صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

886 Economic Change

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Simkhowitsch, W. G. Die Feldgemeinschaft in Russland. Jena. 1898.


Colson, C. Transports et tarifs. Paris. 1898.

Foville, A. de. La transformation des moyens de transport et ses consequences economiques et sociales. Paris. 1880.

GStz, W. Die Verkehrswege im Dienste des Welthandels. Stuttgart. 1888.

Hadley, A. T. Railroad transportation. New York. 1885.

Huber, F. C. Die geschichtliche Entwickelung des modernen Verkehrs. Tubingen. 1893.

Lindsay, W. S. History of merchant shipping and ancient commerce. 4 vols. London. 1874-6.

Sax, E. Die Verkehrsmittel in Volks- und Staatswirthschaft. 2 vols. Vienna. 1878-9.

Cornewall-Jones, R. J. The British merchant service. London. 1898.

Smiles, S. Lives of the engineers ... comprising also a history of inland communication in Britain. 3 vols. London. 1861-2.

Williams, F. S. Our iron roads, their history, construction and social influences.
London. 1852.

Guillaumot, G. L'organisation des chemins de fer en France. Paris. 1899.
Picard, G. Les chemins de fer francais. 6 vols. Paris. 1884-5.
Laveleye, A. de. Histoire des vingt-cinq premieres années des chemins-de-fer
beiges. Brussels. 1862.

Cohn, G. Die Anfange des deutschen Eisenbahnwesens. Z. fur Staatswissenschaft.

1891. Lotz, W. Die Verkehrsentwickelung in Deutschland. Leipzig. 1900.


Baines, E. History of the cotton manufacture in Great Britain. London. 1835.
Chapman, S. J. The Lancashire cotton industry. Manchester. 1904.
Houdoy, J. La filature de coton dans le nord de la France. Paris. 1903.

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Beck, L. Die Geschichte des Eisens. 4 vols. Brunswick. 1891-9.

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Matschoss, C. Geschichte der Dampfmaschine. Berlin. 1901. Smiles, S. Lives of Boulton and Watt . . . comprising also a history of . . . the steam engine. London. 1865.


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Halle. 1870.
Taylor, R. W. C. The modern factory system. London. 1891.
Webb, S. and B. The history of trade unionism. London. 1902.


Amé, L. Études sur les tarifs des douanes et sur les traités de commerce. 2 vols.

Paris. 1876. Brandt, A. von. Beitrâge zur Geschichte der frânzos. Handelspolitik. Leipzig.

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Les finances du consulat. Paris. 1902.

Weber, W. Der deutsche Zollverein. Leipzig. 1869.

See also Bibliography to Chapter XI

Courtois, A. Histoire de la banque de France et des principales institutions

françaises de crédit depuis 1716. Paris. 1875. Kerr, A. W. History of banking in Scotland. Edinburgh. 1902. Macleod, H. D. The theory and practice of banking. 2 vols. London. 1892. Mees, W. C. Proeve eener geschiedenis van het bankwezen in Nederland.

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Les grandes compagnies de commerce. Paris. 1892.

Duguid, C. The story of the Stock Exchange. London. 1901.
Ellison, T. The cotton trade of Great Britain. London. 1886.
Frignet, E. Histoire de l'association commerciale. Paris. 1868.
Goldschmidt, L. Alte und neue Formen der Handelsgesellschaft. In vol. ii of

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Huvelin, P. Essai historique sur le droit des marchés et des foires. Paris.

1897. Jannet, C. Le capital, la spéculation et la finance au 19e siècle. Paris. 1891. Juglar, C. Des crises commerciales et de leur retour périodique en France, en

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1901. Tooke, T. A history of prices and of the state of the currency. 4 vols. London.

1838-48. Wirth, M. Geschichte der Handelskrisen. Frankfort. 1890.

See also Bibliography to Chapter XXIV



Cunningham, W. Growth of English Industry and Commerce in Modern Times.
Vol. ii, Part 2. Bibliographical Index. Cambridge. 1903.

Foxwell, H. S. Catalogue of the Goldsmiths' Economic Library in the University of London. (Not published.)

McCulloch, J. R. The Literature of Political Economy: a classified Catalogue of select Publications in the different Departments of that Science, with historical, critical and bibliographical notices. London. 1845.

Palgrave, R. H. Inglis. Dictionary of Political Economy. 3 vols. London. 1894-9.


Barbon, N. A Discourse of Trade. London. 1690.

Bray, J. F. Labour's Wrongs and Labour's Remedy; or the Age of Might and the Age of Right. Leeds. 1839.

Cantillon, R. Essai sur la Nature du Commerce en general, traduit de 1'Anglais. London. 1750. Reprinted for Harvard University, 1891.

Chalmers, T. On Political Economy in connection with the Moral State and Moral Prospects of Society. London. 1832.

Eden, Sir F. M. The State of the Poor, an History of the Labouring Classes in England from the Conquest to the present period, in which are particularly considered their domestic economy with respect to diet, dress, fuel, and habitation, and the various plans which from time to time have been proposed and adopted for the relief of the poor, together with Parochial Reports relative to the administration of Workhouses, and Houses of Industry; the State of Friendly Societies, and other public institutions, in several agricultural, commercial, and manufacturing districts, with a large appendix. London. 1797.

Godwin, W. Enquiry concerning Political Justice. London. 1793. Second edition with material alterations, 1796.

Hall, C. The Effects of Civilisation on the People in European States. London. 1805.

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Hume, D. Political Discourses. London. 1752.

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McCulloch, J. R. Principles of Political Economy; with a Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Science. London. 1825.

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