see, he had a lot of fancy men that told him every thing as was done in the ship. No sooner did he know it than you might as well have told a boatswain's mate to keep a secret as him, for aft it went to old Tom directly. Well, as we were lying one night in the Bay of Antigua, a fine calm night it was, the ports all up for the heat, and every one in their hammocks, Jack Gibson as was a messmate of mine happened to go to the birth for a drink of water, his coppers being rather hot, when what did he see but an infernal black cat pitching into it a four pound piece of beef that had | been left from dinner. Aha!' says Jack, 'have I catched you at last? Go and take a swim after your meal,' said he, for the good of your soul!' As he pitched it out the port, the cat made a hell of a splash in the water, and swam towards the shore. Jack went to his hammock, but had scarcely turned in, when the whole ship was in an uproar. D me, there could not be more noise if the bloody ship had been overboard! They beat to quarters, and every one was there before you would say trap stick. The second cutters was called away to pursue the man as they thought was overboard, Now, d'ye see, 'twas two of them superfine vagabonds that had been skulking in the forechains just over the port where Jack launched the cat, and they were trying to hear what we were convarsing about as we lay in our hammocks; well, d'ye see, shippies, they were just like these two elders you read about in what you call that 'ere book in the Bible; no, it's not in the Bible either; it's a kind of Pothecary I thinks they call it, right in midships between the Bible and Testament. Now, d'ye see, them two fellors went aft to old Tom himself, and pitched him the bloodiest twister as ever you heard, about as how they heard two of the men convarsing together about delivering up the ship to the French, and that they came to the conclusion that one was to jump over into the water; and, oh! I'm dd, if I can tell you the half they were going to do! The Admiral ordered them to beat to quarters, and dispatched the cutter, manned and armed, after the cat. When we was at our quarters we was called to muster on the quarter-deck. Old Tom then said he wouldn't muster till they brought the mutinous rascal aboard. We was all waiting, like a parcel of bumboat-men on a pay day. Old Tom's nephew was looking over the quarter through his bring-em-near, and turning to old Tom, told him they had just picked up the rascal, and was bringing him aboard. Master-at-arms,' said he, 'get a pair of irons to clap the scoundrel in directly.' Jack Ketch, always glad of a job, was off in a twinkling, and quickly brought up a pair of the strongest irons in the ship. Laying them on the deck, the precious rascal stood rubbing his hands, his fingers itching to be putting the shackles round what he thought a man's legs. The boat neared the ship, and soon came alongside. The middy came on the quarter-deck, with a face like a wet swab or methody parson. 'Have you got him?' said old Tom. 'Yes, sir,' was the reply, 'he is in the boat.' • Bring him here,' said he, 'and get your irons ready, master-at-arms; clap him on the poop, and to-morrow morning, I'm d, if I don't see his back-bone!" I very much doubt, sir,' said the middy, if you have got a pair of irons in the ship that will fit the gentleman, for he is not very thick about the ankle.''Bring him up, bring him up, said Tom; 'I'll have him on the poop all night, if I should tie him with the mizen top-sail haul-yards myself; but where is he?' • He is coming, sir,' said the middy, but we will need to carry him up, said he, for the poor fellor is so weak that he can't come out of the boat.' 'Get a whip on the mainyard,' said old Tom, 'and hoist the rascal in.' He is here, sir,' said the middy, advancing on the quarter-deck, and showing the Admiral the black cat, which he carried under his arm! Now, if you'll believe me, old Tom had not a word to throw to a dog, and the whole ship's company was like to split their sides with laughing at him and his spies, and the mutinous cat; but there never was a word about mutiny all the time we was out after that, which was three years and eight months, and the spies and Jack Ketch had the devil's own life of it till we came home!" To this we shall add some more mind that I was safer at my gun than anywhere else; however, go I must. On gaining the main-deck, the scene of carnage and devastation far exceeded what was on the lower deck. Shortly before this, I had heard a dreadful crash, as if the whole ship's side had been stove in, and I now learned that it was occasioned by two marble-shot of 120 pound weight each, striking the main-deck abreast of the mainhatchway. They had knocked two ports into one, and wounded five men, among whom was my dear messmate, Morfiet; but this I did not know at the time. I saw Captain Bathurst coming down the poop ladder, when the tail of his cocked hat was carried away by a splinter from the bulwarks of the ship. He took off the hat, looked at it, and