صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

assembled on board his majesty's ship Galatea, at Spithead, to inspect the working of her boat guns (carronades), which had been fitted by lieutenant Halahan, R.N. on his new plan, with springs, to do away the necessity of tackles, and consequently the labour of running the guns out. The pinnaces of the Galatea and Pyramus had their guns mounted, the former according to the present invention, the latter on the usual plan. At a signal given, both boats commenced firing together, and continued to do so about four minutes and a half, during which time, the Pyramus's pinnace fired eight rounds, to do which the men were obliged to lay in the three foremost oars on each side, whilst the Galatea's boat fired thirteen rounds, and the men had no occasion to lay in more than one oar on each side. The advantages of lieutenant Halahan's plan, therefore, were most evidently proved, especially as the boat can pull at the same time that the guns are worked. Besides, the recoil is so slight, that, during the thirteen rounds that were fired, the gun did not once come back to the breeching. Thus any boat capable of bearing the weight of a gun, may have one mounted, and fire it as often as may be wished, without the least risk of either shaking or straining the boat. Moreover, the machinery is so very simple, that it can be taken off, and replaced in two minutes, and, when off, the gun is the same as any other. The inspecting officers were unanimous in approving of this important improvement in naval gunnery.

SUPERSTITION.. A trial has taken place at Liege, which disclosed circumstances of the most stupid superstition and inhuman

cruelty. Pierre Arnold Jehoulet, and his three sons, Pierre Joseph, Lambert, and Alexander, stood charged with having, on the 10th of April, in their own house, inflicted various blows and wounds upon the widow Jean Riguelle, a labouring woman, residing at Moha, the result of which was a malady that incapacitated her from working for the space of twenty days. After the indictment was drawn up, she died. The following is the account given of what took place on the above-mentioned day, by the widow Riguelle, on her examination by the burgomaster:— She went about three o'clock on the 10th of April to Jehoulet's house with some flax, which he had given her to spin. Jehoulet, after taking the thread from her, said, that he was very unhappy; that within a short time he had lost two of his children, that he was overwhelmed with other misfortunes which he could attribute only to the influence of four witches, who were in the village; that she was one of them, and that, if she did not immediately tell the names of her sister witches, he would roast her over the fire. It was in vain that she declared her innocence of this extraordinary charge; Jehoulet went to the yard, and brought in a bundle of firewood, half of which he threw upon the fire, and when it was lighted, Lambert and Alexander Jehoulet seized her, and, after pulling her clothes over her head, held her over the fire, one by the feet and the other by the head, until the father told them to remove her, saying, that she had now suffered enough to make her avow her enchantments. Jehoulet not being able, however, to get an avowal from her, threw out the burning

embers upon the hearth-stone, and placed her on them. She immediately fainted away. On recovering her senses, Jehoulet put the same questions to her, and not receiving the desired answers, he said to one of his sons, "We must make an end of her, and she will not be the last that should be served in the same manner; we must burn her alive." Joseph then threw the remainder of the faggots upon the fire, and when they blazed up, the woman was held over them. This fresh torture not drawing the required confession from her, Joseph became furious, and swore that he would force her to confess that she was a witch, and that she was in compact with the devil, or he would kill her. He then took a foil in one hand, and a chain in the other, with the latter of which he threatened to hang her up the chimney; and, as she still persisted in declaring her innocence, he wounded her in the breast with the foil. Jehoulet then asked her if she would undo her spells? And upon her saying that she had none to undo, he asked her if she would renounce the devil? To which she replied, that she would renounce any thing he wished her to renounce. He then told her to quit the house, at the same time giving her a kick. When she got to the door, he ran after her, pulled

up her clothes, and tore away the burned skin and flesh from her back.

3. EXPLOSION OF A DISTILLERY. -The neighbourhood of Leonardstreet, Shoreditch, was thrown into a state of confusion and alarm, in consequence of a violent explosion at No, 92, in that street. few seconds after the crash, when all the windows, and the bulk-head of the house, where it originated,

