صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

party is often as large as the main discourse upon nued his exertions in behalf of Protestantism, which, the subject.


The Scottish prose writers of this period are few, and, in general, not only in language and style, but in the extent of their learning and whole strain of their genius, they fall strikingly below the first class of their English contemporaries.

John Knox.

At the commencement of the period, we find the name of a writer whose true eminence lies in a different field, that of vigorous political movement. JOHN KNOX, the celebrated reformer, was born at Haddington, in 1505. Bred a friar, he early embraced the doctrines of the Reformation, and while

Birthplace of Knox.

disseminating them at St Andrews, was carried prisoner to France in 1547. Being set at liberty two years afterwards, he preached in England till the accession of Mary in 1554 induced him to retire to the continent, where he resided chiefly at Geneva and Frankfort. Visiting Scotland in 1555, he greatly strengthened the Protestant cause by his exertions in Edinburgh; but at the earnest solicitation of the English congregation in Geneva, he once more took up his abode there in 1556. At Geneva he published The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women, directed principally against Mary of England and the queen regent of Scotland. Returning to Scotland in 1559, he conti

1 Regimen or government.

by the aid of an English army, finaily triumphed in the following year. He died in 1572, and when laid in the grave, was characterised by the Earl of The theological works of Knox are numerous, but Morton as one who never feared the face of man.' his chief production is a History of the Reformation of Religion within the Realm of Scotland, printed after his death. Although, from having been written at intervals, and amid the distractions of a busy life, much of it is in a confused and ill-digested state, it still maintains its value as a chief source of inforImation on the ecclesiastical history of the eventful period during which the author lived; and, though sometimes inaccurate, and the production of a partizan, it has, in the main, been confirmed by the researches of later historians. As a specimen of this celebrated work, we select the account of the

[Assassination of Cardinal Beaton.]

After the death of Master Wishart, the cardinal was cried up by his flatterers, and all the rabble of the corrupt clergy, as the only defender of the Catholic Church, and punisher of heretics, neglecting the authority of the sluggish governor. And it was said by them, that if the great prelates of latter days, both at home and abroad, had been so stout and zealous of the credit of the Catholic Church, they had not only suppressed all heretics, but also kept under the laymen, who were so froward and stubborn. On the other side, when that the people beheld the great tormenting of that innocent, they could not withhold from piteous mourning and complaining of the innocent lamb's slaughter. After the death of this blessed martyr of God, began the people in plain speaking to damn and detest the cruelty that was used; yea, men of great birth, and estimation, and honour, at open tables avowed, that the blood of the said Master George should be revenged, or else it should cost life for life. And that, in a short time, they should be like hogs kept for slaughter, by this vicious priest, which Amongst neither minded God nor cared for man. those that spake against the cardinal's cruelty, John Lesley, brother to the Earl of Rothes, was chief, with his cousin Norman Lesley, who had been a great follower of the cardinal, and very active for him, but a little before fell so foul with him, that they came to high reproaches one with another. The occasion of their falling out was a private business, wherein Norman Lesley said he was wronged by the cardinal. On the other side, the cardinal said he was not with respect used by Norman Lesley, his inferior. The said John Lesley in all companies spared not to say, that that same dagger (showing forth his dagger), and that same hand, should be put in the cardinal's breast. These bruits came to the cardinal's ears; but he thought himself stout enough for all Scotland; for in Babylon, that is, in his new block-house," he was sure, as he thought, and upon the fields he was able to match all his enemies. Many purposes were devised how that wicked man might have been taken away; but all faileth, till Friday the 28th of May, anno 1546, when the aforesaid Norman came at night to Saint Andrews. William Kirkcaldy of Grange, younger, was in the town before, waiting upon the purpose. Last came John Lesley, as aforesaid, who was most suspected. What conclusion they took that night, it was not known, but by the issue that followed. But early upon the Saturday, in the morning, the 29th of May, were they in sundry companies in the abbey churchyard, not far distant from the castle.