smiled; then coming down on the quarter-deck, which was the most imminently exposed part of the ship, issued his orders with the same calmness as if he had been exercising guns at sea. There was something at once noble and ludicrous in the appearance and situation of the old man, as he proudly walked the quarter-deck, with his drawn sword and shattered hat, amid showers of shot and splinters, insensible apparently to the danger that surrounded him. My companion and I essayed with all our might to haul in the slack of the main-sheet, but could not effect it, the rope being so heavy. The rigging of the ship was torn in pieces, her yards topped up and down, and some of them fore and aft, the lifts shot away, and the quarter-deck so bestrewed with splinters of wood, that it presented the appearance of a carpenter's shop. The Captain came forward to us, and looking up, exclaimed, By G-, the Union Jack's shot away! Go aft on the poop, and tell Davy, the signal man, to give me another Union Jack.' I went aft, and found Davy looking out with his glass at the Asia, which was about a cable's length astern of us. The Admiral was standing on the poop-netting, and, with a speaking trumpet, was hailing our ship with Genoa, ahoy!'-' Sir Edward,' was the reply of the signal man. 'Send a boat with a hawser to swing my ship's stern clear of a fire-ship that's drifting down upon us Ay, ay, sir,' said Davy, and was going away, when I told him what the Captain had sent me for. He said he had a Union Jack in his breast, where he had stowed it at the beginning of the action, to be ready for any unlucky accident that might happen, and proceeded to the Captain. "When I came forward to the place I had left, I saw that the message I had been sent was the means of saving my life, for, during my absence, the hammock netting had been torn completely to pieces with shot, and the poor fellow, Holmes, who came up with me, was stretched on the deck. The Captain was at the gangway, looking into our opponent's vessel. Did you bring the Union Jack, Davy ?" said he. Yes, sir,' replied Davy; and at the same time told him what the Admiral wanted. The Captain snatched the flag out of Davy's hand, and, walking smartly forward, demanded, 'Who would go and nail the British Union Jack to the fore-royal-mast-head?' A good-looking man, of the name of Neil, stept forward at once, and took it out of the Captain's hand, and, without speaking, began to make the best of his way up the two or three tattered shrouds that were left in the fore-rigging. The Captain then ordered half-a-dozen of the nearest men-among whom I was oneto man a boat and take a hawser for the Asia. Having got over the side into the boat, we sat waiting, while two of the men were occupied in coiling it in. I had here a fine view of the contending fleets, and could see that we had a galling fire to sustain at this time from two line-of-battle ships, one of which, although on fire, still kept up a constant cannonading upon us. The Asia, which was astern of us, had at this time only one large vessel, a liner, and a double-bank frigate, playing upon her. I trembled for the fate of our ship, because I was sure, that if the game continued to be played so unequally, we would stand a chance of coming off second best. I looked aloft to see how Neil had got up with the Union Jack. I saw him clinging with his feet to the royal-mast, and hammering away with a serving mallet. I watched till he got on deck in safety, and could not but admire the cool and determined manner in which he accomplished what he had undertook. The hawser being coiled in the stern sheets of the boat, we shoved off and proceeded to the Asia. The face of the water was covered with pieces of wreck; masts and yards drifted about on the surface, to which clung hundreds of poor wretches whose vessels had been blown up. Numbers of them imploringly cried upon us, in the Turkish language, a small smattering of which the most of us had picked up at Smyrna. We kept paying out the hawser as we pulled along, but, just as we came ANECDOTES OF THE BATTLE OF NAVARINO.-" About half past three o'clock, as near as I could guess, the bight of the main-sheet hung just down before our gun, and incommoded us in the pointing of it. I was ordered, along with another, to go on deck, and haul in the slack, to keep it out of the road of the muzzle. I can't say I liked this job, for, during the action, a deep impression lay on my | within six fathoms of the Asia, our hawser terminated, and we could not proceed any farther. The crew of the Asia, at the gunroom port, seeing our dilemma, hailed us, and hove a rope's end to make fast to our hawser; but this we could not manage. A man, then, of the name of George Finney, captain of our main-top, seeing there could be no other way of getting it done, jumped into the water and swam the distance between the boat and the flag-ship; the end of a hawser was then put out of the port, and Finney, catching hold of it, swam back to the boat, bearing the end of the heavy