place. The most distinguished literary men connected unfortunately he often more than neutralizes their effect with the University are, MM. Cousin, Guizat, and Villemain. The former is distinguished for his extensive knowledge of ancient and modern systems of philosophy, and his eloquent elucidations of them; the other two are equally esteemed, the first as an historian, the other for his literary attainments. A letter has been received from the brave d'Arcet, dated Tripoli in Syria, June 1829. The object of his visit to that town, where the plague is at present raging, was to make some experiments on the effect of chlorine on the virus of the plague. He and his companions procured the garments of six people who had died of the disease, stained with the blood and matter which had exuded from their sores; - these were immersed for sixteen hours in a solution of chlorate of soda, at five degrees of Guy Lussac's chloromètre. Each of the associates put on one of the dresses as soon as dried, slept in it, and wore it for eighteen hours. At the time of d'Arcet's writing, eight days had elapsed since the experiment, and not the least accident had followed. They proposed next to try the efficacy of internal applications of the chlorate of soda to persons labouring under the disease. The writer concludes by expressing a hope, that he may be able to succeed in persuading the Turks to use this medicine, founded on their having already so far relaxed in their principles of fatalism, that they begin to follow the example of the Europeans in observing quarantine. The devotion to the cause of humanity, exemplified in the intrepid conduct of these French physicians, requires no comment. There are few new publications. A work, entitled "Clement XIV., and Carlo Bertinazzi, or Correspondence between a Pope and a Player," is announced. A translation of your late townswoman, Mrs Brunton's SelfControl, has been executed by the fair translator of Professor Wilson's Margaret Lyndsay, and favourably received. Le Cabinet de Lecture," a new Literary Journal, contains a translation of an ode of Horace, attributed to Louis XVIII. Alexis Dumesnil is about to publish a history of the last thirty years. In my next, I shall give you some account of the present state of the Drama here. Paris, October 12, 1829. MUSIC.-BRAHAM. BRAHAM, though he has been, we believe, thirty years on the stage, is, at this moment, in the zenith of his fame, and in the fullest possession of all his powers. He still retains the youthfulness of his appearance; and his voice has, in the highest degree, all its marvellous qualities. He still breathes those notes of bewitching softness which dissolve his hearers in pleasure and tenderness; and still pours forth those volumes of sound, which, as it were, fill the very air around us. His command over this most miraculous organ strikes us as being even more entire than it ever was. The perfect facility and absence of all effort with which he makes it obey every impulse of feeling, and embody every conception of genius, give a charm to every thing he does, which is felt by every hearer. In respect to taste, he is, if not unrivalled, at least not surpassed, by the most exquisite singers of the Italian school. This assertion may at first sight appear strange, when it is considered how much Braham has been blamed for singing in bad taste; we hold it, nevertheless, to be perfectly correct. Braham's school is exquisitely Italian his education was Italian-and, in his youth, he sung with a degree of distinction which was never accorded to any other tramontane performer except Mrs Billington, at the principal theatres in Italy. Even now, nine-tenths of all his singing is purely Italian. No Italian ever surpassed him in the consummate skill with which he manages his voice-in his masterly portamento, nor in the delicacy and grace of his embellishments. These beauties are exhibited in every song he sings; but by a garish and vulgar piece of extravagance at the end of his song, calculated and intended to produce a shout of stupid ecstasy from the most ignorant part of his audience. Braham himself, we believe, has said that he sings in this way, against his better judgment, because he finds he cannot otherwise please an English audience. On the other hand, it has been said that Braham himself has created that bad taste to which he is now obliged to yield-that he has evoked a spirit which he feels himself compelled to obey. We are rather inclined to think that Braham's own account of the matter is the more correct one; though perhaps he might have chosen the better part if he had at first resisted the influence of bad taste to which he must now continue to yield. Be all this as it may, however, the bad parts of Braham's singing form but an inconsiderable fraction when compared with its beauties; and they who dwell with such earnestness on the spots of this sun seem to have eyes too weak to perceive and enjoy its splendour. ORIGINAL POETRY. LINES ABOUT LOVE AND SUCH-LIKE NONSENSE. You'll find the simple truth to be, that Jessie marries And that they live together in a middling sort of way, Unless the husband be a man of business and dispatch, In which case he'll have little time to think about his match; forte And his wife will sit at home and play on her piano- And when they go, they'll sigh and say-" Poor thing! "I wonder if he treats her well?" " I hate these fickle fellows!" means. A daily ducking in a pond would do them all some good, "Twould make them much more rational, and cool their feverish blood. BEWITCHING tree! what magic in thy name! Life's purple tide with quicker motion warms? 