*The archiepiscopal palace of St Andrews, in which the cardinal resided, was a fortified building, to which, it appears, he had recently made some important additions for farther security.

him twice or thrice through with a stag-sword: and so he fell, never word heard out of his mouth, but, 1 am a priest, fie, fie, all is gone.

While they were thus busied with the cardinal, the fray rose in the town; the provost assembles the commonalty, and comes to the house-side, crying, What have ye done with my lord cardinal? where is my lord cardinal? have ye slain my lord cardinal! They that were within answered gently, Best it were for you to return to your own houses, for the man ye call the cardinal hath received his reward, and in his own person will trouble the world no more. But then more enragedly they cry, We shall never depart till that we see him. And so was he brought to the east


the faithless multitude, which would not believe before they saw, and so they departed without Requiem æternam, et requiescat in pace, sung for his soul. * These things we write merrily, but we would that the reader should observe God's just judgments, and how that he can deprehend the worldly-wise in their own wisdom, make their table to be a snare to trap their own feet, and their own purposed strength to be their own destruction. These are the works of our God, whereby he would admonish the tyrants of this earth, that in the end he will be revenged of their cruelty, what strength soever they make in the contrary.


In the reign of James VI., a work similar to that of Knox, but on a much more extensive scale, more minute, and involving many public documents, was written by DAVID CALDERWOOD, another zealous Presbyterian divine. An abridgment of this work has been printed under the title of The True History of the Church of Scotland: the original, in six folio volumes of manuscript, reposes in the library of the university of Glasgow. For his resolute opposition to Episcopacy, Calderwood was imprisoned in 1617, and afterwards banished from Scotland. On his return, he became minister of Pencaitland, in Haddingtonshire. The style of his work deserves little commendation; but though tinged with partyfeeling, it has always been valued as a repertory of historical facts.

First, the gates being open, and the drawbridge letten down, for receiving of lime and stones, and other things necessary for building (for Babylon was almost finished), first, we say, essayed William Kirkcaldy of Grange, younger, and with him six persons, and getting entry, held purpose with the porter, If my lord was waking? who answered, No. While the said William and the porter talketh, and his servants made them to look at the work and workmen, approached Norman Lesley with his company; and because they were in great number, they easily gat entry. They address to the midst of the court; and immediately came John Lesley, somewhat rudely, and four persons with him. The porter fearing, would have drawn the bridge; but the said John, being en-block-house head, and showed dead over the wall to tered thereon, stayed it, and leaped in; and while the porter made him for defence, his head was broken, the keys taken from him, and he cast into the ditch, and so the place was seized. The shout ariseth; the workmen, to the number of more than a hundred, ran off the walls, and were without hurt put forth at the wicket gate. The first thing that ever was done, William Kirkcaldy took the guard of the privy postern, fearing lest the fox should have escaped. Then go the rest to the gentlemen's chambers, and without violence done to any man, they put more than fifty persons to the gate the number that enterprised and did this, was but sixteen persons. The cardinal, wakened with the shouts, asked from his window, What meant that noise? It was answered, that Norman Lesley had taken his castle which understood, he ran to the postern, but perceiving the passage to be kept without, he returned quickly to his chamber, took his twohanded sword, and caused his chamberlain to cast chests and other impediments to the door. In this meantime came John Lesley unto it, and bids open. The cardinal asking, Who calls? he answered, My name is Lesley. He demanded, Is that Norman? The other saith, Nay, my name is John. I will have Norman, saith the cardinal, for he is my friend. Content yourself with such as are here, for other you shall have none. There were with the said John, James Melvin, a man familiarly acquainted with Master George Wishart, and Peter Carmichael, a stout gentleman. In this meantime, while they force at the door, the cardinal hides a box of gold under coals that were laid in a secret corner. At length he SIR JAMES MELVIL, privy councillor and gentleasketh, Will ye save my life! The said John an- man of the bed-chamber to Mary Queen of Scots, swered, It may be that we will. Nay, saith the car- was born at Hall-hill, in Fifeshire, in the year 1530, dinal, swear unto me by God's wounds, and I will and died in 1606. He left in manuscript a historical open to you. Then answered the said John, It that work, which for a considerable time lay unknown was said is unsaid; and so cried, Fire, fire (for the in the castle of Edinburgh, but having at length door was very strong), and so was brought a chimley- been discovered, was published in 1683, under the full of burning coals; which perceived, the cardinal title of Memoirs of Sir James Melvil of Hall-hill, or his chamberlain (it is uncertain) opened the door, containing an Impartial Account of the Most Remarkand the cardinal sat down in a chair, and cried, I able Affairs of State during the Last Age, not menam a priest, I am a priest; ye will not slay me. The tioned by other Historians; more particularly Relating said John Lesley (according to his former vows) struck to the Kingdoms of England and Scotland, under the him first once or twice, and so did the said Peter. Reigns of Queen Elizabeth, Mary Queen of Scots, and But James Melvin (a man of nature most gentle and King James. In all which Transactions the Author was most modest), perceiving them both in choler, with- Personally and Publicly Concerned. This work is esdrew them, and said, This work and judgment of God teemed for the simplicity of its style, and as the sole (although it be secret) ought to be done with greater authority for the history of many important events. gravity. And presenting unto him the point of the sword, said, Repent thee of thy former wicked life, but especially of the shedding of the blood of that notable instrument of God, Master George Wishart, which albeit the flame of fire consumed before men, yet cries it for vengeance upon thee, and we from God are sent to revenge it. For here, before my God, I protest, that neither the hatred of thy person, the love of thy riches, nor the fear of any trouble thou couldst have done to me in particular, moved or moveth me to strike thee; but only because thou hast been, and remainest, an obstinate enemy against Christ Jesus and his holy gospel. And so he struck