rope in one hand, and swimming with the other. We soon made what sailors call a Carrick bend of the two ends, and began to pull back for the Genoa. The Admiral appeared on the poop, in a plain blue surtout, and signed, with a handkerchief, for us to make all speed. Scarcely had we gained half-way between the Asia and our own ship, when the former ship's mizen went over the quarter with a crash. We thought the Admiral was involved in the wreck, as we saw him standing at the place not a minute before the mast went over; but we were relieved from this apprehension by his re-appearance on a conspicuous situation. We picked up, on our way back, ten of the poor drowning wretches who were drifting about during the storm of fire and thunder, that made the ancient Island of Sphalactria tremble again. Several of them were Arabs, quite black, but all were Mahometans, as we saw by the lock of hair left on the crown of their heads, by which Mahomet, according to their own belief, lifts them to Paradise. "Not a shot had struck the boat since we left our own ship, although several pieces of burning wood and showers of burned rice and olives, from the Turkish ships, rained down upon us in plentiful profusion; but as one of our men, called Buckley, was hauling a tall, stout young Moslem out of the water, a shot blew the head of the Turk to pieces, upon which Buckley, turning coolly about, said, D me, did ever you see the like of that?" "Cool, however, as a British sailor is in danger, nothing can approach the Turk in this respect. George Finneymentioned before-had hauled one into the boat, a fine-looking fellow, and elegantly dressed. He was no sooner seated in the bow of the boat, than, taking out a portable apparatus, he began to fill his pipe, which having done, he struck a light from the same conveniency, and commenced sending forth, with inconceivable apathy, volumes of smoke from his mouth. Do you see that Turkish rascal,' said Finney, who was provoked at this singular instance of indifference. Well, since he cares so little for being hauled out of his Botanic Majesty's clutches, we'll soon send him where he came from. So saying, he made a spring forward, and seizing the Turk, who could not understand how he had offended, tumbled him overboard before any one could prevent him. The Turk soon recovered, and got upon a piece of the wreck of one of his own ships, where he was picked up by the Albion's boat. Another instance of Turkish coolness I may mention, which, although it did not happen in our ship, was told me under well-authenticated circumstances. Some of the crew of the French frigate Alcyone had picked up a Turk, who, by his dress, appeared to be a person of rank in their navy. When he was brought aboard, he found his arm so shattered, that it would need to undergo amputation; so he made his way down the cockpit ladder with as much ease as if he had not been hurt, and as much dignity as if he had made a prize of the frigate. He pointed to his shattered arm, and made signs to the surgeon that he wanted it off. The surgeon obliged him so far, and having bound up the stump and bandaged it properly, the Turk made his way to the deck, and, plunging into the water, swam to his own vessel that was opposed, along with another, to the very frigate he had been aboard of. He was seen climbing the side with his one arm, but had not been aboard many minutes when it blew up, and he, among others of the crew, in all probability, perished in the explosion." Many little volumes, far less entitled to success than this, have been successful. We shall be glad to know that the author of "Life on Board a Man-of-War" does not go unrewarded for his lively descriptions and interesting anecdotes. The Winter's Wreath, for 1830. A Collection of Ori- THIS is a Liverpool Annual, and we are pleased to see so very pretty a book coming out of Liverpool. Many people wonder why no Annual is published either in Dublin or Edinburgh; but we believe the reason to be, that it would be extremely difficult, in either of these towns, to get up the embellishments so elegantly as is done in the metropolis. The example of Liverpool does not disprove the truth of this; for, though the Illustrations of the Winter's Wreath be highly meritorious, it will scarcely do to compare them with those of the principal London Annuals. It is also evident, that the great mass of the reading public will buy the handsomest book they can get at the price; and though local associations may secure the Winter's Wreath a better sale in Liverpool and its neighbourhood than any of its compeers, we are afraid that it will elsewhere enter the market under disadvantages. Of its twelve embellishments, the three which are engraved by Edinburgh artists appear to us the best. These are, "Sunset on the Welsh Coast," and "Dordt from the Harbour," both engraved by William Miller, and "The Peasant's Grace," by W. H. Lizars, after Jan Stein. We do not say that these paintings could not have been better engraved by London artists, but this we say, that