'Tis thine to flourish for a transient hour, LITERARY CHIT-CHAT AND VARIETIES. CAPTAIN MIGNAN announces, for immediate publication, his Travels in Chaldæa, including a Journey from Bussorah to Bagdad, Hillah, and Babylon, performed on foot in the year 1827, with Observations on the Sites and Remains of Babel, Seleucia, and Ctesiphon. The work is expected to throw much new light on the accounts of former travellers, particularly Buckingham, Keppel, Rich, and Major Rennell. The author has been enabled to append many valuable notes, as well as translations of numerous curious Arabic inscriptions, which have hitherto been inaccessible to the public. There is preparing for publication, Azara's Natural History of Paraguay, translated into English from the original Spanish, with a Life of the Author, and copious explanatory notes, by Perceval Hunter, Esq. in five volumes 8vo. There will be published, early in December, in one volume 8vo, Weeds and Wildflowers, by the late Mr Alexander Balfour. This volume is to be a selection from the manuscripts, both in prose and verse, which Mr Balfour left behind him. It is to be edited by a sur viving literary friend, who will also furnish a Biographical Memoir of the author. The profits of the publication will go to Mr Balfour's family: and, as we are satisfied the work will possess much merit, we trust that its success will be proportionate. The forthcoming second series of Sir William Gell's Pompeiana, which we have already announced, will describe every thing worthy of notice which the more recent excavations at Pompeii have laid open. Among these may be mentioned the Forum, the Temples of Jupiter, of Mercury, of Venus, and of Fortune, the Thermæ, the Pantheon, and innumerable private houses. The publisher promises that the engravings will be still superior to those of the first series. The work is to be completed in about twelve parts, a part to be published every two months. A complete edition, in one volume, of Mrs Ramsbottom's amusing Letters, which appeared in the John Bull, is announced. Messrs Colburn & Bentley are preparing for publication the Travels of M. Caillé to Timbuctoo. Mr C. Blasis, the principal dancer at the King's Theatre, has nearly ready for publication, the Art of Dancing, accompanied by sixteen engravings, illustrating upwards of sixty positions. THE BORDERERS-We understand, that though a very large impression of Mr Cooper's new novel, The Borderers, was printed to supply the expected demand, yet so great was the public curiosity excited by the announcement of a new work by this distinguished novelist, that almost the whole edition was required on the very first day of publication. DE BOURRIENNE'S MEMOIRS.-This work, which has been lately published, is an interesting one, and contains much curious, original, and important information regarding Napoleon. On looking over it, however, we find a Voltaire-like sneer, which is quite at variance with the general good sense of the work. The author is speaking of the massacre at Jaffa, and observes, in reference to Sir Walter Scott's Life of Napoleon, -" It was after the siege of Jaffa that the plague began to manifest itself with the most intense violence. In the country about Syria, we lost, by the contagion, from seven to eight hundred men. Sir Walter Scott says, that divine vengeance, in the shape of the plague, pursued us for the massacre. Did it never occur to the romantic historian, that Providence might have found it much more simple to prevent the massacre, than to revenge it?" Of course, the Frenchman thinks this a complete settler, as Cruickshanks would say ! FINE ARTS IN EDINBURGH.-Some discussion has taken place regarding the best situation for Campbell's statue of the Earl of Hopetoun. It is said to be the wish of those gentlemen who have taken an active part in promoting its erection, that it should be placed in Charlotte Square. The artist himself is reported to have made strong representations in favour of the front of the Register House. If this be true, he has shown a quick eye for selecting the very best situation the city offers. It has been objected to him that there is not sufficient space in front of the building for his statue: but a very slight alteration on the outer-stair would remove this difficulty. It has, moreover, been objected, that Lord Hopetoun was no lawyer, as if one of that learned profession alone was entitled to stand sentinel before the building where the evidences, upon whose preservation the rights of every Scottish nobleman and gentleman depend, are deposited, along with the Treaty of Union-the Magna Charta of our country. The only feasible ground for refusing this situation to Mr Campbell is, that it ought to be reserved for the statue of the King. Reverting to the other locality which has been brought under