صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Carew Papers, Calendar of the. Edd. J. S. Brewer and W. Bullen. 6 vols. London. 1867-73.

Carlyle, T. Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell. London. 1845. Ed. S. C. Lomas. London. 1904.

Carte, T. History of the Life of James, Duke of Ormond (1610-88). 3 vols. London. 1736. 6 vols. Oxford. 1851.

A collection of Original Letters and Papers (1641-60). 2 vols. London.


Castlehaven, Earl of. Memoirs (1642-51). London. 1681.

Caulfield, R. Council Book of the Corporation of Cork. 1876.

Council Book of the Corporation of Youghal.


Council Book of the Corporation of Kinsale. 1879.

Clanricarde, Earl of. Memoirs and Letters. London. 1757.

Clarendon, Earl of. History of the Rebellion and Civil War in Ireland. London. 1720.

Clarendon State Papers, Calendar of the. 3 vols. Oxford. 1872.

Cotton, H.

Cox, Sir R.

Croker, T. C.

Fasti Ecclesiae Hibernicae. 6 vols. Dublin. 1851-78.
Hibernia Anglicana. 2 vols. London. 1689.

Narratives of the Contests in Ireland in 1641 and 1690. (Camden

Davis, Sir J. A Discoverie of the State of Ireland, etc. London. 1612. Historical Tracts. London. 1786. Complete Works. Ed. A. Grosart. 3 vols. London. 1869-76.

Declaration of Sir Charles Coote...concerning the Re-admission of the Secluded Members. Dublin. 1659.

Egmont Manuscripts. Ed. S. C. Lomas (Hist. мss. Comm.). London. 1905. Fanshawe, Lady. Memoirs. London. 1829.

(French, N., Bishop of Ferns.) Queries propounded by the Protestant Partie, etc. Paris. 1644. The Unkind Deserter. 1676. Historical Works. 2 vols. Dublin. 1846.

Geographical Description of the Kingdom of Ireland. London. 1642.

Gilbert, J. T. Aphorismical Discovery of Treasonable Faction or A Contemporary History of Affairs in Ireland from 1641-52. 6 pts. Dublin. 1879-80. History of the Irish Confederation, etc. 7 vols.

Dublin. 1882-91.
Dublin. 1889-1904.

Calendar of Ancient Records of Dublin. 11 vols. Vols. III-IV. (Gookin, V.) The great Case of Transplantation in Ireland discussed, etc. London. 1655.

Gookin, V. The Author and Case of Transplanting... Vindicated. London. 1655. Hamilton Manuscripts. Ed. T. K. Lowry. Belfast. 1867.

Hickson, Mary. Ireland in the Seventeenth Century, or the Irish Massacres of 1641-2. 2 vols. London. 1884.

Hill, G. Historical Account of the MacDonnells of Antrim. Belfast. 1873. Historical Memoirs of the Irish Rebellion...in a letter to Walter Harris. 1765. History or Brief Chronicles of the chief matters of the Irish Wars, etc. London. 1650.

History of the Wars of Ireland from 1641 to 1653. By a British Officer. Ed. E. H[ogan]. Dublin. 1873.

Ireland: or a book, together with an exact mappe...of the perfidious outrages... since 1641. 2 pts. London. 1647.

Irish Society, A concise view of the. London. 1822.

Jones, H. (Bishop of Meath). A Remonstrance...of Ireland, etc. London. 1642.

(Jones, H.) An Abstract of some few of those barbarous cruell massacres and murthers of the Protestants, etc. London. 1652.

Journals of the House of Commons (England, vols. II-VI: Ireland, vol. 1).

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Lascelles, J. Liber Munerum publicorum Hiberniae. 2 vols. London. 1824.
Index in Ninth Report of the Deputy-Keeper of the Public Records in Ireland.
App. iii.
Dublin. 1877.
Lawrence, R.

The Interest of England in the Irish Transplantation, stated, etc.
London. 9 March 165.

Leslie, H. (Bishop of Meath). Examen conjurationis Scoticae. Dublin. 1639. Leyburn, G. Memoirs of Being a Journal of his Agency for Prince Charles in Ireland in...1647. London. 1722.

