THE SPIRIT OF THE PUBLIC JOURNALS, FOR 1805. THE Public, is a being with many heads, and confequently poffeffes as many dif ferent minds; as thofe can amply testify who are the fervants of its will, among whom printers perhaps, are the chief Butlers and Bakers. "Give us more foreign intelligence," fays the newfmonger," and let domeftic politics. alone." "Battle the feds; dafh away at the demos," cries the politician; "a fig for your foreign intelligence, unless you can fend Emperor Buonaparte into England up to his knees in blood. We do not want to hear about fhips fpoken at fea-a courier paffing through Hampergofcamperdum-Marthal Helter Skelter, holding audience with his ferene highnefs, the landgrave of Lubberdegullion, or the marriage of count Waddletwattle, with her ladyship the duchess of Winkumfquintum ; let not your paper detail fuch unimportant advices.""Hit the federal or democratic editors," ex-. claims the third, "nothing I like fo well as B |