discussion-Charlotte Square-it appears to us the next best situation. We are not certain, however, how far the placing of Mr Campbell's work there will enhance the beauty of that exquisite piece of architecture, St George's Church, which always reminds us of an inverted punch-bowl set upon a writing desk. The square basement of the church is already too low for the cupola set upon it, and when seen past a statue so elevated as that of the Earl of Hopetoun, must look more diminutive still. Perhaps some wiseacre may discover, that as the Earl was not a clergyman, it is unfitting to place him in front of the church. Be this matter, however, determined as it may, we would protest, in the name of good taste, against the idea which it seems is in agitation, of placing a line of statues along George Street, one at the head of each crossing, like videttes of the Edinburgh Yeomanry Troop on the outlook for the approach of a radical mob.-Wilkie exhibited to his friends, during his stay among us, some highly-finished sketches, as well of the pictures now in possession of his Majesty, as of subjects which he proposes to paint hereafter. That which seems to have given most general satisfac. tion is a picture of Napoleon and the Pope at Fontainbleau. Both are excellent likenesses, and the characters of both are strongly expressed and contrasted. The self-concentrated, lively deportment of the Emperor is finely set off against the deprecatory look of the Pope, who appears as if, being hard-pressed to something which it would be dangerous in his situation to refuse, he was making an unavailing attempt to change the subject. We are glad to see that our rulers have done themselves the honour to present Wilkie with the freedom of the city. Etty has announced to the Scottish Academy that he has a picture nearly ready for their exhibition. Our readers will remember that when this body purchased his Judith, they at the same time bargained with him for the completion of his original design, the two wing-pieces of which that picture was the centre. The work which he is now on the eve of finishing is, we believe, that which represents Judith setting out on her hazardous enterprise. It is square, ten feet by ten; and report speaks of it as one of Etty's most successful exertions.-Macdonald has thrown himself tooth and nail upon another arduous but noble subject-Thetis arming Achilles. We love the enthusiastic devotion with which this artist follows out his profession; and could wish to see similar examples more frequent.-Equal to him in enthusiasm at least, and of late years much improved as a landscape painter, is J. F. Williams, who has just returned from the north of England, with a cargo of hills and waters, English cottages, clouds, and sunsets, Solway shrimp-fishers, with baskets and nets, sufficient to fill an Exhibition of his own. Angus Fletcher is busied with a bust of the Duke of Argyll-a fine subject. -We regret to hear rumours of further disagreement among our artists. We know that occasional misunderstandings are unavoidable among such a number; but we shall keep our eye upon them, and if we find that the bickerings originate in any instance in a selfish disregard to the interests of the body, we shall let the offending party hear of it, although he be our best and most intimate friend. SWAN'S VIEWS ON THE CLYDE. We have seen the first twelve Parts of this work, which is a cheap and prettily executed publication. No river affords scope for nobler and more varied views than the Clyde, which has been appropriately termed the Rhine of Scotland. ELOCUTION. We observe that Messrs Roberts & Wilson are about to give a series of Lectures and Readings in the Hopetoun Rooms. From the abilities which both these gentlemen possess, we have no doubt that their mutual exertions will gain for them extensive encouragement. We observe, also, that Mr Jones has returned from London, and has recommenced his classes for Elocution. We hope he will also perform some of his favourite parts at our Theatre in the course of the season. NEW MUSIC.-Three new songs, with symphonies and piano-forte accompaniments, have been recently put into our hands, all of which we would recommend to the notice of our fair friends. The first is, "Away, Love, away, a ballad, sung with unbounded applause byMiss Tunstall, at the Theatre-Royal, Edinburgh, in the new and admired Drama of Aloyse,"-both the words and music by the authoress of that piece. The second is, "The Song of the Sisters, from the Poem of Vallery, by Charles Doyne Sillery, Esq. the music composed, and dedicated to Lady Coutts Trotter, by Mrs Orme." And the third is a " Bohemian Melody, sung at the Argyle Rooms; by Charles N. Weiss, the words by Henry G. Bell, Esq." The musical talents of the authoress of Aloyse are already well known; those of Mrs Orme deserve to be better known; and Weiss is a voluminous and successful composer, and is at present engaged in preparing an Opera for one of the London Theatres. MECHANICS' LITERARY SOCIETY. We observe that some of the Mechanics of Edinburgh have commenced a Society, to be called The Edinburgh Discursive and Literary Society, the object of which is to promote mental improvement, and to encourage the members to write