When I arriv'd, and heard thee, that made gape Ari. I thank thee, mafter. Pro. If thou more murmur'ft, I will rend an oak, I will be correspondent to command, Pro. Do fo; and after two days I will discharge thee. Ari. That's my noble master! The fresh springs, brine-pits,barren place,and fertile; 5 Who first was mine own king: and here you sty me [thee, Pro. Thou moft lying flave, What shall I do? fay what? what shall I do? Awake, dear heart, awake! thou haft slept well; Mira. The ftrangeness of your story put Pro. Shake it off: Come on; We'll vifit Caliban, my slavę, who never Mira. 'Tis a villain, fir, I do not love to look on. Pre. But, as 'tis, We cannot mifs him: he does make our fire, Cal. [Witbin.] There's wood enough within. Enter Ariel like a water-nymph. Hark in thine ear. Fine apparition! My quaint Ariel, 201 Cal. Oh ho, oh ho!-wou'd it had been done! Thou didst prevent me; I had peopled elfe, This ifle with Calibans. Pro. Abhorred slave, [hour Which any print of goodness will not take, 25 Though thou didst learn, had that in't which good 30 [thee: 35 [Exit.] 45 Enter Ferdinand at the remoteft part of the stage, and 1501 Which thou tak'ft from me. When thou camest first,|55| 2 Perhaps put here for fairies. 3 The dead waste, or middle of the night. in this place, feems to fignify original disposition, inborn qualities. 5 The eryfipelas. from Magellan's voyage, that Setebos was the fupreme God of the Patagons. 7 Silent. [difperfedly. [difperfedly. 4 Race, 6 We learn Fer Fer. The ditty does remember my drown'd fa-20 This is no mortal business, nor no found [ther :That the earth owes :-I hear it now above me. Pro. The fringed curtains of thine eye advance, And fay, what thou seeft yond'. Mira. What is't? a fpirit? Lord, how it looks about! Believe me, fir, 25 Fer. O, if a virgin, And your affection not gone forth, I'll make you The queen of Naples. Pro. Soft, fir; one word more. They are both in either's powers: but this swift bufinefs I muft uneafy make, left too light winning [Afide. Make the prize light. One word more; I charge thee, That thou attend me: thou dost here ufurp Fer. No, as I am a man. Mira. There's nothing ill can dwell in fuch a temple: If the ill fpirit have so fair an house, Pro. [To Ferd.] Follow me. Speak not you for him; he's a traitor.-Come, Fer. No; I will refift fuch entertainment, till 45 Make not too rash a trial of him, for Pro. What, I fay, [He draws. 1 To ozve, fignifies here, as in many other places of our author's plays, to own. 2 Confute thee. 3 Timorous. Tho ESEECH you, fir, be merry: you have 30 (So have we all) of joy; for our escape Is much beyond our lofs: Our hint of woe The master of some merchant, and the merchant, 35 Gon. Therefore, my lord, Seb. The old cock. Ant. The cockrel. Seb. Done: The wager? Ant. A laughter. Seb. A match. Adr. Though this island seem to be defert,- Ant. So, you've paid. Adr. Uninhabitable, and almost inacceffible,➡ Adr. Yet Ant. He could not mifs 't. Adr. It must needs be of fubtle, tender, and delicate temperance 2. Ant. 3 Temperance was a delicate wench. Seb. Ay, and a fubtle; as he most learnedly deliver'd. Adr. The air breathes upon us here most sweetly. Ant. Or, as 'twere perfum'd by a fen. Gon. Here is every thing advantageous to life, Seb. Of that there's none, or little. Gon. How lush and lufty the grafs looks? how Ant. Fie, what a spend-thrift is he of his tongue! 55 almoft beyond credit)- Gen. Well, I have done: But yet Seb. He will be talking. Ant. Which of them, he, or Adrian, for a good wager, first begins to crow? 2 Temperance here means temperature. Seb. As many vouch'd rarities are. Gon. That our garments, being, as they were, drench'd in the fea, hold notwithstanding their freshness, and gloffes; being rather new dy'd, than 60 ftain'd with falt water. Hint is that which recals to the memory. The cause that fills our minds with grief is common. 3 In the puritanical times it was usual to christen children from the titles of religious and moral virtues. 4 i. e. of a dark full colour, the oppofite to pale and faint. Ants B 4 Ant. If but one of his pockets could speak, - would it not say, he lies? Seb. Ay, or very falsely pocket up his report. Gon. Methinks, our garments are now as fresh as when we put them on first in Africk, at the marriage of the king's fair daughter Claribel to the king of Tunis. Seb. 'Twas a fweet marriage, and we profper well in our return. 