All England Law Reports, المجلد 1Butterworth., 1955 "All England law reports noted against Halsbury's Laws of England:" table pub. Oct. 23 and Dec. 4, 1952, and therafter in the 1st Report of each month. Cf. Announcement, Oct. 23, 1952. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 66
الصفحة 75
... BANK . [ CHANCERY DIVISION ( Wynn - Parry , J. ) , December 7 , 8 , 14 , 1954. ] Company - Winding - up - Foreign bank dissolved abroad - Branch office in England - Debt , balance on current account , in foreign currency - Proof by ...
... BANK . [ CHANCERY DIVISION ( Wynn - Parry , J. ) , December 7 , 8 , 14 , 1954. ] Company - Winding - up - Foreign bank dissolved abroad - Branch office in England - Debt , balance on current account , in foreign currency - Proof by ...
الصفحة 76
... Bank Corpn . , [ 1921 ] 3 K.B. 110 ; 90 L.J.K.B. 973 ; 125 L.T. 338 ; 21 Digest 639 , 2188 . ( 5 ) Russian & English Bank & Florance Montefiore Guedalla v . Baring Bros. & Co. , Ltd. , [ 1936 ] 1 All E.R. 505 ; [ 1936 ] A.C. 405 ; 105 ...
... Bank Corpn . , [ 1921 ] 3 K.B. 110 ; 90 L.J.K.B. 973 ; 125 L.T. 338 ; 21 Digest 639 , 2188 . ( 5 ) Russian & English Bank & Florance Montefiore Guedalla v . Baring Bros. & Co. , Ltd. , [ 1936 ] 1 All E.R. 505 ; [ 1936 ] A.C. 405 ; 105 ...
الصفحة 813
... Bank of England claiming to have her name restored to the register of securities in respect of a holding of consolidated stock the transfer of which had been registered by the bank on a series of seven forged transfers . The bank joined ...
... Bank of England claiming to have her name restored to the register of securities in respect of a holding of consolidated stock the transfer of which had been registered by the bank on a series of seven forged transfers . The bank joined ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
action agree agreement alleged applied argument authority Barrister-at-Law Ch.D charitable child circumstances claim Club contract contributory negligence Council counsel county court Court of Appeal damages decision defendant detinue Digest Repl dismissed duty ENGLAND LAW REPORTS entitled EVERSHED evidence F G H fact HALSBURY'S LAWS 2nd HALSBURY'S STATUTES 2nd HALSBURY'S STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS held House of Lords husband income Inland Revenue institute judgment jurisdiction justices land landlord LAW REPORTS 1955 LAWS 2nd Edn learned judge lease liability licence LORD GODDARD Lordships lotteries matter meaning Minister negligence notice offence opinion owner particular parties payment person plaintiff premises present principal company principle profits tax purchase purposes QUEEN'S BENCH DIVISION question rackrent reason referred regard REPORTS 1955 Vol respect respondent rule SIR RAYMOND EVERSHED solicitors STATUTES 2nd Edn tenant threshing machine trust wife words