Essays on given subjects, or to produce miscellaneous literary sketches. If judiciously conducted, this society may be of use; but we cannot approve of its discussing " doubtful questions on morality," such discussions never producing any beneficial result. NEW CLUB AT GLASGOw. We understand that a Club, whose meetings will only be annual, is at present forming in Glasgow under favourable auspices. It is to comprise those alone who have travelled on the Continent, and who know how pleasant a thing it is to spend some weeks in Paris. There is to be an annual dinner, which shall recall the unforgotten glories of a banquet at Very's, or "Les trois Freres Provencaux." THE ANNUALS. A considerable part of our space has been devo ted for the last three weeks to the Annuals, all of which it was necessary to notice. We have now, however, got through the most of them, and we may safely say that we have had the start of all our contemporaries. The Keepsake, of which we gave a full account in our last, has not yet been reviewed even in London. MATRIMONIAL DISQUALIFICATION.-A French gentleman lately refused his consent to his daughter's marriage with a young man in every other way unexceptionable, because the intended bridegroom wore spectacles! The young people rebelled, and the short-sighted gentleman ultimately obtained the lady's hand, to the great distress of his father-in-law. Theatrical Gossip.-Covent Garden is going on prosperously. Miss Fanny Kemble is still the lion in the London theatrical world. Mrs Siddons, accompanied by Sir Thomas Lawrence, has been to see her niece play Juliet, and of course declared herself delighted. The performers have presented Miss Kemble with a costly bracelet, as a testimonial of their obligations to her; and a venerable nobleman is said to have sent her a draught for a hundred guineas-a less delicate compliment. Prince Leopold has transmitted L.200, and the Duke of Buccleuch L.100, to the fund in aid of the theatre. A new melo-dramatic piece, called "The Robber's Wife," in which Miss Ellen Tree plays the heroine, has been produced with success; and another new piece, called "The Life of Shakspeare," in which Mr C. Kemble was to play Shakspeare, was annouced for Thursday last. -At Drury-Lane Miss Mordaunt has played Letitia Hardy with applause; and a melo-dramatic spectacle, called "The Greek Family," has been unequivocally damned. At the Adelphil the popular no. velty is a comic burletta, called "Love Laughs at Bailiffs," in which Mathews sustains the part of a musical and poetical bailiff, and sings a cento of street ballads with a voice and manner appropriate to each, beginning with "Cherry Ripe," and ending with "Charlie is my Darling."-Of young Incledon a literary friend writes to us in these terms:-"I heard Incledon the other evening in Love in a Village.' I did not like him at all. To use an elegant simile, he sung as if he had a potato in his mouth. Besides, he is bowly, if you know what that means, and treads the stage very ill."-Concerning the late Musical Festival at Birmingham, a friend writes to us thus:-"The principal singers were Malibran, a splendid creature, Miss Paton, whom I admire much, Fanny Ayton, who is sadly fallen off, and Mrs Knyvett a very sweet singer; Braham, whom I have often heard to greater advantage, De Costa, Vaughan, Knyvett, and Bellamy. Lindley led, and there was also a Signor de Beriot, who played solos on the violin in a most exquisite manner. But above all was Malibran Garcia. Her father was a Spaniard and her mother an Italian; she possesses the peculiar characteristics of both coun tries, with a voice which seems to belong to no country, but to be sky-born. I am told the Cockneys, instead of Malibran, call her "Molly Brown!""-We observe that Pasta, who is still in Italy, is to receive L.1500 for six weeks' performances at Verona during the Carnival-We observe that the Court Journal finds fault with "the Edinburgh erities" for comparing Braham's voice to that of Catalani. Now, this is not fair; there are blockheads in Edinburgh as well as in London, but the Court Journal should have said, "an Edinburgh critic;" not "the Edinburgh critics."-Apropos of Braham, we are glad to understand that he is not so old as our friend CEBBERUS seemed to hint last Saturday. We are informed that his age does not exceed fifty-four.-Mackay is taking advantage of the short vacation here to play his best parts to the Dumfries people, with whom he is a great favourite. Pritchard, we believe, has gone to Glasgow. Miss Clarke has also made her debut there. A Glasgow critic in the Chronicle says, that "she has a rich mellow voice." Miss Smithson has likewise been playing with Seymour's company. A friend, on whose judgment we place considerable reliance, writes to us concerning her; -" She is a clever but unequal actress. Her figure is fine; but her voice eternally dwindles into the lisp of a hoyden when she wishes to be tender, and soars to the rant of a virago when she is heroic. Her manner, in like fashion, is a see-saw betwixt grace and maudlin languishment, violence and French grimace. She will not do in Edinburgh." TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS. THE EDITOR IN HIS SLIPPERS, No. V. is unavoidably postponed till our next.