صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

896 Chronological Table

1827 October. Battle of Navarino. December. Resignation of Villele.

Manzoni's Promessi Sposi and Heine's Buck der Lieder.

1828 January. Ministries of Wellington and Martignac formed.

„ South-German Customs-treaty between Bavaria and Wurttem

February. Treaty of Turkmanchay between Russia and Persia.
March. Capodistrias President in Greece.
May. War between Russia and the Porte.
June. Dom Miguel proclaimed King of Portugal.
July. Protocol of London.

August. Ibrahim agrees to evacuate the Morea. September. Saxony negotiates a Mid-German commercial union. Revolt in Catalonia. Repeal of Test and Corporation Acts. 1828-9 November-March. Conference of London places a large part of Greece under the guarantee of the Powers.

1829 April. Catholic Relief Bill passed.

May. Customs' treaty between North and South German Customs' Unions.

August. Polignac's Ministry formed.

September. Treaty of Adrianople between Russia and Turkey.

1830 June. Death of George IV and accession of William IV.
July-August. Revolution in Paris. Louis-Philippe called to power.

Establishment of the Orleans monarchy.
August-September. Revolt of the Belgians against King of Holland.
November. Outbreak of the Polish Revolution.

„ Resignation of Wellington. Lord Grey's Ministry formed.

December. Death of Bolivar. Revolutions in Germany. Risings in Central Italy. Victor Hugo's Hernani. 1830-3 Beginnings of French colonisation in Algeria. 1830-44 Completion of the German Zollverein.

1831. January. Protocols of London recognising the independence of Belgium. February. Battle of Grochov near Warsaw.

„ Election of Pope Gregory XVI.

February-March. Rising in the Papal States.
March. The ministry of Casimir Perier takes office.
April. Abdication of Pedro I, Emperor of Brazil, and accession of Pedro II.

„ Accession of Carlo Alberto in the Sardinian Kingdom.

May. Polish defeat at Ostrolenka.

July. Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg becomes King of the Belgians.
August. Dutch invasion of Belgium. French intervention.
September. Entry of Russian troops into Warsaw. End of the Polish

Revolution, and of the constitutional kingdom of Poland.
October. Treaty of the Twenty-four Articles.
November. Revolt of Mehemet Ali and invasion of Syria by his son

Mazzini founds the society of " Young Italy."
1832 May. European recognition of the new Greek State.
,, Death of Casimir Perier.

June. The English Reform Bill passed. July. Dom Pedro's expedition lands in Portugal. November. French expedition to Antwerp. Publication of Ranke's Historisch-politische Zeitschrift begun. Rosmini's Cinque Piaghe della Santa Chiesa and Silvio Pellico's Mie Prigioni. 1832-3 Siege of Oporto.

Chronological Table 897

1832-8 French troops in Ancona.

1833 January. Otto, King of the Hellenes, lands in Nauplia.

April-May. Convention of Kiutayeh between the Sultan and Mehemet Ali.

May. Convention of London between Holland and Belgium.
July. Treaty of Unkiar Skelessi between Russia and the Porte.

„ Napier destroys the fleet of Dom Miguel off Cape St Vincent.

Miguelist defeat at Piedade. Dom Pedro enters Lisbon. September. Convention of Munchengratz betw. Russia, Prussia, and Austria.

„ Death of Ferdinand VII of Spain.

October. Convention of Berlin between Russia, Prussia, and Austria.
Chile establishes a presidential system of government.
First English Factory Act, and Act for the Abolition of Slavery, passed.

1834 April. Quadruple Alliance between Great Britain, France, Spain, and

Queen Maria II of Portugal.
May. Dom Miguel leaves Portugal.
July. Carlist war begins in Spain.

November. Dismissal of Melbourne, and formation of Peel's Ministry.
English Poor Law Amendment Act passed.

1835 March. Death of Francis I of Austria and accession of Ferdinand I. April. Melbourne's return to office.

June. French defeat on the Macta.
December. French victory at Mascara.
English Municipal Reform Act.
Strauss' Leben Jesu.

