صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Bibliography 881

Byron, G. G., Lord. Letters and Journals. With notice of his life. By T. Moore. 2 vols. London. 1830.

Byron. By J. Nichol. (English Men of Letters.) London. 1880.

Trelawny, E. J. Records of Shelley, Byron, and the author. 2 vols. London.


Campbell, Thomas. Life and Letters. By W. Beattie. 3 vols. London. 1849.

Thomas Campbell. By J. C. Hadden. (Famous Scots Series.) Edinburgh.


Coleridge, S. T. The Life of S. T. C. By J. Gilman. Vol. I (no more published). London. 1838.

Coleridge. By H. D. Traill. (English Men of Letters.) London. 1878.

Coleridge. By R. Garnett. London. 1904.

Cowper, W. Life. By Thomas Wright. London. 1892.

Crabbe, G. Life. By A. Ainger. (English Men of Letters.) London. 1903.

George Crabbe and his times. By B. Huchon. Trans. from the French

by F. Clark. London. 1907.

Godwin, W. Life. By C. K. Paul.

Godwin, his friends and contemporaries. By C. K. Paul. 2 vols. London. 1876. Hunt, J. H. Leigh. Life. By W. C. Monkhouse. London. 1893.

Autobiography. Edited by R. Ingpen. 2 vols. Westminster. 1903.

Keats, J. Life. By W. M. Rossetti. Bibliography by J. P. Anderson. (Great

Writers.) London. 1889.

Keats. By Sidney Colvin. (English Men of Letters.) London. 1887.

Keats. In Encyclopaedia Britannica. By A. C. Swinburne.

Moore, T. Life. By James Burke. Dublin. 1852.

, Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence. Edited by Lord John Russell.

8 vols. London. 1583-6. Scott, Sir W. Life. By J. G. Lockhart. 10 vols. Edinburgh. 1902-3. Shelley, P. B. Life. By E. Dowden. 2 vols. London. 1886.

Memoir. By W. M. Rossetti. London. 1886.

Shelley. By J. A. Symonds. (English Men of Letters.) London. 1878.

Southey, R. Southey. By E. Dowden. (English Men of Letters.) London.

Life and Correspondence. Edited by his son C. C. Southey. 6 vols. London. 1849-50.

Wordsworth, W. Life. By F. W. H. Myers. (English Men of Letters.)

Memoirs. By C. Wordsworth. 2 vols. London. 1851.


Ackermann, R. Lord Byron. Sein Leben, seine Werke, sein Einfluss auf die

Deutsche Litteratur. Heidelberg. 1901. Addison, J. Works. Ed. G. W. Greene. 6 vols. New York. 1856. Arnold, M. Wordsworth. (Essays in Criticism, Second Series.) London. 1888. Brandes, G. M. C. Shelley and Lord Byron. Leipzig. 1894. Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature. Eng. trans. Vol. v

(Naturalism in England). London. 1905.
Brandl, A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge und die Engl. Romantik. Berlin. 1886.
Bridges, R. Keats: a Critical Essay, s. 1. 1895.

Brooke, Stopford A. Theology in the English Poets. London. 1874.
Courthope, W. J. A History of English Poetry. Vol. v. London. 1905.
Herford, C. H. The Romantic and Classical Styles. Cambridge. 1880.
Hutton, R. H. Literary Essays. 3rd edn. London. 1888.
Legouis, E. The Early Life of William Wordsworth. Translated by J. W.

Matthews. London. 1897.
Masson, D. Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, and other Essays. London. 1874.
Mathias, T. The pursuits of Literature. London. 1794.

c. M. n. x. 56

882 The Revolution in English Poetry and Fiction

Raleigh, W. The English Novel. London. 1894.

Sarrazin, Gabriel. Les poètes modernes de l'Angleterre. Paris. 1885.

La renaissance de la poésie anglaise. Paris. 1889.

Shairp, J. C. Studies in Poetry and Philosophy. Edinburgh. 1886.
Stephen, Leslie. Hours in a Library. 3 vols. London. 1892.
Swinburne, A. C. Studies in poetry and philosophy. 4th edn. Edinburgh.

Sketches in History and Poetry. Edinburgh. 1887.

Warton, Joseph. Essay on the genius and writings of Pope. London. 1806. Warton, Thomas. Observations on the Faery Queene of Spenser. London.

