صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني










THE following chapters contain the substance of six Addresses, delivered in the course of November and December last, accompanied with some modifications, and considerable additions. The chapter on Belgium is the substance of a lecture delivered in April last, in Edinburgh, at the request of the Continental Society of that city. All the subjects treated would have admitted of much enlargement; but I was desirous of presenting them in a form as condensed as their importance would allow.

I am unable to account for the fact, that the religious condition of the European continent, and its claims on the zealous interest of Christians in this country, attract the regard of the friends of evangelical religion to so small a degree, comparatively, as they seem to have done hitherto. Far from me be the wish to abate exertion for the diffusion of the light of the Gospel over these populous regions, in the East, in the West, and in the South, which Divine Providence has subjected to the empire of Britain, or in any other quarter of the world. My fervent prayer is, that it may please God to augment those efforts a hundred fold. Nor do I wish to overlook or undervalue the influence of individuals, and of some Societies, whose benevolence has been directed to various parts of the Continent. But what


enlightened Christian can hear of the desolations of most of the Reformed churches, without deep emotion— without cherishing the desire of becoming instrumental in their spiritual resuscitation ?-that, in place of appearing in small and feeble groups, scarcely preserving the existence of religion in their little communities, they may be inspired with new life, may lengthen the cords and strengthen the stakes of their tabernacles, and soon be enabled to proportion their efforts for the evangelization of their respective localities, in some due measure, to the necessities demanding them. And who can estimate the amount of accession which christian effort for the approaching extension of the kingdom of Christ over the world would receive, were these foreign churches awakened to new zeal, augmented by many converts, and enlisted with cordial energy in the service of the Gospel?

Would any concentration of British influence be too great for the realization, under the blessing of God, of such objects? If we are inert, Rome is not; and if she advance with as gigantic strides for a few years longer, as she has done for the few years past, the ground may soon be too exclusively occupied, and too securely guarded, for us to attempt it. Would that the zeal of Rome might provoke Britain to jealousy!

If any thing in the following pages shall contribute, in any degree, to excite or increase British interest in the spiritual welfare of our continental brethren, my chief object in preparing them will be accomplished.

GLASGOW, March 13, 1844.

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