In a

were carried away, and the ceiling of the kitchen was also raised from its rafters, a man, named Asher, who lodged in the house, was observed lowering his wife and child into the street by means of ropes, from one of the windows, and he himself leaped from the leads without receiving any injury. The house was then discovered to be on fire in several places; engines soon arrived, and, on the men entering the house, they found it in such a state of confusion, that it was utterly impossible to tell where the explosion originated, or what caused it, as the landlord was perfectly ignorant of there being any thing in the house to produce it. However, from the circumstance of Asher not being to be found in the neighbourhood, it was immediately suspected that he had been carrying on some illegal practice in the apartments he occupied, viz., the kitchen and second floor. When the fire and alarm had in some degree ceased, the firemen proceeded into the kitchen, which, to their astonishment, they found fitted up in a very convenient manner as a private distillery, which had been at work, with about 184 gallons of wash, and other ingredients for the distillation of spirits. There were wash-backs vats, and every thing proper for use; and, from the appearance of things, it would appear that Asher, who had not lived there long, had been working of spirits, when, from the bad construction of the still and brick-work, the whole exploded.

ANTIQUITIES.-An antiquarian discovery of some interest has been made during the recent improvements this year in the Thames navigation. The tradition of the precise station of the Cowig stakes, supposed to be set down where

Cæsar crossed the Thames had been for some time lost, though it was known to be between Weybridge and Walton. In deepening the river about 200 yards above Walton bridge, a line of old broken piles was discovered, some five feet below the previous bed of the river. They were about as thick as a man's thigh. Many have been drawn, and are in possession of the gentlemen in the neighbourhood.

FIRE AT CONSTANTINOPLE. "Constantinople Sept. 7.-The taking down of the standard of the Prophet, which was to have taken place on the 31st August, was necessarily delayed to the 2nd of September, on account of the dreadful fire which broke out at Constantinople just before the hour when the several officers of state were to assemble for this ceremony. This fire, which has destroyed nearly an eighth part of this immense capital (about 6,000 houses), continued for thirty-six hours. The violence of the wind, the want of water, and the extraordinary drought, lessened the efficacy of the succour which the public authorities directed, with indefatigable zeal, to the various parts to which the flames extended. The immense magazines, known by the name of khans, besestins, and tscharschis, hotels of almost all the ministers and great officers of the empire, the palace of the grand vizier, called the Sublime Porte, the palace of the Armenian patriarch, with the patriarchal church, and many other public buildings, are reduced to ashes. The loss of the government is estimated at above six millions of piastres; that of the Turkish and Armenian merchants and tradesmen, at above 50 millions. It has not been cer


tainly discovered, whether this disaster is to be ascribed to accident or malice; many circumstances indicate, that, if the origin was accidental, it was propagated by the discontented, for it is certain that the fire broke out all at once in very distant quarters, where neither the direction nor the force of the wind could have carried it. The measures adopted by the grand vizier, in concert with the seraskier, were as energetic as rapid. About 8,000 troops and four brigades of field artillery, were stationed in the interior of the seraglio, in order of battle; all the streets were occupied by soldiers, and no rioters ventured any where to show themselves. The sultan has opened all the gates of his palace to receive the unfortunate families that seek an asylum; several thousand women and children are lodged in palaces belonging to the government; others have received ample pecuniary relief. A part of the magazines will be rebuilt at the expense of the government, and the building of the new barracks is deferred, till after the erection of the public buildings which are indispensable to commerce. The seraskier mingled with the firemen, to encourage them, and worked with all his strength for two hours; and the chiefs of the several corps vied with him in activity and exertion to preserve order. The great majority of the people ascribe this misfortune to the cruel vengeance of the janissaries, who are become objects of universal execration. The sultan, to stop one source of discontent, which might lead to a re-action, has resolved to revoke the firman which abolished, without distinction, all the essames issued after

the war in Egypt. Partial pay ments have already been made to several thousand individuals, whose demands were rejected a few days before. The standard of Mahomet was replaced on the 2nd, with the usual ceremonies, in the apartment allotted for the preservation of the relics of the prophet. At the same time the camp in the interior of the seraglio was broken up, and the grand vizier, accompanied by all the ministers, went to the former palace of the aga of the janissaries, which, after the events of the 15th June, was assigned to the chief mufti. Another residence will be assigned to the latter, which the sultan will select for him."

9. FIRE AT SHEERNESS.-On Friday morning, about half-past four o'clock, the inhabitants of Blue Town were alarmed by a fire breaking out in the stables belonging to Mr. Clarkson, of the Fountain Inn. Assistance was promptly rendered, but the flames had acquired such power, that, before they could be subdued, no fewer than ten dwelling-houses became the prey of the devouring element, together with the whole of the stabling and coach-houses, including five horses, a coach, hearse, post-chaise, gig, &c. which were entirely consumed. The officers and men of his majesty's ships Brunel and Gloucester, as well as those from the Dock-yard, exerted themselves in the most praiseworthy manner; and happily succeeded, with the engine belonging to the naval establishments, in arresting the progress of the calamity.

