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النشر الإلكتروني
[graphic][merged small][merged small]

OUR city fronts the morning wave, and greets
Serene all comers; and, on either side,

The sailing pines of nations sundered wide
A stately river in its journey meets.
How I have loved our city's vistaed streets,
That like some Western cañon's walls divide,
To show the sunset's purple band, where ride
Those legend-haunted masts and storm-strained sheets !

But when the electric lamps their argent globes
Float in mid-air, and in the upper night
Some zenith star all solitary gleams,

Or when in morning mists our city robes,
She seems created by some wizard's sleight,
To vanish dream-like on the tide of dreams!


By Wolcott LeClear Beard

In the shade of the wickiup on the edge of the little plateau sat Wet Dog, gazing absently over the green valley which lay stretched at his feet. Not at all a good place for a camp, thought the patient squaws who had built it, for it was only a little, gravelly shelf on the parched, gray mountain which allowed the sun to beat full upon it while keeping off what breezes there were. Then the water must be carried all the way from the river, a hundred yards off horizontally and as many feet below; but what did Wet Dog care for that? He did not have to "pack" it—and, besides, there wasn't much to bring, for they used it only to boil things in- -so he had decreed that there the camp should be, and Wet Dog's word was law. He had reasons of his own-liked the view, he said-so the squaws had made many weary journeys up the steep incline, bearing from the flat below armfuls of arrow-weed, which they wove into hurdles, securing them, edge to edge, on three sides of a square. Their lord had been impatient during this process, for the sun was hot, and he had hurried them with grunts, together with sundry pokes. When the walls were up he squatted contentedly in their shadow, and, leaving his womankind to put on the roof more at their leisure, gave himself up to a pleasant revery.

A happy retrospect it was, for things had prospered with Wet Dog. In his youth he had been sent to an Indian school under the control of the Federal Government, and situated in the East, far away from all degrading aboriginal influences. This is why Wet Dog ran away from it, but he learned much while there, learned to speak English and to read a little, together with many other things appertaining to the lore of the white man, but which are not included in the curriculum of that excellent governmental institution. On his return to the reservation, he had sold skins and baskets to the wives of the officers quartered there, and


thereby obtained silver coins. This money he had invested in rifle cartridges, which he bartered with his brethren for the blankets served out to them by a paternal government. These he sold at a profit, so his wealth had grown and he had become a sub-chief of his tribe and the proprietor of many ponies. One reverse he had met with, to be sure, but he was not cast down, and turned it to his own advantage.

It was in this way. Racing, especially with horses, has always been a favorite sport with the Western Indian. The love of it was strong with Wet Dog, and so was the sentiment of tribal honor. When, for the great semi-annual races, the neighboring tribe of Papagos had entered their famous little cream-colored mare, two of Wet Dog's ponies, trained as carefully as his nature and knowledge permitted, ran against her, heavily backed. The mare added another victory to her unbroken score, and the Apaches lost heavily in blankets, ponies, and other valuable things. To lose them was bad enough, but that they should have gone to increase the wealth of the Papagos, the natural prey of the Apaches, a tribe that never fought nor killed anyone, and so was not esteemed even by the Government as worthy of rations, that was addicted to the wearing of hats, cultivation of the soil, and other unnatural and degrading practices, was unbearable, and even now Wet Dog grew indignant at the thought.

But Wet Dog was a man of resource, and on the evening of his defeat, having disinterred from under the floor of his residence the Springfield rifle which he had acquired from a deserter, and hidden, together with a bag containing sundry dollars and halves, he rounded up all his ponies-a goodly bunch-and departed Eastward. At Albuquerque he converted his horses into gold, which only an educated Indian will recognize as money, and boarded an East-bound freight train. For awhile his former haunts knew him

not, but when the time for the next racemeeting was nearly arrived, he returned, and on horseback.

He said nothing concerning his new mount, but, nevertheless, the tribe turned out in a body to inspect it. They knew the small, lean head with its pointed ears and long, thin neck, for the better run of their own cow-hocked ponies had these, but the well-ribbed barrel, powerful quarters, and thin, flat legs appealed to them with all the force of a novelty, and they marvelled greatly. Even the old Chief of the Three Sections grunted his approval, and called a council for that night, where a tax was voted by acclamation to buy barley for the new-comer, and hay, for grass he must not eat.

Then the next day Wet Dog bought a buggy-whip at the post-trader's, which he took, together with his eldest son and the horse, to a secluded valley near by, and the training commenced. As the animal stood with the boy on his back, Wet Dog would fire a pistol held in one hand; with the other, at the same time, bringing the whip sharply across the forelegs of the horse, which would rear and whirl; another cut over the haunches, and he would spring away in the direction opposite that in which he had been facing. Soon the whip became unnecessary, for he would turn and start at the sound of the shot, and the training was completed.