Lismore Papers. Ed. A. Grosart. 2 series. 10 vols. London. 1886. (Lodge, J.) Desiderata Curiosa Hibernica. 2 vols. Dublin. 1772.

Lombard, P. De Regno Hiberniae Commentarius. Lovanii.

Moran. Dublin. 1868.

1632. Ed. P. F.

Ludlow, E. Memoirs (1625-72). London. 1771. Ed. C. H. Firth. 2 vols. Oxford. 1894.

Lynch, J. Cambrensis Eversus. [? St Malo.] 1662. Ed. and trans. T. O'Flanagan. Dublin. 1795. Ed. and trans. M. Kelly (Celtic Society). 3 vols. Dublin. 1848-52.

Alithinologia, sive Veridica Responsio. 2 parts. [St Omer?] 1664-7. Marchant, P. Relatio veridica, etc. [? Rome.] 1651.

Mayart, Sir S. Answer to a Book entitled, A Declaration setting forth how...the Laws...of England...came to be of force in Ireland (1644), first printed by W. Harris in Hibernica. Pt. ii. Dublin. 1770.

[ocr errors]

Milton, J. Prose Works. 3 vols. Amsterdam" [London]. 1698.
Montgomery Manuscripts. Ed. G. Hill. (1603-1706.) Belfast. 1869.
Moran, P. F. Spicilegium Ossoriense. Three series. Dublin. 1874-84.
Morison, M. Threnodia Hiberno-Catholica, etc. Innsbruck. 1659.

Morrin, J. Calendar of Patent and Close Rolls, Ireland, 1 to 7 Charles I. Dublin. 1863.

Nalson, J. Impartial Collection of the great Affairs of State (1639-42). 2 vols. London. 1682-3.

O'Mahony, C. Disputatio apologetica. [Lisbon.] 1645.

Ormonde Manuscripts. Old series. 2 vols. Ed. J. T. Gilbert. New series. 2 vols.
(in progress). Ed. C. Litton Falkiner (Hist. мss. Comm.). London. 1895, etc.
Petty, Sir W. Brief of the Proceedings between Sir Hierome Sankey and the
Author. London. 1659.

Reflections upon some Persons and Things in Ireland. London. 1660.
Political Anatomy of Ireland. London. 1691.

Narrative of his Proceedings in the Cromwellian Survey of Ireland, commonly called the "Down Survey." Ed. Sir T. A. Larcom. Dublin. 1851. Hiberniae delineatio quoad hactenus licuit perfectissima.


Puteanus, E. Historiae Belgicae Liber singularis de obsidione Lovaniensi.

1635. Antwerp.


Reilly, H. Ireland's Case briefly stated. 2 pts. s. 1. 1695.


Rushworth, J. Historical Collections (1618-49). London. 2nd edn. 8 vols. 1721.

Collection of Acts and Ordinances (1640-56).

London. 1658.
Edd. C. W. Russell

Scobell, H. State Papers relating to Ireland, 1603-25, Calendar of the. and J. P. Prendergast. 5 vols. London. 1872. State Papers relating to Ireland, 1625-60, Calendar of the. Ed. R. P. Mahaffy. 4 vols. London. 1901-3.

State of the Papist and Protestant Properties in...Ireland in...1641...1653...1662... 1689. London. 1689.

Statutes of Ireland at large. Vol. 1. Dublin. 1765.

Strafford, Earl of. Letters and Dispatches. Ed. W. Knowler. 2 vols. London. 1739.

Papers relating to. Ed. C. H. Firth (Camden Soc.). 1900.

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Temple, Sir J. The Irish Rebellion. 1646. London. To which is added Tichbourne's History of the Siege of Drogheda and Tryal of Connor Lord MacGuire. Cork. 1766.

Thurloe, J. Collection of State Papers (1638-60). Ed. J. Birch. 7 vols. London. 1742.

True Account of...Proceedings betwixt...James Duke of Ormond and...Arthur Earl of Anglesey. London. 1682.

Turner, Sir J. Memoirs (1632-70). Edinburgh. 1829.

Verney Family, Memoirs of the. Ed. F. P. and M. M. Verney. 4 vols. London. 1892-9.