JOHN LESLEY, bishop of Ross, was a zealous partisan of Queen Mary, whom he accompanied on her return from France to Scotland in 1561, and in whose behalf he actively exerted himself during her imprisonment in England. Forced by Elizabeth to withdraw to the continent on account of the conspiracies against her in which he engaged, he was appointed bishop of Constance in 1593, and in that situation employed his wealth and influence in founding three colleges for the in

struction of his countrymen, at Rome, Paris, and Douay. Being now, however, advanced in years, he shortly afterwards resigned the mitre, and retired to a monastery in the Netherlands, where he died in 1596. His chief publications are, a treatise in defence of Queen Mary and her title to the English crown; a Description of Scotland and the Scottish Isles; and a work on the Origin, Manners, and Exploits of the Scotch. All these are in Latin; the last two forming a volume which he published at Rome in 1578. He wrote in the Scottish language a History of Scotland from 1436 to 1561, of which only a Latin translation (contained in the volume just mentioned) was published by himself; the original, however, was printed by the Bannatyne Club in 1830. In 1842 appeared a work entitled Vestiarium Scoticum,* the body of which consisted of a catalogue of the tartans peculiar to Scottish families, composed by Bishop Lesley in the Scottish language, and which had long been preserved in manuscript in the college of Douay.

[Character of James V.]

[From Lesley's History of Scotland.']

to be registered in the book of fame, gave up and rendered his spirit into the hands of Almighty God, where I doubt not but he has sure fruition of the joy that is prepared for these as shall sit on the right hand of our Saviour.

[Burning of Edinburgh and Leith by the English in 1544.]