5 Alon. No, no, he's gone. Seb. Sir, you may thank yourself for this great lofs; [daughter, That would not blefs our Europe with your But rather lose her to an African; Where the, at least, is banish'd from your eye, Who hath caufe to wet the grief on't. Alon. Pr'ythee, peace. [otherwife Seb. You were kneel'd to, and importun'd Adr. Tunis was never grac'd before with fuch 10 By all of us; and the fair soul herself a paragon to their queen. Gon. Not fince widow Dido's time. Ant. Widow? a pox o' that! How came that widow in? Widow Dido! Seb. What if he had faid, widower Æneas too? 15 good lord, how you take it! Adr. Widow Dido, faid you? you make me study of that: She was of Carthage, not of Tunis. Gon. This Tunis, fir, was Carthage. Adr. Carthage? Gon. I affure you, Carthage. Ant. His word is more than the miraculous harp. Weigh'd, between lothness and obedience, at your fon, I fear, for ever: Milan and Naples have Alon. So is the deareft o' the lofs. Gon. My lord Sebastian, 20 The truth you speak doth lack fome gentleness, And time to speak it in: you rub the fore, When you should bring the plaifter. Seb. He hath rais'd the wall, and houses too. .next? Seb. I think, he will carry this island home in his pocket, and give it his son for an apple. Ant. And, fowing the kernels of it in the fea, bring forth more islands. Gòn. Ấy? Ant. Why, in good time. Seb. Very well. Ant. And most chirurgeonly. Gon. It is foul weather in us all, good fir, Seb. Foul weather? Gon. Had I the plantation of this ifle, my lord,→→ 30 Seb. Or docks, or mallows. Gon. Sir, we were talking, that our garments feem now as fresh, as when we were at Tunis, at the marriage of your daughter, who is now queen. 35 Ant. And the rareft that e'er came there. Seb. Bate, I beseech you, widow Dido. Ant. O, widow Dido; ay, widow Dido. Gon. Is not, fir, my doublet as fresh as the firft day I wore it? I mean, in a fort. Ant. That fort was well fish'd for. Gon. When I wore it at your daughter's marriage? Alon. You cram these words into mine ears, The ftomach of my fenfe: Would I had never I ne'er again fhall fee her. O thou mine heir Fran. Sir, he may live; I saw him beat the furges under him, And ride upon their backs; he trod the water, [do? Gon. And were the king of it, What would I Gon. I do well believe your highness; and did it to minifter occafion to these gentlemen, who are of fuch fenfible and nimble lungs, that they always ufe to laugh at nothing. Ant. 'Twas you we laugh'd at. Gon. Who, in this kind of merry fooling, am nothing to you; so you may continue, and laugh at nothing ftill. Ant. What a blow was there given ? Gen. You are gentlemen of brave metal; you would lift the moon out of her sphere, if she would continue in it five weeks without changing. Enter Ariel, playing folemn mufick. Seb. We would fo, and then go a bat-fowling. Ant. Nay, my good lord, be not angry. Gen. No, I warrant you; I will not adventure my discretion fo weakly. Will you laugh me aleep, for I am very heavy? Ant. Go, fleep, and hear us. And watch your safety. Alan. Thank you: Wond'rous heavy Seb. He's gone. Ant. Then, tell me, [All fleep but Seb. and Ant. Who's the next heir of Naples? Seb. What a ftrange drowsiness poffeffes them? [dwells Ant. She that is queen of Tunis; the that Ten leagues beyond man's life: fhe that from Naples Can have no note, unless the fun were post, [chins 40(The man i' the moon's too flow) till new-born Be rough and razorable: fhe, from whom [again : We were all fea-fwallow'd, though fome caft And, by that destiny, to perform an act, Whereof what's paft is prologue; what to come, In yours, and my discharge. [and 45 What thou should'ft be: the occafion speaks thee; 50 With eyes wide open; standing, fpeaking, moving; 55 Ant. Noble Sebastian, Thou let'ft thy fortune sleep, die rather; wink'st Whiles thou art waking. Seb. Thou doft snore distinctly; There's meaning in thy fnores. Ant. I am more serious than my cuftom; you Must be so too, if heed me; which to do, Seb. What ftuff is this?-How fay you? 'Tis true, my brother's daughter's queen of Tunis; So is the heir of Naples; 'twixt which regions There is fome fpace. "Ant. fpace, whofe every cubit Seems to cry out, How shall that Claribel worfe [Naples, Than now they are: There be, that can rule As well as he that fleeps; lords, that can prate As amply, and unneceffarily, As this Gonzalo; I myself could make 60 A chough of as deep chat. O, that you bore The mind that I do! what a sleep were this For your advancement? Do you understand me ? Seb. Methinks, I do. A chough is a bird of the jack-daw kind, chiefly in Cornwall. Ant. |