Walsh, P. History of the Remonstrance. London. 1674.
(Ware, R.) The Hunting of the Romish Fox. Dublin. 1683.
Whitelock, Sir B. Memorials (1625-60). London. 1732.

It seems unnecessary to enumerate all the pamphlets, news-letters, and the like to which the war in Ireland gave rise and which may be consulted in the Thomason collection in the British Museum, the Henry Bradshaw collection at Cambridge, the Thorpe Collection in the National Library of Ireland, and the Halliday collection in the Royal Irish Academy. The distinction drawn by the late Dr S. R. Gardiner between Royalist and Parliamentary tracts (cf. Great Civil War, i, Preface, pp. vi-vii) does not hold good in regard to Irish affairs. Consequently only those pamphlets which appear to possess unequivocal value for the history of the period have been included above. A useful list will be found in E. P. Shirley's Catalogue of the Library of Lough Fea. London. 1872. pp. 251-280.


Ball, J. T. Historical Review of the Legislative Systems operative in Ireland. 1172-1800. Dublin. 1882.

Bellesheim, A. Geschichte der katholischen Kirche in Irland. 3 vols. Mainz. 1890-1.

Belmore, Earl of. History of Two Ulster Manors. Dublin. 1881. London. 1903. Parliamentary Memoirs of Fermanagh and Tyrone (1613-1885). Dublin.


(Birch, T.) An Enquiry into the share which Charles I had in Transactions of the Earl of Glamorgan, etc. London. 1747.

Bonn, M. J. Die englische Kolonisation in Irland. 2 vols. Berlin. 1906.
Brenan, M. J. Ecclesiastical History of Ireland. 2 vols. Dublin. 1840.
Budgell, E. Memoirs of the Lives...of the Boyles. London. 1737.
Carey, M. Vindiciae Hibernicae, 2nd edn. Philadelphia. 1822.
Carrigan, W. History of the Diocese of Ossory. Dublin. 1905.
Cooper, Elizabeth. Life of the Earl of Strafford. 2 vols. London. 1866.
Curry, J. Hist. and Critical Review of the Civil Wars in Ireland.
D'Alton, J. Memoirs of the Archbishops of Dublin. 1838.

Dublin. 1810.

Dix, E. R. McC. Catalogue of early Dublin printed Books 1601 to 1700. Dublin. 1898.

Elrington, C. R. Life of James Ussher, Primate of Ireland.

Dublin. 1848.

Falkiner, C. Litton. Illustrations of Irish History of the Seventeenth Century. London. 1904.

Firth, C. H. Cromwell's Army. London. 1902.

Fitzmaurice, Lord E. Life of Sir W. Petty. London. 1895.

Fitzpatrick, T. The Bloody Bridge, etc. Dublin. 1903.

Forster, J. Life of the Earl of Strafford (Lives of the Statesmen of the Common

wealth, Vol. 1). London. 1836.

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Gardiner, S. R. History of England. 10 vols. London. 1883.



History of the Great Civil War. 4 vols. History of the Commonwealth (1649-56). 4 vols. London. 1903. Hardinge, W. H. On Manuscript, Mapped, and other Townland Surveys in Ireland. 2 pts. Dublin. 1864-5.

On the outbreak of the Civil War in Ireland 1641 and its continuance to 1652. Dublin. 1865.

On the earliest known мs. Census Returns of the People of Ireland. Dublin. 1865.

Harris, W. Fiction Unmasked...wherein the Causes, Motives and Mischiefs of the Irish Rebellion...are laid thick upon the Protestants. Dublin. 1752. Hassencamp, R. Geschichte Irlands. Leipzig. 1886.

Ingram, T. D. Critical Examination of Irish History. 2 vols. London. 1900. Killen, W. D. Ecclesiastical History of Ireland. 2 vols. London. 1875. Latimer, W. T. History of the Irish Presbyterians. 2nd edn. Belfast. 1902. Lecky, W. E. H. History of England in the Eighteenth Century. 8 vols. London. 1877-90. (Vol. 11, ch. vi.)

Leland, T. History of Ireland. 3 vols. London. 1773.

McDonnell, J. The Light of History respecting the Massacres in Ireland (15801641). Dublin. 1886.

Ulster Civil War of 1641...with History of the Irish Brigade, under Montrose. Dublin. 1879.