Then the great race-day, when Papagos and Apaches were gathered on opposite sides of the short, straight course, mingling only in the betting-place where they staked their possessions on the horses which carried the glory of the tribe, as well as nearly all its worldly goods. With what attention they watched the racers as they walked toward the starting-point! Not that Wet Dog showed any interest in the affair; that was proper only for squaws and Papagos and such things. But he felt it. It is a foolish practice, he thought, to post the horses with their tails to the finish. How quickly that mare turned! Much more readily than Wet Dog's horse, but that was the inherited instinct of the cow-pony. No training could equal that, and, truly, the mare ran fast; the Papagos were howling with joy. But soon their voices lowered, for the long stride of the thoroughbred was telling. The horse

closed up; then his beautiful neck and shoulders appeared in the lead, and the Apache women broke into delirious shrieks as he won, hard held, by a length. The tribe was embarrassed with riches. Rifles and blankets were plenty, and the cartridges, hitherto treasured, were now used to shoot rabbits. To Wet Dog this was due, so his people honored him; his horses were three where there had before been one, and the bunch grew larger with each successive race, until no Indian would bet against this strange horse from the East. So he had come to Cactus City, where the white men were to hold a fiesta. There were to be races, and therefore wealth would result to him; to his kin as well.

Far below him the brown Gila crawled between its weed-fringed banks, dividing the two strips of rich pasture-land, the nearer one of which was dotted with the awkwardly moving forms of hobbled ponies. On a little rise, shaded by a cottonwood tree, the racer was standing, being rubbed down with bunches of grass by two of Wet Dog's squaws. Beyond the other strip of pasture was a spur of the opposite mesa, lower and broader than the one on which Wet Dog's camp was placed, and there the two canvas saloons and the store which constituted Cactus City showed glaringly white against the black basalt cliff as the sun fell full on their gable ends.

Three men came out of the larger saloon, the Triangle, and, mounting their horses, rode away down the river. Wet Dog knew them all. Daddy Gab, the big one, was the proprietor of the Triangle. He had much money, which he would bet, and which, therefore, would accrue to Wet Dog. Another was Greaser Pete, who kept the Black Cat, next door. He also had money, but the Chief reflected sadly that with him it was not well for an Indian to have dealings. He was not of a trustful nature, and his suspicions and sixshooter would generally be aroused together. The third was a cow-boy; a thing which Wet Dog hated, as an Apache should. The three rounded a point of cliff and passed at once from Wet Dog's sight and mind, for his heart was at the place, a little up the river, where the course of the morrow was being laid out.

A few miles below, another horseman

"Are you the man we want?" asked one, a small man with a handsome, hard face.


was riding up the river trail. The sun had the largest of the trio waved his hand; passed the meridian, and the high cliff then turning, he rode into the cañon, folthrew a grateful shade over the road which lowed by his companions. The incline ran, at this point, half way up its face. A was steep; the donkey broke into a shamnarrow shadow, for it was barely past bling trot as the easiest method of gaining noon-a shadow just broad enough to the bottom, but was left to his own devices cover the slender path, making it appear as the mare was given her head, and in a almost in twilight when contrasted with hand gallop she followed the other horses. the brilliant sunlight which lighted up the The entrance was screened by a natural jagged masses of black rock littering the hedge of gnaried mesquit, and around the steep incline that broke down from its edge of this the negro rode, the flying tails outer edge. The day was burning hot, of his long coat giving his mount someeven for Arizona. The horseman who what the appearance of a shadow of Pegmoved slowly up the road did not seem asus bearing a poet of more modern to mind the heat-appeared rather to en- build than those who usually patronized joy it. He would have attracted much that classic beast. The men had disattention had there been anyone there to mounted and stood in a row as he came look at him, for he was a negro, short of up, looking at him in some astonishment. stature and thin of limb; his small, perfectly round body surmounted by a disproportionately large head, displaying a moon-face of a blackness seldom seen. Wearing a tall, well-worn silk hat, and clothed in a rusty black suit of clerical cut, the whole figure appeared like a travelling silhouette, the monotone being still further carried out by the black army saddle and the mare on which it rested. She undoubtedly would have drawn a horseman's attention, even from her rider. She was tall, in that land of ponies, and every line of her lithe body gave evidence of generations of breeding. That she had been long on the road was shown by her dusty coat, but she still snatched at her bit and fretted impatiently at the slow pace set for her by a tiny, pack-laden burro who plodded along in front. Every waggle of the donkey's enormous ears seemed to express his unalterable determination to go no faster, in spite of the prods and blows administered in measured cadence with a long stick by his master, who thus punctuated his rendering of a revival hymn, which he would interrupt from time to time in order to assail the unfortunate animal with epithets the most abusive his Virginia dialect could shape.

The trail made a turn and began to descend to the flat. At its foot the mesa divided, opening into a box cañon which extended far into the tableland. At its mouth, sitting on their horses, and evidently waiting for someone, were the three men from Cactus City. The song ended in a prolonged whoop, at which

"Yassir," replied the gentleman addressed. Clay Randolph, suh, the Reverend Clay Randolph. Would a been soonah but fo' Balaam. He got contrairy. Dey is dat-a-way, mos'ly. Heah he comes now, lak he's got all nex' week. Ain't got no ambition, nohow."

