صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


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SERM. CXXXIII. The unchangeableness of God.James i. 17. With whom is no variableness, nor shadow of turning. The whole period runs thus: Do not err, my beloved brethren: Every good gift, and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, nor fhadow of turning. 304

SERM. CXXXIV. CXXXV. The knowledge of God.1 Sam. ii. 3. The Lord is a God of knowledge.


SERM. CXXXVI. The wifdom, glory, and fovereignty of God.- Jude 25. To the only wife God our Saviour, be glory and majefy, dominion and power, now, and ever. 353

SERM. CXXXVII. The wifdom of God in the creation of the world.- Pfal. civ. 24. O Lord, how manifold are

thy works! in wisdom haft thou made them all.


SERM. CXXXVIII. The wildom of God in his providence. 1 Pet. v. 7. Cafting all your care upon him, for he

careth for you.

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in the redemption Cbrift, the power of


SERM. CXL. The juftice of God, in the diftribution of re

wards and punishments.

the Fudge of all the earth do right?

SERM. CXLI. The truth of God..

A God of truth.

Gen. xviii. 25. Shall not

413 Deut. xxxii. 4.


SERM. CXLII. The holiness of God. 1 Pet. i. 16.

Be ye holy, for I am holy.



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