Beatf. Heigh, my hearts; cheerly, cheerly, my hearts; yare, yare: Take in the top-fail; Tend to the master's whiftle ;-Blow, till thou burst thy wind, if room enough! Enter Alenfo, Sebaftian, Anthonio, Ferdinand, Gonzalo, and others. Alon. Good boatswain, have care. Where's the mafter? Play the men. Beatf. I pray now, keep below. Ant. Where's the master, boatswain ? Beatf. Do you not hear him? You mar our labour: Keep your cabins: you do affift the storm. Gen. Nay, good, be patient. 5 your cabin for the mifchance of the hour, if it fo hap. Cheerly, good hearts--Out of our way, I fay. [Exit. Gon. I have great comfort from this fellow; methinks, he hath no drowning mark upon him: his complexion is perfect gallows. Stand fast, good fate, to his hanging; make the rope of his destiny our cable, for our own doth little advantage: If he be not born to be hang'd, our case is miferable. [Exeunt. Re-enter Boatswain. Boatf. Down with the top-maft; yare, lower, lower; bring her to try with main-course. [A cry within.] A plague upon this howling! 15 they are louder than the weather, or our office. Re-enter Sebaftian, Anthorio, and Gonzalo. 20 Beatf. When the fea is. Hence! What care these roarers for the name of king? To cabin: 25 filence: trouble us not. Gen. Good; yet remember whom thou haft aboard. Beatf. None that I more love' than myself. You are a counsellor; if you can command thefe elements to filence, and work the peace of the 30 prefent, we will not handle a rope more; ufe your authority. If you cannot, give thanks you have liv'd fo long, and make yourself ready in Yet again? What do you here? Shall we give o'er, and drown? Have you a mind to fink? Seb. A pox o' your throat! you bawling, blasphemous, uncharitable dog! Boatf. Work you then. Ant. Hang, cur, hang! you whorefon, infolent noifemaker! we are less afraid to be drown'd, than thou art. Gon. I'll warrant him from drowning; though the fhip were no ftronger than a nut-shell, and as leaky as an unftanch'd3 wench. Beatf. Lay her a-hold, a-hold; fet her two courfes; off to sea again, lay her off. Enter Mariners wet. Mar. All loft! to prayers, to prayers! all loft'! [Exeunt. Boats. What, muft our mouths be cold? • Readily, nimbly. 2 Of the prefent inftant, the poet probably means. 3 Incontinent. B Gon IC [A confufed noife within.] Mercy on us! Ant. Let's all fink with the king. [Exit. [Exit. Gon. Now would I give a thousand furlongs of fea for an acre of barren ground; 3 long heath, 20 brown furze, any thing: The wills above be done, but I would fain die a dry death! SCENE II. [Exit. The inchanted island: before the cell of Profpero. Enter Profpero and Miranda. Mira. If by your art, my dearest father, you have 25 30 Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them: It should the good ship so have swallow'd, and Pro. Be collected; No more amazement: tell your piteous heart, Mira. O woe the day! Pro. No harm. I have done nothing but in-care of thee, No, not fo much perdition as an hair, Which thou heard 'ft cry, which thou faw'ft fink. For thou must now know further. Mira. You have often Begun to tell me what I am; but stopp'd, Pro. The hour's now come; The very minute bids thee ope thine ear; A time before we came unto this cell? I do not think, thou canst; for then thou waft not Mira. Certainly, fir, I can. Pr. By what? by any other house, or person! Mira. 'Tis far off; A prince of power. Mira. Sir, are not you my father? Pro. Thy mother was a piece of virtue, and And princefs, no worse iffu'd. Mira. O the heavens ! 40 What foul play had we, that we came from thence? Or bleffed was't, we did? 45 (Of thee, my dear one! thee, my dear daughter!) who Pro. Both, both, my girl: By foul play, as thou fay'ft, were we heav'd thence Mira. O, my heart bleeds To think o' the teen 8 that I have turn'd you to, Which is from my remembrance! Please you I further. pray thee mark me,-that a brother should The direful spectacle of the wreck, which touch'd 60 Abfolutely. 