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النشر الإلكتروني

to confound the Arts, and conquer the Oppositions of the Heathen world, and maugre all the Devices of fatan, to fet up the Kingdom of the Lord Chrift: And shall not we praise Thee for the Miraculous dispensations by which the Gospel was made known even to us in these utmost corners, and in the last times? yes, Holy Jefus, we will also meet with one accord at thy Table, not doubring but Thou wouldst give us the fame measures of thy Spirit there, if our Duty or our neceffity did require it. It is enough to me that Thou knoweft my needs; more than will fupply'em I dare not ask, less Thou wilt not give: Thou hast given me thy felf, wherefore I believe Thou wilt not deny me thy Spirit, without which I can have no Interest in Thee. I go not, gracions Lord, with the carnal Jews to devour thy flesh, but to partake of thy Spirit which only giveth Life, the flesh profiteth nothing: Behold thy spirit has converted Millions, let me therefore together with thy precions Body, receive there such proportions of thy Holy spirit as may suppress my evil affections, revive my dead heart, comfort my dejected mind, and turn my Ignorance into Knowledge, my Knowledge into Practice, and make that Practice so sweet and easy, that this may be a Day of Joy to mealso, folemniz'd in the white garments of fanctification and rejoycing: And finally, let not this Heavenly Inspiration be only express'd in Extafies and holy Fervors this Day, but let thy spirit rest uponme, and dwell in me for ever; to shall I alwaies have cause to bless Thee for so incomparable a Gift. Methinks I feel already the force thereof bearing down my Curruptions, and its bright beams driving away the mifts offin and Error. I find its Flames warming my heart with Zealand Charity, and irs quickening power opening my feal ed lips to show forth thy Praise. Therefore with Angels &c. as §. 2.

Nota, To this 1 add the next for Trinity Sunday, if I shall not then Communicate.

§. 6. A Meditarion before the Communion on Trinity-Sunday. Which I add to that for Whitsunday, if I do not Partake of the Lord's Supper on this Day.

OAdmirable My stery to be adored in the profoundest filence; by the contemplation whereof, when I am struck with amazement, I can learn Humility, and discover my own Ignorance: And I have th' opportunity of exercising a nobler Faith than if I could comprehend it with my shallow reasoningsand imperfect demonftrations. The Trinity in Unity, and the Unity in Trinity has been derided by the Heathens and indeayored to be perplext by the wits of all kinds of bereticks; but it fuffices me, Blessed Jesus, that Thou hast reveal'd it, and thy holy Church (divided in too many other things) has univerf. ally agreed in this great Truth: And I'm the more confirm'd in it, because Ilearn by it to Worship with a regular Devotion; from hence I'm taught to pray to the Father, in the Name of the Son, through th' assistance of the Holy Ghost; and as long as Ilive will I praise Thee particularly at this Holy Feast for fo excellent a Revelation, for this Ordinance it felf contains many things above my Understanding, and is all Mystery. The Trinity is the Article, and this Sacrament the Rite which do diftinguish thy true Religion from all the fects in the World: where fore by obferving this Rite I do imbrace this Faith, and upon the reprefentation of thy Death, I do profefs to live in it, and dy for it, refolving never to have other Lord:and when I find the Father giving, the fon given, and the Hely Ghost dispensing that Gift unto my foul in this facred Communion, it shall be a greater confirmation to my Faith in this Divine Mystery than can be acquir'd by the most curious fearch into it: However I'm resolved my Reason shall veil to thy Word, and I will be content to stay for a full apprehenfion of this fublime Truth, till I'm advanced to a state of Angelick perfection, and come to behold the Glories of the Trin-une God: till then I will bless Thee for what I know, and believe more than I can conceives and I will worship the fame Majes. ty, which the heavenly Quire doth, in these addresses. Therefore with Angels and Archangels and with all & cas in §. 2.

§. 7. SOME affirm that Bishop Fabian, of Rome, the Martyr, (about 236 years after Christ) did order those Seafons especially for all the faithful to Receive. And truly a folemn time of Joy feems the most proper for the Celebration of this Heavenly Feast.

§. 8. OUR Church has fet apart other Feuft-daies, as all Sundaies in the year, (whereof I've largely treated) the Circum cision, Epiphany. Purification and Annunciation of the blefied Virgin, Monday and Tuesday in Easter and Whitfun-week and the holy Innocents; for the Remembrance of fome special Mercies of God, Andsurely whoever is truly thankful for those rich Mercies, can't think it too much to fet apart fome daies in a year for that purpose.

§. 9. Ageneral Morning Prayer to be faid on all the forementioned Holy-days.