1836 September. Revolution in Lisbon.
December. French victory at Tlemcen.

Tithe Commutation. Establishment of the Ecclesiastical Commission. 1836-7 Risings in Canada.

1837 June. Death of William IV and accession of Queen Victoria. Separation

of Great Britain and Hanover.

„ Treaty of the Tafna.

October. French capture of Constantine.
November. Religious struggle in Germany. Arrest of Archbishop of


1838 Publication of the Charter. Irish Poor Law passed. Lord Durham Governor-General of Canada.

1839 April. Final recognition of the independence of Belgium.

,, Turkish invasion of Syria.
May. Peel resigns on the Bedchamber Question.
June. War between the Sultan and Mehemet Ali.
July. Death of the Sultan Mahmud.
Completion of the French conquest of Algeria.
Beginnings of State-control of Education in England.

1840 June. Death of Frederick William III of Prussia.

„ End of the Carlist War in Spain.

July-Aug. Convention of London and intervention of the Powers against

Mehemet Ali.
October. Abdication of the Spanish Regency by Queen Cristina.
Marriage of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
Act for the Government of Canada passed.

1841 May-June. Regency of Espartero in Spain.
June. Peace between the Porte and Mehemet Ali.
July. Protocole de CIMure and Protocole des Detroits.
August. Peel Prime Minister.

1842 January. Revolution in the Portuguese government.
November. Treaty of the Hague between Holland and Belgium.

1843 Gioberti's Primato morale e civiledegli Italiani and Balbo's Speranze d'Italia.

c. M. B. x. 57

898 Chronological Table

1845 The Protest of Rimini.
Gioberti's Prolegomeni al Primato.

1846 May. Revolution in Portugal.
June. Accession of Pope Pius IX.

1847 July. Convention of Gramido ends the civil war in Portugal.


Abbaa Pasha, 550

Abbot, Charles, Speaker of the House of
Commons, 634

Abd-el-Kader, Algerian chief, 503 sqq.

Abdy Bey, Turkish Court jester, 556

Abdullah, Pasha of Acre, 549

Abd-ul-Mejid, Sultan, 562

Aberdeen, George Hamilton-Gordon, fourth
Earl of, and the Greek Question, 200,
203; and the agreement with France
(1830), 482 sq.; Colonial Secretary, 667

Aboukir, Mehemet Ali at, 547

Achaltsik, acquired by Russia, 444

A'Court, Sir William, see Heytesbury

Acre, the divan meshura at, 559; surrender
of, 571

Adair, Sir Robert, 542

Adams, John, President of the United
States, and Spanish America, 280

Adana, occupied by the Egyptian army,
550; 553 sq.

Addison, Joseph, 696; 699

Adelaide, Madame (Princess Eugene-
Louise-Adelaide of Orleans), sister of
Louis-Philippe, 479; 484

Adelfi, secret society, in Lecce, 111

Adrianople, Treaty of, 98; 200; 202 sq.;
444; 481; 545

Adriatic Sea, Greek piracy in, 186

Aegean Sea, Greek piracy in, 186

Ahmed Pasha, Turkish admiral, 562

Aix-la-Chapelle, Congress of, 12; 14 sqq.;
56 ; 69 ; 353 ; and Baden, 362 ; 364

Akkerman, Treaty of, 192 sq.; repudiated
by the Sultan, 198

Alag6n, Duke of, 208

Albani, Joseph, Cardinal, Papal Secretary
of State, 154 sq.