Now will I return to the earnest ambition of King Henry of England, who ceased not to search by all means possible to attain to his desire, and therefore sent a great army by sea into Scotland, with the Earl of Hertford, his lieutenant, and the Viscount Lisle, his admiral, with two hundred great ships, besides boats and crears that carried their victuals, whereof there was great number; and the whole fleet arrived in the firth fornent? Leith the third day of May, and landed artillery and all kind of munition, the fourth of May. at the New Haven about xx thousand men, with great In the meantime, the Governor being in the town of Edinburgh, hearing of their sudden arrival, departed forth of the town toward Leith, accompanied with the Cardinal, Earls of Huntly, Argyll, Bothwell, and others, with their own household men only, purposing [Original Spelling.-Thier wes gryt dule and meane maid for to stop the landing of the enemy; but frae" they were him throw all the partis of his realme, because he was a nobill surely advertised of the great number of their enemies, prince, and travaillet mekill all his dayis for maintening of wherethrough they were not able to withstand their his subjectis in peace, justice, and quietnes. He was a man, &c.] forces, they returned to Edinburgh, and sent Sir Adam Otterburne, provost of the town, and two of the bailies, There was great dole and moan made for him through to the said Earl Hertford, lieutenant, desiring to know all the parts of his realm, because he was a noble for what cause he was come with such an army to prince, and travailed mickle all his days for main-invade, considering there was no war proclaimed betaining of his subjects in peace, justice, and quietness. He was a man of personage and stature convenient, albeit mighty and strong therewith, of countenance amiable and lovely, specially in his communication; his eyes gray and sharp of sight, that whomsoever he did once see and mark, he would perfectly know in all times thereafter; of wit in all things quick and prompt; of a princely stomach and high courage in great perils, doubtful affairs, and matters of weighty importance: he had, in a manner, a divine foresight, for in such things as he went about to do, he did them advisedly and with great deliberation, to the intent that amongst all men his wit and prudence might be noted and regarded, and as 'far excel and pass all others in estate and dignity. Besides this, he was sober, moderate, honest, affable, courteous, and so far abhorred pride and arrogance, that he was ever sharp and quick to them which were spotted or noted with that crime. He was also a good and sure justiciar, by the which one thing he allured to him the hearts of all the people, because they lived quietly and in rest, out of all oppression and molestation of the nobility and rich persons; and to this severity of his was joined and annexed a certain merciful pity, which he did ofttimes show to such as had offended, taking rather compositions of money nor men's lives; which was a plain argument that he did use his rigour only (as he said himself) to bow and abate the high and wrongous hearts of the people, specially Irishmen3 and borderers, and others, nursed and brought up in seditious factions and civil rebellions; and not for greedy desire of riches or hunger of money, although such as were afflicted would cry out; and surely this good and modest prince did not devour and consume the riches of his country; for he by his high policy marvellously riched his realm and himself, both with gold and silver, all kind of rich substance, whereof he left great store and quantity in all his palaces at his departing And so this king, living all his time in the favour of fortune, in high honour, riches, and glory, and, for his noble acts and prudent policies, worthy

*Edited by John Sobieski Stuart. 4to. Tait: Edinburgh.
1 Criminal judge. 2 Than. 3 Ersemen, or Highlanders.


twixt the two realms; and if there was any injuries
or wrongs done whereupon the King of England was
offended, they would appoint commissioners to treat
with them thereupon, and to that effect thankfully
would receive them within the town of Edinburgh.
The said Earl of Hertford answered, that he had no
commission to treat upon any matters, but only to
receive the Queen of Scotland, to be convoyed in Eng-
land to be married with Prince Edward; and if they
would deliver her, he would abstain from all pursuit,
otherwise he would burn and destroy the towns of
Edinburgh, Leith, and all others where he might be
master within the realm of Scotland, and desired
therefore the haill men, wives, bairns, and others,
being within the town of Edinburgh, to come forth of
the same, and present them before him as lieutenant,
and offer them into the king's will, or else he would
proceed as he had spoken. To the which the provost,
by the command of the Governor and council, answered,
that they would abide all extremity rather or they ful-
filled his desires; and so the Governor caused furnish
the castle of Edinburgh with all kind of necessary fur-
niture, and departed to Striveling.6 In the meantime,
the English army lodged that night in Leith. Upon
the morn, being the fifth of May, they marched for-
ward toward Edinburgh by the Canongate, and or their
entering therein, there came to them six thousand
horsemen of English men from Berwick by land, who
joined with them, and passed up the Canongate, of
purpose to enter at the Nether Bow; where some re-
sistance was made unto them by certain Scottish
men, and divers of the English men were sein, and
some also of the Scottish side, and so held them that
day occupied skirmishing, till the night came, which
compelled them to return unto their camp. And on
the next day, being the sixth of May, the great army
came forward with the haill ordinances,7 and assailed
the town, which they found void of all resistance,
saving the ports of the town were closed, which they
1 To enforce a marriage between his son and the infant
Queen Mary of Scotland.
2 Opposite.
4 Whole.
5 Ere.