MacGeoghegan, J. Histoire de l'Irlande. 3 vols. Amsterdam. 1758-62.
Mahaffy, J. P. An Epoch in Irish History (1591-1660). London. 1903.
Mant, R. (Bishop of Down). History of the Church of Ireland. 2 vols. London.

Meehan, C. P. The Confederation of Kilkenny. Dublin. 1846.

Moran, P. F. (Cardinal). Memoirs of the Most Rev. Oliver Plunket. Dublin. 1861.
Mountmorres, Lord. The History of the Principal Transactions of the Irish
Parliament (1634-66). 2 vols. London. 1792.

Murphy, Rev. D. Cromwell in Ireland. Dublin. 1883.
O'Conor, M. Military History of the Irish Nation (1550-1750).

Dublin. 1845.

O'Heyne, J. The Irish Dominicans of the 17th Century. Ed. A. Coleman.
Dundalk. 1902.

Phelan, W. History of the Church of Rome in Ireland. Dublin. 1827.
Prendergast, J. P. The Cromwellian Settlement. 2nd edn. London. 1870.
Reid, J. S. History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Ed. W. D. Killen.
3 vols. Belfast. 1867.
Sigerson, G.
Smyth, C. J.

Taylor, W. C.

History of Land tenures in Ireland. London. 1871.
Law Officers of Ireland. London. 1839.

Civil Wars of Ireland. 2 vols. London. 1830. Townshend, Dorothea. Life and Letters of the Great Earl of Cork. London. 1904. Warner, F. Hist. of the Rebellion and Civil War in Ireland (1641-60). London. 1767. Wight, T. 2nd edn.

History of the...Quakers in Ireland (1653–1700). Dublin. 1751. 1800.

Witherow, T. Memorials of Presbyterianism in Ireland (1623-1731). Belfast. 1879. [See also Bibliography, Vol. III, Chapter XVIII (ïïï, c).]




See Chapter IV.



Balthasard, J. de S. Histoire de la guerre de Guyenne. 1651-3. Cologne. 1694. Paris. 1858.

Dubuisson-Aubenay, F. N. Baudot. Journal des guerres civiles, 1648-52. (Société de l'histoire de Paris.) 2 vols. Paris. 1883-5.

Elbenne, S. M. de. Le siège de Mans. 1652.

Goyon de Matignon, F. de, Marquis de la Moussaye. Relations des campagnes de Rocroi et de Fribourg, 1643-4. Paris. 1673.

Gualdo Priorato, G. Histoire du ministère de...Mazarin. 3 vols. Amsterdam. 1671.

Loret, J. La Muse historique. Ed. J. Ravenel. Paris. 1857.
Portail. Histoire des temps (1647-8). Paris. 1649.

Priolo, B. Ab excessu Ludovici XIII de rebus gallicis historia. Libri XII.
Utrecht. 1669.

Saint-Évremond, C. Marguetel de Saint-Denis, Seigneur de. Retraite de Monsieur de Longueville en son gouvernement de Normandie pendant la guerre de Paris de 1649. Villefranche. 1688.

Siri, V. Il Mercurio. 15 vols. Geneva and Lyons. 1644-82.


Carsalade du Pont, J. de, Abbé. Documents inédits sur la Fronde, 1648-54. (Archives historiques de la Gascogne.) Paris and Auch. 1883.

Journal du Parlement, 1648-52. 2 vols. Paris. 1652.

Le Roux de Lincy, A. J. V. and Douet d'Arcy, L. C. Registres de l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris pendant la Fronde. (Société de l'histoire de France.) 3 vols. Paris. 1846-8.

Mignet, F. A. M. Négociations relatives à la succession d'Espagne. (Coll. des documents inédits.) 4 vols. Paris. 1835-42.

Moreau, C. Bibliographie des Mazarinades. Paris, 1850-1. Choix de Mazarinades. Paris. 1853.

Négociations secrètes de la paix des Pyrénées. 2 vols. Amsterdam. 1693. Négociations secrètes touchant la paix de Munster. 4 vols. The Hague. 1725. Ogier, F. Journal du Congrès de Munster, 1643-7. Ed. Boppe. Paris. 1893.

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