Changes to Julia's chamber. Enter Julia and Lucetta. 5 Jul. But fay, Lucetta, now we are alone, Luc. Please you, repeat their names, I'll fhew According to my shallow fimple skill. Jul. What think'ft thou of the fair Sir Eglamour? Jul. What think'st thou of the rich Mercatio? his name? Luc. Pardon, dear madam; 'tis a paffing fhame, That I, unworthy body as I am, Should cenfure' thus on lovely gentlemen. Jul. Why not on Protheus, as of all the reft? [Exit. Jul. And yet, I would I had o'erlook'd the letter. 20 25 Luc. Then thus, of many good, I think him beft. 30 Jul. Your reafon ? Luc. I have no other but a woman's reason; I think him fo, because I think him fo. Jul. And would'st thou have me caft my love on him? 35 Luc. Ay, if you thought your love not caft away. Jul. I would I knew his mind. Luc. Sir Valentine's page; and fent, I think, He would have given it you, but I, being in the way, 145 Jul. What is 't that you Took up fo gingerly? Luc. Nothing. Jul. Why didft thou stoop then? Luc. To take a paper up, that I let fall. Jul. And is that paper nothing? Luc. Nothing concerning me. Jul. Then let it lie for those that it concerns. Luc. Madam, it will not lye where it concerns, Unless it have a falfe interpreter. Jul. Some love of yours hath writ to you in rhime. Luc. That I might fing it, madam, to a tune: Give me a note; your ladyship can set. ful. As little by such toys as may be possible: Jul. Heavy? belike, it hath fome burden then. Luc. I cannot reach fo high. Jul. Let's fee your fong:-How now, minion? Luc. No, madam, it is too sharp. 55 And mar the concord with too harsh a defcant+: ■ To cenfure means, in this place, to pafs fentence. times for procuress. 2 A broker was used for matchmaker, fome. 3 Stomach was used for passion or obftinacy. 4 Defcant is a term in music. 5 The mean is the tenor in mufic. • The speaker here turns the allufion (which her mistress employed) from the bafe in mufic to a country exercise, Bid the bafe: in which some purfue, and others are made prisoners. Jul. This babble fhall not henceforth trouble me.] Here is a coil with proteftation!- [Tears it. Put forth their fons to feek preferment out: Go, get you gone; and let the papers lie: beft pleas'd Jul. Nay, would I were fo anger'd with the Oh hateful hands, to tear fuch loving words! He faid, that Protheus, your fon, was meet; Ant. Nor need'ft thou much importune me to 15 Not being try'd, and tutor'd in the world: I throw thy name against the bruifing ftones, [bear Lo, here in one line is his name twice writ,- Luc. Madam, dinner's ready, and your father Ant. I know it well. [him thither: Worthy his youth, and nobleness of birth. Ant. I like thy counfel; well haft thou advis'd; And, that thou may'ft perceive how well I like it, 30 The execution of it fhall make known; Even with the speediest expedition I will difpatch him to the emperor's court. [phonfo, 35 Are journeying to falute the emperor, Jul. If thou refpe&t them, beft to take them up. 49 Yet here they fhall not lie, for catching cold. I fee things too, although you judge I wink. SCENE Anthonio's boufe. III. Enter Anthonis and Panthino. Ant. Tell me, Panthino, what fad talk was Wherewith my brother held you in the cloister? Fant. He wonder'd, that your lord/hip 50 Pro. Sweet love! fweet lines! fweet life! Ant. Lend me the letter; let me fee what news. How happily he lives, how well belov'd, 55 Wishing me with him, partner of his fortune. Ant. My will is fomething forted with his wish: 6c Mufe not that I thus fuddenly proceed; A month's mind was an anniversary in times of popery; or, as Mr. Ray calls it, a lefs folemnity directed by the will of the deceafed. There was alfo a year's mind, and a week's mind. See Proverbial Phrafes. 2 Sad is the fame as grave or ferious. 3 Impeachment is bindrance. 4 The old expreffion when fomething happened which fuited the thing in hand, fimilar to the French à propose For For what I will, I will, and there an end. I am refolv'd, that thou shalt spend some time Pro. My lord, I cannot be fo foon provided; [after thee: And drench'd me in the fea, where I am drown'd: Ant. Look, what thou want'ft, fhall be fent 10 Pant. Sir Protheus, your father calls for you; He is in hafte, therefore, I pray you, go. Pro. Why, this it is; my heart accords thereto; And yet a thousand times it answers, no. [Exeunt. 151 ACT II. Val. Why, fir, who bad you call her? Speed. Your worship, fir; or else I mistook. 25 phos'd with a mistress, that, when I look on you, I Val. Are all these things perceiv'd in me? Speed. Without you? nay, that's certain; for, 351 Val. Doft thou know her by my gazing on her, Val. Well, you'll ftill be too forward. [flow. 40 and yet know'st her not? Speed. And yet I was last chidden for being too Val. Go to, fir; tell me, do you know madam Silvia? Speed. She that your worship loves? 