ALMIGHTY God, who haft established in thy Church Paftors, and Teachers, and Governors, for the perfecting of the fuints, for the work of the ministry, for th'edifying of the Body of Christ; make me careful to observe all those Inftitutions which are Injoyn'd for thete admirable Ends; and always to esteem Days set apart for thy Worship, and dedicated to thy Service, as a great Relief to th' infirmity of my nature, which is not capable of an uninterrupted Contemplation of Thee. Let not the Affairs of this Life, nor my eagernefs in obtaining the good Things of it, fo far ingross my Thoughts, as to make me neglect those happy opportunities of working out my own Salvation. Let not the love of Pleasure prevail upon me to confume them in fenfual Injoyments; but grant that my rejoicing may be accompanied with Temperance and Moderation; and difpose my mind, by all the Refreshments of my Body, to ferve Thee with greater diligence and Chearfulness all my Days. Make me constant at those holy Seafons in attending thy publick Worship, and let me enter thy House with recollected Thoughts, compofed Behavior, and with a thankful and devout Temper of Mind. Let me hear thy word [preach'd, or read, I with ferions Attention, and with a particular Application of it to the state of my own foul. [*Let me approach thy Altar with fervent and heavenly Affections, and Resolutions of better Obedience. Let me commemorate the Mysteries of my Redemption, with profound Humility, with exalted Thoughts of thy wonderful Goodness, und with thankful Acknowledgments of thy great Lovedemonftrated to the sons of Men, That thus obferving these Days of Rest here below, I may celebrate an Eternal Reft with Thee hereafter in thy heavenly Kingdom, thro' Jesus Christ our Lord,



*To leave this
out, if it be no

§. 10. OTHER daies Our Church appoints, as in our Com mon-Prayer-Book under Tables and Rules, in memory of th Apostles and other New-Teftament Saints, wherein we are to give hearty thanks to God that they were made Instruments of revealing to us Christ Jesus, and the way of Salvation: and to Meditate on those Examples of holy Life they have given us, and ftir up our Selves to the Imitation thereof: and whoever does uprightly set himself to make



these Uses of these several Holy daies, will have cause, by the Benefit he shall find from them, to thank, and not to blame the Church for ordering them.

§. 11. A General Prayer to be used on all the

Saints days.

O Lord God, in whose sight the death of thy Saints is precious, and tho their Departure is taken for Misery, yet is their Hope full of Immortality; and having been a little chastised they are now geatly rewarded. Let the mortified Lives of thy Saints raise me above the Pleasures of Sense; and let the Pattern of their Piety and Devotion, their Humility and Charity, their Meekness and Patient sufferings, be alwaies so lively imprinted upon my Mind that I may transcribe their Example in my Life and Conversation. Let the Memory of what they indured support thy Servants who are ingaged in Combats and Trials here below; Abate the Power and Malice of their Enemies; Let all those who hate and perfecute thy Church be brought to Repentance, or miscarry in their cruel Designs against it; that thy Name may be celebrated to all Generations; that thy Kingdom and thy Coming may be hastened; that thy Saints may obtain the Confummation of their Bliss, by the Refurrection of their Bodies, and receiving the Crown of Righteoufness, which Thou hast prepared for all that put their Trust in Thee, and that I, with them, may Praisethy Name for ever and ever. Amen.

§. 12. AND one Day yearly our Church celebrates the Festival of S. Michael and all Angels, to express our Thank fulcess to God for those many eminent Advantages that the Christian Church has obtain'd by the Ministry of the Holy Angels, overthe Power and Malice of the devil, and those mischievous Instruments he has imployed to destroy it.,

§. 13. A Prayer for the 2d. branch of Charity, Speaking Good.

SET a Guard, O Lord, upon my Lips; that I offend not with my tongue. Let Prudence and Circumspection alwaies attend to shut out fuch Difcourses as border the leaft upon evil Speaking. That I may be tender of the Reputation of my Neighbor, and never diminish his good Name by spreading any evil Reports concerning him. That the Deformity


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of his Body, or the Weakness of his Mind may never be the fubject of my light Mirth. That I may never incourage Backbiters, by listening to their Suggestions, or by giving Credit to their Slanders. Thou hast given mea Tongue that I might praise Thee, and that I might influence others to bless thy Holy Name. O! let this be the main Imployment of that noble Gift, that my Words may chiefly aim at promoting thy Glory, either to Soften the Pains of th'afflicted; to Vindicate the Reputation of my Neighbor, whenever I hear it injured; to Unite the Minds of those that are at Variance; or to Instruct those that know Thee not enough. And to Entertain all the World, O God, with thy Greatness, and thy Goodness, to Inflame all hearts with thy Love, to Provoke them to Praife Thee, to Glorify Thee, that I may one day mingle my Praises with those of thy Elect in Glory, thro' Jefus Christ. Amen.

The Vigils and Fasts of our Church.

§. 14. OTHER Days the enjoyns for Fasting and Humiliation for our own and the Nations Sins, as in th' aforesaid Table, which we are to observe in such a Manner as She directs, that is, not only in a bare abstaining from Meat, which is the Body's punishment alone, but in afflicting our Souls, humbling them deeply before God, carnestly praying for his Pardon and Forgiveness, and for turning away of those Judgments which those Sins have call'd for; but above all in turning our felves from our Sins, and exercising our selves in works of Mercy. Ifa. 58.3-12. Wherefore have we fafted, fay they, and Thou feest not? wherefore have we afflited our soul, and Thou takest no knowledge? Behold in the day of your Fast vou find pleasure, and exact all your labours. Behold ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness; ye shall not fust as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high. Is it such a fast that I have chofen ? a day for a man to afflict his foul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread fackeloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the LORD? Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bandsofwickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the opprcffed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor, that are cast out, to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him,

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