All England Law Reports, المجلد 2Law Journal, 1955 "All England law reports noted against Halsbury's Laws of England:" table pub. Oct. 23 and Dec. 4, 1952, and therafter in the 1st Report of each month. Cf. Announcement, Oct. 23, 1952. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 25
الصفحة 216
... club for the encouragement and development in Great Britain of the auto - motor vehicle and other allied industries , and for the accommodation of members of the company and their friends , and to provide a club - house or club - rooms ...
... club for the encouragement and development in Great Britain of the auto - motor vehicle and other allied industries , and for the accommodation of members of the company and their friends , and to provide a club - house or club - rooms ...
الصفحة 225
... club proprietor , and not that of a picture dealer • " " It is in those last few words which I have read that , it is said , the answer to the present problem resides . In the reserved judgment of this court delivered by SIR HERBERT ...
... club proprietor , and not that of a picture dealer • " " It is in those last few words which I have read that , it is said , the answer to the present problem resides . In the reserved judgment of this court delivered by SIR HERBERT ...
الصفحة 226
... club ] altogether differentiates their enterprise from that of an individual or company carrying on an ordinary proprietary club with the object of making a profit out of the supply of club amenities . . . B Then the lord justice ...
... club ] altogether differentiates their enterprise from that of an individual or company carrying on an ordinary proprietary club with the object of making a profit out of the supply of club amenities . . . B Then the lord justice ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
27 Digest Repl action adultery agree agreement Agricultural alleged application bankruptcy Barrister-at-Law breach British Transport Commission Ch.D charge claim contract costs counsel County Council county court Court of Appeal covenant creditor damages debtor decision decree decree nisi defendants Digest Supp dismissed effect ENGLAND LAW REPORTS entitled evidence executor F G H fact ground HALSBURY'S LAWS 2nd HALSBURY'S STATUTES 2nd HALSBURY'S STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS hereditament husband judgment jurisdiction justices land landlord LAW REPORTS 1955 LAWS 2nd Edn learned judge liability loading place London County Council LORD LORD GODDARD maintenance marriage Matrimonial Causes matter notice ONIBURY paid parties payment person petition plaintiff premises present proceedings purposes question reason referred regard rent REPORTS 1955 Vol respect rule ship SIR RAYMOND EVERSHED Solicitors STATUTES 2nd Edn statutory tenant tribunal trustees West London Magistrates wife wife's words