Albania, successes of Ali Pasha in, 176;
177 ; 549; revolt in, 560

Albert, Prince, of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, mar-
ried to Queen Victoria, 681

Albrecht, C., professor at Gottingen, 379

Alemtejo, the Duke of Terceira in, 333

Aleppo, 550; revolt in, 559

Alessandria, revolt at, 116

Alexander I, Tsar, and the general
Alliance, 3, 15-18, 25, 30, 36; and
the Treaty of Tilsit, 3; 7; character
and policy of, 8 sq.; and the Holy Al-

liance, 9 sq.; and the Treaty of Paris,
11; at Aix-la-Chapelle, 14-20; and the
Slave-trade, 19; and Austria's German
policy, 22 sq.; change of opinions of, 23,
25, 27, 364 sq., 438 sq.; at Troppau, 27,
438; and the Turkish Question, 32; in-
fluenced by Metternich, 34; and Spanish
affairs, 35, 211, 222 sqq.; hostile to
France, 45; and the Due de Richelieu,
47; 50; favours the evacuation of France
by the Allies, 56; 69; 74; and Cardinal
Consalvi, 141; and the Treaty of Bu-
charest, 169; and the disputes with the
Porte, 175; and the Ionian Islands,
177 ; 179 ; and the execution of Gregorios,
183; 199; and the Eastern Question,
187 sqq.; at Czernovitz, 187 ; and the St
Petersburg Conference, 188; 349; influ-
ence of, upon the King of Prussia, 352;
and Stourdza's pamphlet, 364; and the
Germanic Federal constitution, 368; 370;
wars of, prior to 1815, 413; the military
colonies of, 415 sq. ; and the navy, 417 ;
and Jeremy Bentham, 418; and the
Senate, ibid.; and the Committee of
Ministers, 419; and provincial adminis-
tration, 420; and the prisons, 422; and
the Church, 424; dismisses Galitzin,
425 ; and the abolition of serfdom, 428;
and the secret societies, 432, 439; and
Finland, 434 sq.; and the imperial family,
436; and the succession to the throne,
437; schemes of (1815-19), 437 sq.; and
Poland, 445 sq., 448; enters Warsaw,
446; signs the Polish Constitution, ibid.;
Concordat of, with Pius VII (1818), 449;
at the Diets at Warsaw, 450 sqq., 455 sq.;
and the Polish bishops, 452; and Polish
secret societies, 453 sq.; 458; and the
Lithuanian provinces, 459, 464; and the
Republic of Cracow, 460 ; death of (1825),
190, 435, 439

Alexander II, Tsar, 436; at Warsaw, 458;
visits England (1839), 558

Alexandra Feodorovna (Princess Charlotte
of Prussia), consort of the Tsar Nicholas I,

Alexandretta, Turkish fleet at, 550

Alexandria, Turkish fleet at, 562; 565;
Sir Charles Napier at, 571; 572

[blocks in formation]

Alfieri, Vittorio, 106

Algeciras, Freemasons of, 215

Algeria, France and, 98 sq.; 502 sqq.

AH, Pasha of Drama, 181 ; 185

Pasha of Janina, 172 sq.; the successes

of, 176; claims Parga, 177; deposed by
the Sultan, ibid.; death of, 178 ; 181; 547

Allen, William, visits Russian prisons, 422

Almada, captured by the Duke of Terceira,

Almoster, victory of Saldanha at, 336

Alsace, the cotton industry in, 753; 758

Altenstein, Karl von Stein zuin, Prussian
statesman, 351; educational system of,
355; 370; 372; 382

Althorp, John Charles Spencer, Viscount
(afterwards third Earl Spencer), 593;
603 ; 678; and the Reform Bills, 609 sqq.;
614 ; 655 ; 657 ; emancipates the Crown
slaves, 659; and the Factory Act, 660;
and the house-tax, ibid.; and the Poor
Law, 662; resigns, 663 sq.; takes office
in the Melbourne ministry, 664 ; succeeds
to the earldom, 665 ; and municipal re-
form, 670 ; 673; 676 sq.