2 Swallow. cell. Mingle. 7 Quite. Mira. Sir, moft heedfully. 3 Perhaps it fhould be ling, heath, &c. 4 Before. 5 i. e. a very poor Sorrow, grief, trouble. Pro ['em, Pro. Being once perfected how to grant suits, Pro. I pray thee, mark me. I thus neglecting worldly ends, all dedicated A falfhood, in its contrary as great As my trust was; which had, indeed, no limit, 5 That wrings mine eyes to't. Pro. Hear a little further, And then I'll bring thee to the present business Mira. Wherefore did they not Pro. Well demanded, wench; My tale provokes that question. Dear, they durft not; A confidence fans bound. He being thus lorded, 2c Did us but loving wrong. Not only with what my revenue yielded, He was, indeed, the duke; out of the fubftitution, Mira. Your tale, fir, would cure deafness. Pro. To have no fcreen between this part he play'd So dry he was for sway, with the king of Naples To moft ignoble stooping. This king of Naples, being an enemy Mira. Alack, for pity! I, not remembring how I cried out then, Mira. Alack! what trouble Was I then to you! Pro. O a cherubim Thou waft, that did preferve me! Thou didst fmile, 30 35 Mira. How came we afhore? Pro. By Providence divine. Some food we had, and some fresh water, that Out of his charity, who being then appointed Rich garments, linens, stuffs, and neceffaries, But ever fee that man! Pro. Now, I arise :- Sit ftill, and hear the last of our fea-forrow. Pro. Know thus far forth.- By accident moft ftrange, bountiful fortune, Now my dear lady, hath mine enemies 55 Brought to this shore: and by my prescience I find my zenith doth depend upon A moft aufpicious star; whose influence If now I court not, but omit, my fortunes Will ever after droop.-Here ceafe more questions; 60 Thou art inclin'd to fleep; 'tis a good dulness, And give it way :-I know, thou canst not choose [Miranda Aeeps. To trash, Warburton fays, is to cut away the fuperfluities. * Suggestion. Covered. i. e. a ftubborn refolution, B 2 2 Thirsty. 3 Otherwife than. Come Who was fo firm, so constant, that this coil Ari. Not a foul But felt a fever of the mad, and play'd [25] Some tricks of defperation: All, but mariners, Pro. Why, that's my spirit! Pro. But are they, Ariel, fafe? On their sustaining garments not a blemish, Pro. Of the king's fhip, The mariners, say how thou haft difpos'd, Ari. Safely in harbour Is the king's fhip; in the deep nook, where once Bound fadly home for Naples; Pro. Doft thou forget From what a torment I did free thee? Pro. Thou doft; and think it it muchto tread the ooze To run upon the sharp wind of the north; Ari. I do not, fir. Pro. Thou ly'ft, malignant thing! Haft thou forgot Pro. Thou haft: Where was sheborn? speak; tell me. Pro. Oh, was the fo? I muft, Once in a month, recount what thou hast been, 40 [child, Pro. This blue-ey'd hag was hither brought with And here was left by the failors: Thou, my slave, As thou report'ft thyself, waft then her fervant: And, for thou waft a spirit too delicate To act her earthy and abhorr'd commands, 45 Refufing her grand hefts, she did confine thee, 50 A dozen years; within which space she died, A freckled whelp, hag-born) not honour'd with 55 A human shape. Ari. Yes; Caliban her fon. Pro. Dull thing, I say fo; he, that Caliban, Whom now I keep in fervice. Thou best know'st Suppofing that they faw the king's fhip wreck'd, 60 Did make wolves howl, and penetrate the breasts And his great perfon perish. Pro. Ariel, thy charge Exactly is perform'd; but there's more work: Of ever-angry bears; it was a torment Performed to the minuteft article. 2 Bermudas. When |