3 When, from the time when.
6 Stirling.

7 Whole ordnance.

broke up with great artillery, and entered thereat, carrying carted ordinances before them till they came in sight of the castle, where they placed them, purposing to siege the castle. But the laird of Stanehouse, captain thereof, caused shoot at them in so great abundance, and with so good measure, that they slew a great number of English men, amongst whom there was some principal captains and gentlemen; and one of the greatest pieces of the English ordinances was broken; wherethrough they were constrained to raise the siege shortly and retire them.

The same day the English men set fire in divers places of the town, but was not suffered to maintain it, through continual shooting of ordinance forth of the castle, wherewith they were so sore troubled, that they were constrained to return to their camp at Leith. But the next day they returned again, and did that they could to consume all the town with fires. So likewise they continued some days after, so that the most part of the town was burnt in cruel manner; during the which time their horsemen did great hurt in the country, spoiling and burning sundry places thereabout, and in special all the castle and place of Craigmillar, where the most part of the whole riches of Edinburgh was put by the merchants of the town in keeping, which not without fraud of the keepers, as was reported, was betrayed to the English men for a part of the booty and spoil thereof.

When the English men of war was thus occupied in burning and spoiling, the Governor sent and relieved the Earl of Angus, Lord Maxwell, master of Glencairn, and Sir George Douglas, forth of ward, and put them to liberty; and made such speedy preparation as he could to set forward an army for expelling the English men forth of the realm; who hearing thereof, upon the xiiij day of May, they broke down the pier of Leith haven, burned and destroyed the same; and shipping their great artillery, they sent their ships away homeward, laden with the spoil of Edinburgh and Leith, taking with them certain Scottish ships which was in the haven, amongst the which the ships England. Upon the xv day of May their army and their fleet departed from Leith at one time, the town of Leith being set in fire the same morning; and their said army that night lodged at Seaton, the next night beside Dunbar, the third night at Renton in the Merse, and the 18 day of May they entered in Berwick. In all this time, the borderers and certain others Scottish men, albeit they were not of sufficient number to give battle, yet they held them busy with daily skirmishing, that sundry of their men and horse were taken, and therefore none of them durst in any wise stir from the great army in all their passage from Edinburgh to Berwick.*

called Salamander and the Unicorn were carried in

* As some of our readers may be pleased to see Bishop Lesley's Latin version of this atrocious narrative, we here transcribe the greater part of it from his volume printed at Rome in 1578. It will be observed that the style is much more concise than in the original:

Anglorum copiæ Leythi pernoctant. Postero autem die Edinburgum versus per vicum qui à canonicis nomen habet progredientes, sex millibus equitum, qui terrestri itinere Bervico venerant, se conjungunt. Ad inferiorem urbis portam Angli tota die levibus præliis à Scotis lacessiti sistere coguntur. Repulsi, nocte appetente, se in castra recipiunt; sequenti die ad oppidum jam desertum ab omnibus oppugnandum universi prodeunt. Portis igitur, quæ clausæ erant, diruptis, in urbem irruunt, ac tormentis, qua ex arce prospici potest, dispositis, obsidionem parant. Interea D. Stanhousius arcis præfectus magna vi tormenta bellica displodens, rupta ingenti hostium machina, Anglos circiter quingentos transverberat. Quam ob rem soluta obsidione, Angli eadem die in varias oppidi partes ignes injecerunt. Verum illud incendium latius spargere non poterant; quod propter assiduam castri ejaculationem ita fuerant disturbati, ut coacti pedem in castra retulerint. Postero amen die oppidum summa hostium diligentia inflammatum

[merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small]


popular commotions had obliged him to retire. He wrote, at the command of James, a History of the Church of Scotland, from A.D. 203 to 1625. the king, on expressing his wish for the composition of that work, was told that some passages in it might possibly bear too hard upon the memory of his mother, he desired Spotiswood to write and spare not ;' and yet, says Bishop Nicolson, the historian ventured not so far with a commission as Buchanan did without one. The history was published in London in 1655, and is considered to be, on the whole, a faithful and impartial narrative.