Alvear, Supreme Director of the Argentine
Provinces, 301

Amarante, Count of, 316

Amat, Cardinal-Legate at Ravenna, 156

America, North, emigration to, 762

Spanish, under Spanish rule,

Chap. VIII passim; the establishment of
independence in, Chap. IX passim, 31,
34, 38; 19; and the Congress of Verona,
33 sq.; 186; and Great Britain, 212;
revolutionary agents from, 213; and the
United States, ibid.; foreign trade with,
586, 761

Amiens, Jean-Pierre de Gallien de Chalons,
Bishop of, 85

Ampere, .lean-Jacques, 101

Amsterdam, risings in (1813), 517; 518;
533 ; and European finance, 728, 742 sq.;
745; the Bank of, 746; and the Eastern
trade, 761

Anahuac, the Indians of, 260 sq.

Anapa, acquired by Russia, 202, 444

Anatolia, 553; Reshid Pasha in, 559 sq.

Ancillon, Johann Peter Friedrich, Prussian
Minister, 350 sq.; 376

Ancona, 150; occupied by French troops,
155 sq., 488, 506

Andalusia, 228; the French in, 285

Andrada, José Bonifacio de, and the in-
dependence of Brazil, 314 sq.; 317 sq.;
guardian of Pedro II, 325

Martin Francisco de, Brazilian

statesman, 315; 317 sq.

Andrade, Gomez Freire de, Portuguese
general, 312

Andre de Puyraveau, French deputy, 476;

Anglesey, Henry William Paget, Marquess
of, Viceroy of Ireland, 648; 650 sq.; and
reforms in Ireland, 657; 663

Angostura, Bolfvar in, 293 sq.

Angouleme, Louis-Antoine de Bourbon,
Due de, enters Spain with a French army
(1823), 36; 46; in Spain, 80, 228, 230;
return of, 80

Marie-Therese-Charlotte, Duchesse

de, 62

Angra, garrison of, 323 sq.; English mer-
cenaries at, 326

Anhalt-Bernburg, extinction of House of,

Alexius, Duke of, 373

Anhalt-Dessau, and the Germanic Con-
federation, 344

Leopold, Duke of, 373

Anhalt-Kothen, 343; and the Prussian
tariff-treaty, 372 sq.

Ferdinand, Prince of, 373

Anna Feodorovna of Coburg, consort of the
Tsarevich Constantine, 436

Anson, George, Lord, 273

Anti-Eugeniani, secret society, in Milan,

Anti-Jacobin, the, 580; 700

Antilles, the, administration of, 248; 257;
Spanish trade with, 275

Antologia, the, Italian review, 128

Antonelli, Giacomo, Cardinal, Papal Secre-
tary of State, 156

Antony, King of Saxony, 374

Antwerp, 522; prosperity of, 533; Prince
of Orange at, 535, 537; plots at, 539;
siege of, 543 ; 759

Apodaca, Juan Ruiz de, Viceroy of
Mexico, 304

Apostolato popolare, 106

Apponyi, Anton Rudolf, Count, at Rome,
139 ; at Paris, 495

Arago, Dominique-Francois, 499

Aragon, Carlist forces in, 239 sq.

Arakcheieff, Alexis, Russian general, 416;
supports Archbishop Seraphim, 425; op-
pressive rule of, 427 ; 428; 437

Aranjuez, absolutist demonstrations in,

Araujo de Lima, Pedro, Regent of Brazil,

Arcos, revolt at, 216

Arenales, Juan Antonio Alvarez de, 293

Argenson, Marc-Rene de Voyer de, 45;
61; 65; and the plots of 1820-2, 68,
76; 485; 491

Rene-Louis, Marquis de, 770

Argentine Republic, independence of, 287,
301; war of, with Brazil, 301, 325

Arguelles, Augustin, 218; 222; appointed
guardian to Queen Isabel, 242

Arkwright, Sir Richard, 735

Arlanges, General de, in Algeria, 504

Armenia, Russia and, 545

Armfelt, Count Gustaf, Governor-General
of Finland, 433; 435

Arndt, Ernst Moritz, 352; 365; 403 sq.

Arnim, Ludwig Achim von, 401 sqq.; goes
to Berlin, 404; 405 sqq.

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