-" Hoelty and his Poems," by the author of "Anster Fair,"-" Thoughts and Scenes."-and the "Picture Gallery, No. I." are in types, and will appear as speedily as possible. On second thoughts, we must decline reviewing the "Jew Exile," which appears to have been published upwards of a year. The au thor, however, seems to be a man of some genius. The review of the "Cours de Litterature Francaise" will appear, if possible, in our next.-" What's in a Name?" though clever, is not exactly to our taste.-" A Sketch among the Mountains" in our next. We have directed attention to the literary matter mentioned by the author in his letter, and he will hear concerning it. We have sent "Proteus" packet to the Publishers; we would hint to him that he "cannot serve two masters."-" F. H." is putting himself to a great deal of unnecessary trouble. *"Bessy's Wooing," and the Lines by "S. S.” of Glasgow shall have a place. We regret that the clever poem, "Written a short time be fore the conclusion of the peace between the Russians and Turks," is of too political a character for our pages. The Stanzas on " An Old Apple Tree" will not suit us. If we can produce any thing worthy of the subject, we shall have much pleasure in complying with the request of our fair correspondent" A Tall Lady." LITERARY CRITICISM. THE GOWRIE CONSPIRACY.-Pitcairn's Criminal Trials. Part III. Edinburgh. William Tait. November, 1829. 4to. MB PITCAIRN's industry and research increase with the interest of his materials. This new Part of his work far surpasses in importance those which have preceded it. Among other things, it contains much valuable matter in the form of arguments respecting the relevancy of libels and the competency of jurors, which throw light on the notions entertained on these heads about the end of the 16th century; also, a curious notice of an early trial and condemnation for duelling without a license; and several witch trials, in one of which we think we observe a refreshing evidence of the progress of rational opinions-the parties throughout being only accused of pretending to skill in witchcraft. That, however, which gives Mr Pitcairn's labours their chief value, is the very complete collection of documents bearing upon the Gowrie Conspiracy, with a considerable part of which he presents us in this Number. We have been politely favoured with a perusal of that part which still remains unpublished, and have thus been enabled to take a view of the whole transaction more extensive and complete than we were ever able to take before. The result we have much pleasure in now submitting to our readers, and feel fully confident, that though this article may exceed our usual limits, its interest will be found sufficient to atone for its length. PRICE 6d. proceeded immediately to the palace, where he met James in front of the stables. They spoke together for about a quarter of an hour. None of the attendants overheard the discourse, but it was evident from the King's laying his hand on the Master's shoulder, and clapping his back, that the matter of it pleased him. The hunt rode on, and Ruthven joined the train; first, however, dispatching Henderson to inform his brother that his Majesty was coming to Perth with a few attendants, and to desire him to cause dinner to be prepared. A buck was slain about ten o'clock, when the King desired the Duke of Lennox and the Earl of Mar to accompany him to Perth, to speak with the Earl of Gowrie. The Master of Ruthven now dispatched his other attendant to give the Earl notice of the King's approach; and immediately afterwards James and he set off at a rate that threw behind the royal attendants, who lost some time in changing horses. When the Duke of Lennox overtook them, the King, with great glee, told him that he was riding to Perth to get a pose (treasure.) He then asked the Duke's opinion of Alexander Ruthven, which proving favourable, he proceeded to repeat the story which that young nobleman had told him, of his having the previous evening surprised a man with a large sum of money on his person. The Duke expressed his opinion of the improbability of the tale, and some suspicion of Ruthven's purpose; upon which the King desired him to follow when he and Ruthven should leave the hall-an order which he repeated after his arrival in the Earl of Gowrie's house. Meantime, Henderson, on his arrival at Perth, found. the elder Ruthven in his chamber, speaking upon busi The documents connected with the Gowrie Conspi-ness with two gentlemen. Gowrie drew him aside the, racy may be divided into three classes: - I. The dittays of the persons brought to trial; the depositions of the witnesses examined by the Lords of Articles; and the record of the investigation conducted before the magistrates of Perth. These form a rich body of authentic | information respecting the whole overt acts of the Earl of Gowrie and his followers. - II. The dittay and confession of Sprott; Logan of Restalrig's letters; and two letters of the Earl of Gowrie-illustrative of the charac moment he entered, and asked whether he brought any letter or message from his brother. On learning that, the King was coming, he took the messenger into his cabinet, and enquired