they are exceedingly well engraved, and that there are not many artists, either in London or any where else, who could have done them more justice. The frontispiece to the Winter's Wreath, which, according to the rule usually observed in Annuals, ought to have been one of the best things in the volume, disappoints us greatly. It is so wretchedly engraved, that it is impossible to say whether the original painting be an interesting one or not. It represents a female figure a young lady half buried in fur-whom the editor is pleased to designate "The Idol of Memory;" but we beg leave to say, that if this be his idol, he is rather ill off, for she looks so very uninteresting, that we should be inclined to set her down as a false idol. As to the letter-press of the Winter's Wreath, it is, on the whole, very respectable; but the truth is, we are at this moment so satiated with all the little tid-bits and delicacies of the Annuals, that we have no stomach for swallowing any more of them with a healthy appetite. A single apricot or orange is eat with delight; but spread out a bonquet of rich fruit, and in a very short time the palate becomes cloyed, and the eye looks upon the whole with indifference. This is to be regretted, but such is human nature; and the feeling is of course stronger with us, who, within the last ten days, have had fifteen or sixteen Annuals through our hands, than it can be with those who as yet have had only a peep or two at a stray copy. We think we could now write a receipt for an Annual which would, in no single instance, fail to produce the thing wanted, and by which the whole process would be rendered simple and certain. Let us try;as well as Take twelve paintings, and get these engraved possible; take from three to four hundred pages of the best wire-wove paper, gilt at the edges; print a title-page, with a pretty motto in the middle of it; write a preface of three or four pages, in which you return your most grateful thanks to all the artists and all the contributors, and declare the book to be the most splendid that ever issued from the press; put in several poems by Mrs Hemans, some verses "written in an album" by James Montgomery, a great quantity of "Stanzas" and "Sonnets to," and a few prose tales by the "authors of &c. &c. &c."; have the whole bound in red silk; and you may then safely send your Annual to all the editors, who will be sure to say, that it is one of the most delightful books for a Christmas present they have ever seen. More seriously, the Winter's Wreath is "enriched by contributions" that, we believe, is an approved phrase from Mrs Hemans, Mary Howitt, Miss Mitford, Miss Jewsbury, Dr Bowring, Derwent Conway, J. H. Wiffen, W. Roscoe to whom the work is dedicated-Hartley Coleridge, William Howitt, and others. The selection of anonymous contributions reflects credit on the taste of the Editor; and, according to the usual style, we suppose we too must conclude by declaring, that the volume will make an excellent Christmas present, which, after all, is our candid opinion. The Golden Lyre. Specimens of the Poets of England, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. Edited by John Macray. London. J. D. Haas. Edinburgh. Constable & Co. 1830. THE Golden Lyre, we are informed, was undertaken as well from a wish to show the progress of a new and beautiful art, as to supply a volume of agreeable and diversified reading for the student of foreign literature. Both designs are laudable. The contents are beautifully printed in gold, and are very judiciously selected. In English literature we have specimens from Byron, Campbell, Coleridge, Cowper, Mrs Hemans, and Rogers. In French, from Casimir Bonjour, Chateaubriand, Delavigne, Delille, Ducis, and Voltaire. In German, from Goethe, Herder, Hermine v. Chezy, Bellstab, Schiller, and Uhland. In Italian, from Chiabrera, Dante, Della Casa, Filicaja, Monti, and Tasso. In Spanish, from Garcilaso, Herrera, Lope de Vega, Maestro Leon, Rioja, and Villegas. The scholar is thus presented with a very tasteful manual of the beauties of modern poetry. It has occurred to us that the effect would be still more splendid were the gold letters to be impressed upon a dark ground, instead of a white glazed paper. Would not dark green, or blue, or even rose colour, contrast well with the gold letter? Be this as it may, there can be little doubt but that, in the present-giving time of the year, this beautiful little volume will meet with numerous purchasers. The Landscape Annual, or the Tourist in Italy and Switzerland. From Drawings by Samuel Prout, Esq. The Literary Department by T. Roscoe, Esq. London. Robert Jennings. Edinburgh. Constable & Co. 1830. THE Editor of the Landscape Annual explains its nature and design in these words: -" While the galleries of the wealthy, and the cabinets of the curious, have been freely resorted to for the illustration of the various annual publications which, by their beauty and splendour, have formed an era in modern art and literature, it is singular that the