be let to der. opened, and the said commissioners shall let the con- Contract to tract for surveying and locating the said boundary lowest bidlines to the lowest and best responsible bidder, and shall require from the contractor a bond, with ap. Bond. proved security, in double the amount of the contract, for the faithful performance of said survey within forty days from the signing and sealing of said contract; and the said surveyor shall be required to Duty of conerect monuments of stone at every angle, and at every six miles of said survey. tractor. legalized. SEC. 3. That the line so established shall be legal Boundaries in all courts of law and equity in this territory. how paid. ritory. SEC. 4. Upon the receipt and approval of the re- Surveyorport of the said surveyor, the county commissioners shall certify the same under their seals to the auditor of the territory, and upon the receipt of said report, One-half it shall be the duty of the auditor to draw an order paid by terin favor of said surveyor, on the territorial treasurer, One-half for the sum equal to one-half of the costs of said survey, and the other half of the costs of said sur vey shall be paid equally, by the counties of Pueblo, Huerfano and Fremont. SEC. 5. Upon the approval of the report of the said surveyor, it shall be the duty of the county clerk of Pueblo county to record the same, and also to furnish official copies of said report to the clerks of the counties of Huerfano and Fremont, for record in their respective offices. Approved February 6th, A. D. 1866. paid by counties of Huerfano and Fre Pueblo, mont. County eblo, duty clerk of Pu of. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE COUNTY OF LOS ANIMAS, AND LOCATE Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representa- SECTION 1. That so much of the county of Huerfano, in the territory of Colorado, as lies south of latitude thirty-seven and one-half degrees, be, and the same is hereby constituted an additional county in said territory. Division of county. Huerfano SEC. 2. That the name of said county shall be, and Name. the same is hereby declared to be Los Animas county. SEC. 3. The governor of the territory is hereby required to order an election to be held in said county for the necessary officers, at which election the legal Voters of said county shall locate the county seat according to the law regulating the changing of county seats, and at which election the legal voters of said Huerfano county shall vote for, or against the division of said county; and if a majority shall appear in favor of such division, then this act shall be in full force and effect; but if a majority of such voters shall appear against such division, then this act shall be void and of no effect. SEC. 4. The same laws, applicable to other agricultural counties of this territory, shall be applicable and in force in said Los Animas county, after its organization is perfected. Approved February 9th, A. D. 1866. Pay of county commissioners. Mileage. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION SIXTEEN (16) OF AN ACT ENTITLED “AN Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of Colorado Territory: SECTION 1. That the county commissioners of the several counties of this territory be allowed five dollars per day for each day spent in the performance of their respective duties, and fifteen cents per mile for the distance actually traveled in going to and returning from the place of meeting. SEC. 2. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved January 26th, A. D. 1866. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT RELATING TO COUN- Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representa- SECTION 1. That section three, of article nine, of an act entitled "An act relating to counties and county officers," approved November 6th, A. D. 1861, be, and is hereby amended by striking out the word "three," in the third line of said section, and inserting in lieu thereof the word "seven." SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 7th, A. D. 1866. County as sessor may receive sev en dollars per day. AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE EXTRA COMPENSATION OF THE ASSESSOR Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representa- SECTION 1. The county commissioners of Gilpin county are hereby authorized and empowered to allow, as extra compensation to the assessor of said Gilpin county for the year 1865, the sum of two dollars per day for the time actually returned and allowed by said commissioners for the year 1865. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 9th, A. D. 1866. AN ACT TO LEGALIZE THE MARCH TERM OF THE DISTRICT COURT, Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representa- SECTION 1. The term of the district court of the second judicial district, in and for the county of Boulder, begun and holden, commencing on the third Assessor aldollars per day extra. lowed two Term of district court, March, 1865, made valid. Tuesday of March, A. D. 1865, Hon. Stephen S. Harding presiding, is hereby legalized, and declared to be legal and valid to all intents and purposes, the same as though Hon. A. A. Bradford had presided at said term, or his request, in writing, to Hon. Stephen S. Harding to hold said term of court had been filed with the clerk of the court, then and there to be holden. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved January 27th, A. D. 1866. Official acts of B. B. ized. AN ACT LEGALIZING THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROBATE COURT OF Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representa- SECTION 1. That the acts and proceedings of BenFields legal- jamin B. Fields, probate judge of Huerfano county, are hereby legalized and made effective, and of such force and effect as if the said Benjamin B. Fields had been properly elected and qualified according to law, and had held the regular terms of the said court at the county seat of Huerfano county. Processes, judgments &c. made valid, SEC. 2. That all processes issued and all judgments and decrees entered by the said probate judge are hereby made legal and binding upon all persons whomsoever, to all intents and purposes. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 1st, A. D. 1866. AN ACT TO PRESCRIBE THE TIME OF HOLDING THE SUPREME COURT Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of Colorado Territory: Supreme court hold SECTION 1. There shall be a term of the supreme court held annually at the capital of this territory, term at cap commencing on the first Tuesday of July in each year. SEC. 2. Hon. William H. Gale, associate justice, assigned as judge of the first judicial district of this territory, and shall hold the term of court therein, as prescribed by law. SEC. 3. Hon. Charles F. Holly, associate justice, is hereby assigned as judge of the second judicial district of this territory, and shall hold the terms of court therein, as prescribed by law. SEC. 4. The successor of Hon. S. S. Harding, chief justice, is hereby assigned as judge of the third judicial district of Colorado territory, and shall hold the terms of court therein as prescribed by law. Approved February 9th, A. D. 1866. ital first Tuesday in W. H. Gale assigned to cial district. C. F. Holly assigned to cial district. second judi Successor of 8. S. Hard cial district. AN ACT TO AMEND THE ACT CONCERNING EJECTMENTS. Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of Colorado Territory: of August SECTION 1. That section three of an act approved Retion of August 11th, A. D. 1862, entitled "An act amenda- three of act tory of an act entitled an act concerning ejectments," 11th, 1862. approved November 7th, A. D. 1861, shall be, and the same is hereby repealed; and section thirty, of the act concerning ejectments, approved November of Nov. 7th, 7th, A. D. 1861, is hereby re-enacted, and the same shall hereafter be in full force and effect. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force Section thirty of act 1861, re-en acted. |