anxiously in what manner the Mas-, ter had been received, and what persons were in attendance upon his Majesty. Returning to the chamber, he. made an apology to the two gentlemen, and dismissed them. Henderson then went to his own house. When he returned, in about an hour, the Earl desired him to ters and previous steps of the actors in the conspiracy. -arm himself, as he had to apprehend a Highlander in the, III. A large collection of contemporary narratives, orations, and correspondence, calculated to throw light on the views which different parties and individuals took of the event at the time. We shall make use of all of these in the remarks we have now to offer respecting the probable objects of the conspirators; to the right understanding of which, however, it will be necessary to prefix a narrative of the principal incidents which occurred during the eventful day of the Gowrie Conspiracy. Early on the morning of the 5th of August 1600, Alexander, Master of Ruthven, with only two followers, Andrew Henderson and Andrew Ruthven, rode from Perth to Falkland, where King James was at that time residing. He arrived there about seven o'clock, and stopping at a house in the vicinity of the palace, sent Henderson forward to learn the motions of the King. His messenger returned quickly with the intelligence, that his majesty was just departing for the chase. Ruthven Shoe-gate. The Master of the household being unwell, the duty of carrying up the Earl's dinner devolved upon Henderson. He performed this service about half past twelve; and afterwards waited upon the Earl and some friends who were dining with him. They had just sate down when Andrew Ruthven entered, and whispered something in the Earl's ear, who, however, seemed to give no heed. As the second course was about to be set upon the table, the Master of Ruthven, who had left the King about a mile from Perth, and rode on before, entered and announced his Majesty's approach. This was the first intelligence given to the inhabitants of Gowrie-house of the King's visit, for Gowrie had kept not only his coming, but also the Master's visit to Falkland, a profound secret. The Earl and his visitors, with their attendants, and, some of the citizens among whom the news had spread, went out to meet the King. The street in which Gowrie-house formerly stood runs north and south, and parallel to the Tay. The house was on the side next the river, built so as to form three sides of a square, the fourth side, that which abutted on the street, being formed by a wall, through which the entry into the interior court, or close, was by a gate. The scene of the subsequent events was the south side of the square. The interior of this part of the edifice contained, in the first story, a dining-room, looking out upon the river, a hall in the centre, and a room at the further end looking out upon the street, each of them occupying the whole breadth of the building, and opening into each other. The second story consisted of a gallery occupying the space of the dining-room and hall below, and at the street end of this gallery, a chamber, in the northwest corner of which was a circular closet, formed by a turret which overhung the outer wall, in which were two long narrow windows, the one looking towards the spy-tower, (a strong tower built over one of the citygates,) the other looking out upon the court, but visible from the street before the gate. The access to the hall and gallery was by a large turnpike stair in the southeast corner of the court. The hall likewise communicated with the garden, which lay between the house and the river, by a door opposite to that which opened from the turnpike, and an outward stair. The access to the chamber in which was the round closet, was either through the gallery, or by means of a smaller turnpike (called the black turnpike) which stood half-way betwixt the principal one and the street. The unexpected arrival of the King caused a considerable commotion in Gowrie's establishment. Craigingelt, the master of the household, was obliged to leave his sick bed, and bestir himself. Messengers were dispatched through Perth to seek, not for meat, for of that there seems to have been plenty, but for some delicacy fit to be set upon the royal table. The bailies and other dignitaries of Perth, as also some noblemen who were resident in the town, came pouring in, some to pay their respects to his Majesty, others to stare at the courtiers. Amid all this confusion, somewhat more than an hour elapsed before the repast was ready. To judge by the King's narrative, and the eloquent orations of Mr Patrick Galloway, this neglect on the part of the Earl seems to have been regarded as not the least criminal part of his conduct. And with justice: for his Royal Highness had been riding hard since seven o'clock, and it was past two before he could get a morsel, which, when it did come, bore evident marks of being hastily slubbered up. As soon as the King was set down to dinner, the Earl sent for Andrew Henderson, whom he conducted up to the gallery, where the Master was waiting for them. After some short conversation, during which Gowrie told Henderson to do any thing his brother bade him, the younger Ruthven locked this