Poetry: an Introduction Through WritingReston Publishing Company, 1973 - 406 من الصفحات |
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النتائج 1-3 من 30
الصفحة 51
... didactic ( teaching ) poetry is written largely on this level . The danger is that thought may tend to dominate language if this level is overemphasized , and a writer of didactic poetry may in fact turn out to be not a poet so much as ...
... didactic ( teaching ) poetry is written largely on this level . The danger is that thought may tend to dominate language if this level is overemphasized , and a writer of didactic poetry may in fact turn out to be not a poet so much as ...
الصفحة 273
Lewis Turco. 19 minor genres : DIDACTICS Didactic poetry is teaching poetry . It is expository in nature , and it ... didactic and propagandistic in nature . The eighteenth century was also particularly fond of didactic poetry ...
Lewis Turco. 19 minor genres : DIDACTICS Didactic poetry is teaching poetry . It is expository in nature , and it ... didactic and propagandistic in nature . The eighteenth century was also particularly fond of didactic poetry ...
الصفحة 283
... didactics is the PRIMER COUPLET , which is merely a dipodic rhymed couplet used for versifying aphorisms : " In ... didactic poems . Notice that lyricism is often used to " carry " the message of the poem , and when lyricism isn't ...
... didactics is the PRIMER COUPLET , which is merely a dipodic rhymed couplet used for versifying aphorisms : " In ... didactic poems . Notice that lyricism is often used to " carry " the message of the poem , and when lyricism isn't ...
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14 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
accentual accentual-syllabic ALFRED KREYMBORG alliteration Anglo-Saxon prosody bells birds blood caesura called consonants Copyright couplet Cynghanedd dark dead death didactic dipodics doth dream E. E. Cummings earth egopoetic elements English eyes falling flesh free verse Frost genres grammatic green haiku Hark hear heart iamb iambic John kiss language lark Lewis Turco light look Lord Randal love supreme lyric means metaphor metrical moon morning mother narrative never night parallel phrase Pocoangelini poem poet poetry point-of-view prose prosody refrain reprinted with permission rhyme rhythm Richard Frost Says Robbin sing sirs song sonic sonnet sound speak stanza story suggested writing assignment sweet syllabic verse syllables techniques tell things thou tree trochee tropes turn verse feet voice W.D. Snodgrass Wallace Stevens William Carlos Williams Williams wind word-count words writing assignment Write written