"Never mind that now," said one of the others; "'twas I that sent fer you. Gabriel, me nem is, from the Triangle, above. It's the boss of a gang of Apaches that's got a horse that's fair cleaned out the country, and for the good of his soul he must be skun. Bad. Can ye do it, d'ye think?"

"Kin she do it? Dat mah'll lick dis ter'tory. Brought her fum de ol' place, an' I'se gwine ride her myself. Ain't rid no races sence I begun preachin', but I ain' fo'got de way."

He seemed particularly unjockeylike as he stood, hat in hand, rubbing the top of his polished, bald head with a big red bandanna handkerchief, and the others looked doubtful, while the Reverend Randolph shuffled uneasily, rubbing his head harder than ever in his embarrassment.

"Ye're sure then?" said Gabriel, at last. "Sure you'd best be, fer it's our money as well as yer carcass the mare'll carry."

"Yassah, jes' so," replied the negro, relieved. "I don' ride races no mo', an' I don' bet. Considah it inconsistant wiv my puhfession. But foh de present oc

casion, suh, I'd be glad ef you could get a bet wiv dat Indian an' put dis on fo' me," taking, as he spoke, a heavy buckskin bag from his pocket. Don' bet wiv no white man. Dat's sinful; but an Indian's one of de los' tribes, an' mus' be luhned not to steer heself 'gains' de Gospel."

Gabriel slapped him on the back, laughing and agreeing volubly, but his companion only smiled. He was a taciturn man. "We'd better go, Gabe," he said. “Faith, we had," responded the other. They might miss us. Ye'll stop here, yer revrince, fer now. It is best the mare should not be seen. After dark, Sam, here, will show you the way. So long." He swung himself on his horse, and was about to ride away when the darky stopped him. "'Scuse me, suh, one moment," he said. "Should you have occasion to speak ov me in public kin'ly call me Jones, suh, John Jones, widout no Reveren'. It's on account of de ol' wo—of Mrs. Randolph, suh. Women don' understan' these affaiahs, an' it's as well she shouldn' know erbout it. Good-day, suh."

The morning of the fiesta broke clear and hot, as is the habit of mornings in that country, and that portion of Cactus City that had been in bed, rose with the dawn to finish the preparations. The Triangle and the Black Cat were swept and garnished; the quarters of beef which had been slowly roasting over the great trenches of mesquit coals, were turned for the last time by the smoke-grimed cooks, who then gave place to those who came to relieve them and, after refreshing themselves at the Triangle bar, went off to get some needed sleep before arraying their persons for the festivities.

Soon the spectators began to arrive. On horseback and on foot, from far up and down the river, they came. Great four or six horse wagons came creaking in along the sandy road, some of them containing women, the wives or daughters of the ranchers. Already the men had crowded to suffocation the big saloons, where extra hands were busily employed in shoving the black bottles and thick-bottomed glasses along the bar, from one to another of the crowd of customers who rested their elbows on them, disturbing the swarms of flies which were feasting on the smears made by the wet bottoms of the

over-filled tumblers. Outside, knots of men stood about, talking or uncinching their saddles. Many cow-boys there were, with their leather leggings and big-belled spurs. Vaqueros, dressed in tight-fitting trousers and short jackets of copper red, their broad brimmed, peaked - crowned sombreros heavy with a year's wages in silver. Prospectors, hoboes, ranchers, and all classes that go to make up the sum of frontier humanity were represented-allexcept the saloon man. He was busy inside.

The sports began. Chicken-pulling, shooting, and rough-riding followed each other, but few took much interest in them. Even the roping match, generally the principal event in these fiestas, attracted but little attention; everyone was waiting for the race. The Apache wonder was well known, and the possibilities of a dark winner had been talked of far and near.

A quarter of a mile below the settlement a course had been laid out. Though still short, it was longer than those generally used in that country, and was a curved one instead of the usual straightaway, in order that those who chose might ride down the chord of the arc and thus have an opportunity of seeing something of the whole race. Close by the ranging-poles, which showed where the finish was to be, a large tent had been pitched, and around this stood a few white men, but the vast majority of the crowd which swarmed the course from end to end were Indians-Indians of all degrees and from many tribes. Moquis, Maricopas, and Yavapais mingled freely with the Papagos, who wore the hats which were the scorn of their warlike neighbors, and talked together in garrulous groups. Among them stalked the Apaches, alone in the crowd, while the squaws, sitting in groups by themselves, showed their budding civilization by criticising their sisters of the other clans.

From the clearing in the thicket near the start, where his horse had been taken, rode Wet Dog, studying the course for the hundredth time. This was his first race against the whites, and he meant to take no unnecessary chances, though, in truth, everything seemed going his way, for the course was a long one, and did not his horse show to the best advantage where his long stride could tell? Farther, it had been asked of Wet Dog as a favor that the horses should

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