more captivating and exquisite scenes which nature herself affords should have been overlooked or neglected. With the view of supplying this deficiency, the Landscape Annual has been projected, a publication designed to exhibit a connected series of views, illustrative of the most interesting scenery of Europe. The magnificent mountains and delightful' valleys of Switzerland, the banks of the noble Rhine, the rich plains of Lombardy, and the splendid remains of Roman greatness, will furnish inexhaustible sources of graphic embellishment. But it is not merely as a work of art that the Landscape Annual prefers its claim to public support. The views will be accompanied with literary illustrations, intended to present not only a vivid and accurate description of the scenes delineated by the artist, but likewise to recall the many interesting recollections which the pages of history, or the records of tradition, can supply." We cannot help thinking that there is something very attractive in this view of the contents of the Landscape Annual, and having now seen all the embellishments, which are twenty-six in number, and each more beautiful than the other, we can answer for the manner in which this department of the work will be executed. These embellishments comprise a succession of the most interesting views which occur to the eye of the traveller on his route from Geneva to Rome. Among them we find, Geneva -Lausanne-Castle of Chillon-Martigny-Milan Cathedral Lake of Como - Verona - Vincenza - Padua Petrarch's House at Arqua- The Rialto at Venice The Bridge of Sighs-Bologna-Ponte Sisto, RomeFish Market, Rome. We reserve our more detailed remarks upon the work till we have an opportunity of perusing the letter-press; but in the mean time we have no hesitation in saying, that, considering there are to be 300 pages of printed matter in addition to twenty-six highly-finished line engravings, and that, in as far as externals are concerned, the work is to be brought out in a style equal to the Keepsake, and is yet to be sold at no higher price than one guinea, it is certainly the cheapest of all the Annuals. National Portrait Gallery of Illustrious and Eminent Personages of the 19th Century. With Memoirs by the Rev. Henry Stebbing, M.A. Nos. V. and VI. London. 1829. We have already had occasion to speak of this work in terms of much commendation. The two last Numbers amply support its previous character. No. V. contains portraits, very beautifully engraved on steel, of the Marquis Wellesley-a splendid picture, exquisitely painted by Sir Thomas Lawrence of Sir Humphry Davy, and Sir Henry Torrens; and No. VI. contains Lord Grantham, an amazingly fine-looking man, Bishop Heber, and the Duke of Beaufort. All these are accompanied by Memoirs, written with precision and elegance, by the Rev. Mr Stebbing. And when we consider that each Number thus comprises, in addition to the portraits, about twenty pages of interesting letter-press, and yet sells so low as three shillings the large size, and two shillings the small, our readers will acknowledge that we are doing them a service in again directing their attention to the publication. The Scottish Laverock: Original Songs and Poems. Humbly dedicated to the Noblemen and Gentlemen Members of the New Club, St Andrew Square, Edinburgh, by their very humble and much-devoted servant G. Wilson. Edinburgh: Printed for the Author. 1829. 8vo. Pp. 216. THIS is a title-page and dedication all in one. However, on turning over the leaf, we find there is another dedication, in which the author modestly remarks," I presume not, my Lords and Gentlemen, to say that my feeble efforts should be put in competition with the works of those mighty masters in the art divine of fascinating song, my much-admired and much-honoured countrymen, Burns, Campbell, Scott." To this we sincerely say "Amen!" Yet there is some coarse humour about Mr G. Wilson, and his book is not altogether destitute of that kind of talent which will find admirers in the meridian of the Lawnmarket. Temporis Calendarium; or an Almanack on a New Con struction, for the Year of our Lord 1830. By William Rogerson. London. John Stephens. 12mo. Pp. 48. THIS is a useful little work upon correct and scientific principles, and altogether free of that wretched superstitious stuff so frequently palmed upon the credulity of the populace by London Almanack-makers. The compiler, Mr Rogerson, has been for some years in the employ of Government, at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and is evidently well qualified for his present task. We observe, by his book, that there are to be six eclipses in the course of the ensuing year, but of these only one will be visible to us, a total eclipse of the Moon, on Thursday, the 2d of September, when the Moon will pass almost through the centre of the Earth's shadow, and the total obscuration will of course be of long continuance. MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE. LOCAL INSTITUTIONS FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT