صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


OD. i. 9.

ONE dazzling mass of solid snow

Soracte stands; the bent woods fret

Beneath their load; and, sharpest-set

With frost, the streams have ceased to flow.

Pile on great faggots and break up

The ice let influence more benign


Enter with four-years-treasured wine, Fetched in the ponderous Sabine cup:

Leave to the Gods all else. When they

Have once bid rest the winds that war

Over the passionate seas, no more

Grey ash and cypress rock and sway.

Ask not what future suns shall bring:

Count to-day gain, whate'er it chance

To be: nor, young man, scorn the dance, Nor deem sweet Love an idle thing,

Ere Time thy April youth hath changed
To sourness. Park and public walk

Attract thee now, and whispered talk
At twilight meetings pre-arranged;

Hear now the pretty laugh that tells

In what dim corner lurks thy love;

And snatch a bracelet or a glove

From wrist or hand that scarce rebels



OD. i. 11.

EEK not, for thou shalt not find it, what my


end, what thine shall be;

Ask not of Chaldæa's science what God wills,


Better far, what comes, to bear it. Haply many a wintry blast

Waits thee still; and this, it may be, Jove ordains to be thy last,

Which flings now the flagging sea-wave on the

obstinate sandstone-reef.

Be thou wise fill up the wine-cup; shortening,

since the time is brief,

Hopes that reach into the future. While I speak,

hath stol'n away

Jealous Time.

Mistrust To-morrow, catch the

blossom of To-day.


OD. iii. 3.

THE just man's single-purposed mind

Not furious mobs that prompt to ill

May move, nor kings' frowns shake his will

Which is as rock; not warrior winds

That keep the seas in wild unrest;

Nor bolt by Jove's own finger hurled:

The fragments of a shivered world

Would crash round him still self-possest.

Jove's wandering son reached, thus endowed,

The fiery bastions of the skies;

Thus Pollux; with them Cæsar lies

Beside his nectar, radiant-browed.

Honoured for this, rewarded, tigers drawn

Rode Bacchus, reining necks before

Untamed; for this War's horses bore Quirinus up from Acheron.

To the pleas'd gods had Juno said,

In conclave: "Troy is in the dust;

Troy, by a judge accursed, unjust, And that strange woman prostrated.

"The day Laomedon ignored

His god-pledged word, resigned to me

And Pallas ever pure, was she,

Her people, and their traitor lord.

"No more the Greek girl's guilty guest

Sits splendour-girt: Priam's perjured sons

Find not against the mighty ones

Of Greece a shield in Hector's breast:

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