45 Speed. Is the not hard-favour'd, fir? Speed. That she is not so fair, as (of you) wellfavour'd. Val. I mean, that her beauty is exquifite, but her favour infinite. Speed. That's becaufe the one is painted, and Val. Why, how know you that I am in love? Speed. Marry, by thefe fpecial marks: Firft, you have learn'd, like fir Protheus, to wreath your arms like a male-content; to relish a love-fong, like a Robin-red-breast; to walk alone, like one that had the peftilence; to figh, like a school-boy 50 the other out of all count. that had loft his A. B. C; to weep, like a young wench that had buried her grandam; to fast, like one that takes diet 2; to watch, like one that fears robbing; to speak puling, like a beggar at Hallowmas 3. You were wont, when you laugh'd, to 55 beauty. crow like a cock; when you walk'd, to walk like one of the lions; when you fafted, it was pre-| fently after dinner; when you look'd fadly, it was for want of money: and now you are metamor Val. How painted? and how out of count? Speed. Marry, fir, fo painted, to make her fair, that no man counts of her beauty. Val. How efteem'ft thou me? I account of her Speed. You never faw her fince he was deform'd. Val. How long hath she been deform'd? That is, allowance. 2 To take diet was the phrafe for being under a regimen. That is, about the feast of All-Saints, when the poor people in Staffordshire, and probably in Warwickshire, go from parish to parish a fouling as they call it; i. e. begging and puling (or fmall) for foul-cakes, or any good thing to make them merry, This custom feems a remnant of Popish superstition to pray for departed fouls, particularly thofe of friends Val. I have lov'd her, ever fince I faw her; and ftill I fee her beautiful. Speed. If you love her, you cannot fee her. Speed. Because love is blind. O, that you had 5 mine eyes; or your own eyes had the lights they were wont to have, when you chid at fir Protheus for going ungarter'd! Val. What should I fee then? Speed. Your own prefent folly, and her paffing 1 deformity: for he, being in love, could not fee to garter his hofe; and you, being in love, cannot fee to put on your hose. Val. Belike, boy, then you are in love; for laft morning you could not fee to wipe my fhoes. Speed. True, fir; I was in love with my bed: I thank you, you fwing'd me for my love, which makes me the bolder to chide you for yours. Val. In conclufion, I stand affected to her. Speed. I would you were fet, so your affection would cease. Val. Laft night fhe enjoin'd me to write some lines to one fhe loves. Speed. And have you? Val. I have. Speed. Are they not lamely writ? Val. No, boy, but as well as I can do them : Peace, here the comes. Enter Silvia. Speed. Oh excellent motion! 15 Speed. O jest unseen, inscrutable, invisible, As a nofe on a man's face, or a weathercock on a steeple! [fuitor, My mafter fues to her; and the hath taught her He being her pupil, to become her tutor. 200 excellent device! was there ever heard a better? That my master, being the scribe, to himself should write the letter? 25 Oh, exceeding 30 puppet! now will he interpret to her. Val. Madam and miftrefs, a thoufand good morrows. Speed. Oh! 'give ye good even! here's a million of manners. Sil. Sir Valentine and fervant 2, to you two thousand. Speed. He fhould give her intereft; and fhe gives it him. Speed. To yourfelf; why, fhe wooes you by a Speed. By a letter, I should fay. Val. Why, the hath not writ to me? Speed. What need fhe, when the made you 35 write to yourself? Why, do you not perceive the jeft? Val. As you enjoin'd me, I have writ your letter 4c [off; 45 clerkly done 3. Val. Now truft me, madam, it came hardly For, being ignorant to whom it goes, I writ at random, very doubtfully. Sil. Perchance you think too much of fo much pains? Val. No, madam; so it stead you, I will write, Please you command, a thousand times as much :| And yet, Sil. A pretty period! Well, I guess the sequel; And yet I will not name it :-and yet I care not ;And yet take this again; and yet I thank you; Meaning henceforth to trouble you no more. Speed. And yet you will; and yet another yet. [ Afide Val. What means your ladyship? do you not Like it? Sil. Yes, yes! the lines are very quaintly writ : 50 55 Val. No, believe me. Speed. No believing you indeed, fir: But did you perceive her earnest? Val. She gave me none, except an angry word. Speed. Why, the hath given you a letter. Val. That's the letter I writ to her friend. Speed. And that letter hath she deliver'd, and there an end 5. Val. I would, it were no worse. Speed. I'll warrant you, 'tis as well: For often you have writ to ber; and fhe, in modesty, Herfelf bath taught her love himself to write unto ber lover. All this I fpeak in print, for in print I found it.Why mufe you, fir? 