resolved, further, That the treasurer of the territory be, and is hereby instructed to furnish the different counties with their relative proportion of weights and measures, as provided in the act of 1864. Approved February 9th, A. D. 1866. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT CONCERNING ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW," APPROVED OCTOBER 24TH, 1861. Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of Colorado Territory: SECTION 1. That section two of said act be amended by striking out from the seventh and eighth lines of said section the words "one year of which shall have been with some lawyer of this territory." SEC. 2. That nothing in said act shall be construed so as to prevent any male citizen over the age of twenty-one years, of good moral character, from practicing as an attorney in the probate courts of this territory, without having obtained a license as an attorney, as provided in said act. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 5th, A. D. 1866. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR TAKING THE CENSUS OF COLORADO TERRI TORY. Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of Colorado Territory: SECTION 1. The county asssessor of each of the several counties of Colorado territory shall, in their counties respectively, during the present year, make an enumeration or census of all the inhabitants of the several counties in this territory, during the period in which, by existing laws, they are required to make the assessments of property in said counties, in the manner hereinafter provided. county assessors census. shall take SEC. 2. The said county assessors shall each, pre- How taken. vious to commencing the enumeration or census hereintofore provided for, make or cause to be made a blank book, with separate columns, for the names of each of the following classes of persons, to wit: First, white male persons over the age of twenty-one years. Second, white male persons under the age of Same. Census returned to county clerks, under oath. twenty-one years. Third, white female persons over the age of eighteen years. Fourth, white female persons under the age of eighteen years. Fifth, all negro and mulatto persons, of all ages and both sexes. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of each of the county assessors aforesaid, to enter, in the proper columns of the books so prepared, the names of all the persons of the several classes of persons hereintofore named, found in their respective counties, and at the completion of the census, or enumeration so made, he shall foot up the number of each of the different classes of persons so enumerated. SEC. 4. The county assessors shall return the said books to be books containing the census so made, to the county clerks of their respective counties, as soon as the enumeration or census shall be complete; and shall certify, under oath, to be sworn and subscribed before the county clerk, that the return so made contains a full, true, and complete enumeration of all the dif ferent classes of persons, which, by the provisions of this act, are required to be enumerated. County clerks shall send certi fied copy of census re SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the several county clerks, immediately after the return of the census or enumeration aforesaid, to make and certify turns to sec- a true and correct copy of the same, and transmit it to the secretary of the territory; and the original return of the assessor shall remain on file in the office of the county clerk. retary of territory. Compensation of assessor. How paid. Compensation of county clerks. How paid. SEC. 6. The county assessors shall receive, as compensation for the performance of their duties, under the provisions of this act, the sum of six cents per head for each person included in his enumeration, to be paid out of the treasury of the proper county. SEC. 7. The county clerks of the several counties of the territory shall receive, for the performance of the duties imposed upon them by the provisions of this act, such amount of compensation as the county commissioners of the proper county may grant. SEC. 8. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 9th, A. D. 1866. AN ACT AUTHORIZING AND LEGALIZING THE TRANSCRIPTION OF THE Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representa- SECTION 1. That the county commissioners of Pueblo and Huerfano counties are hereby authorized and empowered to have all of the records of said counties transcribed and indexed into such books as they may provide, and the expense of the same to be paid by said counties respectively, out of any money in the county treasury. SEC. 2. That the original copies of said records, when so transcribed, shall be filed in the office of the recorder of said counties, and preserved therein for public inspection, in connection with the aforesaid transcribed record or copies. SEC. 3. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved January 20th, A. D. 1866. AN ACT TO CHANGE AND LOCATE THE BOUNDARY LINES OF FRE MONT COUNTY. Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of Colorado Territory: lines of Fre ty. SECTION 1. That the following shall be the boun- Boundary dary of Fremont county, to wit: Commencing at a mont coun point in the centre of range sixty-nine (69), where said range line intersects township line between township twenty-two (22) and twenty-three (23), thence east on said township line nine (9) miles, to where range line between ranges sixty-seven (67) and sixty-eight (68) intersects the said township line between townships twenty-two (22) and twenty-three. (23), thence north on said range line to where said range intersects the third correction line between ranges sixty-seven(67) and sixty-eight (68), thence west along said correction line to where said correction line intersects range line between ranges sixty-eight Conflicting acts repealed. (68) and sixty-nine (69), thence following the original boundary lines as described in section ten (10) of "an act to define county boundaries and to locate county seats," approved November 1st, A. D. 1861, and following said line to place of beginning, as described in this act. SEC. 2. That an act entitled An act to amend "an act to define county boundaries and locate county seats," approved March 11th, A. D. 1864, and all other acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 6th, A. D. 1866. Pueblo co. commissioners receive may sealed pro posals for surveying and loca ting boundary lines. Boundary lines. When bids shall be opened. AN ACT TO SURVEY AND LOCATE PORTIONS OF THE BOUNDARY LINES MONT. Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of Colorado Territory: SECTION 1. That the county commissioners of Pueblo county are hereby authorized and empowered to receive sealed proposals for surveying and locating the following described portions of the boundary lines between the counties of Pueblo, Huerfano and Fremont, to wit: Beginning near the south-east corner of Pueblo county, at a point where the fourth correction line, south, intersects the western boundary of the indian reserve, thence due south to where said western boundary intersects the township line between townships twenty-one and twenty-two, thence west on said township line to where said township line intersects the range line between ranges sixtytwo and sixty-three, west, thence south, on said range line, to its intersection with the township line between townships twenty-two and twenty-three, thence west, on said township line to the range line, between ranges sixty-seven and sixty-eight, thence north on said range line to the centre of the channel of the Arkansas river. SEC. 2. That the said commissioners shall appoint a day, not later than the 10th day of March, A. D. 1866, when the bids for the said survey shall be |