attendant into the little round closet within the gallery chamber, and left him there. Henderson began now, according to his own account, to suspect that something wrong was in agitation, and set himself to pray, in great perturbation of mind. Meanwhile, the Earl of Gowrie returned to take his place behind the chair of his royal guest. When the King had dined, and Lennox, Mar, and the other noblemen in waiting, had retired from the dining-room to the hall to dine in their turn, Alexander Ruthven came and whispered to the King, to find some means of getting rid of his brother the Earl, from whom he had all along pretended great anxiety to keep the story of the found treasure a secret. The King filled a bumper, and, drinking it off, desired Gowrie to carry his pledge to the noblemen in the hall. While they were busy returning the health, the King and the Master passed quietly through the hall, and ascended the great stair which led to the gallery. They did not, how ever, pass altogether unobserved, and some of the royal train made mien to follow them, but were repelled by Ruthven, who alleged the King's wish to be alone. From the gallery they passed into the chamber at the end of it, and the door of this room Ruthven appears to have locked behind him. When the noblemen had dined, they enquired after their master, but were informed by Gowrie that he had retired, and wished to be private. The Earl immediately called for the keys of the garden, whither he was followed by Lennox and a part of the royal train; whilst Mar, with the rest, remained in the house. John Ramsay, a favourite page of the King, says in his deposition, that, on rising from table, he had agreed to take charge of a hawk for one of the servants, in order to allow the man to go to dinner. He seems, while thus engaged, to have missed Gowrie's explanation of the King's absence, for he sought his Majesty in the dining-room, in the garden, and afterwards in the gallery. He had never before seen this gallery, which is said we know not upon what authority to have been richly adorned with paintings by the Earl's father, and he stayed some time admiring it. On coming down stairs, he found the whole of the King's attendants hurrying towards the outer gate, and was told by Thomas Cranstone, one of the Earl's servants, that the King had rode on before. Ramsay, on hearing this, ran to the stable where his horse was. Lennox and Mar, who had also heard the report of the King's departure, asked the porter, as they were passing the gate, whether the King were indeed forth. The man replied in the negative. Gowrie checked him with considerable harshness, and affirmed that the King had passed out by the back gate. "That is impossible, my lord," answered the porter, "for it is locked, and the key is in my pocket." Gowrie, somewhat confused, said he would return and learn the truth of the matter. He came back almost instantly, affirming positively that the King had ridden out by the back gate. The greater part of the company were now assembled on the High Street, in front of the house, waiting for their horses, and discussing how they were to seek the King. At this moment, the King's voice was heard, crying "I am murdered! Treason! My Lord of Mar, help! help!" Lennox and Mar, with their attendants, rushed through the gateway into the court, and up the principal stair. Sir Thomas Erskyne and his brother, James, seized the Earl of Gowrie, exclaiming, "Traitor! this is thy deed!" Some of the Earl's servants rescued their master, who was, however, thrown down in the scuffle, and refused admittance to the inner court. On recovering his feet, he retired a short way, then drawing his sword and dagger, he cried, "I will be in my own house, or die by the way." During these proceedings, the King had found himself rather critically circumstanced. Alexander Ruthven, having locked the door of the gallery chamber, led the way to the round closet. James was not a little astonished when, instead of the captive he expected, he saw a man armed at all points except his head. He was more astonished when the Master, putting on his hat, drew the man's dagger, and presented it to his breast, saying, " Sir, you must be my prisoner! Remember my father's death!" James attempted to remonstrate, but was interrupted with "Hold your tongue, sir, or by Christ you shall die!" But here Henderson wrenched the dagger from Ruthven's hand, and the King, then resuming his remonstrances, was answered that his life was not what was sought. The Master even took off his hat, when the King, who, amid all his perturbation, forgot not his princely demeanour, reminded him of the impropriety of wearing it in his presence. He then requested James to give him his word not to open the window, nor call for assistance, whilst he went to bring his brother, the Earl, who was to determine what farther should be done. Ruthven then left the closet, locking the door behind him; but, according to Henderson's belief, went no farther than the next room. This is more than probable; for, by the nearest calculation, Ramsay must have been at that time still in the gallery. The Master re-entered, therefore, almost instantly, and telling the King there was now but one course left, pro 1 |