'tis dinner time. Val. I have din'd. Speed. Ay, but hearken, fir: though the cameleon love can feed on the air, I am one that am nourish'd by my victuals, and would fain have meat: Oh be not like your mistress; be moved, 60 be moved, [Exeunt. • Motion, in Shakspeare's time, fignified puppet, or a puppet-hero. 2 This was the language of ladies 10 their lovers in Shakspeare's time. 3 That is, like a scholar. 4 That is, difcourfing, talking, 5 i. e. there's the conclusion of the matter. 6 In print means with exactness. SCENE SCENE II. Enter Protheus and Julia. Pro. Have patience, gentle Julia. Pro. When poffibly I can, I will return. [Giving a ring Pro. Why then we'll make exchange; here, take you this. Jul. And feal the bargain with a holy kifs. Pro. Here is my hand for my true conftancy; And when that hour o'erflips me in the day, Wherein I figh not, Julia, for thy fake, The next enfuing hour fome foul mischance Torment me for my love's forgetfulness ! My father stays my coming; anfwer not; The tide is now: nay, not thy tide of tears; That tide will stay me longer than I should: [Exit Julia. Julia, farewell.-What! gone without a word? Ay, so true love should do: it cannot speak; For truth hath better deeds, than words, to grace it. Enter Panthino. Pan. Sir Protheus, you are ftaid for. Pr. Go; I come, I come : Alas! this parting ftrikes poor lovers dumb. [Exeunt. my mother-oh that she could speak now like a wood woman!-well, I kifs her;-why there 'tis; here's my mother's breath up and down: now come I to my fifter; mark the moan fhe makes: 5 now the dog all this while fheds not a tear, nor peaks a word; but fee how I lay the duft with my tears. Enter Panthino. 15 Pan. Lance, away, away, aboard; thy master is fhipp'd, and thou art to poft after with oars. What's the matter? why weep'st thou, man? Away, afs; you will lose the tide, if you tarry any longer. Laun. It is no matter if the tide were loft; for it is the unkindest ty'd that ever any man ty’d. Pan. What's the unkindest tide? Laun. Why, he that's ty'd here; Crab, my dog. Pan. Tut, man, I mean thou'lt lofe the flood; and, in lofing the flood, lose thy voyage; and, in lofing thy voyage, lofe thy mafter; and, in lofing 20thy mafter, lose thy fervice; and, in losing thy fer. vice,-Why doft thou ftop my mouth? 25 Laun. For fear thou should'st lose thy tongue. Pan. In thy tail? Laun. Lofe the tide, and the voyage, and the mafter, and the service, and the tide? Why, man, if the river were dry, I am able to fill it with my tears; if the wind were down, I could drive the 30 boat with my fighs. Laan. Nay, 'twill be this hour ere I have done weeping: all the kind of the Launces have this very 35 fault: I have receiv'd my proportion, like the prodigious fon, and am going with fir Protheus to the imperial's court. I think, Crab my dog be the foureft natur'd dog that lives: my mother weeping, my father wailing, my fifter crying, our maid 40 howling, our cat wringing her hands, and all our houfe in a great perplexity, yet did not this cruelhearted cur fhed one tear: he is a stone, a very pebble-stone, and has no more pity in him than a dog: a Jew would have wept to have seen our part-45 ing: why, my grandam having no eyes, look you, wept herself blind at my parting. Nay, I'll fhow you the manner of it: This fhoe is my father ;no, this left fhoe is my father;-no, no, this left fhoe is my mother ;-nay, that cannot be fo nei-50 ther ;-yes, it is fo, it is fo; it hath the worfer fole: This fhoe with the hole in it, is my mother, and this my father; A vengeance on't! there 'tis: now, fir, this staff is my fister; for, look you, she is as white as a lilly, and as small as a wand: this hat is 55 Nan, our maid; I am the dog :-no, the dog is himself, and I am the dog,-oh, the dog is me, and I am myself; ay, fo, fo. Now come I to my father; Fatber, your bleffing; now fhould not the shoe speak a word for weeping; now fhould I kifs 60 my father; well, he weeps on: now come I to Pan. Come, come away, man; I was fent to call thee. Laun. Sir, call me what thou dar'st. Laan. Well, I will go. SCENE MILAN. [Exeum. IV. Speed. Mafter, fir Thurio frowns on you. Val. Of my mistress then. Val. Indeed, madam, I feem fo. Thu. So do counterfeits. Thu. What feem I, that I am not? Thu. What inftance of the contrary? Thu. And how quote2 you my folly That is crazy, frantic with grief; or distracted, from any other caufe. The word is very frequently ufed in Chaucer; and fometimes writ weed, fometimes wode. Wood, or crazy women, were anciently fuppofed to be able to tell fortunes. 2 To quote is to obferve. Thue |