HORRID OCCURRENCE. - - On Friday afternoon, a man named William Timpson, residing in Park-street Birmingham, presented

himself at the prison, and stated that he had murdered his wife. From his decisive manner, and upon further inquiries, the officers were induced to proceed to his residence, where, upon opening the door, they found the report but too strictly verified, as the poor woman lay in the kitchen, with her head nearly severed from her body. A large clasp knife with which Timpson stated he had committed the act, lay in the room. Upon being questioned on the subject, he said that he had no enmity towards his wife, and could not account for his having been actuated to commit so dreadful a crime.


RIOTS AT TILDESLEY. fewer than twenty-three men and women were brought up this morning, charged with rioting at the cotton-mills of John Jones, esq. of Tildesley, on Wednesday last, where about two hundred persons assembled; and with violently assaulting him and several others, as well as the constable, in the execution of his duty, in the apprehending of Henry Pendlebury, charged with rioting at the same mills on the 23rd of September. There were twelve depositions read of the ill-treatment received on that day. The solicitor on the part of the prisoners offering no evidence; they were bound in recognizances to keep the peace, and to answer for the riot and assault at the next Kirkdale sessions; and the parties were bound over to prosecute. Three hundred weavers entered the town this morning, but every thing remained quiet.

10. HYDROPHOBIA.-This week occurred a fatal case of hydrophobia in Salford, arising from the bite of a cat. The sufferer was

Ann Baldwin, a widow, aged about 53 years, living in Gravel-lane, Salford, and was generally employed as a washerwoman. About three months ago, she was washing at Mrs. Worrall's, in Broughton-street (not 100 yards from the place where Mr. Vaughan was bitten), when a strange cat enter ed the wash-house, and was attacked by two dogs belonging to Mrs. Worrall. Mrs. Baldwin endeavoured to extricate the cat from the dogs, when it fixed its teeth upon the fore finger of her right hand, and caused a severe wound, and though the wound was painful, she continued in her employment during the remainder of the day, but it increased in soreness, and an inflammation succeeded, extending up the fore arm. It was treated by fomentation and leeches, but without the advice of any medical gentleman, and the wound gradually healed. At intervals, however, she complained of pains in her hand and arm, and frequently referred to the bite she had had from the cat. On Thursday and Friday last, she complained of having more than usual pain in her hand and arm. Until Friday morning she continued to follow her employment; on that day the pain extended to her back and shoulders, and was accompanied by frequent shiverings. She passed a very restless night, and the symptoms of the very dreadful disorder became apparent, and increased in violence every hour. Early on Saturday morning Mr. Firnley visited her, and found her labouring under an evident spasmodic affection of the muscles and throat. In the afternoon, the paroxysms were of the most distressing kind, but she seemed sensible of her situation, and referred

frequently to the cat having bitten her, but sometimes calling it a dog; during the time the tongue and fauces were dry, and of a brown colour. It was with much difficulty she could show her tongue; and when she had done so, she invariably seemed ashamed, and hid her face. In this state she continued till a late hour on Saturday night, when death put an end to her sufferings. She was attended during the last stage of her illness by a number of medical gentlemen, who tried nearly all the remedies which had been recommended, but apparently without the slightest effect, even in alleviating the symptoms under which she laboured. Amongst other things, an injection of the acetate of morphine into circulation was several times tried, but no benefit was experienced from it.

10. NARROW ESCAPE.-On Friday a little boy, whilst playing on the cliff at Dover, approached too near the edge, and fell down a height of nearly 100 feet. He was carried to the shop of Mr. Mitchell, chemist, in Snargatestreet, when it was found that he had only received a slight injury.

11. At a night review of the miners of Schemnitz, by two of the archdukes of Austria, the whole appeared clad in their working dresses, bearing all their implements, and each person having in his hand the lamp with which he descends into the mine. By an ingenious and well-contrived movement of the corps, when the archdukes came to view them from the balcony of the director's house, they were so arranged that their lamps, as they stood, exhibited the initials A. and R. in illuminated letters, covering, in an instant, the whole square.

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