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النشر الإلكتروني

as the other, with single swivel pulley-block, and weights running over bronzed steel rods. Price, $5.00.

Both of these are noiseless, wear indefinitely, and are suited to all ages and conditions. For other work, the "No. 13," manufactured by the same firm, is unsurpassed.

For chest development, the high, single-pulley chest-weights seem to me to possess decided advantages over the compound rope and pulley machines. By means of a single block seven or eight feet from the floor, the traction or recoil, so to speak, is not only more prompt and rapid but is given a stronger upward tendency, thus lifting and rotating the ribs and more effectively increasing the diameters of the chest. The strain upon the shoulder muscles is also considerably relieved, thereby allowing the practice of the exercises for a long time without fatigue. Moreover, the exertion needed to overcome the resistance from above, and to maintain an erect position under the circumstances, serves to increase the power of the chest, back, and abdominal muscles also. In fact, there are few trunk muscles which cannot be developed with this sort of pulley. Those, therefore, who purchase but a single machine, should obtain one with seven and a half feet rods and single pulley block. The single rope with cross-bar and handles has been found most suitable for the exercises described, from the fact that the simultaneous movement of the arms acts more powerfully upon the chest than the alternating motions which are commonly practiced on the double-rod machines.

The following is a brief description of the exercises recommended:

No. I.

Stand with back to machine, one foot well forward and head and shoulders thrown well back. Holding handles with palms forward and about twelve inches in front of the hips, allow the arms, by a lateral movement, to go upward and away from the side and to the highest point above the head. As the arms move upward, inhale deeply, and as they return to the first position, exhale forcibly. Repeat this a few times, and then take a long breath and hold it during three or four movements. This exercise enlarges the chest laterally.

Face to machine.

No. 2.

Stand erect with chest out, feet together, and body bent slightly backward. Arms straight above the head, and then downward and backward to a point six inches back of the hips. Take a full breath as the arms go up and exhale forcibly as they descend. Enlarges lower chest laterally.

No. 3.

Stand as in position No. 1. Grasp handles of machine, with palms downward and hands about six inches apart. Extend arms directly in front of the body; then allow them to go upward and backward to a point directly over the head. Breathe in the manner already described. This increases the antero-posterior diameter of the chest.

No. 4.

Take the same position as before. Grasping handles with palms. looking forward, carry them about eighteen inches in front of the hips; then allow them to go backward as far as is possible without permitting the arms to spread apart behind the back. Breathe as before. This exercise produces results similar to No. 3.


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