[Destruction of Religious Edifices in 1559.]

from Geneva into Scotland, and, joining with the conWhilst these things passed, John Knox returned gregation, did preach to them at Perth. In his sermon, he took casion to speak against the adoration of images, showed that the same tended to God's dishonour, and that such idols and monuments of super

per quatuor dies miserabili incendio conflagravit. Foris ab equite, aliisque militibus tam Anglis quam Scotis, tanquam à furiis omnia vastata et diruta fuerunt. Gubernator hoc tempore Comitem Angusium, D. Maxuellum, ac Georgium Douglasium educi ex custodiis jubet; exercitum quam accuratissimè cogit, ut Anglos regno ejiciat. Quod cum illi cognovissent, pridie Id. Maii castra movent; aggerem portus Leythi diruunt, et alios in adverso littore portus, oppidaque incendio consumunt, Quasdam ac naves spoliis onustas in Angliam traducunt. etiam Scoticas naves, inter quas duæ præcipuæ et insignes erant, Salamander et Unicornis dictæ, secum auferunt. Id. Maii solvunt. Exercitus, qui terra ducebatur, prima nocte, Setonii castra locat, secunda Dumbarri: tertia Rentoni in Merchia; quarta ad xv Kal. Junii Bervicum pervenit. Scoti hostes insequi, infestare, aliquos etiam capere, illos denique ita agitare, ut toto itineris hujus spatio vix quisquam segregare se à tota agmine auderet.'

*Nicolson's Scottish Historical Library, 1736, p. 68.


temple; and applying the corruption which was at 'that time in Jerusalem to the present estate in the church, and declaring what was the duty of those to whom God had given authority and power, he did so incite the auditors, as, the sermon being ended, they went all and made spoil of the churches, rasing the monasteries of the Black and Gray Friars to the ground.

[James VI. and a Refractory Preacher.]

stition as were erected in churches ought to be pulled down, as being offensive to good and godly people. The sermon ended, and the better sort gone to dinner, a priest, rather to try men's affections than out of any devotion, prepared to say mass, opening a great case, wherein was the history of divers saints exquisitely carved. A young boy that stood by, saying that such boldness was unsufferable, the priest gave him a blow. The boy, in an anger, casting a stone at the priest, happened to break one of the pictures, whereupon stir was presently raised, some of the common sort falling upon the priest, others running to the altar and break- The king perceiving by all these letters that the ing the images, so as in a moment all was pulled down death of his mother was determined, called back his in the church that carried any mark of idolatry. The ambassadors, and at home gave order to the ministers people, upon the noise thereof, assembled in great to remember her in their public prayers: which they numbers, and, invading the cloisters, made spoil of all denied to do, though the form prescribed was most they found therein. The Franciscans had store of Christian and lawful; which was, 'That it might provision, both of victuals and household stuff; amongst please God to illuminate her with the light of his the Dominicans the like wealth was not found, yet so truth, and save her from the apparent danger wherein much there was as might show the profession they she was cast.' Upon their denial, charges were dimade of poverty to be feigned and counterfeit. The rected to command all bishops, ministers, and other Carthusians, who passed both these in wealth, were office-bearers in the church, to make mention of her used in like manner; yet was the prior permitted to distress in their public prayers, and commend her to take with him what he might carry of gold and silver God in the form appointed. But of all the number, Mr plate. All the spoil was given to the poor, the rich David Lindsay at Leith, and the king's own ministers, sort forbearing to meddle with any part thereof. But gave obedience. At Edinburgh, where the disobedience that which was most admired was the speed they made was most public, the king, purposing to have their in demolishing these edifices. For the Charterhouse fault amended, did appoint the 3d of February for (a building of exceeding cost and largeness) was not solemn prayers to be made in her behalf, commandonly ruined, but the stones and timber so quickly ing the bishop of St Andrews to prepare himself for taken away, as, in less than two days' space, a vestige that day; which when the ministers understood, they thereof was scarce remaining to be seen. They of stirred up Mr John Cowper, a young man not entered Cupar in Fife, hearing what was done at Perth, went as yet in the function, to take the pulpit before the in like manner to their church, and defaced all the time, and exclude the bishop. The king coming at images, altars, and other instruments of idolatry; the hour appointed, and seeing him in the place, which the curate took so heavily, as the night follow-called to him from his seat, and said, ' Mr John, that ing he put violent hands on himself.



