General elections henceforth to be held on first AN ACT AMENDATORY OF AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT REGULATING Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representa- SECTION 1. That the word "September," in the third line of the third section of an act entitled "An act regulating elections," approved November 6th, A. D. Tuesday in 1861, be, and the same is hereby stricken out, and the word "August" inserted in lieu thereof. August. Secretary shall notify sheriffs of election of members of legislature, between 1st and 15th of June. SEC. 2. That the word "July," in section twelve be, and the same is hereby stricken out, and the word "June" inserted in lieu thereof. Approved January 24th, A. D. 1866. Legal vo ters of Weld County may vote upon application of herd law of March 11th, 1864, to said county at next gen. eral election. Effect of such adoption or rejection. AN ACT TO SUBMIT TO THE LEGAL VOTERS OF WELD COUNTY AN Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representa- SECTION 1. That the act entitled "An act for the protection of farmers against the depredations of stock in the counties of Douglas and Weld," approved March 11th, A. D. 1864, so far as relates to the county of Weld, shall be submitted to a vote of the legal voters of said county, at the next or any general election hereafter, and if said act shall be rejected by a majority of the legal voters of said county, then said act shall be abolished after the first day of December, A. D. 1866, but if not rejected by a majority of said voters, the said act shall remain in force and effect. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 9th, A. D. 1866. AN ACT To AMEND SECTION SIX (6) OF AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of Colorado Territory: in district SECTION 1. That section six (6) of said act shall be Jurors' feee amended to read as follows: Jurors' fees in district court. courts, per day, two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50); attending inquest over dead body, to be paid out of the county treasury, two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) each; mileage for each mile actually traveled, twenty cents per mile. SEC. 2. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 2nd, A. D. 1866. Fees for quest taking inMileage. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT CONCERNING FENCES," APPROVED FEBRUARY 9TH, A. D. 1865. Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of Colorado Territory: Lawful SECTION 1. That section one of said act be amended by striking out of the fourth line of said section the fence-what words "four feet," and insert in lieu thereof "five tute. feet." SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 2nd, A. D. 1866. shall consti Stock to be herded till the 1st of December." AN ACT To AMEND "AN ACT AMENDATORY OF AN ACT ENTITLED AN Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of Colorado Territory: SECTION 1. That section one of "An act amendatory to an act relating to fencing," approved March 11th, A. D. 1864, be, and is hereby amended by striking out all after the words "in lieu thereof," in the third line of said section, and inserting therefor "the first day of December." SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 5th, A. D. 1866. Keeper of room used for gamb ling or per ting same to son permit be used for gambling, or landlord renting room &c. to gambling be used for how punished. AN ACT TO SUPPRESS GAMBLING AND GAMBLING HOUSES. Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of Colorado Territory: SECTION 1. That if any person shall keep any room, building, arbor, booth, shed or tenement of any description, to be used or occupied for gambling, or shall knowingly permit the same to be used or occupied for gambling; or if any person, being the owner of any room, building, arbor, booth, shed or tenement of any description, shall rent the same to be used or occupied for gambling, the person so offending shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than thirty dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten days, nor more than thirty days, or both, at the discretion of the court; and if the owner of any room, building, arbor, booth, shed or tenement of any description, shall know that any gaming tables, apparatus or establishment is kept or used in such room, building, arbor, booth, shed or tenement, forthwith of for gambling and winning, betting or gaining money or other property, and shall not forthwith May be fined or ímpris. oned, or both. Duty of owner of any room, building, &c., knowing the same to be used for gambling to complain the person so using. cause complaint to be made against the person so keeping or using such room, building, arbor, booth, shed or tenement, he shall be taken, held, and considered to have knowingly permitted the same to be used and occupied for gambling. gamblers sons so con SEC. 2. That if any person shall keep or exhibit Common any gaming table, establishment, device or apparatus what per to win or gain money or other property, or shall aid, sidered. assist, or permit others to do the same, or if any person shall engage in gambling for a livelihood, or shall be without any fixed residence and in the habit and practice of gambling, he shall be deemed and taken to be a common gambler, and upon conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned in the county jail not less than Penalties. three months nor more than one year, and be fined in any sum not less than two hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars. Playing at or betting upon any game for gain, inter dicted. Penalties. Inducing a minor to cared a gamble de SEC. 3. That if any person shall play at any game whatsoever, for any sum of money or other property of value, or shall make any bet or wager for any sum of money or other property of value, upon the result of such game, every such person shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than fifty dollars, nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars. SEC. 4. That if any person shall, by any device or pretense, entice, or tempt and prevail upon, or cause any minor to engage with such person, or with any other person or persons, in any game whatsoever, for any sum of money or property of value, or shall make any bet or wager with such minor, or cause the same to be done upon the result of any game, every such person shall, on conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined in any sum not Penalties. less than fifty dollars, nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars. SEC. 5. All contracts, promises, agreements, conveyances, securities and notes made, given, granted, executed, drawn, or entered into, where the whole, or any part of the consideration thereof shall be for any money, property, or other valuable thing won by any gaming, or by playing at cards, or any gambling device or game of chance, or by betting on the side or hands of any person gaming, or for the reimbursing or paying any money or property knowingly lent or advanced at the time and place of such play, to any person or persons so gaming or betting, shall be utterly void and of no effect. misdemean or. All con tracts made for the furgaming tions declared void. therance of transac Assign. ments whereof the consideration arises out of gam ing, not binding on the person making, and not affected remedies thereby. Violations of sections 1, 2 and 3 de demeanors. clared mis SEC. 6. No assignment of any bill, bond, note or other evidence of indebtedness, where the whole or any part of the consideration for such assignment shall arise out of any gaming transaction, shall in any manner offset the defense of the person or persons making, entering into, executing or giving such instrument so assigned, or the remedies of any person interested therein. SEC. 7. Each and every person who shall violate any of the provisions of sections one, two, three and four, of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be indicted and convicted thereof in the district court of the proper county, and the Punished by court shall assess the fine upon such conviction. Every day for which any person or persons shall keep any house mentioned in the first section of this act, to be used or occupied for gambling, and shall knowingly allow any such place to be used or occupied for gambling, contrary to the provisions of said section, shall be deemed and held to be a separate and distinct offense. indictment, and court shall assess fine. Each day's violation of section one a distinct offense. One-half of fine to go to informerthe other half to county school fund. Informer a competent witness. Duty of all executive officers on learning of the whereabouts of gambling devices SEC. 8. All fines collected under or according to the provisions of this act shall be paid, the one-half thereof to the person giving information of the offense, and the remainder shall be paid into the school fund of the county in which the conviction shall be had; and the person receiving the one-half of such fine, as informer, shall be deemed and held to be a competent witness upon the trial of such offender. SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of all sheriffs, coroners, constables, police officers of cities, and other officers charged with executing the laws of this territory, whenever it shall come to the knowledge of any such officer that any person has in his possession any cards, tables, checks, balls, wheels, or gambling devices of the same be any nature or kind, used or kept for the purpose of kept for use to seize and convey fore some judge or Justice of the peace. gambling or playing at any game of chance; or that any cards, tables, checks, balls, wheels or gambling devices used or kept for the purposes aforesaid may be found in any place, to seize and take such cards, tables, checks, balls, wheels or gambling devices, and convey the same before some judge or justice of the peace of the county in which the same may be found; and it shall be the duty of such judge or justice of to summon the peace to inquire of such witnesses as he shall and inquire summon to appear before him in that behalf, touching of the same. the nature of such gambling devices, and if such Magistrate witnesses into nature |