1762. Weddigen, P. H. O. Lord Byron's Einfluss auf die europâischen Litteraturen der

Neuzeit. Hanover. 1884.



For reasons that will be apparent, no complete bibliography of original sources for this chapter can be attempted here. The list given below contains selected histories, many in part contemporary, and a certain number of primary authorities. The latter have, as a rule, only been inserted when they contain the evidence for definite statements in the text. No bibliography is given for topics treated only incidentally, e.g. economic doctrine, economic legislation.


Dictionary of Political Economy. Ed. R. H. I. Palgrave. 3 vols. London. 1894-9. Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. Edd. Konrad, Elster, Lexis, Leonig.

7 vols. Jena. 1898-1901. Schmoller, G. Grundriss der Allgemeinen Volkswirthschaftslehre. 2 vols.

Leipzig. 1901-4.

Beer, A. Allgemeine Geschichte des Welthandels. 3 vols. Vienna. 1860-84. Gulich, G. von. Gesch. Darstellung des Handels . . . der bedeutendsten handels

treibenden Staaten unsrer Zeit. [Continued under other titles.] 5 vols.

1830-45. Moreau de Jonnes, A. Le commerce au 19e siecle. 2 vols. Paris. 1825. Noel, O. Histoire du commerce du monde. 3 vols. 1891-1906. Macpherson, D. Annals of Commerce. 4 vols. London. 1805. Scherer, H. Allgemeine Geschichte des Welthandels. 2 vols. Leipzig. 1852.

Leroy Beaulieu, P. De la colonisation chez les peuples modernes. 2 vols. Paris.

1902. Zimmermann, G. Die europaischen Kolonien. [Portugal, Spain, Great Britain,

France, Holland.] 5 vols. Berlin. 1896-1903.

Babbage, C. On the economy of machinery and manufactures. London. 1832. Kulischcr, J. Die Ursachen des Uebergangs von der Ilanderbeit zur maschinellen

Betriebsweise. Leipzig. J. fur Gesetzgebung. 1906. Marx, H. K. Das Kapital. Kritik der polit. Oeconomie. 2 vols. Hamburg.

1883-5. Transl. Capital, a critical analysis of capitalist production. 2 vols.

London. 1886.
Sombart, W. Der moderne Kapitalismus. 2 vols. Leipzig. 1902.
Ure, A. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. London. 1843.

Levasseur, E. Histoire de la population francaise avant 1789 et de la d&nographie de la France comparée a celle des autres nations au 19e siecle. 3 vols. Paris. 1889-92.

Weber, A. F. The growth of cities. New York. 1899.


884 Economic Change

A. Great Britain

Bremner, D. The industries of Scotland: their rise, progress and present condition.
Edinburgh. 1869.

Cunningham, W. The growth of English industry and commerce. (Modern Times.) 2 vols. Cambridge. 1903.

Eden, Sir F. M. The state of the poor. London. 1797.

Faucher, L. Eludes sur l'Angleterre. 2 vols. Paris. 1845.

Held, A. Zwei Bilcher zur socialen Geschichte Englands. Leipzig. 1881.

Levi, L. History of British Commerce. London. 1880.

Mantoux, P. La Révolution Industrielle au 18" siecle Paris. 1906.

Porter, J. R. Progress of the nation in its various social and economic relations. London. 1851.

Sinclair, Sir J. The statistical account of Scotland. 21 vols. Edinburgh. 1791-9.

—— Analysis of the statistical account of Scotland [with supplementary matter]. 2 vols. Edinburgh. 1825.

Steffen, G. Studien zur Geschichte der englischen Lohnarbeiter. 3 vols. Stuttgart. 1901-5.'

Toynbee, A. Lectures on the industrial revolution of the 18th century in England. London. 1896.

B. France

Avenel, Vicomte G. de. Histoire économique de la propriety, des salaires, des denrees et de tous les prix en géneral depuis l'an 1200 jusqu'en l'an 1800. 4 vols. Paris. 1894-8.

La fortune privée a travers sept siecles. Paris. 1895.

Paysans et ouvriers depuis sept cent ans. Paris. 1899.

Chaptal, J. A. C, Comte de Chanteloup. De l'industrie francaise. 2 vols. Paris.