THE DUNBAR MECHANICS' INSTITUTION-DUNBAR CHARITY LOTHIAN MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY. THE exertions which the working classes are now universally making throughout the country, to provide for themselves facilities in acquiring scientific instruction, is a striking and important feature of the times in which we live. Exertions so truly laudable cannot fail to be viewed with delight by all well-regulated minds, and have of course experienced, from the higher and better educated ranks, every encouragement and assistance. As the consequence of this generous co-operation, a Mechanics' Institution, or School of Arts, has sprung up in almost every considerable town in the kingdom, -the more popuIous villages have their book-clubs and reading-rooms, and some of them have also lectures, and, even in the most remote inland districts, we now frequently find central libraries, with detached village branches, upon the itinerating plan-a plan which has been so successfully acted upon for the last twelve years, in the county of Haddington, in particular, under the superintendence of a single benevolent individual-Mr Samuel Brown. These why every county, or even every presbytery, should not have its Mechanics' Institution or School of Arts, its central library, and its itinerating branches. We have been induced more especially to advert to this subject at present, by having had the Reports, Prospectuses, and Proceedings of several of these excellent societies which now exist in East Lothian, recently laid before us. We do not mean to go into the particulars of their present condition or future prospects; but simply to express our satisfaction at the success and spirit with which they seem to be carried on, and to recommend the detail of their arrangements for general imitation in all counties where a similar laudable desire to advance the best interests of the working-classes has not yet so decidedly manifested itself. We cannot do better than add to these brief remarks the following observations on local institutions, of perhaps a more sacred character, yet of a nature nearly allied to those to which we refer, by the Right Hon. Charles Grant. They have never before appeared in print, and we know them to have been written out from the dictation of that gifted and amiable man. Though naturally hurried and imperfect, they are not unworthy the splendid imagination which produced the finest prize poem Cambridge ever saw: " I am always glad to see the appointment of local institutions, because they furnish a practical refutation of the charge so often made against the supporters of in central and itinerating libraries are peculiarly productive stitutions on a more large and general scale, that while of an intercourse among the working classes, though living at considerable distances from each other; and they are admirably calculated, also, to pave the way for the formation of clubs for reading and conversation, as well as for Friendly Societies and Savings Banks, the utility of which, if conducted upon correct principles, cannot be disputed. The ball, having thus got its first impulse, continues to increase and to roll on rapidly. To a collection of well-chosen books, is added a reading-room, or hall, provided with maps, instruments, and some of the select periodicals of the day. Private classes in arithmetic, practical geometry, and sometimes geography, are taught, in the leisure hours of the evening, to apprentices and others, by the better-educated journeymen mechanics, who, in their turn, marshal themselves under the superintendence, gratuitous or otherwise, of a properly-qualified teacher, by whom they are instructed in elementary geometry, algebra, and probably a few of the easier branches of natural and mechanical philosophy. As to the effect of such Institutions upon the political character of their members, " it is not easy to conceive," in the words of the Reverend Mr Hall of Leicester, "in what manner instructing men in their duties can prompt them to neglect those duties, or how that enlargement of reason, which enables them to comprehend the true grounds of authority and the obligations to obedience, should indispose them to obey." "Nothing, in reality, renders legitimate government so insecure as extreme ignorance in the people. It is this which renders them an easy prey to seduction, makes them the victims of prejudices and false alarms, and so ferocious withal, that their interference, in a time of public commotion, is more to be dreaded than the eruption of a volcano." With regard to morality and religion, it is evident that these depend for their very existence on the cultivation of the mind; and the argument, which was at one time attempted to be deduced from a perversion of the poet's aphorism, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing," is now universally exploded. The trouble which is supposed to attend the undertaking is another reason which prevents many people from engaging in forming these societies. That