alliterations, II. 362. anon, anon, IX. 80. - X. 96. antipodes, II. 314. Allhallown-summer, VIII. 169. antres, XVI. 232. approbation, III. 329, 470. VI. 207. IX. 209. XVI. 27. approof, V. 176. approve, IV. 371. XV. 6, 269. approved, II. 232. approvers, XVI. 63. atone, VIII. 16. XIII. 238. XVI. 23, 369. attask, XIV. 185. avaunt, XI. 251. augre hole, VII. 114. awful banks, IX. 122. atomies, XII. 245. barns, IV. 253. atomy, IX. 181. barren, II. 311. Ff Barston, IX. 175. base, XVI. 149. base court, VIII. 90. Bartholomew boar pig, IX. 75. becalm, XVI. 200. beautified, XV. 84. becks, XV. 341. base degrees, XIV. 29. bason and ewer, XV. 361. bating, XII. 309. XII. 284. bawcock, VI. 172. bay, III. 352. bay curtal, V. 215. bay trees, VIII. 58. bay window, III. 282. beak, II. 26. bedward, XIII. 32. Beggar and King, VIII. 125. belching whale, XVII. 200. Bell book and candle, VII. 356. IX. 271. bend you, XV. 28. bends adornings, XIII. 244. benefits, XIV. 182. bent, XV. 79. bent of honour, IV. 266. benumbed, XII. 72. Bergomask dance, II. 373. Baynard's Castle, XI. 109, 111. Bermudas, II. 28. beadsman, VIII. 77. beshrew, II. 295. best, IX. 274. best indued, IX. 249. XIII. 137. beteem, II. 248. beteeme, XV. 30. better, VII. 122. -XV. 391. Bevis, XI. 201. bears his head, XII. 45. bevy, XI. 230. beast with two backs, XVI. 207. bewray, X. 293. |