1819. Chevalier, M. Des interets matériels en France. Paris. 1838. Levasseur, E. Histoire des classes ouvrieres et de l'industrie en France avant

1789. 2 vols. Paris. 1900-1.

Histoire des classes ouvrieres et de l'industrie en France de 1789 a 1870.

2 vols. Paris. 1903-4.

Noel, O. Histoire du commerce exteneur de la France depuis la Revolution. Paris. 1879.

C. Belgium And Holland

Barlet, E. Histoire du commerce et de l'industrie de la Belgique. Malines. 1885.
Briavoinne, N. De l'industrie en Belgique. 2 vols. Brussels. 1839.
Bruyssel, E. van. Histoire du commerce et de la marine en Belgique. 3 vols.

Brussels. 1861-4.
Pringsheim, D. Beitrage zur wirthschaftlichen Entwickelungsgeschichte der

Vereinigten Niederlande im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Leipzig. 1890. Rooy, E. W. de. Geschiedenis van den Nederlandsche Handel. Amsterdam. 1854.

D. Germany And Austria

Banfield, T. C. Industry of the Rhine. 2 vols. London. 1846-8.
Bowring, J. Report on the Prussian Commercial Union. London. 1840.
Dieterici, K. F. W. Der Volkswohlstand im Preussischen Staate. Berlin. 1846.
Falke, J. Die Geschichte des deutschen Handels. Leipzig. 1858.
Keess, S. von. Darstellung des Fabriks- und Gewerbs-wesens . . . mit steter Beriick-
sichtigung . . . des Zustandes . . . im osterr. Kaiserstaate. 4 vols. Vienna. 1824.

Bibliography 885

Schmoller, G. Studien uber die wirthschaftliche Politik Friedrichs des Grossen.

J. fiir Gesetzgebung. Leipzig. 1884-7. Sombart, W. Die deutsche Volkswirthschaft im 19. Jahrhundert. Berlin. 1903. Wiedfeldt, O. Statistische Studien zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Berliner

Industrie von 1720 bis 1890. Leipzig. 1898.

E. Spain

Block, M. L'Espagne en 1850. Paris. 1851.

Moreau de Jonnes, A. Statistique de l'Espagne. Paris. 1834.

F. Italy

Bowring, J. Report on the statistics of Tuscany, Lucca, the Pontifical and the

Lombardo-Venetian States. London. 1839.
Raumer, F. L. G. von. Italien. Beitrage zur Kenntniss dieses Landes. 2 vols.

Leipzig. 1840.
Serristori, Count L. Statistica dell' Italia. Florence. 1842.

G. Switzerland

Wartmann, H. Industrie et commerce. (La Suisse au 19* siecle.) 3 vols.

Lausanne. 1901. Industrie und Handel des Kantons St Gallen. St Gallen. 1875.

H. Russia

Haxthausen, A. F. von. Studien uber die inneren Zustande . . . und insbesondere die landlichen Einrichtungen Russland's. 3 vols. Hanover. 1847-52.

Schulze-Gavernitz, G. von. Volkswirthschaftliche Studien aus Russland. Leipzig. 1899.

Wittschewsky, V. Russlands Handels-, Zoll-, und Industrie Politik von der Zeit Peter des Grossen bis auf die Gegenwart. Berlin. 1904.


Cobbett, W. Rural Rides. New edn. London. 1853.

Gamier, R. M. History of the English landed interest. (Modern Period.)

London. 1893. Hashach, W. Die englischen Landarbeiter in den letzten hundert Jahren und die

Einhagungen. Leipzig. 1894.
Levy, H. Entstehung und Riickgang des landwirthschaft. Grossbetriebes in

England. Berlin. 1904.
Marshall, W. The rural economy of Norfolk. 2 vols. London. 1787.

The rural economy of the Midland counties. 2 vols. London. 1790.

The rural economy of the Southern counties. 2 vols. London. 1798.

Prothero, R. E. Pioneers and progress of English farming. London. 1888. Rogers, J. E. T. A history of agriculture and prices in England. 7 vols. Oxford.


Young, A. A six weeks' tour through the southern counties. London. 1768.

A six months' tour through the north of England. 4 vols. London. 1770.

The farmer's tour through the east of England. 4 vols. London. 1771.

Foville, A. de. Le morcellement. Paris. 1885.

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