there will be a little trouble at the outset must of course be allowed; but, as soon as the simplicity of the plan for giving practical effect to the Institution is properly understood, the rest is mere amusement, and of the most rational and agreeable kind. We do not see their benevolence is active in distant countries, and in respect to foreign nations, they are apt to neglect the interests of those of their own countrymen nearer home. This charge is as unsound in argument as untrue in statement. I appeal to the fact, that Great Britain is at this moment covered with local institutions, which have sprung up since the formation of those great societies which extend To mark the windings of a scanty rill however just as to the prospects of nature, is not appli- "If ever there was a period in which it became the friends of religious education peculiarly to exert themselves, this is the period. By the increasing knowledge diffused among all ranks, and the rapid and progressive facility of communication between all parts of the country, a new order of things is opened-new wants-new impulses-new desires-new arts new temptations and, I fear, new crimes. The increase of knowledge, and the improvement of the people, cannot fail to be matters of congratulation, because they cannot fail to conduce to the happiness of the people and the benefit of the empire, provided only, that with all this secular knowledge is united the knowledge that flows from a celestial source -that amidst every other wisdom, heavenly wisdom should not be forgotten. While this earthly, but not unhallowed radiance, is streaming over the mass of the people, 'Let heaven above its portals wide display, "Most excellent are those institutions which administer * It is proper to mention that, in the above remarks, we have availed ourselves, to a considerable extent, of what has been communicated to us by Mr Robert Watson of Westbarns, who appears to take an active and liberal interest in this subject. are built on the abasement of our condition, they are, unlike them, built also on the loftiness of our hopes and the splendour of our destinies. Whatever in the others is good or attractive, is comprehended in these, and adorned and exalted by new and more finished excellencies. These meet man in every exigency of his condition, either as the victim of sorrow or the child of hope the slave of death, or the heir of immortality. Those other institutions are indeed excellent, as strengthening all the relations and charities of life. Truly admirable are those relations which bind man to man; but still more admirable are those relations which bind man to his Maker. However interesting are the emotions which lead us to heal the sick and relieve the distressed, much more affecting are the sympathies which soothe the troubled conscience which rescue guilt from the undying worm, and speak peace to the departing spirit." LETTERS FROM PARIS. No. I. [We are happy to have it in our power to intimate, that we have made arrangements which enable us to promise our readers a continuance of these letters from time to time. We make no doubt that their contents will be found of general interest.-ED. LIT. JOUR.] In the present political ferment, the still small voices of art and literature, to which alone of late years I have listened, are entirely overpowered. You in England must think, when you peruse our journals, that the painter has thrown aside his brush, and the tailor his needle, to add their most sweet voices to the cry which has been raised from one end of France to the other against the ministry. You are mistaken. Beneath this brawling torrent the ordinary current of life flows on unvexed. The literature of France, like that of all Europe, has, it is true, acquired a tinge of politics more piquant than beautiful; but setting this apart, and a few Tom-fooleries of a timid and suspicious administration, the artist and the man of letters go on as before. A good deal of attention has been excited by the exhibition of the works of the young artists who have competed this year for the prizes awarded by the Academy of the Fine Arts in the Institute of France. The journals had discussed with considerable heat their respective merits; and it had been officially announced, that Madame la Duchesse de Berri had left the Tuileries on the second of October, at half past one o'clock precisely, in order to visit the exhibition. In short, what with the real interest of the occasion, what with the tickling of public curiosity by such small talk as above alluded to, and what with the natural love of the French for any public exhibition, the annual public session of the Academy, held on Saturday the third of October, was most crowdedly attended. The ceremonies of the day commenced with the performance of a musical overture, part of an opera composed by M. Bailly, one of the royal pensioners, which he had produced at Venice with considerable success. It was extremely well executed by a band, consisting of the élite of the orchestras of the