The noblemen remained at that time in St Andrews: and because they foresaw this their answer would not be well accepted, and feared some sudden attempt (for the queen with her Frenchmen lay then at Falkland), they sent to the lords of Dun and Pittarrow, and others that favoured religion in the countries of Angus and Mearns, and requested them to meet at St Andrews the 4th day of June. Meanwhile, they themselves went to the town of Crail, whither all that had warning came, showing great forwardness and resolutions; and were not a little encouraged by John Knox, who, in a sermon made unto them at the same time, put them in mind of that he foretold at Perth, how there was no sincerity in the Queen Regent's dealing, and that conditions would not be kept, as they had found. Therefore did he exhort them not to be any longer deluded with fair promises, seeing there was no peace to be hoped for at their hands, who took no regard of contracts and covenants solemnly sworn. And because there would be no quietness till one of the parties were masters, and strangers expulsed out of the kingdom, he wished them to prepare theinselves either to die as men, or to live victorious.

By this exhortation the hearers were so moved, as they fell immediately to the pulling down of altars and images, and destroyed all the monuments which were abused to idolatry in the town. The like they did the next day in Anstruther, and from thence came directly to St Andrews. The bishop hearing what they had done in the coast-towns, and suspecting they would attempt the same reformation in the city, came to it well accompanied, of purpose to withstand them; but after he had tried the affections of the townsinen, and found them all inclining to the congregation, he went away early the next morning towards Falkland to the queen.

That day being Sunday, John Knox preached in the parish church, taking for his theme the history of the Gospel touching our Saviour's purging of the

place was destinate for another; yet, since you are there, if you will obey the charge that is given, and remember my mother in your prayers, you shall go on.' He replying, he would do as the Spirit of God should direct him,' was commanded to leave the place. And making as though he would stay, the captain of the guard went to pull him out; whereupon he burst forth in these speeches, This day shall be a witness against the king in the great day of the Lord and then denouncing a woe to the inhabitants of Edinburgh, he went down, and the bishop of St Andrews entering the pulpit, did perform the duty required. The noise was great for a while amongst the people; but after they were quieted, and had heard the bishop (as he was a most powerful preacher) out of that text to Timothy, discourse of the duty of Christians in praying for all men,' they grieved sore to see their teachers so far overtaken, and condemned their obstinacy in that point. In the afternoon, Cowper was called before the council, where Mr Walter Balcanquel and Mr William Watson, ministers, accompanying him, for some idle speeches that escaped them, were both discharged from preaching in Edinburgh during his majesty's pleasure, and Cowper sent prisoner to Blackness.


GEORGE BUCHANAN is more distinguished as a writer of classical Latinity than for his productions in the English tongue. He was born in Dumbartonshire in 1506, studied at Paris and St Audrews, and afterwards acted as tutor to the Earl of Murray. While so employed, he gave offence to the clergy by a satirical poem, and was obliged to take refuge on the continent, from which he did not return to Scotland till 1560. Though he had embraced the Protestant doctrines, his reception at the court of Mary was favourable: he assisted her in her studies, was employed to regulate the uni

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