French and Italian opera. The piece was of itself well enough, although the author seems rather deficient in variety, and at times no ways disinclined to substitute noise for harmony. Some connoisseurs near where I stood looked unutterable things at each other, and muttered (if I caught their meaning correctly) something about plagiarism. As soon as the music ceased, a pompous-looking gentleman, with a portfolio beneath his arm, claimed the attention of the assembly. "M. Quatremère de Quincy!" soliloquized a young avocat who stood beside me; "l'inevitable secretaire perpetuel!" The secretary's present business was to deliver an historical sketch of the life and works of Houdon, a statuary of some eminence, who died about a year ago at an advanced age. I should gladly tell you something of this artist, but as the orator really gave us no information concerning him, it is impossible to gratify you. M. Gar nier next presented himself with the report on the works of the royal pensioners in the French Academy at Rome. The report stated, that the painters had failed this year in sending the requisite contributions; but apologized for them, on the score that they had undertaken works too arduous to admit of their being finished within the limited period, and promised ample compensation next year. A study of Marius at Minturnæ, by Norblin, and another of the Soldier performing the Rites of Sepulture to Pompey, by Feron, were mentioned with approbation. The department of sculpture afforded greater scope for commendation. Praises were lavished, in particular, upon a Mercury by Duret, which was said to be alike remarkable for truth and grace. But the great store of eulogiums was reserved for the school of architecture, which indeed seems, by what I learn from Rome, to be the most distinguished department of the French Academy, and to produce the most promising architects of Europe. The report being finished, M. Quatremère de Quincy proceeded to distribute the prizes; and this part of the ceremony was accompanied with repeated flourishes. of trumpets, and concluded (excuse the bull) with an overture by Barbereau. The cantata by Prevost, which had gained the musical prize, was then sung by Madame Dabadie with all her impassioned power. Thus terminated one of the most pleasing public exhibitions at which I ever remember to have been present. On Tuesday the 6th, mass was celebrated in all the colleges of Paris, preparatory to opening, with due solemnity, the University Session. I do not know whether you are aware that there is but one University in France, comprehending all the colleges and lyceums wherever situated, and placed immediately under the direction of a minister, "le Grand-maitre de l'Université," who manages its affairs, with the advice and assistance of a "Conceil royal d'instruction publique." This was an institution of Bonaparte, who sought to give a kind of military organization to every thing. At the return of the Bourbons, the office of Grand-maitre was for a while abolished, but it has since been restored, the council having been found not to work so well without its president. This idea, of uniting every institution for education throughout the kingdom into one great body, was praised at the time as a master-stroke of genius; but the French are now beginning to complain of it as a great monopoly, and fruitful inlet to favouritism. A worse fault may be found with it. It has encouraged the establishment, in different districts, of academies for one branch of education only here one for law, there one for divinity or medicine. Now, perhaps the greatest benefit of spreading universities through the country is, that they bring together a great number of young men, all engaged in scientific pursuits, who mutually kindle each other's ardour; while, by constantly coming in collision with others of different professions, they escape that pedantic partiality to one particular kind of mental culture, which is so apt to warp him who devotes himself exclusively to one branch of study. There is also a fear at present, that the new ministry will endeavour to subordinate the University to priestly influence. And of all classes of the priesthood, the Jesuits are watched with the most jealous eye. Every elevation of a member of that body to an office in any academy or lyceum, is immediately caught up and retailed with the most invidious comments. Nay, the motions of the order in foreign states are noted and recorded. And truly there do appear evidences of reviving bustle and energy among the Reverend Fathers, that might at one time have given just cause for alarm. But their day is over. union and organization is the same as ever, their spirit is unchanged, and the talents of many of the brethren are of the very highest order; but society has changed. That social fabric, and those feelings, in and upon which their tactics were calculated to operate, have disappeared, and with these their power. Like Archimedes, they are unable to move the world, from the want of a standing Their |